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August 02, 1932 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1932-08-02

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The Weedyer
Showers on Tuesday with
change in temperature; gentle
to moderate east winds.


ict ian
OfiilPbiainof The Summer Session




Sentiment Will Not Answer
Cash Questions.



Ritchie Will
Oppose. Vets'
Camp Project

Communist Gain Surprise in
German Reichstag Elections

Asks Attorney-General
Seek Legal Means
Prevent Colony


Holds Ca'ip to be
Land Not Suited to Any
Agriculture and Is Not,
Sanitary ;
BALTIMORE, Aug. 1.-(IP)--Gov.
Albert C. Ritchie tonight said in a
formal statement tht a camp fori
the bonus expeditignary force in Ann
Arundel- country hear Waterberry,]
"is totally impracticable and should
not be established."
Have Received Transportation I
The governor's statement was: s
"Maryland treated these men witht
every consideration while they were
here; fed them and transported them
to Pennsylvania, where they wanted;
to go. Maryland will continue to re-
spect every right of any of the men-
who are now in this state or who.
nay come here, and both as a peo-
ple and as a state we will show our
sympathy and helpfulness in every
way. But to permit a settlement to
be established along the line sug-
gested raises other questions.
"It all sounds very utopian, but
certain practical things must not be
''In the first place the proposed
ste is totally unsuitable for the pur-
pose. I have had it inspected by the
state health department. It is prin-
cipally ;" crub woodland, with no
a riculture upon it possible. No food
o any kind. Nothing like an ade-t
quate water supply, and of course no
sewerage facilities. No group couldt
earn a livelihood or sustain them-
selves on that land, and health and
sanitation would be seriously menac-
Would be Charity Objects
" our own Maryland people are
suffering sadly from the effect of the
depression, wart and unemployment.
We cannot be expected to accept in
'cur midst an organized body of men,
who do not belonk here, and whot
would certainly defeat the object oft
public charity, and at a time whenv
we will . have, to strain every energyt
and tax every resource to care for
our own people.
"Under these conditions the set-
tlement is totally impractical and
should not be estabished'
"Whether the meiX can be prevent-
ed froi coming into Maryland withz
the intention of settling here mayt
involve legal questions. The attor-i
ney general is giving that considera-{
tion. Butthere is no doubt what ther
situation of the men would be if they
did settle here."
University Karanisi
Excavations to Be
Continued in Fall.
University excavation at Karanis,
Egypt, will be continued next year, it
was announced after a meeting ofl
the University of Michigan Institute
of Archeological Research yesterday
President Ruthven returned from
his summer home in Frankfort,
Mich., to attend the rieeting at which
Enoch E. Peterson, director of the
excavations, wa's also present. Thej
budget for the coming year was pre-,
sented to the Institute and approved
by them.
Plans for research on the campus
in connection with the Insttiute were
also discussed at the meeting but the
exact nature of the projects were
not revealed.
Director Peterson left Ann Arbor
last night but wyill not return to
Egypt until the end of August. Prof.
A. E, R. Boak, who was with the ex-
pedition last 4ear, will stay here.
Students Ready to Fight
Forest Fires Near Camp

(Special)-Students at the Univer-
sity of Michigan forestry camp here
are holding themselves in readiness
for a call to fight fire on the neigh-
boring Hiawatha National ,Forest
lands or on state holdings. One large
forest fire and several small ones
have occurred within a few miles of
the camp during the past two weeks
in spite of the rainy- weather.

By PROF. R. 1. WELf
The great German Reichstag elec-
tion of July 31 is at last over. As
the smoke (perhaps one should say
"gas") lifts from the political battle-
field, it becomes possible to survey
the results of the struggle. Although
the Hitlerites and their allies will
control 45 per cent of the seats in
the new parliament, they failed/ to
secure an absolute majority, thus
verifying the general prediction. The
number of National Socialists in the
Reichstag has been increased from
101 to 22.9. This is a truly remark-
able gain but it was somewhat offset
by the fact that it was largely made
at the expense of the other parties of
the Right such as the Nationalists
andI the People's Party. The Center
Party undr Bruening and the
Bavarian People's- Party, which is
likewise Catholic, secured nine addi-
tional representatives. One of the
upsets of the election was the sr-
prising rise in the representation of
the Communist Party,- from 77 to
89. Since the Social Democrats lost
ten seats,, it is probable that the
Communists were the chief benefi-
ciaries from the Socialist losses.
About 83 per cent of the registered
voters went to the polls.. This is the
same ratio that prevails in the sec-
Movie Parody
On Tomorrow
Advance Sale of Tickets
Keeps Staff Busy; Is
Sixth Production
Advance order for "Oice in' a
Lifetime," the take-off on the mo-
tion pictu're industry, kept workers
busy yesterday in the box office of
the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
Written by Moss Hart and George
S. Kaufman, who wrote "Of Thee I
Sing," Pulitzer prize drama, "Once in
a Lifetime" is the sixth production
of the Michigan Repertory Players.
It opens a four-day r'un Wednesday
Of this satire on the talkies, one
dramatic critic is quoted as saying,
'our only objection to the play is
that it is so chuck full of witticisms
that the laughs overlap and of times
we must smother a chuckle in order
to hear the next Wisecrack."
The play concerns itself with three
members of a vaudeville act, May,
Jerry and George, who join the gold
rush to Hollywood when, the talkie
rage starts. ,May opens up a voice
culture school. Jerry is the business
manager and George, dumb at every-
thing, decides the easiest thing to do
is to become. a technician. Of course,
authors Hart and Kaufman say,
nothing\ rubs according to schedule
in Hollywood, and just to keep the
truth of this statement, George is
made an executive-director of the
great industry. What happens after
that is nothing but laughs.
A cast of 0 heads the play, led by
Herbert Milliken, Harry Allen, Wil-
liah Butler, Elizabeth Keller, Mil-
dred Burlison, Lawrence Levy, and
Tickets may be secured at the
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre boxy of-
,Wells Criticizes King
George for His Policy
OXFORD, Eng., Aug. 1.-(A)-
Criticism of the King for 'the part he
played in the formation of the Na-
tional Government last year was ex-
pressed this afternoon by H. G. Wells
in an address at the Oxford Literal
Summer School.
Such criticism is most infrequent
in Great Britain. The auditors re-
ceived it in dead silence.
"The King was so ill-advised as
to depart from his proper political
and social neutrality and to lead

the movement for cheese paring and
grinding the faces of the needy in
the interest of the debt collector,"
Mr. Wells said, "and not a soul in
the Labor Party said what ought to
have been said aboutthehKing or the
miserable campaign of unintelligible
economy which cast its dismal sha-
Olow over the closing months of
When the National Government
was formed the story was widely
current that the King had prevailed
on Ramsay MacDonald to head it.
Brinkman and Christian.
To Give Recital Tonight
The School of Music has invited

ond presidential election last April.
It is below the vote in the first presi-
dential election of March which to-
taled 86.2 per cent. In actual num-
ber of ballots cast, Hitler's vote in
the second presidential election was
almost identical with that which his
party received on Sunday. News-'
paper reports speak of from 27 to
62 parties contesting in the Reich-
stag election. Most of these were the
so-called "splinter parties" and the
real contest was between the six ma-
jor groups-the National Socialists,
Center P a r t y, Bavarian People's
Party, Social Democrats, and Com-
A ten day's truce has been declared
following the election in order to al-
lows political passions to cool off.
According to the constitution, the
new Reichstag must assemble within
30 days of the election. The forma-
tion of a new cabinet able to com-
mand the confidence of the legisla-
ture is likely to involve protracted
negotiations and may prove an utter
impossibility. Neither the groups of
the Right nor those of the Left have
enough to command a majority. As
usual, Bruening and the Catholics
occupy the key position. How far"
Bruening and Hitler will be willing
to work with each other remains to
be seen. It is conceivable that the
von Papen cabinet will be made over
so as to include some National So-
cialists. Such a Right Coalition
might be able to function for a time
with the "neutrality" of the Center1
Party, just as the Bruening cabinet
depended upon the neutrality of the
Social Democrat. The Center would
thus act as a check upon the Right
and at least the form of parliament-y
ary government would be preserved.
South Adopts
New Attitude,
On Education'
Pr~fessionalization Now i
,Advancing in Schools,
Bachnan Says
A review of the professionalization1
of state departments of education in
southern states was presented by Dr.1
Frank Bachman, director of surveysi
of the Georie Peabody College for
Teachers, yesterday in a 2 o'clock
lecture before the education school.
Dr. Bachman found that in 29]
states the chief of state officers were
elected by the people, in ten states
the tem of office was fixed at two
years, four states linited the salary;
to $2,000 and many frequently de-
fined the duties so as to make mod-
ernization difficult if not impossible.
At present, he declared, state su-1
perintendents are selected in 33
states by popular election, in seven
by the governor, in eight by state
"Conditions in the south are gen-
erally favorable to the development
of strong departments of education,"
Dr. Bachman said. "Everything is
comparatively new. There were no
professional courses in the state Uni-
versities prior to 1903, and the nor-
mal schools were not established
until after 1900.
"Until 1910, there was no profes-
sional spirit manifested. Then te
supervision of elementary schools was
taken over by the state and there
has' been an increasing tendency to-
ward professionalism. In 1918, state
supervisors of secondary education
were appointed, and in 1920, super-
visors of school house construction.
Divisions of research were added in
1922 with the result that schools
have been increasingly administered
on a professional basis.
"The whole tendency has been to
develop state-wide programs of edu-
cation and for the supervisors to get
away froni dealing with the indi-

vidual. The difference between the
political leadership in educational af-
fairs and professional has been that
the latter' has interested groups in
bettering their local conditions by
interest in educational movements
and not in petty affairs."
McClusky to Address
Education Parley Today
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky, of the
education school, will address the 4
o'clock education conference today in
University High school auditorium on
"A Prophecy of the New Teacher."
Dr. Frank P. Bachman, director of
surveys of the George Peabody Col-
lege for Teachers, will speak at the
2 o'clock lecture on "Reorganization

Washington U.
To Adopt Two
Semester Plan
Decision to Abolish Four
Quarter System Final of
Series of Changes
Schools Combined
Into Four Big Units
President Says Reo-gani-
zation Will Eventually
Aid Professional Studies
SEATTLE, AUG. 1.-(Special)-
Adoption of the two semester sys-
tem in place of the old four quarter
division of the school year in the fall
of 1933 will climax a long series of
drastic innovations which ,are in-
tended to revise completely the or-
ganization of the University of Wash-
ington here.
The change to the semester sys-
tim, according to Dr. M. Lyle Spen-
cer, president of the university, is
not primarily an economy move but
rather a development toward 'a new
educational concept. Theaideal be-
hind the whole movement, he said,
is to bring the art's and sciences into
their proper prespective.
Make Other Cbnages
Other changes in line with this
development have been adopted re-
cently by the board of regents. They
Combination of the 13 schools and
colleges into four units; provision for
only three elementary degrees, bache-
lor of arts, bachelor of scienceaand
bachelor of laws; elimination of in-
significant and "snap" courses; re-
striction of extra-curricular activi-
ties, such as/ athletics; and *ubstitu-
tion of hygiene classes for men's and
women's physical education courses.
While' the reorganization will min-
imize trade and professional courses
for the benefit of cultural subjects,
the plan will tend eventually to
strengthen rather than weaken pro-
fessional studies, Dr. Spencer be-
lieves. The new system aims to teach
the student to live rather than mere--
ly to make a living, he said.
Commenting editorially on the
plan, the University of Washington
Journal, undergraduate newspaper,
declared that "there can be little dis-
pute as to the advantages of the
Want Six-Week Summer School
Branding the four quarter system
as "distracting and unsatisfactory to
the conscientious student," the stu-
dent paper asserted that the system
"enables an inferior type of student,
by a judicious selection of miniature
courses, to graduate."
The Journal also proposed a six
or eight week summer session to
"create summer school courses of
real and lasting value."
Rats Learn Things
Backward, States
Prof. J. F. Shepard

Once Foes, Now Friends


Tolan Is Victor
In 100.Meter
Run: Metcalfe
Tak e S econd
'Midnight Express' Given
Decision in Close Race;
German Runner, Jonath,
Wins Third Place
Wolverine Covers
Distance in 10.3
Olympic Mark Is Tied by
Michigan Star;- Canada
Sprinter Loses in Semi-
Final Trials
LOS ANGELES, Aug .--()--Ed-
die Tolan, Negro sprinter from De-
troit, was crowned Olympic 100-
meter champion today, beating his
American teammate, Ralph Metcalfe,
of Marquette, in an eyelash finish in
10.3 seconds, equalling the world rec-

(Associated Press Photo)
Gov. Joseph B. Ely of Massachusetts, outstanding opponent of
Governor Roosevelt's presidential nomination, and Mr. Roosevelt reaoh-
ed an agreemet whereby Ely can endorse the nominee and lead the
fight for the Democratic ticket in the bay state. The two are shown
during their conference at the executive mansion in Albany, N. Y.


Principals Are
Beaten in Final/
League Contest
Defeat Does Not Change
Standing of Clubs; Game
Played at Picnic
Although the Superintendents de-
feated the Principals in a close 3-2
decision yesterday idl the finals of the
Education club baseball league, the
latter had won so many games that
the loss did not affect their strangle-
hold on 'first p 1 a c e. Yes1eyday's
games, the last of the series, were
played at Pleasant Lake on the occa-
sion of the annual Men's Education
club picnic.
Schutt proved the winner in a
pitcher's battle over Bekken, star
moundsman of the Principal's aggre-
In the other game of the lay, the
Faculty routed the Teachers in a
slugfest, 24-10. Dr. Purdom, hurler
for the Faculty, was not able to at-
tend, but Hess won the game handi-
ly. Loderwyk lasted four innings for
the losers and was then replaced by
Dalvellrwho finished the game.
Final standngs of the League for
the summer are as follows:
W L Pct.
Principals ............5 -3 ' .633

Sinai to Give'
Talk Today on
Medical Car e
Takes Place of Professor
Barker' on Five o'clock
Lecture Series

a ch ersva .N w . . . . . . . . . . .4
Faqulty ...... . .... . 4
Superintendents....... 4



/Aw Rats! d
They learn backward while the
human being learns frontwards. And
that goes a long way in explaining;
the reason why humans are much1
more intelligent, Prof. John F. Shep-
ard said yesterday in a University
In running a maze the rats learns
the last part first while the human,
learns the beginning first or both
ends at approximately the same rate.
This leads to the conclusion that
the human has a sense of values
which the rat cannot appreciate,
Professor Shepard said. The rat is
not able to organize the locations
from the starting point. It is this
ability' to evaluate things, to plan
life, which places man so far above
the other animals.
The rat is a tool for learning, Pro-
fessor Shepard said, as it gives the
psychologist a means of making com-
parisons with man. Many more fac-
tors can be controlled than in the
case of the human and that is why
the rat is used.
"We are interested in the analysis
of learning," said Professor Shepard,
"and that is possible only through a
Controlling the variable factors
such as the visual and olfactory
senses, the rats are put through dif-
ferent mazes to see how quickly they
learn. Then a comparison is made
with the ability of an individual,

So great an interest has been man-,
ifested in this League, according to
R. W. Webster, summer Intramural
director, that six more games will
be played, each team playing the
other once. Two games will be play-
ed o "August 4, and 11 each
Principals vs. Faculty and Teachers.E
vs. Superintendents are scheduledo
for Thursday.
Swimming, baseball, and horse-r
shoe-pitching were enjoyed by moreV
than 90 men who attended the pic-t
nic yesterday. After supper, Dr.
Charles A. Sink, head ofthe school
of music and candidate for Republi-c
can nomination for lieutenant-gov-a
ernor, Prof. F. C. Ayer, of the Uni-c
versity of Texas, and Dean J. B. Ed-
monson, addressed the gathering onr
educational problems.
Reichstag Defied to
Oust Present CabinetI
BERLIN, Aug. 1.-WP)-Chancellor
Franz von Papen said today 'he3
would not attempt government by
coalition in Germany, but would
present his ministry to the newJ
Reichstag late this month and defy
the members to oust it. e r1,
In an exclusive interview, the
Chancellor made it plain he intends
to continue ruling Germany without
party support. His Cabinet was
formed at the direction of President
von Hindenburg June 1, and immedi-
ately afterward the Reichstag was
dissolved in order that he might
not have .to stand a test of confid-
"If yesterday's election had any
signif cance," Von Papen said "it was
the indorsement by the German peo-

Dr. Nathan Sinai, professor of hy- c
giene and public health, will speak c
at 5 o'clock today in the Natural
Science auditorium on "The Evolu- i
ion of Medidal Care."
Professor Sinai's speech will take I
he place of the address scheduled s
o be given by Prof. Paul S. Barker,
>f the medical school. Professor 4
Barker was to speak on "Ways to t
Iealth," but was suddenly called to i
St. Louis. 1
An authority on public health, c
Professor Sinai will discuss the social 1
and econmic aspects of medical serv-
ice and the problems of ,its distribu-
ion to the general public. He spent i
four months last year in Europe c
studying the various systems of f
ealth insurance in operation. His
investigation included the countries c
>f England, France, Germany andT
Two years agp, Professor Sinai
served with the committee on the
costs of medical care under the di-
rection of Secretary of thq Interior#
Ray Lyman Wilbur. The committee,
lealt particularly with the distribu-
tion and comparative cost of medicalt
caie sthroughout the United States. a
Second Band Concert
To Be Held Wednesday
The second band concert of the
Summer Session will be given at 7:15
o'clock Wednesday night on the steps
in front of the Library under tho di-
rection of Nicholas Falco e. There
will Pe two more concerts given after
this performance.
The program is as follows:
March, "The Basses," by Huffine,
conducted by Harlan G. Bond; Over-
ature, "Barber of Seville," by Rossini,
conducted by Kenneth W. Hunbert;
"In a Monastery Garden" by Ketel-
boy, conducted by Charles B. Rueg-
nitz; "Concertino for Clarinet" by
Weber, ,with solo by Winchester
Selections from "The Fortune Tel-
ler" by Victor Herbert, conducted by
Paul D. Simpson; "Finilandia" by
Sibelius, conducted -by Samuel L.
Flueckiger; and the "Yellow and
Paragu y Mobilization
Ordered by Legislature
ASUNCION, Paraguay, Aug. i.--(')
-General mobilization of the armed
forces of Paraguay was a uthorized
by Congress tonight as a Frotest to
the Bolivian attack on Paraguay's
forts in the bitterly disputed Chaco
territory went to the Ieague of Na-
While preparations to call army
and navy reserves to arms were
pushed forward, .Foreign ,Minister
Higinio Arbo charged in a note to

It was the first 100-meter triumph
for the United States in 12 years
and a crowd that had grown to near-
y 60,000 spectators gave the two
American Negroes a terrific ovation.
Both came from behind after '50
neters with remarkable bursts of
peed, but Tolan's legs carried him
o the tape a shade in front.
Debate Decision
Metcalfe was posted first as the
victor, butafter a long debate, the
official judges decided Tolan had
>reasted the tape first by a shade.
rolan himself thought he had been
defeated and ran over to congratu-
ate his American rival, only to find
out soon afterward he was the new
Arthur Jonath, of Germany, fin-
shed third; George Simpson, United
States, fourth; Dan Joubert,. South
Africa, fifth, and Yoshioka, Japan,
ixth and last.
Robert Tisdall, of Ireland, won the
400-meter hurdles final, beating off
he closing challenges of two Amer-
cans, Glen Hardin and Morgan Tay-
lo, as well as dethroning the 1928
champion, Lord Burghley, of Eng-
land. '
Percy Williams, of Canada, 1928
Olympic sprint champion, was elim-
nated in the first semi-final heat
of the 100-meter dash, finishing
fourth. The race was won by Tolan
n 10.7 secondds, with Joubertsec-
and and Yoshioa third.
Metcalfe won the second 100-
meters semi-final. Tolan uncorked a
typical finishing burst to come from
behind and win by inches from the
field. Yoshioka led from 50 to 90'
meters, but was overhauled both by
the Detroit Negro and by Joubert in
a blanket finish. Williams was beaten
out by inches, as he lost his first
championship. Barely a yard sepa-
rated the first four.
Three U. S. Finalists
Like his teammate, the rangy Met-
calfe put on another great closing
exhibition to capture the second
semi-final, clocked in -10.6 seconds,
which until yesterday had stood as
the Olympic record.
Metcalfe led George Simpson, the
third American, by a foot, thereby
giving the United States three of the
six finalists. Arthur Jonath, of Ger-
many, was third and completed the
list of qualifiers.
Lone representatives of Japan, Ger-
many and South Africa stood be-
tween America and sprint triumph,
last held at the 100-meter distance
by Charley Paddock In 1920.
All three of Canada's dash men,
led by Williams, were- eliminated.
The youthful Dominion star, Birchall
Pearson, lost out in Mdtealfe's heat,
finishing fifth.

League Will Honor
Southern Students
At Tea Wednesday
Members of the Southern club will
be the honored guests when the
League entertains from 4 to 5:30
o'clock, Wednesday, at the last tea
dance of the summer season.
"All faculty members and students
are urged to come to this party which
will wind up the tea dances for the
Summer Session," Miss Katherine
Noble said yesterday.
The League will hold its annual
Summer Session dance on Friday
night of this week, it was announced

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