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August 02, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-08-02

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The Michigan Daily
Established 1890

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Puiblished every morning except Monday during the
tInieio sity year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tton and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or
not otherwise credited in 'this -paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1,55. During regular school year by carrier, $400; by
masl, '$4.50.1
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: Ittell-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 East
Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street,
Boston, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 1l.
Office Hours: 2-12 P.M.
Editorial Director ......................Beach Conger, Jr.
City .Editor...............................Carl S. Forsythe
State Editor............................David M. Nichol
N ws Editor................................Denton Kunze
Telegraph Editor......................Thomas Connellan
Sports Editor ................C............. H. Be kema
Office Hours: '9-12; 2-5 except Saturdays
Business Manager... ..............Charles T. Kline
Assistant Business Manager............Norris P. Johnson
Circulation Manater..................Clinton B. Couger
TUESDAY, AUG. 2, 1932
Sentiment Will Not
Answer Cash Questions .. .

leadership entirely foreign to the Legion and its
purposes remained. Their threat to use force on
the government was met with force, the only tonic
which will cure such internal disorders.
But Mr. Hearst is not content with presenting
a long series of logical and factual fallacies. His
entire appeal is meant for the sentiment, not the
intelligence, and by imposing this cloud over the
real facts he has greatly complicated the essen-
tial necessity for getting something done. Senti-
meat will never beget theproper answer to the
question of cash payment, to the veterany nor
will Mr. Hearst's burial demands for the dead
veterans ever prevent another recurrence of the
Washington riots.
Last week an exhibit of original drawings from
Thomas Wood Stevens'. recent book, "From
Athens to Broadway," was displayed in the lobby
of the Lydia Mendelssohn. One of the drawings
disappeared from the collection. While the loss
of the drawing is not of great intrinsic value, it
constitutes a serious loss to Mr. Stevens because
it makes his set of drawings incomplete. It is
hoped that the dr'awing will be quickly restored
to Mi. Stevens.-The editors.
The following concert will be given' tonight by
Mr. Brinkman, pianist, and Mr. Palmer Christian,
Prelude 6n the Traditional Hebrew
Melody, "Mooz Zur"............... Milligan
Pantomime ......................... ..Jepson
Andante Cantabile (Sonata for Organ)....James
Mr. Christian

Diversions ..................


The American public has long since becom
used to colossal inconsistencies. It has, for in
d stance, seen William Randolph Hearst publis
scathing, editorial denunciations of gambling o
all the front pages of his long chain of powerfu
papers and then remove these editorials to mak
a place for the latest race-track results in hi
subsequent editions. Even more peculiar, howeve
is the Tact that it has allowed these practice
to continue with hardly a protest.
This sane public has seen the gr'eat newspape
magnate turn upon Al Smith with all the bitter
ness that his papers could nuster to their assist
ance because the "happy warrior" had been vic
torious in a campaign for the governorship of New
York and because in the course of the victory h
defeated Mr. Hearst. It has been a personal wit
n to the grudge wich Mr. Hearst has hel
against Prance because Prance escorted the news
paper baron to her frontiers with little ceremon
but with considerable humiliation to Mr. Hearst
It has also seen the colossus of American news
apers quail at the mention of armies and navie
n the Orient when this informatio has passe'
Virtually unnoticed by the best military and nava
experts of the United States.
Consequently, the public will be not overly sr
prisied to see Mr. Hearst's demands that the bonu
marcher who met his death in the Washington
riots should be buried at, the side of the "Un
known Soldier" or to hear the charges that th
goVernment was guilty of the most "stupid brutal-
ity." These are the claims set forth in the De-
troit 'imes under the glowing title, "If the Un-
known Soldier Rose"
In the first place, Mr. Hearst's assumptions are
fundamentally based on the statement 'that "i
was necessary to go to Washington, to deal direct-
ly with the United States government through
the Congress and through the President, com-
mander-in-chief of the Army and Navy."
This+ is, however, the exact reverse of the truth
,It was, as a matter of fact, necessary for the
President to come to Detroit last fall to deal with
the demands of the soldiers, and this he did. In
legislative session at the last convention of the
American Legion, the soldiers themselves took the
stand that they would not ask for bonus pay-
ments until the government was in a better finan-
cial position to deal with the veterans. Huge bud-
get deficits stared in the face of the government,
and these deficits may, in large part be attributed
to the expenses of past and future wars. More
than 40, per cent of the annual expenditure of the
United States government may be classified in
tis manner and since 1917 the government, that
Mr. Hearst charges with ingratitude, has expend-
ed in behalf of world war veterans the tremendous
sum of five and one-half billions of dollars.
In the face of this, and recognizing as he must
that the Legion is the most powerful political en-
tity in the entire nation, MIr. Hearst claims that
it was essential for the soldier's to visit Washing-
a ton and deal directly with the government. Only
about a year ago, the pressui e resulting from the
Legion lobbies three times in a few short months
ripped a presidential veto to shreds and passed
"relief" legislation. With power like this it can
hardly be said that the veterans must go to
Washington for anything.
Why then, has this power not been turned to
the assistance of the bonus marchers? The an-
swer is a simple one, but' one which Mr. Hearst
has chosen deliberately to ignore. It is only'that
the plan of the march on Washington lacked the
official sanction of the American Legion, and was
violently opposed by the thinking leaders of the

Song and Dance ..................... Brinkman
Andantino (from Sonata) ............ Brinkman
Cantus Heroicus....................... Sowerby
Mr. Brinkman 4
Mediaeval Poem, for Organ and Piano... Sowerby
(originally for\Organ and -Orchestra)
The inspiration of this work is the following
hymn from the Liturgy of St. James, translated
by Gerard Moultrie, 1864:
"Let all moral flesh keep silence, and with fear
and trembling stand;
Ponder nothing earthly minded, for with bless-
ing in his hand,
Christ our God to earth descend, our full homage
to demand,
Rank on rank the host of Heaven spreads its
vanguard on the way,
As the light of night descendeth from the realms-
of endless day,
That the powers of hell may vanish as the
darkness clears away.
At his feet the six-winged seraph; cherubim with
sleepless eye
Veil their faces to the Presence, as with cease-
less voice they cry
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, Lord Most Right.
The composer has endeavored to interpret the
atmosphere of mysticism which perviades the
poem by translating into tone something of the
vision of the Heavenly pageant which AJames,
or any devout soul, might have imagined.
As to the actual .musical structure, the work
is a rhapsody based on the choral which appears
in its' unadorned form on the organ alone, to-
wards the close of the piece. No Gregorian or
other borrowed themes are, however, consciously
,Campus Opinion

of our society a natural offspring of traditional
American individualism? We call our age an age
of specialization. Every man, the dentist, the
grocer, the farmer, the college instructor, does
his one specialized job, screws down the nut of
one bolt, and tarries for the machine of society
to roll up to his position a new occasion for re-
peating the same task, ad infinitum. We .assume
that our representatives in government will
handle the matters of state. That is their part
in this highly specialized scheme of things. Yes,
but having a degree of freedom, is it not inevit-
able that there should be corruption?
Most of our professors do not know what life
is from the standpoint of the statesman, the me-
chanic, the laborer in any of the human-sub-
sistence trades. They have gone direct from the
ranks of the graduating class to the teacher's, or
professor's, chair. This is necessary, perhaps, but
what is not necessary is that they should regard
themselves as beyond the arena of action and in-
tellectual wrestling with the problems of indus-
try and government and society,--problems which
today are weighing down into poverty and other
distressful conditions millions of American citi-
zens. It was not a merely theoretic preparation
for the duties and privileges of a profession, with
indifference to the problems ulterior to it, which
was had by Plato and Francis Bacon, John Milton
and Samuel Johnson and Matthew Arnold and
our own John Dewey. Material prosperity here
in America has for a time made it possible for us
to be eclectic and dilettante in our study of litera-
ture and its producers of the past. It has been
easy for us to pass over the fact that many of the
authors of such literature were khat on every
hand would today be dismissed as "radicals."
They concerned themselves with possibilities of
changing government and industry, and they
spoke out in behalf of what reason told them was
My friend and controversial antagonist, Mr.
Goldman, insists that to attain his "highest des-
tiny" a man should becdme "convinced that cir-
cumstances are largely indifferent-," and that
accordingly, "the ideal university instructor-will
be little concerned with contemporary problems,"
as such. Possibly. But that is exactly the revere
of what seems to me a more fundamental princi-
ple, a principle well stated by John Dewey in his
book, Experience and Nature: "Respect for the
things of experience alone brings with it respect
for others, the centers of experience,-." Mr.
Goldman has well grasped the idea of Emerson,
who said that "Institutions are but the lengthened
shadows of great men." But he has not learned
that it is quite as true that societies of persons
are but the far-flung shadows of institutions. If
we are indifferent to "a volatile and external
world," with its defective and subversive insti-
tutions, I believe that we shall fnd,-and are
finding,-that our treasured inner ethical self,
our inner spiritual world, will prove to be "vola-
tile" and that it will crumple up before the impact
of actumulating evils of our society, industry and
government. Eternal vigilance is the price of so-
cial and political health.
Elmer Akers, (M.A. 1931)
To The Editor:
It would possibly be a rare thing for critics to
agree; and this listener left the faculty concert
last Tuesday with opinions somewhat at variance
with those expressed by M. A. S. in Friday's Daily
regarding the offerings of the School of Music
T be sure /Mr. Brinkman played in a "fluent,
expert manner" and much too forte in all num-
bers; so that one wondered if the selection were
not after all a, piano piece with a little string
embroidery showing through occasionally, instead
of a Trio.
To one who loves the Cello above all other in-
struments in the orchestra. this part of the pro-
gram was a disappointment. Aside from the
artist's difficulty in keeping the instrument in
tune there seemed to be a lifelessness in the tone
that very materially dampered a fitting or ade-
quate interpretation.
A slightly different seating on the stage, more
after the manner of our string quartettes, might
obviate the necessity of nodding and signaling,
and incidentally assist to a better getaway on the
opening chord.
Altogether it would have been nice if Miss Lewis
and her sympathetic accompaniste could have
furnished the whole program.
W. H. D., Grad.
By Kirke Simpson

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It will still be worth one htndlref
cenis .. . true enoudffi.. .but thie chances
are that it wojf-t buy as much in et-
ehand ise in the near future as it will
right niow .. . today. Some time soon
prices are going to 'start climbing a
when. that timye comes we are going -to
wish ithat we had laid in a-good stock
of ntea-ly t"V 'rVt l t t r alie.low priees
which pe vail tiow.



S Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disre-
garded. The narhes of communmcantq will, how-
ever, be regarded as confidential upon request.
Contributors are asked to be brief, confining them-
e selves to less than 300 words if possible.
To The Editor:
Just after the appearance in The Michigar
Daily, of my article on The Relation of Instruc-
t tion and Study to Our Life I.chanced to meet on
_of our professors who engaged with me in de-
bate on the issue I ha' raised. Protesting it as
worse than useless to tiy to relate to our owr
lives and problems of society most of the mater-
ials taught in the College of Literaturee Science,
and the Arts, he instanced as examples of this
insusceptibility the writings of, Plato and Milton
Though it is true, as the professor implied, that
Plato and Milton are rich mines of cultural
values, values to be shared by students capable of
such experience,-not for direct application to
conditions in the twentieth century, but rather
for the spiritual; artistic, and intellectual values
in their own right, still all of that represents but
one side of the matter. It would be hard .to find
men in the present or the past who were as pro-
foundly diligent in the endeavor to solve current
problems and to interpret them helpfully to their
Prof. G. C. Field, in the preface of his recent
book, Plato and His Contemporaries, says that
"Plato's chief ineerest in all his activities lay in
his own age and its problems." Plato himself says
that as a young man, "The desire to ta.ke part
in politics and public affairs began to draw me."
His own revered teacher, Socrates, was reputed to
be an astute critic of the current problems of so-
ciety and the state. Out of such teaching and
training, we may not doubt, came that first great
utopian book, Plato's "Republic."
Milton's poetry, affording us, as it does, experi-
ence as of a mighty gale of refreshing wind to in-
vigorate us morally, to awaken us to greater depth
and expand our awareness of the dignity of man,
is only one part of Milton. We must remember
that he gave twenty years of his life, the years
from 32 to 52, to endeavoring to destroy preju-
dices and to push back the limits of current
thinking on tradition-bound problems of individ-
ual and social life. These include problems of
civil and religious liberty, freedom of speech and
divorce, political autonomy. Luckily possessing
money he went to Italy, but wrote home that he
"thought it disgraceful, while my fellow-country-
men were fighting for liberty, that I should be
traveling abroad for pleasure." In one of his pro-
pagandist pamphlets, Defensio Secundo, he said,
"I resolved, though I was meditating other mat-
ters, to transfer into this struggle all my genius

WASHINGTON, Aug. 1.--()-If that large and
affable- genthl'nan from New York, James A. Far-
ley, succeeds as well as Roosevelt good will am-
bassador to disgruntled Smithites in New Jersey,
Massachusetts and elsewhere as he did in lining
up the western and northwestern delegations for
Roosevelt in pre-convention tihes, his political
fame will be great.
Governor Roosevelt, in the event of election to
the presidency, would have at once available for
high diplomatic service a man to whom interna
tional politics should seem as simple as they did
to General Dawes, who held diplomacy "easy on
"the brain, but hell on the feet."
Still, any nan who can heal the sores left
among Smith supporters by the Roosevelt nomin-
ation might be too valuable at home to be spared
for service abroad. Maybe Mr. Farley would be
the Roosevelt choice for postmaster general, say.
Practice in Diplomacy
Governor Roosevelt himself is giving evidence
of skill at poli ical diplomacy. Secretaries Mills,
Hyde and Hurlry already have rumbled about his
"liberalism," suggesting that they regard it as
Take the Baruch-Roosevelt conference, for in-
stance, or the proffer of the job as party treasurer
to Melvin Traylor of Chicago.
Those things did not just happen, nor did they
fail to attract attention in the eastern business
world, if The Bystander's informants know their
The Roosevelt decision on a decentralized or-
ganization, with a New Yorks general headquarters
but no regional centers to interfere with home
rule campaign management in each state is even
more significant. That let Mr. Roosevelt out of
the -necessity of selecting regional directors.
Settling One Problem
On thfat basis the place in the campaign of such
imnortant cogs in the Roosevelt convention ma-







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