Fascist Troops Marchi While Rumors Trouble Austria
Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements withi
Classi fied Advertising Department.
The classified columins close at five
o'clock previous io day of insertlion s.
Pox Ntumbers may be secured at no
ex(tra ctharge.
Caish in Acvan~e-llc per reading line
(on as is of five average words to)
ln)for one or two insertions.
lcprreading line for three or more
I insertions.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
Telephone Rate-15c per reading line for 3
one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or more,
101,, discount if paid within ten days
from the(date of last. insertion.
I Miniinum three lines per in ertion.
By Contra( t, her line--2 lines daily, one
MOMth....... ...................Sc
4 lines .E.O.D., 2 muonthis......3c
2 lines daily, college year..7
4 lime,; Y.. 0. D., college year .. ..7
100 lines ,.us ed as desired ......9c
3~00 lines u .ed as desired........8c
1,000 linies ursed as desired...7c
2,000 lines u.sed as desired . GOc
'IThe above rates are per reading lin~e, 1
1 1),,: on eight reading lines per ich'of
[7 point Ionic type, upper and lower
cs.A (d G(. per line to ahlove rates for
<llapital letters. Add Ge per lie to
ab)ove for bold face, iipper i nd lowe
r cnst. Addl 10 per line to al), e r for
bold 1ae apialletter;..
FINANCE CO. 311 W. Huron 22001
1933~, 1932, 1931, 1930 models. 12x
TAXI--Phone 9000, Sevens-pa senlger
cars. Only standard rates. Ix
ARC,'ADE CAB.Dial 6116), Lrge (,CMI-
W4'AN'hI l
WAN'7iED '1a 11f1S Ol,) AND NNW
S~t.Will pay 35, 4, :;, i and 7 dol-
lftl'.. Phione Anill Ar or 4.30(;. Cali.-
eU,cago Euye '1rs. Teniolrl'yoffice,.210
North Mains. 5x
Booth,.Buyer Per.14
N~os §o )e(II#W h.
in iversity lWomn.
(By Intercollegiate Press)
Syracuse, N. Y., March l.-"I'd
rather deal with a college "man anyj
1Idaty than with a co-ed."l
This was the sentiment expressed
l t the Syracuse University Daily
Orange by the perspiring representa-
tive of a book company after he had
got through buying second hand
r books from university students.
*"Since the .depression,", he said,
"I've found it much easier to deal
with men than wvithi women. I guess
lthe reason the women are so par-
*ticular is that they have little money
of their own. I can't give the girls
any old price on their books like I
can most of the men. The women
LOS1--T: Manl's white gold Elgin wrist
wthwith metal band, in wash
roomr of Michigan Union, Reward.
Phocne Barrett 4205. 361
LOST:- In Waterman Gymo.- Onyx
iing. S.J. H.S, Monogram. Initials
D.M.G. engxraved. Call Maier. 9724,
PERSONA'L laundry service. We take
individual interest. in the laundry
problem of our customers. Girls'
silk~s, wools, and fine fabrics guar-
ante(-d. Ment's shirts our specialty.
Call1 for a1nd deliver. 2-3478, 5594.
611 E. Hoover. 9x
WE DO yourl aundry work for one-
half the us.ual price. Phone 2-3739.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. ,
Careful -work at low price. 4x
Symphony And
Viol ist Will
Give (Aioiieei
'ti' nivo£51tySVyn 1)toily O1'(che(s-
trlt, 1aliV. Moore coniducting; ,1and
WVV ly Becsekcirsk,.y, violinlist, will pr'e
.J It thereglarSun1day afternoon
.(ricc1 !T Mar ch 4', <t 4- :)1 ) . rin. in
d ill Aullditorl'lim.
'Iije rcia'sllaths been 11developing.
th1r( ouhout, te yeatr until it is now
consriidered an organ1rizartion of high
ranki. si. 1 1-r. cseki!sk, V, who is -a 1)1'-
1 1,,,win the cl of Music, will
apper usS~l~~t.A maturwe of the
unetwill be)the pe1xrformnance of
k)alleis t;nic i ro-h'O""The Betrayed
~S~lta,"_n operia by Hanns Pick,
professor of violincello in the School
of Must ic;. The first, public perform-
anice of 'this opera was in 1909.
The progralm will open with the
Sorchestr~a, undcer Prof. Moore, pre-
senting the popular "New World
Sym phony" by Anton Dvorak. This
will be followed by Professor Bese-
l kirsky and the orchestra in Saint-
Stens' "Hlavanaise." The final selec-
tion will be the Pick music including
"Polonaise (Festlicher Aufzug)" and
"waltz (Reig en der Odalisken) ."
The. general public, with the ex-
ception of small children, is invited
Without admission c h a r g e but is
asked to be seated on time as the
doors will be closed during all num-
f.EetiacWl'a 'sgilig IMti)wartoI P pa( obscured the obajeerive o*t iso tf Atiia 's flsst heimwehr as they.
iai~clied ii in w any Ntiiis (of the troubled natioiim ne it lint!iL that i-rilmled by PWince Ernst vase
Starh lenbvrg fright) find Fee (i ft"tabove) palfa namarch f.011Vieinn-t sach a" Mw"ofsli iled. OnRome
Q ay O f D N/ Say, Professot'
Liuli's l iliii ;l <;o: iul and CcooilQ
"Unless we progress toward the
better social order we will have no
weed for the vocational training and
the education for leisure," hie said.
"We'll have too much leisure and
we'll be having more marches on
"I vwant to insist that a way to a
better social order is a road to a
better democracy. Democracy is pe-
culiarly the American way of life,
and has been since the beginning.
We don't need to chase after any new
isins. Let's" improve what we already
An informed public opinion, he
said, would correct most of the evils
of the present order, the difficulty
having been that the general public
never has had an accurate idea of
what the evils of the present order
Na1416d, 11V PIIS
artrnc~rul Mny
(B~y In tercol legiatec Press)
HIANOVER, N. H., March 1 - Mes-
sages of sorrow and condolence from
all chapters of Theta Chi fraternity
in the country have been received
here this week by surviving members
of the Dartmouth chapter in whose
house on the ]Dartm -outh campus nine
members lost their lives early Sunday
morning from carbon monoxide gas
esca ping from a broken chimney
leading from the furnace.
The nine young men were all found
dead in their beds in what is, con-
sidered one of the major college dis-
asters in American history.
As reconstructed by college and
village officials, the tragedy was the
result of an explosion in the furnace,
As examples of how little the pub- wicn .aa 1±aU Un an111 uoo yweir 101
hie has known and cared about evil the night. Gas accumulated in the
conditions in the political and eco- f1ire box, and was suddenly set off,
nomic life, he pointed to the fact blowing a crack in the stove pipe.
tha# only 49 per -cent of the elector- One of the nine students asleep
ate voted- in the 1920' election. in the house apparently heard the
"The American people have been noise. went down and shut the fur-
content," he said, "to turn over their nace door, and -retired without no-
thinking at election time to clever tieing the chimney. From the crack
people who can invent slogans for! there escaped during the rest of the
them. At election time many news- night carbon monoxide gas, which is
papers deliberately lie to the public colorless and odorless. In spite of
about past events because they know open windows in the fraternity house
there is no intelligent knowledge on; bedrooms, the students breathed so
the part of the public as to what has much of the cumulative gas that all
gone on." died without ever knowing they were
________________being suffocated.
Sidney C. Hayward, college secre-
Tapping, Ant i .pke lalk tary, said that in all probability the
At 'TolWdo Alumni IDinner 16-roomn fraternity house would be
closed for the rest of the college
T. Hawley. Tapping, general secre- year at least. It is unlikely, he said,
tary of the Alumni Association, and that any of the surviving members
H-ead Football Coach Harry Kipke would feel like living there or using
wer'e the guests of honor at the an- it as a social center ever again.
nual football banquet of the Univer-
sity of Michigan Club of Toledo held At Chicago University the dean of
Wednesday nighit at the University students is sending a questionnaire
Club in Toledo. to obtain accurate information re-
Both Mr. Tapping antd Kipke ad- garding their financial condition.
dressed the crowd of more than 100 ______
graduates. Motion pictures o1 the
football team rnin action were also
show. MAJIOa
BE RA :S0 - 11:00 DiAILY UblLii Har vey FA
'cMU FEa
T O M O R R O W-fi
;1ILN( I t , 0
will argue until almost blue in the
lace over a few cents." PH -HAT n N
s n63Btween W yne & Middle Belt Rds.
Unio perDancing and Entertainment Nightly
Groups taking part in the Union
Opera will report at the following M
hours today : I H G N
Groups I, II, III......4:00 p. m.
Group IV, cast.......7:15 p. m. Invisible but areal
All men interested in stage craft 'Wa8 t he barrier
and scenery work are asked 'to reg- between them " "..
ister from 3 to 5 p. m. daily in the 0
student office of the Union.____1 As though they had
_________________- been separatLed by
Wallace JFordI
,ES0 mI
Richard ArlenK
Yet even he didn't lknow b
they were one and the same FLI IL
- iis own wife! AS N 1 ei
The new perfect lovers of a ndti( ENRY,
-the screen in a specat.
ular romance of swngSTPESO
and beauty! ------ADDED -
" odidity
,., , k