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April 02, 1930 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-02

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2.11: . .. .. . A

907 s 710 S. TO GO OUTDOORS
ITT__ j;_Pending favorable weather con-
lie's just a great big man from in baseball and banks, besides his ditions that will allow regular out-
Maize and Blue Golf Team Held the south, but he doesn't smoke or books and ball banging, has taken door practice, Coach Hoyt is send-
to One Practice Session even chew as far as investigation once secret, and now open, delight ing his freshman track squad
in Early Season. shows. And in place of the flour- in beating the pros, and those who through light workouts at the Field.
______house in order to sustain as much
ishing cigar the ardent golf fan make low scoring their bread andhm
BOAST WINNING RECORD sees a short putter aptly named butter. as possible the form they reached
S ah pt p n ebtduring the indoor season. The
Due to inclement weather thus 'Calamity Jane" swung firmly but Par for the Augusta course weight men have been allowed to
far this season, the Michigan gently at the little white bull rest- is 72 shift their practice quarters out-
r sing andgAe.esbanged out a doors.
Varsity golf team has been able to!ing onlthe liCeii. niece pair of pars to take the Despite the mediocre display of
hold only one practice session. An t if it hadn't been for that lead. As it was he missed sev- general talent during the indoor
However, it is expected that they self same putter c n h a , eral putts and even had to period, Coach Hoyt expects a
take. three on one green be- highly successful outdoor cam-
Wil be able to get out on the links little trouble on M1Londay, Bobby fore his brall fell into the well. paign. After the season is under
regularly within the next week or Jones would have led .he field' .way sufficiently, he intends to
two. I by some six or seven rekes. Jones and Smith, his youthful book telegraphic meets for each
The Wolverine golfers have been As it was he ,iiished the first rival, have been paired for the scc week-end.
(ers it wasfue n thei Big Te da 'first = ond days play which means a gal- Field events proved to be the
campaigns forul in thei g en ys play i e oueasern lery of close to three thousand. It principal source of worry for the
past three sea- $5,000 open with a 144, nicely should satisfy those long winded freshman track mentor in the past
sons, having a record of 17 con- doing a 72 in the morning and fans who have the energy to run few months. Material in the pole
secutive victories to their credit. another in the afternoon. 36 holes after their favorites. Now vault has been lacking and prom-
In dual meet competition the . they can see both of them in ac- ,ising weight men did not develop
Blue linksmen have Jones led the opening day's play tion at the same time and should as rapidly as they were expected to.
en d t by four strokes, perhaps not get their moneys worth for once. ;However, with George Hitt reaching'
been defeated, in the last three enough to put him out of reach but the 22 foot mark in the broad jump,
years. certainly enough to make those We notice that Hagen has better vaulting conditions afford-


NEW YORK, April 1. -Madison)
Square Garden plans a half dozen
big battles for the 1930 outdoor
season and dates for two of them
have been fixed.
Max Schmeling and Jack Shar-!
key are to meet for the heavy-
weight championshio at the Yan-
kee stadium June 12 and Sammy
Mandel, lightweight king, will de-
fend his title against Al Singer in
the same arena July 17.
In addition the Garden plans af
flyweight battle between Midget
Wolgast of Philadelphia and Fran-
kie Genaro of New York; a match
for Kid Chocolate either against
Bat Battalino, featherweight cham-
pion or some good lightweight; a
welterweight match between Jack-
!e Fields, title-holder, and Johnny
McLarnin; and possibly a tussle be-
tween the heavyweight behe-
moths, Primo Carnera and Vic-

(By Associated Press)
CANNES, France, April 1.-Open NOTICE
criticism followed Bill Tilden and Ful coverag Al Risk World
Wilbur Coen today as they left for ; wide Fur Insurance and storage.
four days of exhibition tennis at Less than 3c per day.
San Remo and other resorts on the ZWERDLING'S FUR SHOP
Itla1Rvea Complete fur service since 1904
Italian Riviera. 25-27 fLbry Stree~t
Considerable indignation was ex- 2L t
pressed at the refusal of Tilden and
his young protege to go through R U T H N OL L, formerly of the
with their schedule match in the Michigan League Beauty Parlor
final round of the Cannes tourna- is now with the DiMattia Beauty
ment yesterday. Tilden's official ex- Parlor. For appointments call
planation, according tp the referee, 8878. 234
was that he did not care to play on
account of his friendship for Coen. RADIO SERVIUE
.Officials in charge of the tourna- Competent service men on all
ment freely asserted that Tilden makes of radios.
was desirous of having his youthful STIMPSON RADIO SERVICE
compatriot go down in the records Dial 21408 521 East Liberty
as undefeated in at least one of the 246c
Riviera tournaments. NOTIC
They recalled that Tilden and WE BUY USED CLOTHING
Coen have competed in many tour- HE . BENJAM IN
naments in Europe but never once 215 E. Washington Phone 4810
met in a singles final. Tilden elim- .246c
inated Coen in the French cham-
pionships in 1929. PIANO TUNING -- Phone 6778.
Victor Allmendinger. The Stein-
way concert artist tuner. Office
at residence, 1609, Morton Ave.
THE STUDENT INN is serving
special u5cno-a luhe,
00 11:00 to 2:30.n712 Hill St. Eugene
Betts, Mgr. 2C
OUR MOTTO is satisfaction to
every customer.- Our laundry
1n H arris service cannot be excelled. Moe
Laundry, 204 N. Main. Dial 3916
lim ortaed _ __ _1260
310 S. STATE. PHONE 7927
TYPING--Theses a specialty. Fair
rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087.

{ Ut1V t d,111flUlU .

Finish Second in 1929.
In 1928 the Michigan team won
the unoficial Conference title and
again in 1929 they won all dual{
nieets, but finished second in thei
all-Conference tourhament held at
Minnesota. All of the Wolverine
dual meets have been won by de-
cisive scores, last year's closest
contest ending in a 10 1-2-7 1-2
victory over the Illini.
Several of last year's freshmenj
were considered fine golfers, andJ
are expected to furnish excellent
Varsity material for this year's
squad. Lenfesty, Hicks, Howard,
Hand, Heppes, and Hobart are the
most promising sophomores. This
sextette of second year men show-
ed exceptional ability on the links
last season, and should aid the
Varsity materially for the next few
Boast Strong Material.
Last year's crack Varsity, squadI
has several members still in school
who should turn in good perform-
ances for the Wolverines again this
season. Ahlstrom, Ward, Livingston,
and Royston, should be out for the
early practice sessions.
According to Coach Courtright,
the squad Will begin regular prac-
tice in a few days, weather permit-
ting. In addition, the members of
the team will also be occupied with
practices during the spring vaca-
tion period. The team will be forc-
ed to practice during vacation be-
cause of the fact that their first
meet is scheduled for the follow-'
ing week when the Purdue "'team
comes to Ann Arbor on April 26.

behind him again say as they havei dropped out of the spotlight. j ed outdoors, and the weight men
said many times before, "There he; He's hiding out in the Austral- benefliting considerably from their
goes again, let's fold up and go ian bush having it out with a early outdoor practice, those prey-
home." 'contrary game with kangaroos ious weaknesses in the field events'
for a gallery. are expected to be overcome.
Horton Smith was the mem- ---'
ber of the honorable followers __
of the Royal and Ancient that
held the second place honors.
ie can always be counted to
be up some where in the
money; it means food and i

iglans I

drink for him.
The Atlanta lawyer, who is also
Ask your dealer to
show you the very lat-
est style iiwet-weatber
ro , arments.r
TheSawyer"Forain"' '
Zephyr-weight Rain
Goat was designed for
college men and women. r
This newmoaol, style
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loon cloth,waterproofed
by Sawyer's famous
process and combines
reatest strength with
zephyr - weight light-
This coat weighs only
20 ounces.
A great garment for summer wear.
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The Ambassador
may now be had
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We mention in particular a Rag-
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FOR RENT-By day or by week
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FOR RENT-Modern four room
bungalow newly decorated. With
garage. Phone 4023.
SAND-Washed and screened sand
and gravel; all sizes. Immediate
Tel. 7075, 7112, or 21014. C
WANTED-Garage space for one
car. Near Williams and Campus.
Call daytime, 7515. C

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jatatrsr aver CAlJ{NS- FLET ^'CSf,




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