Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, February 15, 1931
FeaturedFillies Of_-opWeek-End
be Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Kendall Mary Helen Wendel, '38; Phyllis Mrs. Leslie Kindred, Ann Arbor; Lola
Blue CG rass Society ere Toto and Mr. and Mrs. James Freeman. Ludtke, '39. Campbell, '36; Kathryn Rietdyk, '36;
A CDDelta Sigma Delta has a breakfast Alpha Kappa Lambda Betty Basse '37; Eleanor Colbert, '37;
Ldscheduled for 4 am. after the Hop. Mary E. Maclvor. '37; Marjory Coe
- H D erby .V ard Is La un che Saturday night there is to be a closed Sarah Orndorff, Evanston, Ill.; '38; Marjorie Downey, '38; Harrie
ll _formal dance at the house. Marian Wellman, Jamestown, N. Y.; Hathaway, '37; Ann Smythe, '38;
Anfre Delta Phi held a formal Jean Hall, Rochester, N. Y.; Margaret Malene Tuttle, '38; Becky Bursley,
Many fraternities have planned The Phi Delta Theta party started Hillis, Flint; Grace Gray, '37; Eliza- '39SM; Ann Gifford, '39
house parties to climax the J-Hop with a formal dinner before the Mop, dinner immediately before the Hop beth Parrish, '37; Beth Turnbull, '37;
week-end which will feature a va- and a breakfast has been planned at which Dr. and Mrs. Russell M51- Louise Mars, '38; Virginia Delong, '39; Delta Alpha Epsilon
riety of entertainments including for- for after the dance. They will have colm served as chaperons. Arrange- Muriel Haskins; '39; Mr. and Mrs. Maxine Walsh, Detroit; Agnes
mal dances, dinners and winter sports a luncheon at the chapter house to- ments were handled by W. Leroy Has- Francis Dorner, Ann Arbor. Crips, Grand Rapids; Marie Trenary,
as well as a host of other programs. morrow after which they are planning kell, 38, social chairman.Aha Sm Ph Iron Mountain; Helen Frostic, Wyan-
Phi Kappa Psi started the week- a sleigh ride. An informal dance will Listed below are guests of the fra- p igmaPidotte; Vera Gray, '38.
end with a dinner preceding the Hop, be held in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. fernities for the J-Hop, and the Betty Merrell, Shaker Heights, O.;
and at 3 a.m. the members and their Carroll Hopkins, Lansing, and Mrs. various house functions. (Omissions Catherine and Ruth Eichelbarger, De- Delta Kappa Epsilon
guests are to gather at the Union for Loranger will chaperone the house are unintentional, but due in most troit; Nina Stanquits, Flint; Helen Mary Lee Brown and Shirley Krue,
breakfast. Tomorrow afternoon they party. cases to incomplete information or in- Greenstreet,Ypsilanti; Valerie Rancu, Hammond, Ind.; Betty Wengelin, In-
are planning a sleigh ride after which Mr. and Mrs. John H. Goetz, Flint, ability to contact houses.) '36; Barbara Johnson, '38; Charlotte dianapolis, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Guy E.
a formal dinner dance will be given and Mr. and Mrs. William Davis, De- Mitchell, '38; Joan Wentz, '38; Mar- Hillier and Barbara Bloomhall, Cedar
at the house. Bill Griffith, 37A, is in troit, will chaperon the party at the Acacia ietta Arner, '39; Dorothy Barrett, Rapids. Ia.; Stella Wade, Baltimore,
charge of the arrangements. The Sigmna Phi house. The party began Ma"ert MGrth, East Lansing' h3A' Jean Russell, '39; Prof. and Mis. Md ; Marjorie Sharp, Albian; Gear
cagoftearneet.TeSgaPihueThpatbea MageieM rahEatLnig1'9;JaRusl,-9PrfanMr.M.MajreSapAlin erchaperans are: Dr. and Mrs. Howard with a dinner before the Hop; and a PgMmeneyci; a, in 'n John W. Riegel, Ann Arbor ia Stritch, Detroit; Jean DeVas,
. Calderwood and Mr. and Mrs. breakfast has been scheduled for aft Peggy McConkey, 36A; Maian Ran- Grand Rapids; Alice Kilmer, Grosse
H. T.Ellerby, Detroit. the dance Winter sports have been dall, '36; Elizabeth Winne, '36Ed.; A.S.C.E. Pointe; Elizabeth Nelles, Pontiac;
Laura Jane Zimmerman, '36; Dorothy Bett Brown, Albion; Emiline Duck- Barbara Allen, Paula Squire, and
Chi Psi held a formal invitational planned for Saturday afternoon and Briscoe, 37; Rose Perrin, '37; Betty witz, Choula Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Margaret Thomas; Barbara Stewart,
dinner dance at the house tonight a formal dinner dance is to be held Quarton, '37; Mary Jane Atlee, '38; Warren Wagner and Prof. and Mrs.' '36; Marya Hoffman, '37; Virginia
and plans to hold another formal at the house tomorrow night. Mr. and Mrs. Al Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Maugh, Ann Arbor; Nimmo, '37; Mary Jane Crowley,
dance tomorrow night. The house Beta Theta Pi held a dinner dance Carlton Brickell, Mr. and Mrs. C. Rus- Esther Henks, Detroit; Virginia '38; Jeannette Hoffman, '38; Virgini
party is being chaperoned by Mr. and tonight and is planning a closed for sell Pryce, and Esther Dillman, Ann Stephens, Ishpeming; Betty Bom- Jackson, '38; Nancy Stonington, '39;
Mrs. Leslie Kindred and Mr. and Mrs. mal dance tomorrow night. The Arbor. hoff and Bernadette Sarata, Jackson; Elizabeth Guild, '39; Alice Goslin,
Robert Carson. party is being chaperoned by Mr. and Alpha Chi Sigma Bertha Robinson, Monroe; Ellen Spec.; Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Collins
Delta Kappa Epsilon is also plan- Mrs. Paul Minsel, Detroit, and Mr.B-
ning a house party this week-end and Mrs. George Martin, Detroit. Barbara Seargeant, Battle Creek; Boergert, Saginaw; Alice Gunther, Grand Rapids; Dr. William Brace.
Their chaperons are: Mr. and Mrs. The Theta Delta Chi house party 'Elizabeth Barber, Detroit; Marie R. '36Ed; Billie McMachan, '37; Dor- Ann Arbor.
Fred H. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. will be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Prahl, Flint; Ola VerPlanck, Jackson. othy Calloway, '38; Marjorie Kief, Delta Sigma Delta
Hillier, Cedar Rapids, Ia., Dr. William John C. Garrels, Grosse Ile, and Mr. ta Ph 38; Dorothy Platt, '38; Thelma Bail- Dorothy Triplett, Bluffton, .; Mrs.
M. Brace, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Downs, and Mrs. E. F. Barker. A dinner was Alphaey,39;Ruth Garlough, Grad' Louise Francis h. Lettield and Margaret
and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Fuller. held tonight and a formal dance has Jean MacIntosh, Winnetka, Ill.; Schottstaedt, Grad; Faize Shevket, Sharpe, Bay City; Jane Fauver and
- -"'-- - been planned for tomorrow night. Madelyn Appel, Detroit; Mary Gillen, Grad. Naola Pankey Detroit; Dorothy Wil-
> Theta Xi is planning a breakfast Pontiac; Sally Browne, '36; Ruth Alpha Tau Omega I son, Grand Rapids; Helen Hare,
which will be held at the chapter Rich, '36; Kathryn Geraldine Kuss, Bloomington, Ind.; Madeline Knox, Virginia Reimer and
ohouse after the Hop. Saturday night Katherine Shields, '36; Ann Tim- June Clark and Jean Gibbs, South Louise Deming, Jackson;Jeanne Wil-
T h P r rot They will hold a dinner at the Union, mons, '36; Jean Greenwald, '37; Alice Bend, Ind.; Betty Austin, Kenmore, kinson and Virginia Stabler, Lansing;
ofer which a dance will be given Zingg, '37; Nancy Cassidy, '38; Hat- N. Y.; Jeannette Parry, Long Island, Mary McLaughlin, Yermontville; Dr.
at the house. The chaperones will tibell Grow, '38; Betty Morgan, 38; N.Y.. Helen Thornberry, New York; and Mrs. Walter Seeburger, Dr. and
-- Betty Marsh, Toledo; Anna Van Mrs. L. P. Leigh, Dr. and Mrs. Russell
-- -Schaik, Grand Rapids; Florence Mid- W. Bunting, Dr. and Mrs. Paul H.
worth, '38; Jayne Roberts, '38; Ruth Jeserich; Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Klaus-
Harris, '39; Marjory Link, '39. meyer; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Gil-
A aBeta Theta Pi son, Doris Amundsen and Mildred
IS I IScie Nan Kervis, Gak Park, Ill.. Whipkey of Ann Arbor; Betty Rich,
,Harriet Brelsford. Birmingham; Mr. '36; Virginia Swift, '36; Mae Shilling,
and Mrs. Paui E. Minsel and Mr. and 37
Mrs. George Mwarte D ,. e-a Sim Pi
Fredericks and Dorothy Moshier, Barbara Spencer, St. Louis, Mo.;
Grand Rapids; Nancy Newton, Ypsi- Johanna Knowlton, Cleveland, O.;
0 lanti; Harriet Heath, '37; Jaqueline Frances Barnett and Amy Bruegge-
Dial 7991 327 South Main Kolle, '37; Mary Potter, '37; Charlotte man, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Morris F.
COME ONE ! Rueger, '37; Betty Walsh, '37SM; Jo- Cary, Bertha Mae Hart, Betty Lyon
0--- - -- 'sephine Wilcox, '37; Marian Dailey, and Harriet Pike, Grand Rapids;
COME ALL! ---- '38; Betty Fauver, '38; Katherine Louise Ehms, Grosse Pointe; Mary
Johnston, '38; Barbara Worth, '37; Moore and Roberta Tiefanthal, Kala-
'Margaret Mitchell, '39; Mary Skin- mazoo; Leah and Elizabeth Collins,
ak thtJner,-'39;HpA CgiTunt, Spec.SM. Chantad Saunders and Prof. and Mrs.
Make thatJ-o 0 VACATION TRAVEL Virginia ut pM John W. Riegel, Ann Arbor; Jeanne
J ^o ~IV I I A .L h h Pray, 37.
week-end complete SPRING or SUMMER Jane Evans, Syracuse, N. Y.; Bet- Delta Tau Delta
weekendcomlet ~ PRIG o SU MERty Kehoe and Nancy Van Luven, To- Ann Brown, Windsor, Ont.; Helen
O b dropping in for ledo, O.; Louise Maystrik, Oklahoma AnBrnWds, t.Hen
Ct k; r Cg , sSwanson, LaPorte, Ind.; Sylvia Stone,
City, Oka.; Barbara Cosrave, Pitt- New York; Jane Kennard, Cleveland,
a bite to eat, at the LET TRAVEL EXPERTS HELP burg, Pa.; Betty Klingenmith Vigia Beresnd Mad,
A~l~ M KEBloomfdeld Bills; Renee Renaud, Luck, ToeoB.; Eul tan Mra
0 PLAN YOUR TRIP AND MAKE Jeanne Joy and Matilda Williams,Arbor;Mr ScrtonEulaliDorothy Fet-
iiDetroit; Betsy Strain, Grosse Pointe;'ro;Mr catn ooh lt
YOUR RESERVATIONS Marion Farr, Port Huron' Sue Or, cher, Kathryn Flynn and June Bar-
Marin Frr, ortHurn; Se Or' er, Detroit; Catherine Wray, Fre-
TA O . . . . . . Saginaw; Florence Harper, '36; Bet- m o it; athdsn r yk;B-
SlJ ~~~~~~~~~~mont;tyQamn'3;JntCre,37 i Ruth Judson, Roya Oak; an-
ty Qualman, '36; Janet Carver, '37; nie Milne and Anne Frost, Saginaw;
Frederick S. 'Randall Mary Ellen Menard, '37; Helen Rowe, Adelaine Callery, '36Ed.; Barbara
'37; Ruth Fowler, '38; Patty Haff, Miller, '36; Doris Vater, '36; Margaret
Restaurant T RA V EL SERV IC E'39; Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bates, Guest, '37; Gertrude Waehner, '37Ed.;
1dAnn Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Wade, Ruth Edison, '38; Betty Ronal, '38;
State Street 12 Nickels Arcade Phone 6040 Detroit. Chi Psi Jean Waterston, '39.
Delta Theta Phi
Marjorie Beebe, Oak Park, Ill.; Mary Del Thea Phi
Ann and Sissie Starr, Gary, Ind.; Lee Camilla Shields, Durand; Marie
I encColumbus, .; Dorothy Da- Kuhn, Pleasant Ridge; Florence His-
Tiffin, O.; Annabeth Huston, To- cock, Ann Arbor; Janet Kappler, '36;
ledo, O.; Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Sny- Helen Strain, '36Ed.
der, Port Hope, Va.; Mary Catherine Delta Upsilon
Ambs, Milwaukee, Wis.; Eleanor Lily Hindley, Buffalo, N. Y.; Su-
French, Bay City; Jane Fowler, Mary zanne Sleep, Waukesha, Wis.; Char-
T h e Starr and Doris Vehmeyer, Birming- lotte Clay and Mary Helen Win-
ham; Catherine Divers, Detroit; chester, Ann Arbor; Betty Raiss, Jean
Mary Ann DeLamarter, Betty Huldin, Ann Fishleigh, Mr and Mrs. Gayard
Patricia Lea and Mary O'Brien, Lafer and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lafer,
Grand Rapids; Margaret Ann Demp- Detroit; Alice Horn, Grosse Pointe;
A sey and Jane Eames, Pontiac; Mr. Camilla Shields, Marine City; Marion
and Mrs. Robert E. Carson, Mr. and Donaldson, '37; Anne Neracher, '37;
Mrs. Richard Degener and Mr. and (continued on Page 5)
And AL COWAN wish to acknowlege
their appreciation of your past patronage.
In the future, they hope to be able to W 14
maintain their same policy just as suc-
In Our Lending Library.
$1.00 includes 50c for Food.
Dancing Saturday Night as usual 9-12.
Corner South University and Forest