lershowers today and
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Winter Session
At Ann Arbor
No 32
Meet The Right People If You
Want Right Job, Purdom Says
Fight Against
Injury is Lost.
By Mehaffey
e Points
iament's Recent Acts
clude Rationing Of Oil
id Shelter From Raids
iistry Of Foods
.o Be Established
DON, Aug. 1. -(P)- Britain
;ed new strides toward readiness
iy emergency today as Parlia-'
approached its summer recess.
new plans and accomplish-
Prof. Beemer And Waltz
Stress Good, Contacts
In Sample Interviews
Urging students to "know the
right people" if they want the good
jobs, Dr. T. Luther Purdom, Director
of the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
closed his series of three demonstra-
tions last night with a lecture on
"Who Do You Know."
Illustrating Dr. Purdom's points
with "real life" situations were Prof.
C. W. Beemer of St. Johns College
and Stanley Waltz, manager of the
Union. Professor Beemer, repre-
senting the chairman of a school
board in a town of 100,000 popula-
tion, interviewed applicants for the
job of superintendent. Mr. Waltz
e that the government
ed a comprehensive
tioning oil 'and gasoline
tion of a food defense
a food ministry and to
age and transport of
°ment that a nucleus of
eserve fleet soon would
purchase of six vessels
government has com-
,t plans have been
at Parliament will
in session during
mcement that the govern-
placed contracts for 2,500,-
shelters to be distributed
nilies unable to buy them.
sh military mission pre-
leave tomorrpw for staff
French and Russian Army
1 Moscow and while the
tuation held government
sign affairs committee of
treviewed latest reports on
egotiations in Moscow for
rench-Soviet Russian mu-
ance accord and also dis-
Far Eastern situation.
Cabinet will meet tomor-
he last time before the
'he fors
Prof. Pillsbury
Talks On Topic
Of Inheritance
Relation Of Fathers', Sons'
Interests To Be Shown
In RackhanBuilding
Prof. Walter B. Pillsbury, chairman'
of the department of psychology, will
talk on "Inheritance" at 5 p.m. today'
in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The lecture will be devoted to a
general discussion of the problem of
inheritance and genetics, and will be
featured by the presentation of data
or a study of the relationship of the
interests and abilities of fathers and
sons in the University.
This study, which has been carried
on for four years with the aid of
NYA and other contributions, has
been conducted by examining the
records of fathers and mothers who
have attended the University with
those of their sons and daughters
who have also studied here.
Professor Pillsbury has served on
the cultysince-91.0. and is a mem-
ber of several learned societies. A
graduate of the University of Nebras-
ka, he received his doctor's degree
from Cornell University and has
served as president of the American
Psychological Association.'
Among books he has written are
"The Psychology of Reasoning," "The
Psychology of Nationality and Inter-
nationalism," "Fundamentals of Psy-
chology," and "Education as the Psy-
chologist Sees It."
nelson To Lecture
At Luncheon Today
Featuring Prof. Norman E. Nelson
of the English department as speak-
er, the regular weekly luncheon of
the Graduate Conference on Renais-
saice Studies will take place at 12:15
p.m. today at the Union.
In an informal talk, Professor Nel-
son will discuss the "anti-Aristoteli-
anism" of Peter Ramus, a 16th cen-
tury logicap who anticipated to some
extent the aesthetic theories of the
18th and 19th centuries. Ramus is
also credited with an advanced view
as to the conduct of education..
performed a similar role as a business
"The fellow who is known gets the
job," even over the rival with a su-
perior record and training. Dr. Pur-
dom declared. Employers hire the
applicant whose character, habits
and social attitude can be vouched
for by people whose opinions carry
"Poor salesmanship" is the average
person's stumbling block in impress-
ing the right people and landing the
good jobs, he emphasized. Those who
can "sell themselves" go farthest in
this world, he insisted.
Apple-polishing? "If you can get
by with it, it's perfectly all right," Dr.
Purdom assured. "But you've got to
be artistic about it," he warned.
The importance of knowing the
prominent men in your field of spe-
cialization, university, and home
community was stressed by Professor
Beemer in his sample interviews. The
man who got the job, as in real life,
was the man who could chat with
the employer about mutual acquain-
tances and leaders in the field.
Outside activities, personality, and
the ability to meet people were
stressed by Mr. Waltz in his inter-
views. These factors, he indicated,
counted far more than scholarship
in the business world. '
However scholarship is not to be
slighted, Dr. Purdom cautioned. "The
'handyman,"' he warned, "doesn't go
far in this world. People question his
]linguists Plan
Week's Series
Of Addresses
Prof. Edgerton Of Yale:
To Speak At 7:30 P.M.
Today In Amphitheatre
Reinvigorated after the- strenuous
weekend and occasioned by the sum-
mer meeting of the Linguistic Society
of America, members of the Linguistic
Institute will gather tonight for the
first event of this week's program.
Prof. Franklin Edgerton of Yale
University, remaining temporarily in1
Ann Arbor after the society meeting,
will speak in the Rackham amphi-
theatre at 7:30 p.m. on the topic,
"Hiatus-bridging Consonants in In-
Dr. Edgerton, who is Salisbury pro-
fessor of Sanskrit and comparative'
philology at Yale, is not new to Ann
Arbor, as he was a member of the
Institute faculty two years ago. In
his lecture tonight he will discuss the
presence in the Indic languages of
consonants that developed solely as
a means of preventing a gap between
a final vowel of one word and an in-
itial vowel of another.
Remaining on the week's program
are the luncheon discussion Thursday
noon at the Michigan Union, when
Prof. E. Adelaide Hahn of Hunter
College will discuss "Hirt's' Theories
on Indo-European Syntax," and the
lecture Friday evening, which is the
fifth and concluding presentation in
the series of discussions by Prof.
Leonard Bloomfield on the subject of
the Algonkian Indian languages.
Fullback's Loss
Crisler's Plans
uld be sent to Sir
-raigie, British Am-
kyo, on Japan's de-
lrawal of British sup-
's national currency.
wies, Radio-
ariled Boosts
'or Progtress.
For 1939 Grid Season
'Jeep' Has Suffered
Since His Childhood
The gallant fight of a youth whose
heart is as big as the stadium in
which he loved to play proved futile
today as doctors informed Howard
"Jeep" Mehaffey, Michigan's veteran
fullback, that a bad leg would prevent
him from competing next fall.
The popular 24-year-old Pittsburgh
youth has suffered from osteomyeli-
tis-inflammation' of the bone mar-
row-since childhood. It is believed
an injury in the Yale game last fall
was responsible for the recurrence of
the trouble. Twice during the winter
operations were attempted in an
effort to improve his condition.
Mehaffey game
Despite the fact that he spent
months on crutches, Mehaffey was
game. "I'm going to be in there
fighting," he'd smile. But the exami-
nation by Drs. Carl E. Badgley and
George Hammond showed that fight-
ing couldn't come off this fall, it was
announced yesterday,
"If everything comes off all right
I'll be wearing my catcher's mask
when the baseball season rolls
around," Mehaffey said last night.
A Kiski Prep product, "The Jeep"
-a nickname bestowed by team-
mates in jest--was outstanding as a
freshman. Last fall, a sophomore,
he plunged from the 18 yard line to
the 3 yard line and put Michigan
into, scoring position against Ohio
State. In the Chicago game he went
over for a touchdown.
Injury An Old One
The condition from which he is
suffering is not new to him As
school-boy he was operated upon
for it.
Coach Herbert O. "Fritz" Crisler's
grid plans suffered a severe upset with
the loss of Mehaffey. Ann Arborite
Bob Westfall, a stocky, savage line-
plunger, will probably bear the brunt
of the full-back duties despite the
fact he will be making his Big Ten
debut. Veteran Ed Christie and
Ralph Zimmerman will also probably
see action.
Ernst Krenek
Conducts Own
Musical Score
More than 2,500 persons attended
the concert of the Summer Session
Symphony Orchestra last night in
Hill Auditorium. The 92 piece orches-
tra was conducted by Thor Johnson.
The program presented Haydn's
Symphony No. 22 in E Flat Major,
known as "The2Philosopher." This
performance is thought to have been
the first in America of this sym-
The second number was Vincent
d'Indy's "Symphony for Orchestra
and Piano on a French Mountain
Air." Mary Fishburne played the
solo piano part.
Ernst Krenek, a world renowned
composer-conductor and guest pro-
fessor of composition in the Uni-
versity's School of Music, conducted
his own "Symphonic Piece for String
Orchestra, Op. 86." This was the
first presentation of the composition.
Final number on the program were
the "Polovtsian Dances" from "Prince
Igor" by Alexander Borodin, includ-
ing '"Dance of the Slave Maidens,"
"Dance of the Wild Men," "Dance of
the Archers" and the "Finale."
Of special interest was the appear-
ance of Mr. Krenek. Krenek, of Czech
descent, born in Vienna, is a leader
among the post-war German com-
posers. The "twelve tone technique,"
invented by Arnold Schoenberg 16
years ago, is applied freely in the
Symphonic Piece. It was written last
spring, completed in June at Niagara
Falls. It is dedicated to the Kam-
merorchester of Basle, Switzerland,
and to its founder and leader, Paul
Lacher, on whose request the work
was composed.
Mr. Krenek has already written
seven operas, four symphonies, and
over 70 chamber works, songs and
other nine T-Tis jzz noera "Tnnnv
Rice Drama
To Initiate
'Judgment Day' Is Based
On Burning Of German
Reichstag By Nazis
Second To Last
Play Is Produced
Elmer Rice's protest play, "Judg-
ment Day," will open at 8:30 p.m.
tonight in the Lydia Mendelssohn
An attempt on the life of the dicta-
tor sof a small Balkan nation forms
the motivation of the story, with the
entire scene being laid in a court
room where the culprits are being
tried. The story has basis in fact,
for the burning of the German Reich-
stag building by the Nazis and the
subsequent trial of communists
charged with the destruction was
taken as model.
Members of the cast include the
following: Duane Nelson, William Ad-
ams, Robert Cunningham, Oscar
Sams, Henry Patterson, Richard Had-
ley, Paul Cairns, William Adler, John
Jensen, Nathan Gitlin, Nancy Schaef-
fer, Karl Klauser and Steven Filipiak.
Others are Ivan Cole, Charles Lea-
vay, Tom C. Battin, E. S. Cortright,
William Applegate, Wesley Rowland,
Donald Baldwin, Dorothy Strootman,
Richard Slade, Nelson Lindenfeld,
Burdette Moeller and Thelma Slack.
Other members are Donald Barbe,
Anderson Ashburn, Frank Jones, jr.,
Dorothy Hadley, Alton Williams,
Chester Webb, George Batka, Vincent
Cline, Edith Driver and Virginia Bat-
The play is directed by Frederic O.
Crandall. Costumes are by Miss Lucy
Barton with settings by Oren Parker.
This play caused a great contro-
versy when presented in New York
and the traditionally cold first night
audience stood up and cheered after
the final curtain.
-Adew tickets are-stil-a albh for
the four performances of this play.
Club Will See
ilm mOn Arnold'
Prof. Maurer Will Present
Movie At Union Today
The betrayal of Benedict Arnold is
the subject of a film sequence to be
shown by Prof. Wesley H. Maurer for
the weekly meeting of the Men's
Education Club, to be held at 7:15
p.m. tonight at the Union.
The film, which is in sound, is
taken from original manuscripts on
deposit in the Clements' Library. It
is a result of the work of Professor
Maurer, Mr. Eugene 'Powers of the
University Microfilms, and Dr. Ran-
dolph G. Adams, Director of the
Clements Library, who has made a
special study of the Revolutionary
War Period.
Professor Maurer will show a sec-
ond film, in sound and color, on pre-
Columbian art in Mexico. It is the
work of Harry Wallace.
The showing of the two films will
require about 45 minutes.
John Gee S old
To Pittsburgh
Six-foot nine-inch John Gee, Mich-
igan six-letter man two years ago
whose fireball set the Big Ten on its
heels, has blazed his way along base-
ball's trail to the Pittsburg Pirates.
Pirate president Bill Benswanger
expects big things from Gee, cur-
rently known as "the biggest man in
baseball." He parted with cash to
the tune of five figures to acquire
the giant ex-Wolverine.
Gee's purchase by the Pirates cli-
maxes a meteoric rise from the ranks
of college baseball in 1937. Last year
he exhibited a smoking fast ball but
foggy control to win 17 games and
drop 11 for the Syracuse club of the
International League. This year he
has added control to his arsenal to
become the sensation of the minor
circuit. His record? sixteen wins,
four losses and 90 }strike-outs.
While at Michigan, Gee doubled in
baseball and basketball. His height
in the later made him the most feared
center on the hardwood.
Dr. Sakani shi
Speaks Today
On Buddhism
Honen Shonin Is Subject
Of Second In Series
On -apanes -Religion.
Second of a series of three lecturesx
on Japan's religious, leaders will be
given at 4 p.m. today in the Rack-
ham School Amphitheatre by Dr. Shio
Sakanishi of the Department of Ori-
entalia in the Library of Congress,
Washington, D.C.
The lecture series is sponsored by
the Institute of Far Eastern Studies
and all interested are invited to at-
tend. The third lecture will be given
tomorrow. ,
Today, Dr. Sakanishi will tell of
Honen Shonin, a religious leader of
the twelfth century, who interpreted
Buddhism to the masses. She will
trace his life and point out his ac-
complishments in striving toward
making the unintelligible religion un-
derstandable to the common people.
Yesterday Dr. Sakanishi told of
Kobl Daishi and the founding of the
Japanese national religion. Tomor-
row she will speak on Dogen and the
spiritual life through Zen.
Dr. Sakanishi is a graduate of the
University, taking her doctor's degree
here in 1929. Sice that time ,she
has come to be in charge of the Jap-
anese Collection of the Library of
Congress' Division of Orientalia. She
has written for various publications
and is the author of three of what
will finally be a six volume work on
modern Japan.
Executive Terms Defeat
Blow To Unemployed,
Fear Housing Bill
As Good As Dead
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1.-(P)-In
a swift, unexpected debacle, the
Roosevelt Lending Bill was killed in
the House today; whereupon the
President struck back with , declara-
tion that the action was a blow to
industry, the unemployed and the
With a jubilant coalition of Repub
licans and Democrats in command,
the Chamber refused, by a vote of
193 to 166, to take the $1,950,000,000
measure up for debate. This action
followed Senate passage yesterday of
a much-reduced, $1,615000,000 ver-
sion of the same program.
After witnessing the dramatic dis-
play of insurgency t~aay, Rep. Ray-
burn of Texas, the Administration
leader, indicated that the other majorn
money bill on the dinsraon
program-the $800,000,Q00 Housing n
Bill-was as good as dead.n
Holds Press Conference
While battle-weary legislators pre-
pared to adjourn Congress by Satur-
day night, President Robsevelt re-
ceived reporters at his press confer-
ence. In a calon tone, he said that
while he was not criticizing the legis-
lators for something they had a per-
fect right to do, thosewho would be
adversely affected had a right to
know where the responsibility lay
and the names of those who voted
against House consideration of the
A large number of industries would
not-have-their production increased
as planned, he said, and a large num-
ber of relief clients who would have
got jobs would have to remain on re-
lief. This, he said, would cost the
taxpayers a good many hundred mil-
lions of dollars.
Asks For Loans
Mr. Roosevelt had asked $3,060,-
000,000 for loans which he said would
aid industry and employment. Ad-
ministration men said the projects
would be self-liquidating and would
not increase the National debt. Critics
disputed this and called the plan
dangerous to the Federal finances,
and an undesirable grant of tremen-
dous power to the Executive.
The House action today came after
Rayburn had made an appeal to his
Democratic colleagues, saying that
when the President recommended a
program "it is asking little" of the
House to consider it.
Last Excursion
. Leaves Today
Put-In-Bay Is Destination
Of Summer Students
A visit to the historic island of
Put-In-Bay, nestling in the blue wa-
ters of Lake Erie, will begin at 7:15
a.m. today to climax the 10 Summer
Session Excu-ions
Famed for its grape arbors, its cool,
crystal-studded caves and its tower-
ing monument, Put-In-Bay is one
of the resort attractions of the lower
lake region.
Located at the western end of the
lake about 60 miles southeast of De-
troit, the island-is of interest to geolo-
gists as well as tourists for its rugged
limestone shoreline and evidences of
The excursion, led by Prof. Irving
D. Scott of the geology department,
leaves Ann Arbor by bus at 7:15 a.m.
today. Arriving in Detroit, the ex-
cursionists will board the Steamer
Put-In-Bay for a four-hour cruise
over Lake Erie to the Island. After
a four hour jaunt about the Island,
the group will embark for Detroit
arriving about 8 p.m. and returning
by bus to Ann Arbor by 9:30 p.m.
The excursion is the last of the
Summer Session.
'Third Term Now
Is ,Jokirng Matter
Lending Measure
Killed By House;
Roosevelt Rep lies
I_ C7
"The greatest aids to progress to-
day are the movies and radio," de-
clared Dr. Frederick D. McClusky,
Director of the Scarborough School
in a lecture on-"Visual and.Auditory
Aids in Teaching of Languages" at
the Deutches Haus last night.
The history of civilization is the
history of the struggle to control lan-
guage. Originally language de-
veloped as an urge to pass on infor-
mati6n. Later as people became
aware of the power of language it
became an important factor in world,
Dr. McClusky pointed out that the
world is making rapid progress in the
use of science but it is not doing much
to help people to get along better. He
remarked that he is an optimist and
believesthatthere is an upward
swing in world progress in spite of
many obstacles, i.e., the handicap of
too many different languages, and
the development of special languages
within languages as the technical
jargon used by lawyers or doctors or
school teachers.
Democracy And Education
Lectures Continued
Arthur Elder, national vice-presi-
dent ,of the American Federation of
Teachers and executive secretary of
the Michigan Federation of Teachers,
will speak on "Retrenchment and Its
Effects Upon American Education" at
8 p.m. today in the north lounge of
the Union.
Elder's talk will be the second in
a series on "Democracy and Educa-
tion" which is being sponsored by
the American Student Union and the
Ann Arbor Branch of the American
Michigan's Typical Coed Finds
1 Interests Of Mid-West At Fair
Hoboes Rate American Cities
(Special to The Daily)
NEW YORK, July 30.-After two
weeks at the New York World's Fair
("The Fair to end all Fairs"), Marcia
Connell, '39, Michigan's contribution
to Brains and Beauty, is convinced
that the Fair here is the greatest ever
and holds special interest for Michi-
gan and the Midwest.
Miss Connell was chosen with nine
other girls from the Big, Ten schools
as "Typical. College Women" to serve,
as hostesses at the Elgin Watch Ob-
servatory on the Fair grounds. She
expects to remain here until Sept. 1.
Michigan's attractive representa-
tive tells how she was nearly taken
off her feet by the Fair. She was
particularly impressed by and proud
of the Transportation Zone, she said,
which was constructed by the large
automobile companies from the De-
troit area. "It speaks very well for the.
people of the State of Michigan,"
she said.
The "Futurama," at the General
Motors exhibit, Norman Bel Geddes'
different from the 1933 Chicago Fair-
goers, i that "people here are so in-
While Travelling'On The Bum'
More than 350 cities have been giv- a chance to tour the country and con-
hospitality and business ratings trast the different cities."
the hoboes of America, Dr. J. Leon Lazarowitz, who claims to be the
zarowitz, Chief Justice of the only hobo in America with a doctor's
ipreme Hobo Kangaroo Court and degree, was operated on Sunday night
ader in the Rambling Hobo Fellow- at the University Hospital for an ab-
ip of America, announced here yes- scess in his chest and spent Monday
rday. The results, which are ex- and yesterday in working on his rat-
pected to - be of interest to business
men and civic groups as well as ho-
boes, are to be released soon.
Pasadena, Calif., and Montclair, N.
J., lead in the hospitality ratings, and
New York City and Los Angeles lead
in the business ratings, Dr. Lazaro-
witz said. Detroit is third in busi-
ness, and 14 other Michigan cities
have been listed. Ann Arbor, because
it is not an industrial city, has not
been rated./
The standings were compiled from
ratings given the various cities by
hoboes as they toured the country.
Postcards with numerical ratings were
ings in the General Library and busi-
ness administration school library. He
is 33 years old and has "traveled for
20 years in North and Central
America without paying fare."
His degree was conferred by a
sociology class at Penn State College
in recognition for a talk which he
gave on "hobohemia."
Th ratings of Michigan cities are as
City Hospitality Business
Battle Creek ......
Bay City ............
Dearborn ..........
I -