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August 02, 1932 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1932-08-02

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r ans p ortanon
ilection H er e

Brooklyn Flyers Plan Hop to Norway


World's largest
FA L lfary Contains 70,000
Articles on the Nation's
Second Industry
A s T ofold Purpose
Financed by Automobile
Corporations anId Detroit
Elison Company
the Transportation library, locat-
ed in the 'Est Engineering building.
is not an accumulation of books on
railroads written by technical experts
fr engineers to read, but it is an
raiequately housed collection of near-
ly 70,000 items dealing with Amer-
ifa's second industry, transportation.
As far as is known the University
has the largest collection of this kind
41 the world. It was the ambitin of
hegfounders of the library that it
mtght beco e the principal collection
t 'the literature of the subject in this
cun try.
rom the outset it was intended
tiat the library should serve a double
'00pose-to be a treasure-house in
wicl, could be accumulated the lit-
" pure on the subject, and as com-
ple e reference and research library
ad could be gathered, serving the
ctve fields of the profession as well
as the graiduate and undergraduate
bdies of theUniversity.
Covers All Phases
The student who wishes to look
a~out the library will find material
dling with all phases of -transpor-
tation such as waterways, land
trs rtation, air and pipe-line
trispoation, air servce, public
utlijties, and communication.
looks are to' be found dealing with
society ,proceedings, and there are
text and reference books, documents,
manuals, periodicals, reports, laws
and charters, correspondence and
personal papers, prints and pictures,
annual reports of companies, and
maps and atlases,.
The beginings of the Library were
made in the fall of 1923 when Prof.
John , Worley, of the transportation
engineering department, came to the
University. Professor Worley had
planned and built railroads, had been
for many years a consulting engineer
in New York City, and knew the
backgrounds and the 'literature of
his profession.
Only Special Collection
He had found that nowhere in the
country was there anything like. a
complete collection of the literature
on transportation. Books on vari-
ous phases of the subject were in
every library in the country, but
there was no separate .collection.
Dr. W. W. Bishop, librarian of the
University, gave invaluabl assistance
and advice to Professor Worley, and
It was decided to make an indepen-
dent unit out of the new collection.
Prof. Henry E. Riggs, of the civil
engineering department, found space
in the rooms of his own department
for the first quarters of the library
and gave from lis own collection
books to help fill the new shelves.
Financial assistance was given by
Aiex Dow of the Detroit edison com-
pany, C. S. Mott of Flint, Roy Chapin
o Detroit and the Ford, Reo, Hud-
nson, and Dodge Brothers motor com-
panies. Purchases made with these
Hinds, several large donations from
individuals, and the securing of a
number of highly important private
c"llections gave the library a splen-
dd nucleus of material early in its
j story.
-- - -- ---- -

Camp Students
Take ExCursion
To Mackinaw
Party Goes on Two-Hour
Boat Trip to 'Northern
Resort Center

Yoangest Olympian

(Assocyated ress ,otoj
Thor Solberg (left) and Carl O. Peterson. of Brooklyn, N. Y,, are
preparing for a, flight to Norway to be attempted, they say, before
August 15.
&41 01106 il 0*
Ee~i~e Csts Science $70,000
Science Thinks- Its WarthI

Lake, Aug. 1.-(Special-A special
trip to Mackinaw island featured the
week-end program of the University
(amp here. Sunday the"members of
the camp enjoyed a two-hour boat
ride from Cheboygan to the island,
the most attractive and popular ex-
cursion taken this summer.
A new contest is now in progress-
the photographic picture contest.
Entries may be made in three classes,
pictures of station buildings, pic-
tures of classes at work in the field
or laboratory, and pictures of an ar-
tistic nature. Prizes will be awarded
for the best three pictures in each
group, and judging from the nega-
tives now hanging in the drak room,
there should be some interesting re-
sults. /
The "kid" party last week was an
enormous success. After the judges
had reviewed the grand march, the
following prize-winners were an-
nounced: cleverest girl, Elfreda High;
cleverest boy, Gene Goellner; fun-
niest girl, Dr. Fopeano; funniest boy,
Mr. Nottingham; best characters, Mr.
and Mrs. Steidtman, as Jack 'and
Jill. Ruth Goodwin was responsible
for clever decorations, with animal
drawings by A. Hershkowitz.
For next Saturday night, a special
"pyjama dance has been arranged.
At last Saturday's bridge party, Mrs.
E. P. Cl}eatum and Dr. Brookes were
the winners.

NEW YORK, Aug, 1.-0P)-About
$700 a second will be the "probable
scientific cost of the total eclipse of
the sun in New England and Canada
August 31. It lasts 100 seconds.
Potentially-from the viewpoint of
the scientist-this investment is one
of the most profitable ways of spend-
ing money. it comprises the ex-
penses of nearly 30 astronomical ex-
peditions. from the United' States,
Europe and the Orient, gathered to
study' certain mysteries of the sun
hidden at all other times from hu-
man observation.
At first sight the investment value
is not apparent.
Cgrona to Be Measured
The astronomers measure the sun's
corona, a lovely halo of white light
streaming sometimes 10,000,000 miles
out into space. With spectroscopes
they try to learn the peculiarities of
intense heat of hydrogen, oxygen and
other familiar atoms.
One of the astronomers going to
this eclipse was asked how the value
of pure science can be measured in
"Many years ago," he answered,
"in a German laboratory a man by

the name of Hertz was making ex-
veriments on Hertzian waves. Out
of this has grown the whole of wire-
less--or radio."
Sun a Giant 'Laboratory'
The sun during eclipse is a lab-
oratory-a gigantic test tube, 90,-
000,000 miles away.
It is- a tube which scientific instru-'
ments are just beginning to be able
to dip .into despite the vast distance.
It contains secrets ranging from the
beginnings of new kinds of power
for machinery and energy for health
to long distance weather forecasting
and radio static.
Probably no group of investors
spends relatively as. little money or
spreads it as economically as .these
astronomers. They give up weeks,
sometimes months, to travel, do their
own hand labor on instruments and
often have everything spoiled by
"What the world does not know is
how many new chemicals-things of
practical value--have been created
since with the aid of the queer "re-
lativity" equations, which got their
scientific vogue largely from that

(Associated Press Photo)
Miss Willy den Ouden of Holland,
a free style swimmer who is only 14
years old, is the youngest girl con-
testant in the Olympic games at Los
Ohio State Women Face
Strict Rules of Conduct
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Aug. 1 .-V)-
There will be plenty of studying
around sorority houses at Ohio State
university here next year, or Dean
Esther Allen Gaw will know the rea-
Here are a few of the laws laid
down by the dean for co-ed conduct:
A girl must not go crashing into
a room where a roommate is study-
ing to tell about the date she has
just had. That business must wait
until morning.

Miss Gamnack *Resigns
Position at Harris Hall
Miss Ellen Gammack, women's sec-
retary at Harris hall, student center,
has ended her -connection with that
organization. Her resignation be-
came effective Aug. 1, and Miss Gam-
mack 'left Ann Arbor yesterday for
her former home in Massachusetts,
where she will remain for the dura-
tion of the summer period.
Next fall Miss Gammack expects
to persue graduate studies at Oxford
university in ,social sciences. Miss
Gammack, a graduate of Smith col-
lege, has been here for 3 years.


UYWil2 P.M. - NOW
30c after 2 RICHARD DIX
40c Nights "Roar of The

PHONE 7418





MAJESTIC 2 + "..
..act §im(.s Today
Star-ting W'7ednesday
Ann Dvorak Lee Tracy

. fk-


V _

-and! the Band Bur~ns


Logic... accuracy... power of analy-
sis.. . sense of proportion-are facul-
ties largely developed through the
study of mathematics.
They will serve a man who later in
life may be called upon to build a
l-ridge.. erect a building ... design a
motor ... measure the stars. They will
also prove invaluable to the man who
may be recjuired to solve problems
in finance and investment.
It frequently happens, therefore,
that a man who finds mathemiatics easy
and interesting, or who is enrolled in
a scientific or engineering course,

discovers upon graduation - perhaps
,to his own surprise ---that the most
promising field for his talents lies in
the investment business.
May we suggest that as part of your
education you learn all you can about
the various fields of activity which you
might possibly enter .. . including the
investment business?
This business, its functions, its organ.
ization, and its opportunities are inter-
estingly discussed in our booklet, The
Bond Business - What It Requires -
If'hat It Offers. Any student may have
a copy upon request.

A formula to",,end

"other Hubbard -buying"
Bare "cupboards"or overstocked ones this, tables have been developed showing
-are costly in any industry. In the Bell just how much of any item should be
System a safe margin of telephone sup- stocked to meet requirements most eco-
plies must always be on hand to assure nomnically. Result: investment in stock
continuous, efficient service. is kept low-turnover is speeded-up -
Telephone men attacked this problem 99.25% of orders are filled without delay!
of distribution in a scientific spirit - The working out of this formula is
studied every angle of purchasing, ship- typical of the thought Bell System men
ping, warehousing, costs, methods. There give to improving the telephone art in




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