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February 02, 1936 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-02-02

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Saturday, February 15, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three

Governor Fitzgerald
Heads Patrons Of Hop; Classified Diretor,
Faculty Are Included
Gov. and Mrs. Frank D. Fitzgerald FOR RENT -ROOMS
of Lansing headed the list of more CLASSIFIED FO REN Desirabe ream f Un-
than 200 who served as patrons and
patronesses for the 1936-J-Hop. ADVERTISING versity wamen. Seniar, Graduate
President and Mrs. Alexander G. or Campus Business Women. Apt.
Ruthven are also on the roll which drti na g ptme ares th n 3. 220 S. Thayer. McEntie Apt.
includes members of the Board of The classified columns close at fivel Phone 2-1225. 279
Regents, faculty and parents of asenms t ya 'e at en
committee members. A special booth tea eisa e . COMFORTABLE single room in a
was provided for these guests at the cash in da nce lia e reading iie quiet house. 715 E. Ann. Phone
(o bis of a five aere goreds toe 75 9
west end of the huge Intramural line) er ne or twa inaertions. iOc .
ec reading lice ter three or moee --____ ___ _______
Gymnasium. insertions. Minimum 3 lines per in- NICE single, steam heated room, first
The complete list of those invited resrlephone rate -15c per reading line floor. Available next semester. 500
to serve as patrons and patronesses is ree twe ec mere insertiens. Minimum Catherine Street. Phone 9749.
afollows: tisre liesa per insertion.
as s0% discount if paid withir ten days 271
Regent Junius E. Beal and Mrs. rom the date of last inserto n._
Beal of Ann Arbor, Regent Franklin one month ....................... CLEAN comfortable single room in
M. Cook and Mrs. Cook of Hillsdale, 4 lines E..D., 2 monthes . 8 private home. 417 Benjamin Street.
Regent Esther M. Cram and Leroy 4 lines E.O.D. 2 months .... ..8c Ph
Regnt0 lies en. 2s mesieh. one942.28
V. Cram of Flint, Regent David H. 100 lines used as desired . ..8 ---
Crowley and Mrs. Crowley of De- s linses used as deaird ........7( ROOM in private home. Will rent
troit, Regent Charles F. Hemans of 2.000 lines used as desired ........6 double or single. For information
The above rates are per reading line call 5634. 284
Lansing, Regent James O. Murfin based on eight reading lines per inch
and Mrs. Murfin of Detroit, Regent Ioice type, upper and lewer ease. Add I -
is per lice te above rates tor all capital TWO Single and two double rooms,
Richard R. Smith and Mrs. Smith of Letters. Add 6 per line to above for close to campus and hospital. 917
Grand Rapids, Regent Ralph Stone bold face, upper and lower case. Add
Ge per line to above rates for bold face E. Huron. Phone 2-1982. 293
and Mrs. Stone of Detroit, and Eu- ,apital letters.
gene B. Elliot, state superintendent Tehe above rates are for 7%2 point) FOR RENT: Rooms for Jewish girls.
of public instruction, and Mrs. El- 1511 Washtenaw Avenue. Tele-
liot of Lansing. NOTICES phone 3851. 276
Vice-President James D. Bruce and _ __-- - --_ -------- LAUNDRY
Mrs. Bruce, Vice-President Shirley FOR RENT: Piano for practice -
W. Smith and Mrs. Smith, Vice- Kroeger upright grand. Close to STUDENT HAND LAUNDRY: Prices
President C. S. Yoakum and Mrs. campus. Telephone 2-2603. 299 reasonable. Free delivery Phone
Yoakum. 3006. 6x
Dean Henry M. Bates and Mrs. TUTORING. Call Price, 4738. 325
Bates, Dean Joseph A. Bursley and Jefferson. 295 LAUNDRV 2-1044. Sox darnec
Mrs. Bursley, Dean Samuel T. Dana STATIONERY: Printed with your Careful work at low price. lx
and Mrs. Dana, Dean James B. Ed- name and address. 100 sheets. 100 LAUNDRY, carefully washed in soft
monson and Mrs. Edmonson, Dean envelopes. $1.00. Many styles water and hand ironed. Reason-
Albert C. Furstenberg and Mrs. Furs- Craft Press, 305 Maynard. 9x able. Telephone 7287. llx
tenberg, Dean Ciare E. Griffin and _ . _
Mrs. Griffin, Dean Edward H. Kraus MAC'S TAXI-4289. Try our effi- FOR SALE
and Mrs. Kraus, Dean Alice C. Lloyd, cient service. All new cabs. 3x
Dean Herbert C. Sadler and Mrs. APPLES, 50c bushel and up. Clean
DenDRESSMAKING-We have cloth and jfruit. Filtered cider. Phone 2926.
Sadler, President Charles A. Sink and silk samples. 1208 S. University. Wil i er. o S 298
Mrs. Sink. Phone 2-2020. 12x Will deliver. 1003 Brooks St. 298
Assistant Dean Alfred H. Lovell
and Mrs. Lovell, Assistant Dean Wil- EVES examined, best glasses made at
ber R. Humphreys and Mrs. Humph- lowest prices. Occulist, U. of M.
reys, Assistant Dean Peter O. Okkel- graduate, 44 years practice. 54^
berg and Mrs. Okkelberg, Assistant Packard. Phone 2-1866.
Dean Byrl Fox Bacher, Assistant
(Continued on Page 10) SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES: We'll
buy old and new suits and over-
coats for $3 to $20. Also highest
prices for saxophones and typewrit-
ers. Don't sell before you see Sam.
- - Phone for appointments. 2-3640.
STARTING WED., FEB. 19-21 lox
N IGHT'S DREAM" IT WIL_ aeon he Ma
IT WLL oon e Mple Syrup time.

First Comes J-HOP
Then Comes SPRING
cAnd Then-
All those beautiful, delectable
Things to wear-
And we're well known, not only for the fine quality of
our goods - but for "down-to-business" prices. We'll
be seeing you - in fact, we're ready now.
Ihet1R LNSho[ e
=q-531 ELiberty St ~ Michigan Theatre Bldg

V'A n n.- y

Matinee $1.10 - 83c - 55c
Evening $1.65 - $1.10 - 83c - 55c

We are distributors of 100% pure
Vermont Grade A Maple Syrup and
Maple Sugar. We want a salesman
to sell our product in your city. Our
salespeople vary. Some are elderly
men who need money. Married
women have developed a year round
income with us. Others are high
school boys and girls. In factories
we have men who sell to their fellow
employees and add to their income
without interference with their
work in any way. Often Scout
Masters become our representatives
and let the boys of their troop do
the selling. Many a boy went to
camp last year by this method,
Write to us and we will send you
our plan. The time to get your
orders for spring delivery is now.
F. T. Freeman & Company, Inc.,
535 E. Larned Street, Detroit, Mich.

different .. .
AGAIN --- chosen as the
official refreshment for
the HOP by the 1936
J-HOP Committee.


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