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May 02, 1937 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-02

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The Weather


-a n


Ed I it or ias
The Dorm's Challenge
TIo The Fraternity .,.

Partly cloudy today, gener-
ally fair tomorrow.



M~ichigan DayjNew Irish Constitution lil Not Teachers End Track Stars
Will Be Made Affect Ulster, Bromage Declares Final Session Take Indiana

BritishToRem ove
'' n -r----

Annual Affair
Attracts 1,000 State High
School Pupils; Bursley
Lauds Union's Work
Ruthven Tells Them
To Know Institution
University Day, planned -to attract
State high school students to the
campus of their University, proved
sufficiently successful to insure its
continuance annually, Herbert Wolfe,1
'37, president of the Union, conduct-'
ing the affair, said late yesterday. }
Frederick V. Geib, '38F& C, chair-
man of the committ e for the Union,
estimated the turnout at nearly 1,000
"At first," he said, "the crowd was
so large, we were gravely pressed for
;uides to conduct the pupils around
the campus. A consensus of those
who appeared indicated that the day
was a complete success."
Pontiac Captures Prize
The program began at 9 a.m. when
students gathered at the League and
Union to go on sightseeing trips and,
see the Engineering Open House.
Consultations occupied the morning,
with a luncheon at noon. The after-
noon was devoted to athletic demon-
strations and a Carillon concert.
At the luncheon in the Union,
which 250 students attended, Presi-
dent Ruthven urged those present to
acquaint themselves with their col-
"You must concern yourself," he
told them, "as good"citizens with in-
stitutes of higher learning so that you
may better meet the problems of to-
morro W.,"
"Many students about to enter col-
lege don't know where they're going,"
he continued, "many of those who at-
tend college don't know where they
are, and when they are outside, they
don't know where they have been."
Give. Carillon Concert
At a solo contest conduc ed during
the day by the School of Music and
the School Band and Orchestra As-
sociation, Pontiac High School of
Pontiac captured. most of the prizes,
acc'ofding to Prof. William D. Revelli,
conductor of the University Band.
Between five and six hundred par-
ticipated in this, the second statewide
competition. The 100 winners, scat-
tered through five -divisions are elig-
ible to, enter the national contest
which will be held in Columbus, O.,
May 13, 14 and 15 in conjunction witht
the National School Band and Or-l
chestra Association and Ohio State,
Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley
(Continued on Page 3)
Mic1gan ine.
Downs O.S.U.'
In 4-3Victory

Econonic,Religious Differences Insure That Partition Of onference Team 81-50 Re
Will Last Despite Autonomy Declaration Of fugeei1
By TUURE TENANDER DUBLIN, Irish Free State, May 1. Principals Are Not Aware Hoosier Wins In Distance F r a n c o '
Ireland's new constitution, enun- -('}-President Eamon de Valer's lpl ,
ciated by Eamon de Valera, president new constitution, declaring all Ire- Of Needs Of The Times, Races Offset By Varsity
of the Irish Free State, will have no land a "sovereign and independent Brownell Declares Power In Field Events
effect upon the separation of the Free democratic state" and leaving the
State from Ulster, in the opinion of door open for union with Northern , i
Prof, Arthur. W. Bromage of the po- Ireland, appeared headed tonight for Model Classroom Lash And Watson s A d Shouts
litical science department. determined opposition from Ulster SetNewEcho h .Labor
"When de Valera "speaks of 'the and England. Activities Shown tSetNewecords ohen r
whole of Ireland, its islands and Ulster, Northern Ireland, separated Celebrates Holiday
territorial seas,' he is making a uni- politically from the Irish Free State,
lateral assertion which takes into received the proposal cooly, while The 51st annual meeting of the By ROY HEATH
consideration Ulster, or Northern Ire- British newspapers were unsympa- Michigan Schoolmasters' Club closed That a small group of brilliant per- (By The Associated Press)
land," Professor Bromage said yes- thetic. yesterday with class demonstrations formers is not enough to hold off a Millions cf workers throughout the
landy"B roesso Bomnge tanIIs "We definitely prefer our position and conferences in the education balanced track machine also boasting world paraded, sang and shouted yes-
terday. "But it is nothing more th as citizens of the United Kingdom," school, an assembly of secondary its quota of classy talent, was defi- terday in celebration of Labor's in-
an assertion as far as Ulster is con- I said the Ulster commerce minister, school curriculum, meetings of the nitely proven yesterday afternoon as ternational holiday.
cerned, for de Valera can not by a John Milne Barbour. business schools conference and meet- the Wolverine track team crushed Bombs in Poland and Puerto Rico
mere statement separate the nor- Ulster, which has a governor named ings of the music group. the game "Galloping Hoosiers" from killed one person and injured three.
them counties from the United King- by the Kinghas a separate parlia- The assembly on secondary school the University of Indiana 81-50 with One in Warsaw was thrown at Jew-
dom," he added. ment and executive government. Cer- curriculum opened at 9 a.m. in the the ease of a tank going through a ish socialists; one in San Juan dam-
IThenew cnstitution reads: "The tarn legislative and fiscal powers are University high school under the di- hen house. aged a newspaper building and shook
Irish nationhereby affirms its in- reserved to the Parliament of the rection of Prof. Raleigh Schorling Led by "Big Bill" Watson who the city.
alienable sovereign right to choose United Kingdom. of the education school. rang the bell for 20 points with his Cossacks by the thousands thun-
its own form of government, to deter- The Irish Free State, under its The group was addressed by Sam- four first places in the shot, discuss, dered through Moscow's Red Square
mine relations with other nations present constitution, is a co-equal uel W. Brownell, superintendent of broad jump, and high jump, the Wol- where a million persons massed in a
and to develop its life, political, ec- (Continued on Page a schools, Grosse Pointe, who spoke on verines practically blanked the monster demonstration. Eight hun-
onomic and cultural, in accordance the subject, "The Michigan Study of Bloomington boys in the field events, dred war planes zoomed overhead as
with its own genius and traditions." ~ the Secondary-School Curriculum." allowing them only five points for Joseph Stalin reviewed the assem-,
Professor Bromage feels, however, Mr. Brownell said that there are an afternoon of herculean effort. b half million more persons
that the Irisl Free State practically u I * ]1 . three barriers which are blocking the Hosiers Win Only Five jammed Paris streets to the resound-
accomplished these ends last Dec. 12, T d OUU® further development of secondary- Te only bright spots in what was ing strains of the Communist Inter-
when, taking advantage of the crisis school education. otherwise a very murky affair for nationale, the day's theme song at
in England caused by the abdica- A r,{ AATEUU'dldkiI "In the first place," he said, "we the Hoosiers came as a result of ef- leftist centers everywhere.
tion of Edward VIII, it abolished the t1ias school people resist change, even ft s mr by t mighty quar- etit's erroup, t
position of the governor-general and in textbooks. Secondly, we are not tet of distance men, Lash, Smith, netomble Worer, heo
asserted its rights for independent.. aware of the needs of youth Wettofdsac mnLhmi, United Automobile Workers, did not
government. Schaible, Bernfne Cohen, think of these needs as the were Deckard, and Trutt, and Bob Collier participate officially in a joint mass
govermn.IShil,'oetiko hs ed as the ee who came under the wire a winner meeting of unions and fraternal or-
As far as the partition question Barbara Bradfield Win when we were young, not as they are inhthe 220. an ztionn
itself is concerned, Professor Bro- today. And finally, we have not de- Indiana started off the festivi- gamzatons-_
age feels that the new constitution Prize Grants cided how to meet these needs if we ties with a bang as Lash, Deckard,
will have little influence. The divi- get the chance." Sith domnate the one-kie'
sion of the Emerald Isle into Ulster One fellowship and two scholar- In spite of the existing conditions, and rmtheemu.tEehereenor Felt
and ihe Irish Free State had its roots ships totaling $800 were awarded yes- Mr. Brownell pointed out, the growth, evr, things didn't - go quite as pre-
etrhe d 17hcnturythe gondtheacotch ha s enaryemarkabl.tinnMhegthang ohmoe Hrod Dvdsny ,aq
entrenched nto the groun bc i terday to students in the literary col- hasecondar education inT Michigan dicted. In the last lap, up-and-coin- Jo
Presbyterians planted in northern lege and the College of Architecture. he explained, is due mainly to the mg sophomore Harold Davidson
Ireland, he said. Ernst L. Schaible, Grad, of Gary, program sponsored by the state de- oand threaten Lash and Smith. kr
"Strong regional conflicts have kept Ind., was named recipient of the $600 partment of education n Davidsn L is a d _ith._
(Continued on Page 3) annual Booth Traveling Fellowshi The department has also appointed avidson Trims Deckard
(Continued on Page 2) From that point on Smith and Lash
for 1937, and Barbara Bradfield, '38, - stepped up the pace until the tir- By STAN SWINTON
;tie of Grand Rapids, and Bernice Cohen, "ing Davidson could no longer hang on. No longer does The Daily send its1
M o o P'c of rassai, nd Bernie Cohen, Ohio W esleyan He contented himself with trimming reporters to the Whitney Hotel to in-
St k a h39, of Passaic, NJ., were awarded ekard while Lash nosed out Smith terview famous explorers who are
two $100 scholarshipsew amofferedlobyrs horare
sf the two $100 scholarships offered byfor first place. In the two mile run sponge bathing in tin tubs, and Gov-
the Panhellenic Association to the He0i s te ae tr r the whole ernor Murphy mourns the days. ;
n om entum affiliated and non-affiliated women: ad"- route. Lash beat a gane threat on As a reporter for The Daily, the1
with-the highest scholastic records. T1 0 ethOdists the part of big Jim Smith td finish Governor was one of the best, as is
Paul Brown, Grad, of Detroit, Rob- _first leaving Smith and Deckard in indicated by a letter from him set-
Several UAWA Organizers ert May, '37A, of Ann Arbor, and W. second and third. Lash's winning ting forth his experience in college
Ousted As Flint Store Is Houtz, of Monroe, Wis., were given Korean College President time of 9:18.7 betters his own confer- journalism in 1910.
Osted Bys Ftk rers s the succeeing mentions in the Booth T Gu ence record of 9:19.9 set last year. I A member of the famous staff
C1oSed By Strikers competition. TO GIVe ak TO Stuldent iilWto okfr rpo that included Lee White, now of the
y____ The Booth Fellowship is gvni Big Bill Watson took firm grip onthticueLeWienwote
A the Bdof archip given in Guild At 6 P.M. himself early in the meet and pro- Detroit News, as managing editor,
HOLLYWOOD, May i.-(P) -A the field of architecture each ,yearContinued on Page 7) Clarence (Dope) Elridge, a New York'

Begin Removal Of Bilbao's
Non-Combatants; Ignore
Threat Of Insurgents
Hope To Transport
150,000 From City
British Warships Stand By
To Protect Ships Bearing
Inhabitants Tb Safety
HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Fron-
tier, May 1 .-(P)-Anxious Basques
and willing British skippers worked
against weighty odds tonight to evac-
uate Bilbao's non-combatants beyond
the range of Spanish insurgent bombs
and cannon.
Refuge around the Bay of Biscay's
bend in France for some children
was assured when the masters of nine
British freighters in Bilbao harbor
volunteered to evacuate as many as
possible from the imminent menace
df bombardment and siege.
But a shortage of ships and in-
gent communiques said the Basques
refusal to respect foreign refugee ves-
sels running his Bay of Biscay gaunt-
let menaced the success of a mass mi-
Time also became a factor when
Gen. Franco arrived on the northern
front to take personal command of
his troops, poised about ten miles east
of Bilbao on the Durango-Guernica
Government and insurgent reports
from the front conflicted. Defense
officers declared their lines, reorgan-
ized and firmly entrenched, had
brought the attack to a halt. Insur-
;ent communiques said the basques
had fallen back to their last defense
lines and were digging in to stand off
an offensive against the Basque cap-
ital, Bilbao, itself.
In the face of an expected urgent
need for speed in removing Bilbao's
noncombatants and a scarcity of
ships in which to carry them in the
rough Bay of Biscay, .removal even
of the 150,000 mentioned by French
and British officials "as their goal
seemed unlikely.
Diplomatic sources said the evacu-
ition of 300,000 of the city's aged,
(Continued on Page 8)
iberal Group
To Begin Drive
For Members
Tuesday Meeting To Seek
University Recognition
And Name For Group
The recently launched progressive
organization that last week voted
to affiliate with the nation-wide
American Student Union, known as
the ASU, will hold a membership
meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Union
Tuesday, to consider a name for the
group, University recognition and to
set its program in action.
Marshall D. Shulman, '37, associate
editor of The Daily, was elected pres-
dent of the group; Richard Clark, '37,
president of the SCA, is vice-presi-
dent and Joseph Bernstein, '39, pres-
ident of the Student Alliance, is sec-
retary-treasurer. They will hold of-
fice for the remainder of this semes-
Committee chairman elected at the
last meeting are Earle B. Luby, '38, of

the security committee, Robert C. B.
Campbell, Grad., racial and social
equality, Elman R.sService, '39, peace,
and John Edmonds, '38, chairman of
the committee on civil liberties and
academic freedom.
Carl A. Nelson, '37, was chosen
chairman of the cultural and educa-
tional committee, Ruth L. Horland,
'39, membership, Philip D. Cummins,
'39, publicity and Adrian Jaffee,
Grad., was elected chairman of a
temporary committee that will co-
operate with the local chapter of the
Friends of Spanish Democracy.
Regents Approve
New R.O.T.C. Head
At the meeting of the Board of Re-
gents Friday, the action of the United
States War Department replacing

strike that threatened to paralyze the
huge motion picture industry and
send 10,000 studio workers from their#
jobs, gathered momentum slowly to-
Saturday ordinarily is a slack-pe-
riod in the industry, so the effect of
employees already called out on strike
was scarcely noticeable.
There was a scattering of pickets at
department store by a strike which
the situation seemed normal.

as the result of a spring competition.
Any architect under 30 years of age,
and unmarried, is eligible to enter.t
The award is to be used for study3
abroad, with the winner to choose#
his own itinerary of travel.T
This year's problem in the compe-
tition was to design a recreation pa-
villon which would have an audi-
I torium, a restaurant, and open air
Decision was made by a jury of
10 architects, four from Detroit and
five from the staff of the College ofC
Architecture. Men from Detroit in-i
cluded C. W Ditchy, Robert Hubel,

Dr. Edmund Davison Soper, presi-
dent of Ohio Wesleyan University
will speak on "Ourselves and the Fu-,
ture" at 10:30 a.m. today at the First
Methodist Episcopal Church,
" Dr. Soper was born in Tokio, Ja-
pan and was educated in this country.'
He has been Student Secretary of the
Y.M.C.A., professor at Ohio Wesleyan
and Northwestern University as well
as Dean of the School of Religion at
Duke University. He has been pres-
ident of Ohio Wesleyan since 1928.
Miss Alice Appenzeller, president
of Ewna College in Seoul, Korea, will
be the speaker at the 6 p.m. meeting
of the Wesleyan Guild at Stalker Hall.
Dr. C. C.' Probert of Flint will
speak on the General Motors Strike
at 7:30 p.m. at the Unitarian Church.
The Rev. H. P. Marley will give a

'G-Ma n' To Talk
On Criminology
At Union Forum
Jay C. Newman, special agent in
charge of Federal Bureau of Investi-
gation, will speak on "Crime Detec-
tion" 4.30 p.m. today in the Main
Ballroom of the Union. This will be
one of two extra-seasonal Union Sun-
day Forums, H. Murray Campbell, '38,
chairman, said yesterday,
Appointed to the Bureau 11 year'
ago, Mr. Newman was recently desig-
nated by J. Edgar Hoover, chief of
the Federal Bureauof Investigation
as Special Agent in charge of the

By BONTI WILLIAMS (By The Associated Press) Malcolm Sterton, and Amedeo Leone.
Herm Fishman had one of his good IDismissal of several organizers by (Continued on Page 3
days, Steve Uricek found his batting the United Automobile Workers of
eye, and Johnny Dagenhard was as America and the closing of a Flint Wilmot Pratt To Play -
wild as a Hawk. The result was that department store b ya strike which
Michigan's highly touted baseball had UAWA support topped develop- CarIllon At 2: 15 P.M.
team chalked up a 4-3 victory over ments on Michigan's labor front Sat-
Ohio State yesterday to remain in urday. Wilmot F. Pratt, University Caril-
the thick of the fight for Western The National Labor Relations lonneur, will play the following pro-
Conference title honors with a record Board was asked to conduct elections gram on the Charles Baird Carillon
of three wins and one defeat. in two industrial plants next week in the Burton Memorial Tower at
Fishman, stocky Detroit junior, to determine employe representatives 2:15 p.m., today:
went the route for the Wolverines. He for collective bargaining; a strike of "Preludium, Theme and Varia-
allowed the Bucks just six scattered window-cleaners in Grand Rapids tions," by Nees; "Music in the Air,"
hits and two bases on balls as he kept was settled; two plants of a Corunna anonymous; three German songs:
the situation well under control radio cabinet manufacturing concern Beethoven's "Die ehre Gottes aus
throughout the entire game. were closed by a strike, and a Flint der Natur," Schubert's "Heiden-
Uricek returned to form with a judge started an investigation of the Roslein" and "Standchen," and "On-
bang yesterday as he singled home dry cleaning business following a ward Christian Soldiers," by Sulli-
the first Michigan run in the open- picket line dispute. van.
ing stanza, drove across numbers two-
and three in the big fifth inning,'
and scored the fourth and final Wol- TAWA Will Soon Control All
verine tally in the same canto. When'
Dagenhard hit Steve in the sixths i-
ning the belligerent Wolverine sec- Au .,to U le s 1C S nt
ond sacker started for the mound,
bat in hand, but thought better of
it and finally trotted off to first. By JAMES DUNLAP who have joined the organizationa
The visitors started the scoring in Judging by the recent vote of Pack- have any notion as to what advan-
their half of the first when an error rsnages it might offer them."
and a lusty double by Centerfielderad employes, the UAWA will soon Professor Jamison likened this
Bill Booth put them out in front, 1-0. have complete authority over all the u i " ga
Michigan came right back in their automobile workers in America, Prof. "frenzy" in which people have been
(Continued on Pace 6) Charles L. Jamison of the business known to do almost anything be-
T H administration school said yesterday. cause "everyone else seemed to be
Reed1To aik Here But just how long this control will doing it." Reasoning seldom goes
last depends mostly upon how strong beyond this point, he said.
On Music May 11 an arm the union can hold over the I "Several years after this organiz-
employes, Professor Jamison believes.' ing frenzy begins to subside employes
Peter Hugh Reed, noted author, "Even Ford, who has heretofore de- will lose their enthusiasm for the
music critic and record authority, will fled all unions will eventually have to union and the association will prob-
lecture here NMay 11 on a coast-to- yield to this onrush of union senti- ably have to install definite measures
coast speaking tour preceding 'the ment," he said. to keep organized. Under peaceful
Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra "Six months ago union sentiment conditions the employes will see no


I advertising man, as Sports Editor,
Harold (Opie) Titus, famous writer
recently appointed head of the State
Department of Conservation, as News
Editor, and Norm Hill, executive sec-
retary at Lansing, as Business Man-
ager, Governor Murphy held the po-
;ition of a night editor.
Writing to The Daily, he said:
" 'Opie' (named after a Baron Mun-
chausen comic strip character) Titus
once sent me to interview Sir Ernest
Shackleton, the famous British ex-
plorer and discoverer of the South
?ole. I talked to him while he was
taking a sponge bath in his room in
the old Whitney Hotel. He carried
his own tub, which was all right with
the Whitney, and like a good Eng-
lishman, he used a sponge and the tin
The interview turned out to be a
scoop-Shackleton predicted the dis-
covery'of the North Pole by Admiral
Peary within six months.
Writing "of the days that were very
dear to me," Governor Murphy said,
"After the first papers were off and
the result of the night's work was
" in our hands in concrete form it was
thrilling to go home just as dawn was
breaking with a song in your heart.
There was glamour and adventure
about all this which I shall not for-

talk on "Let Humanity Sing" at the Bureau's Detroit Division. Previous-
regular service at 11 a.m. ly, he had been in charge of the St.
The Rev. William H. Walker of Louis, San Francisco and Denver,
Detroit will speak on "The Prophet B
____ ___ M NPra is exiected t0 wive a

Who Outdistanced the Charger" at,
the 10:45 a.m, service of worship of
khe First Congregational Church.
Prof. William H. Worrell of the
Oriental languages' department will.
speak on "Types of Religion in the I
Near East" at 7 p.m. at Harris Hall.
"The Meaning of Life" will be the
subject upon which the Rev. W. P.
Lemon will speak at the 10:45 a.m.-
service of the Presbyterian Church.
The Rev. R. Edward Sayles will de-
liver a sermon on the "Fruits of Re-
ligion" at the 10:45 a.m. service of:
worship of the First Baptist Church.l
"Is Christianity Practical" will be
the sermon topic at the 10:30 a.m.'

vJr. ewalis p g a
"G-Man's" version of crime and mod-
ern methods used in its detection.
President Ruthven has also consent-
ed to conduct a forum when he re-
turns from a conference of college ed-
ucators in Washington. He will speak
on "Academic Freedom."

Spring Parley M irrors Shlif t
To Social, Economic Problems
By ROBERT PERLMAN mortality?" "Is thxere no such a
"Will some fundamentalist please thing as a soul?" These questions
iere askdbyhvSprinpy Parley partici-

service of the Trinity Lutheran I explain what values he expects to de-
Church. _rive from such an affliction as eter-
. nal life?" That question, asked at the
Pickets Take Posts 1932 Spring Parley, was fired at the
.majority of students there, who were
At Bow ~ing Alley ' concerned about questions - of God,
morality and the "good life."
Picketing will be conducted from ; Students' interests have shifted
7:30 to 9:30 p.m. every day at the very perceptibly in the last five years
:Ann Arbor Recreation Center, 605 E. to more immediate social, economic
Huron St., until an employer-e E and political problems which will
H . be discussed next weekend at the
ploye relationship satisfactory to the 1937 Spring Parley, a comparison of
employes has been negotiated, Ralph the plans for the two Parleys shows.
Segalman, '37, SWF publicity direc- In 1932 the Parley was "an-
tor, said last night. informal conference on philosophies

pants in 1932.
Only occasionally did the questions
deviate from this theme as in the case
of -a student who asked (prohibition
was repealed in 1934) "what degree of
inebriation is consonant with, or con-
ducive to the highest happiness and
richest experience?" or the one who
queried. (April, 1932 was down in one
of the lower valleys of the depression)
"Why our economics department
taught a system which allowed cei-
tain classes in society to profit . at
the expense of others."
The main topic of the 1932 Parley
has become one of seven subdivisions

wh4'ich will abnnearhere in the T'.ThI

was far in the minority; htoay, witn

immediate advantage in being mem-

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