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March 02, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-02

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The Weather
Cloudy, warmer and possibly
.ocal rains Friday. Cloudy
Saturday, light rains in north.





Begin Second
Annual Spring
'What Can We Believe' Is
Main Theme; To Have
Four Sub-Topics
Eliminate Speeches
To Aid Discussion
17 Faculty Members Will
Form Panel To Answer
Students' Questions
With the theme "What Can We
Believe?" as its general topic, the
second annual Sjging Parley will
open its three-day session at 4 p. m.
today in the west lounge of the
Union, and will continue with a
second meeting at 7:30 p. m., also
in the west lounge.
The Parley, sponsored this year by
more than 20 interested campus
groups, will attempt to dispense en-
tirely with speeches either on the
part of faculty or students in order
to enable all to participate as fully
as possible in discussions of student
Seventeen members of the Uni-
versity faculty have been chosen to
form a panel to answer questions
proposed by students, but it is hoped
that students will feel perfectly free
to enter into the discussion as well
as to propose questions.
4 Sub-topics Chosen
Four sub-topics under the main
theme have been chosen by the ex-
ecutive committee in order to sug-
gest more specific questions. These
sub-topics are "Capitalism and Social
Change," "Religion and the Church,"
"Sex and the Family," and "War and
the Student."
Certain questions already submit-
ted to the executive committee will
be proposed to members of the fac-
ulty panel today as an opening wedge
to the first sessions, after which
students participating may submit
other questions either orally or in
Following the general sessions to-
day, smaller 'groups interested in
problems in a more specific field will
meet separately at 3 p. m. and 7:30
p. m. Saturday in the Union. At a
last general session at 9:30 a. m. Sun-
day an attempt will be made to bring
together the ideas already suggested
into a more co-ordinated whole.
Faculty Men On Panel
Members of the faculty panel are
Dean Joseph A. Bursley, Prof. Lowell
J. Carr of the sociology department,
Prof. Stuart A. Courtis of the educa-
tion school, Prof. Dwight L. Dumond
of the history department, Prof. Mar-
garet Elliott of the business admin-
istration school, Prof. Max S. Hand-
man of the economics department.
Prof. Howard M. Jones of the Eng-
lish department, Prof. Harold J.
McFarlan dof the engineering college,
Prof. Howard Y. McCluskey of the
education school, Mrs. Herbert S.
Mallory, director of social service in
the psychopathic hospital, Charles A.
Orr of the economics department.
Students To Help
Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the polit-
ical science department, Prof. John
F. Shepard of the psychology depart-
ment, Prof. Preston W. Slosson of
the history department, Prof. Leroy
Waterman of the Oriental languages
and literatures department, Prof.
Benett Weaver of the English depart-
ment, and Prof. Leslie H. White of
the anthropology department.
Announcement was made yesterday
of the addition of Theodore Horn-

berger of the English department and
Mrs. Hornberger to the executive
committee in charge of the Parley.
Other members are Prof. Charles F.
Remer of the economics department
and Mrs. Remer, Dr. E. W. Blake-
man, counselor in religious educa-
tion, Clinton Sandusky, '34, student
chairman, Edward Litchfield, '36,
Jacob Weissmann, '34, Irving Levitt,
'36, Patricia Woodward, '34, Margaret
Hiscock, '36, E d i t h Maples, '34,
George Crockett, Jr., '35L, Bettine
Richtmire, '36, and Winifred Bell, '36,
House Group Approves
Reduction Ir Auto Tax
LANSING, March .1-(-( -The
bill to reduce the weight taxes on
passenger automobiles neared the
floor of the House today while the
Legislature debated a variety of mat-
The House Roads and Bridges'
Committee approved the bill which
already has Senate approval. It
would reduce the weight tax from 55

1934's Political Turmoil: No 6:
What Your President Has Done

New Tension
Foreseen In
VIenFl ht

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following re-
uneof the Roosevelt year is a
conidensation and contlnu tion of an
article on "The President and His Poli-
cies" prepared by Professor Brown for
the 1933 American Year Book.
(of the Political Science Department)
In this brief review of President
Roosevelt's policies during the first
year of his administration no at-
tempt has been made to pass judg-
ment on those policies.
The object has been to narrate
briefly, and largely in his own words,
what the President has sought to
Inaugural Address: In an appeall
for popular support of his leadership,
President Roosevelt declared that the
greatest primary task was that of
putting people to work. He said that
this could be "accomplished in part
by direct recruiting by the Govern-
ment itself, treating the task as we
would treat the emergency of a war."
There must be a redistribution of the
population and an effort to raise the
values of agricultural products. Dras-
tic reduction of the cost of Federal,

State, and local governments, and
"national planning for and supervi-
sion of all forms of transportation
and of communications and other
utilities which have a definitely pub-
lic character," were important facts
of his program. He insisted upon
strict supervision of all banking and
credit and investments and provision
for an adequate and sound currency.
International trade relations, though
very important, must be regarded as
"secondary to the establishment of a
sound national economy." The emerg-
ency at home could not wait on the
restoration of world trade by inter-
national adjustment. Referring to
foreign policy, the President enun-
ciated the doctrine of the "good
neighbor - the neighbor who reso-
lutely respects himself and because
he does so, respects the rights of
others." Although expressing the
hope that under our constitutional
system the normal balance of execu-
tive and legislative authority might
be adequate for. the task confronting
the government, he warned that the
emergency might call for "temporary
(Continued on Page 6)

On State Street Beer Ban;
Blue Law Goes Into Effee

Recruiting Takes Spurt
Austrian Army And
Heimwehr Corps


110,000 Are Under
Arms For Rioting

Sadler Calls New Liq
Law A Measure Al
At Greater Freedom


Paper Calls On
Members To Get
To Resume Fight

MIAMI, March 1.-(P)- Primo
Carnera, gigantic heavyweight
champion, outpointed Tommy
Loughran, challenger whom he
outweighed 86 pounds in a 15-
round title match tonight that
drew a crowd of only 10,000 and
receipts of $40,000. Although Ca-
nera rallied to win by a fairly
wide margin, there were no
knock-downs. He weighed 270
pounds, Loughran 184.
New Bill May
Lower Charges
Of Dormitories
RFC Loans Would Lower
Board, Room At Mosher-
Jordan Halls
Hundreds of women students here
will be offered board and room at an
"appreciable reduction" in Mosher-
Jordan Halls if the Guyer Bill now
in Congress is passed, President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven said yesterday in
a message urging Michigan's repre-
sentatives in the two houses to sup-
port the measure. Its articles em-
power the RFC to advance loans to
colleges and universities throughout
the country.
In explaining how Michigan and
women students here would benefit,
Dr. Ruthven pointed out that there
is a need for refinancing of the dor-
mitory mentioned, the building hav-
ing been constructed on University-
owned land by the University through
the issuance of participation cer-
tificates. These certificates were
originally issued on a six per cent
basis, with the expectation that the
entire amount involved, about $950,-
000, would be paid off in about. 27
"If this building could be (re-
financed on a basis of four per cent
interest, or less," Dr. Ruthven said,
"and with perhaps an extension of
maturities, it would be possible to
retire all the remaining indebtedness
and to furnish board and room to
these "women students at a very ap-
preciable reduction."

Special Issue
Of Alumnus To
Features Contributions By
Students, Alumni, And
Faculty Members
The Quarterly Review of the Mich-
igan Alumnus, a journal of Univer-
sity perspectives, makes its initial
appearance today featuring 100 pages
of articles and verse by faculty mem-
bers, alumni, and students.
The leading article is written by
Prof. E. C. Case of the geology de-
partment on "The Modern Biologist's
Attitude Towards the Problem of
Life." There is also a story on "Codes
of Fair Competition" by Prof. Charles
L. Jamison of the Business Adminis-
tratian College.
Other important stories were con-
tributed by Prof. William H. Worrell
of the Oriental language department,
Prof. John B. Waite of the Law
School, and Prof. Howard M. Jones
of the English department.
The magazine also includes a num-
ber of book reviews, discussing edi-
tions written by Michigan authors,
and a summary of University pub-
The publication of the review, as
a special issue of The Alumnus,
marks the conclusion of a project
which University and alumni officers
have been working on for more than
a decade.
CWA Crews Rush
Work On l New Jail
In accordance with the policy
outlined by President Roosevelt this
week for the reorganization of Na-
tional CWA activities, Clarence H.
Elliott, county administrator, pre-1
pared to concentrate the local crewsj
in order to complete the projects un-
der construction before May 1, the
deadline set for all CWA work.
The Washtenaw County Jail, prin-
cipal CWA project in this vicinity,
was rushed toward completion asl
workers from all over the county dis-
carded their present building plans.
In addition to cutting down on the
number of persons employed, the
CWA will discontinue, insofar as pos-
sible, all cash relief.

VIENNA, March 1-0P)--Recruit-
ing for the Austrian army and its
allied Heimwehr corps spurted today°
as a Socialist official n e w s p a p e r
urged party members to be ready
"for a resumption of our fight"
against the government.
Chancellor Dollfuss has conquered,
but "opportunities for a resumption
of our fight and for our victory will
come," asserted the organ, published
in Czecho-Slovaki-a and distributed
here by government mail men.
At least 110,000 were under arms
today, for any contingency and their
numbers increased continuously in
response to government appeals at
the height of the recent Socialist
uprising and because of fearsome ru-
mors of many hues.
Many Rumors Denied
These reports, all of which were
denied, included one that mob vio-
lence was brewing against Ameri-
cans here, that an attempt was made
on the life of the Chancellor, and
that Nazis were considering some
sort of coup.
There were other rumors, too, and
even though they were branded as
gossip, and Vienna continued quiet
on the surface, the presence of Heim-
wehr troopers on the streets, with
bayonets unsheathed once more, was
taken as a significant straw in the.
Those members of the Vienna
American colony who heard the ru-
mor of anti-American sentiment, did
not take it very:siously.
Cite Newspaper Opposition
Americans believed the story prob-
ably originated in the resentment
expressed in various quarters of the
language of reports of the Austrian
situation in some American news-
Some careless remark probably
gave rise to the rumor, but it was
so widely circulated that several
Americans here received telephone
calls from distant capitals inquiring
as to their safety.
A vigorous Heimwehr (Fascist
Home guard) drive for new members
had resulted so far in a mobilization
of 65,000 armed Fascists throughout
Austria, according to the newspaper
of Emil Fey, Vice-Chancellor and
Heimwehr leader.
Couneil Plans
Meeting Today
O ening Of Library On
Sunday Main Problem
For Discussion

Two Cabarets May Seek
New Sites Outside City
Limits, Rumor Says
At midnight last night Ann Arbor's
No. 1 Blue Law, restricting the sale
of liquor, went into effect. Pleasure-
bent crowds will find tonight that
they may no longer sip their beer
between dances, and festivities, if at-
tended by beer, must cease at mid-
The new liquor ordinance is really
a measure toward greater freedom in
Ann Arbor, according to Alderman
Walter C. Sadler professor of civil
engineering, proponent of the bill. "If
steps were not taken now to insure
the proper control of liquor sales, the
city would find it necessary to return
to strict prohibitory regulations with-
in a short time. The bill was drawn
up after much thought, and will serve
as a model to other cities every-
As if to bear out Alderman Sadler's
prophecy, Mayor Mathew Mack, of
Ypsilanti, announced tonight that he
would submit to the council there at
their meeting this Monday an ordi-
nance for liquor control that was
closely patterned on Ann Arbor's. It
differs only in that it extends the
week-end closing to 1 a. m.
In the meanwhile, Ann Arbor res-
tauranteurs, already dismayed by the
loss of beer sales caused by legal
liquor consumption, found the pros-
pects of business receding still
further as their major attractions
were removed. Both the "Old 316"
and the "Dixie" found that the reg-
ulation would restrict them too much
to make their present locations ten-
It seemed probable that both places
would seek new sites just outside the
city limits, in order that they may
take advantage of the beer-dancing
combination, and the 2 a. m. closing
that the state permits, but for the
next few weeks, or until his present
license expires, Harry Cohen, pro-
prietor of the "Dixie," announced
that in addition to complying with
the regulations, he would sell beep
at 5 cents per glass. Harley Riesen,
of the "Old 316" planned to continue
his dancing downstairs, selling beer
in his restaurant on the first floor,
if such a plan is O.K.'d by local au-
Charles Preketes, of the Ann Arbor
Sugar Bowl, prepared today, to dis-
continue the sale of beer on his
upstairs dance-floor. He greeted the
ordinance as a step toward cleaner
A rumor that Attorney-General
O'Brien had ruled on the illegality of
the clause restricting the closing
hours, remained unconfirmed here
last night.

Sing Sing Physiclnan Discusses
Cri me And Cap ital Punishment

A program for the reduction of
crime in this country and a vigorous
attack against capital punishment
were the features of a speech by Dr.
Amos O. Squire, for 34 years phy-
sician at Sing Sing Penitentiary, in
the concluding lecture of the Ora-
torical Association Series last night
before a large crowd in Hill Audi-
Speaking on "Why People Com-
mit Crime and Famous Criminals I
Have Known," he stated that "crime
is now costing the country approxi-
mately $13,000,000,000 a year, which
is three times as much as it costs to
run the government."
As a program for decreasing crime,
Dr. Squire recommended deportation
of all alien criminals at the expira-
tion of their terms, probationary

demning this method of punishment.
In its place he suggested a complete
isolation in a special prison for mur-
derers where there is no chance of
pardon by politicians and there are
no privileges of any kind extended,
in other words, "the prisoner would
be legally dead."
"Crime is due in part to a disre-
spect created by the enactment of a
multiplicity of foolish, non-enforce-
able laws," Dr. Squire said in ex-
plaining the recent wave in this
country. He added that he could
not help but believe that the man-
ner in which people are killed in
"blood and thunder pictures" de-
stroys in the mind of the youngster
any feeling for the sacredness of
human life.
"Newspapers are also contributing

Members of the Undergraduate
Council will meet at 5 p. m. today
in the Council room of the Union,;
Gilbert Bursley, president of the
Council, announced last night, re-
questing that all tryouts for the
Council be in attendance so that,
they might meet the full Council,
and participate in the discussions.
The most important problem now
before the Council, it was indicated
last night, is the question of opening
the Main Library, exclusive of the
stacks, on all Sundays for the re-
mainder of the year. This would cost
$375, library authorities have told
Council members, and the latter have
been given permission to raise the
money in any way they may see fit.
No definite plan for getting the
money has been evolved as yet, al-
though some of those interested in
the project have suggested that the
holding of either a campus social
function or the presentation of some
well known lecturer would result in
securing the needed money.
Members of the Council said that
a large number of complaints against
the complete closing of the library
have come to them from students.
Although realizing that the closing of

SPANISH CABINET RESIGNS natural history, as a rare form of
MADRID, March 1 .-(/P)-The en- hyperoodon - in plain language a
tire Government of Premiere Ale-
jandro Lerroux resigned suddenly to- bottle nose whale.
day when the largest minority sup- Strange, unwhalelike contours on
porting party, the Catholic Agrarians, the mammal were found on close in-
opposed Government amnesty for spection to be the result of the wear
certain political prisoners and subsi- and tear of rocks as the carcass
dies for the rural clergy, washed to shord.

That equilibrium between indivi-
duals and jobs as well as between
population and resources must be
established and maintained in the
modern world to maintain social and
economic peace was emphasized by
Dr. Roderick D. McKenzie, chairman
of the sociology department, in his
address yesterday on "The Territo-
rial Organization of Society."
Relative to the subject of national-
ism, Dr. McKenzie said, "The entire
movement toward nationalism, par-
ticularly on the part of backward
peoples, is closely associated with the
rise of cities. As populations become

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