Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, February 15, 1936
Garber And
Play A Hop
The 1936 J-Hop is an event of the
past, and the huge Intramural Gym-
nasium, transformed into a ballroom
for the biggest function of the Uni-
versity social year, is in darkness.
Music presented by two nationally-
known bands, playing for a St. Valen-
tine's Day J-Hop, ceased shortly
after 3 a.m., and the 2,200 guests
made their way into the night - to
breakfasts and finally sleep to pre-
pare for the intense social program
outlined by the various fraternities
for the week-end.
A consensus of the departing
guests indicated that the 1936 J-Hop
would not suffer by comparison with
any junior dance held since the very
first in 1876.
The long line of the Grand March
formed shortly after 12:30 a.m.,
marched several times around the
spacious gymnasium, and then
brought the Hop to a climax by
forming the traditional block "M"
at the east end of the ballroom.
A group of over 2,200, the largest in
years, led by Benjamin G. Cox, '37E,
of Terre Haute, and Virginia Lee,
also of Terre Haute, gathered to
celebrate the high point of the win-
ter social season by dancing to the
slow languid music of Jan Garber
and the swingy rhythms of Jimmy
Lunceford. Throughout the evening
many of the revelers gathered about
the two bandstands to enjoy Lunce-
ford's Harlem antics, and the superb
technique of Garber's violin playing.
Ornate decorations changed the
gymnasium into a beautiful ballroom.
A large revolving globe, composed of
small hexagonal mirrors and sus-
pended from the ceiling of sky blue,
reflected the many-colored lights
Committee Provides
Thirty-Four Booths
For Campus Groups
Thirty-four booths, the largest
number used in recent years for
the J-Hop, were assigned to the
following groups;
1. Phi Beta Delta
2. Delta Upsilon and Sigma Nu
3. Phi Mu Alpha - Sinfonia
and Alpha Kappa Lambda
4. Acacia and Lambda Chi Al-
5. Psi Upsilon
6. Theta Delta Chi and Sig-
ma Phi
7. Sigma Chi
8. Phi Sigma Kappa and Tri-
9. Delta Kappa Epsilon, Chi
Psi and Alpha Delta Phi
10. Delta Sigma Delta
11. Phi Kappa Sigma
12. Phi Kappa Tau
13. Lawyers' Club
14. Pi Kappa Alpha and Her-
15. Independent Engineers
16. Theta Chi
17. Patrons and Patronesses
18. Committee members
19. Delta Tau Delta
20. Xi Psi Phi and Psi Omega
21. Delta Sigma Pi and Alpha
Sigma Phi
22. Kappa Delta Rho
23. Pi Lambda Phi
24. Chi Phi
25. Phi Delta Theta
26. Independents
27. Phi Kappa Psi
28. Phi Kappa Psi
29. Sigma Alpha Epsilon
30. Forestry Club
31. Theta Xi
32. Phi Gamma Delta
33. Kappa Nu
34. ASC.E.
Local Weather
Fails To Scare
Invadin Armvi
Fas hions
By Charlotte D. Rueger
Echoes of the old Grecian empire
and the later colonial period rever-
berated once again in the formal
gowns worn by many of the 1936 J-
Hop guests, and served as a marked
contrast to the sophistication of the
typically modern evening dress. The
valentine motif used in the decora-
tion scheme furnished an effective
background for the spectrum of col-
ors of the gowns. Dainty accessor-
ies of rhinestone and sequins empha-
sized the brilliance of the affair
which climaxed this winter's social
Virginia Lee, a junior at North-
western University, led the grand
march with Benjamin Cox, '37E, gen-
eral chairman. Miss Lee selected an
especially attractive Molyneux pic-
ture gown made of ice-blue slipper-
'satin for the occasion. Her full skirt
was gathered at the waist line. The
neckline of her dress was cleverly
made with drop-shoulders. Her for-
mal was completed with a dark blue
velvet cape.
Comes From Wisconsin
Betty Gregory, Detroit, guest of
James Briegel, '37, chairman of the
music committee, wore a delightful
model made in Bouffante style. Her
light blue taffeta formal was shot
with silver threads, and was nicely
accented by a cluster of red velvet
flowers held at the neckline. A stand-
ing empress collar completed her
Barbara Bloomhall, a student at
the University of Wisconsin, attended
with Donald C. Hillier, '37E, ticket
chairman.Miss Bloomhall chose a
Princess model of white crepe with
silver lame threads embedded in the
dainty material. Her halter neckline
of green satin ended in a panel in
back which ran to the waistline. A
"I told you we should have left that house party sooner !"
directed to it by spotlights in the four silhouetted valentine above it, was
corners of the room. placed at the west end of the gym-
The orchestras, decorated in front paedm.Theest end wf thegy-
and overhead by enlarged valentines, nasium. The east wall was covered
were opposite each other in the cen- with yellow. The decorations were
ters of the north and south walls. planned by Richard Dennis, '37A.
On either side of the orchestra were Beginning at 10 p.m., with the ar-
the booths, with silver facades orna- rival of the first couples, the two
mented with large circular entrances, bands played continuously, alternat-
and with interiors decorated in yel- ing at half hour intervals - Jan Oar
low, lined the walls. her on the south side of the ball-
The patrons' booth, with a large room, with Jimmy Lunceford op-
posite him.I
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Couples poured into the ballroom saucy green satin bow fell over the
in a steady stream, coming from left shoulder.
house parties and formal dinner By Clinton B. Conger Guest Of Publicity Chairman
dances. The crowd steadily in- A little snow and ice can't stop 'em! Red dubonet taffeta fashioned with
creased until the beginning of the They're coming from Nevada, Ken- a circular skirt was selected by Ann
Grand March found the transformed tucky, Tennessee, Oklahoma, and Timmons, '36, who attended as the
gymnasium packed to capacity. Virginia. Into storm-swept Michi- guest of Homer C. Lathrop, '37, pub-
The patrons' booth was crowded by gan have ploughed some 400 out-of- licity chairman. The skirt was made
a large number of dignitaries, Uni- town guests to supplement the 700 or with alternate stripes of net and
versity administrators, faculty mem- more co-eds and Ann Arbor girls who taffeta. The bodice was attractively
bers, and parents of committee mem- are attending the 1936 J-Hop. made - coming to a point at the
bers. More than 200 people were in- And through equally perilous cir- neckline and gathered into a bow.
eluded on the list of patrons and pa- cumstances of travel, from Ishpem- The back featured a low decolletage.
tronesses. ing, Dowagiac, Iron Mountain, and Her formal was nicely completed with
Houghton, possibly by dog-sled, from a tiny circular cape.
B adcs i Grand Rapids and Muskegon with Betty Hunter, '39, guest of John
roauCostlng! - their 105 inch total of snow for the Freese, '37, booth committee, wore a
J-Hop dance music was broad- winter, from Windsor, Hamilton, lovely peach net formal of Princess
cast direct from the ballroom floor Sarnia, and Toronto, Ont., come more style which was cleverly accented by
on a full-hour program from 11:30 intrepid guests to have their fling a ruffled cape. Her only accessor-
p.m. to 12:30 a.m. over Radio Sta- at the crowning social event of the ies were a spray of flowers in her
tion WJR, Detroit. Michigan social season. The Canad- hair.
The broadcast was divided into fans may, of course, have come par- A chartreuse crepe gown of floor
two 30-minute programs with Jan tially with the intention of seeing the length was the choice of Bertha
twober39-m inepor aw an Point Edward hockey team of Sarni a Schmidt, Detroit,' guest of Carl S.
Garber plin ordnd hisb and battle the University of Michigan Abbott, '37, floor committee. Her
providing the music for the re- sextet Saturday night at the Coli- formal was gathered above and be-
m. . e seum. low the waist line. A net ruffle ac-
F oal theeUniversity The appearance of the Canadians, cented the hem line. Miss Schmidt's
broadcasting station were used in however, marks a departure from the dress was nicely contrasted by gold
transmitting the program to WJR, guest list last year, in which a strict accessories.
according to Prof. Waldo M. Ab- policy of "Buy From Home Indus- Committee Guests
bot, director, who shared the an- tries" prevailed, with all the guests Athalee Connally, Detroit, attend-
nouncing duties with William R. from within the confines of the Unit- ing with Richard Dennis, '37A, dec-
Dixon, '36, president of the Men's ed States. Authorities, commenting orations committee, wore an unusual
Council. on what may be a trend back to the light blue satin Princess model which
1908 J-Hop, with guests from Lon- was fashioned with drop-shoulders
don, England, attributed the presence and floor length. Her half-belt of
of the Canadian contingent to the matching material was fastened by
recent U. S.-Canadian pact engi- a large rhinestone clip in back. Miss
W ANTED neered by Roosevelt. Connally wore blue and pink brocad-
College Teachers and Students Other colleges were scooped as us- ed slippers.
as ual, with guests from South Bend, Also in the Grand March were
Tour Organizers Bloomington, Evanston, Columbus, Dorothy Ohrt, '36, and Robert Bur-
Minneapolis, Boston and Annapolis well, '37, booth committee. Miss Ohrt
Liberal Commissions and/or and from East Lansing, Hillsdale, was wearing an attractive flowered
FREE TRIPS ABROAD Kalamazoo, Albion and Alma. chiffon gown with purple serving as
Excellent opportunity for ener- A possible motive for the multitud- the predominating color in the flow-
getic young people with connec- inous influx of pulchritude has been ers. Her dress was gracefully fash-
tions. credited to the fact that not only ioned with a full skirt and a match-
Reply in detail to does the J-Hop come on Valentine's ing scarf sweeping over the should-
Suite 511 251 42 St Day but in the current Leap Year, ers. She wore purple sandals with
New York City ' thus making it open season on those her formal.
(Continued on Page 12) Jean Greenwald, '37, patrons com-
mittee, attended with Max Graff, '38.
Miss Greenwald's yellow-gold dress
of moire taffeta was unusually fash-
ioned with the bodice shirred into
four pleats at the neckline, and fin-
. ished with rhmnestone clips between
Served in the Finest Style each pleat. Two large bows gave the
bustle effect in back. The neckline
and in a Delightful Atmosphere. was fastened in back by a rhinestone
bar with three rhinestone staffs lead-
Star bu s C le e Iing to the bustle. With her gold
STa u C ks ColleC fe inn formal, Miss Greenwald wore a gold
319 South Main Phone 2-2214 tiara and accessories.
trons committee, attended with Mal-
(Continued on Page 12)