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February 02, 1936 - Image 17

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-02-02

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Saturday, February 15, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five
Entries In Grand March Sweepstakes
ginia Rolfe, Detroit; Louise Browne, and Mrs. Ralph L. Belknap, Ann Ar- Ganzhorn. '39; Caroline Ross, '39;
1,000 Fillies Leave Paddocks To Highland Park; Jane Jewell and Jane bor. Ruth Pardee, SM.
Wil-n, Jackson; Ardith Elliott and Psi Omega Sigma Phi
To Gle Partee, Reed City Louise DoerrP
iSaDnawGladys Schulz '36SM; Eu Jean McClain and Trixie M t?;:. Margaret ryan, Eva'son, Ill.;
dora Frazee, '36; Dorothy Cowles, Ann Arbor; Barbara Shuker and 1Iclen Bruckcrt, R ve' Forest. Il.:
'36A: Georgana Elson, '36; Elizabeth Maxine Yarick, Detroit; Jean Van Jane Wolcott Rochester N. Y.; Betty
(COntimned from Page lyn K n.er, Eluraa Nahler and Roura, '37; Charlotte Culver, '37; Broeckin, Lansmg. Hawkbi, Bay Cityn Betty Bloomer,
Phyllis Marleston, Detroit; Ruth Theresa Jaycox, '37; Elizabeth Ayres, Psi Upsilon Elizabeth Dwane, and Barbara Parks,
Dorothy Shutt, 37 Jean Steere 38A, a Flesto i o Ruth There Jayeo, '3; BabAres, Gr and Rapids; Florence Odell, Grosse
Dorice Suffrin, '38; Irene Wakeman, Bergman, Flint, Mildied Cole, 36D; '38; Muriel Meier, '38; Barbara King, Glade Allen, Highland Park; Jene Pointe; Jean Laitner, '36; Mary Mar-
'38; Mary Staley, '39SM; Betty Swan, Ida Solomon, '37; Ann Gordon, '38Ed.; Prof. and Mrs. Harry Bouch- O'Ferrall, '37; Frances Rice. '37S-e'x' ,aret Barnes. '37; Jean Hatfield, '37;
'39; Farley Ullrich, '39. '38Ed.; Bertha Miller, Lit.; Minie aid. Ann Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. David Mary Ellen Hurley, '38; Marian Bas- Virginia Rapp, '37; Jane Hardy, '39A;
Forestr Club Solomon, Lit. C. Vokes, Detroit. ter, '39; Mary Wheat, '39. Helen Owston, '39; Mr. and Mrs. John
Ph A iotz Phint Mu. Alph -r SWnfonim
Florence Gordon, New York; Ata Loretta LundbyMneaplis, Minn. Vigini nnr an oothy Siga Alpha Epsilon A. Gt ; Mr. and Mrs. William
Weiss, Milwaukee, Wis.; Beth Lillian Forshee, Ann Arbor. Shiller, Ann Arbor; Verna LeBlanc, Nancy Williams. Kendallville, Ind.;
wards, Albion; Prof. Dow V. Baxter, Phi Delta Grand Rapids; Jane Kemmerling Mary Fitzpatrick and Jean Taylor, Sigma Phi Epsilon
chew and Olive Braun, Ann Arbor; Julia Vestre, Grad; Phyli Risman, Ypsilanti; Althea Minkley '36A; Ann Arbor; Mary McDonald and Kay Goeddet, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Ger-
Virgnia and Marye Bamb, DetAroi; '37;Madestye, Golde;, '7 Ea' Thelma Buelow, '36; Dorothy Ander- Betty Thibadeau, Detroit; Betty Ann trade Leo-Wolf, Niagara Falls, N.Y.;
Virginia and Mary Lambert, Detroi ; '37; Madelyn Goldenson, '37; Eva son, '36; Mildred Shanley, '36; Jean Wilkinson and Ruth Atwood, Grand Teresa St. John and Cay Stevens, De-
velyn Potts, Dorothy Campeau, Jane Schaidermana; Sadie Percal, SN Fleckenstine, '36; Phyllis Brumm, '37: Rapids; Ruth Dunn, Ionia; Eleanor trait; Betty A. Messenger, '38; Car-
licka, Ruth Sutton, Eleanor Ander- Phi Delta Theta Grace Woodley, '37Ed.; Elizabeth Ni- Horrom, Sturgis, Barbara Bates, '36; olyn Beltramini, '39.
son; Elizabeth Moore, 36; Ruth Son- Earba-a Williams and Eleanor Rin- chol, '37; Grace Lamb, '37; Ruth Lav- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Maier, Ann Ar- Theta Chi
ian te, 3; Bey a i, '37 ger, Buffalo, N. Y.; Emily Jane Goho, ender, '37; Fannie Wilder, '37; Eliz- bor.
Ed.; Mosierini; Mary Campbell, '38; Irma Di- Harrisburg, Pa.; Janet Leonard, Ap- abeth Gorder, '38; Jo Griller, '38- Sigma Chi arol Foltes, Buffalo, N.Y.; Vir-
Ed.;: ayCmbl,'8 raD-peoWs;BtyHnok eri;DnaL~ac 3;Hrin ac ginia Barnshaw, Detroit; Gladys
manowski, '39; Magna Mountford, pleton Wis.; Betty Bancock DetioitK oana LeBanc, '38; Bermione March Arlene Wolf, Chicago, Ill.; Jean Draves, '37; Louise Sprague, '37; Dor-
39. Betty Jane Standard and Bobby Kus Ded Mr. and Mrs. Robert 0 Moi Stewart, Cleveland, O.; Virginia othy Webb, '37; Doris Hayward, '38;
Hermitage terer, Grand Rapids; Barbara Ren- gan, Ann Arbor. Thompson, Dorothy Tromper and Pa- Adele McDonald, '38; Dorothy Hem-
Mr. and Mrs. thur Meacham, Dr. den Laning Betty Scherva W'a Phi Sigma Delta tricia Jackson, Birmingham; Joan ingway, '39A; Nancy Kinnear, '39;
and Mrs. John C. Bugher and Vir- Jane Edmonson, '37; Charlotte Ham-' Martha Horelick, '39; Mynt Mush Detroi ParCae ing dom- i Ale, to; Mr. and Mrs. O. T.
giiaPehakAn rbr;EdthFo-ilon'3; raeSnde '7;Jenlin, '39. Detroit; Patricia Lee, Lansing; Dor- IStanley Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. James
ginia Pelhank, Ann Arbor; Edith For- ilton, '37; Grace Snyder, '37; Jean j i othy Jones, Ann Arbor; Lavinia Bow- Bacon. Ann Arbor.
sythe, '36; Jane Mueller, '38Ed; Phyl- Stone, '38; Harriet Pomeroy, '39; Bar- Phi Sigma Kappa ells, '36; Jean Keinath, '37; Mary Theta Delta Chi
lis Keller, '39; Jean Vant, '39. bara Teall, '39Spec.; Alice Hendrick, Phyllis Harris, Toronto, Ont.; Peggy Elizabeth Moore, '37; Dorothy Ray,'TeaDet h
Kappa Delta Rho Lit.; Prof. and Mrs. Earl V. Moore, Peterson, Oak Park, Ill.; Louise Mig- '38; Marian Bell, '38; Barbara Heath, Virginia Keeler, Lima, O.; Mary
Frieda Moore, Sarnia, Ont.; Eliza- Ann Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Hop- nerey, Cadillac; Jane McFellin, Dear- I '39; Jennie Petersen, '39; Mary Bell, Ann Milner, Toledo, O.; Frances
beth Mead, Bluffton, Ind.; Shirley kins, Lansing; Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Le- born; Jane Maigey and Connie Bur- '39; Virginia Richardson, '39; Mr. Bourke, Mary Jo Stein, Kay Watkins,
Hofnagle, Birmingham; Elizabeth vanyer, Detroit. nett, Detroit; Virginia Roux, Hills- and Mrs. George Lambert, Detroit. (continued on Page 7)
Barber, Mary Thompson Virginia Phi Gamma Delta dole; Edna Pennington, Sparta;
Hart and Maxine Nelson, Detroit; June Clark, Evanston, Ill.; Iabe Peggy Duggan, '36; Dorothy Utley, Sigma Nu
and Mrs. '36; Sue aviland, 37Ed.; Marioni Betty Schmidt. Hastings-on-Hud-
Mary Broughton, Groase Pointe Park; Nelson, Annapolis, Adn r. Reynolds, '38; Jane Freeze, '39; Betty son, N. Y.; Jean Hoffman, Cleveland,
Esther Dickie, Marian Ransom, Ina Fred Densmore, Ann Arbor; Phyllis B unter, '39; Florence Lucas, '39; 1 0.; tatadHritWloPnic nweJySeat hre i-Jeanne Cemns, Ann Arbor;
Stuart and Bernet Wilson, Pontiac; Knowles, Joy Stewart, Shirley Gin- tRiley, '39; Prof. and Mrs. A. H Barbara Allen and Janette Cowan
Julienne Sivers, '38. ther, Esther Henks and Betsy Bissell, White and Mrs. A. E. Meachem, Ann Ba inga Mrs. ar helps,
Kappa Nu Detroit; Katherine Doll, Highland Arbor Chesaning; Mrs. Harry B. Phelps,
. Park; Alberta Smillie, Royal Oak; Margaret Lafayette, Gertrude Vol-
Ruth Fields, Fort R ye Ellen J. Conover, Ypsilanti; Adelaid Kappa Alpha mik, Evelyn Orcutt, Betty Polutnick
Ruth Siff, New York; Ruth Witt- Crowell, '36; Dorothy Fogg, '37; Mar- Felice Wood, Tulsa, Okla.; Marian Bonnie Collins and Shirley Vaceluig,
Cleveland, O.; Myra Rosenberg, Pitts- garetPrice, Toledo, O.; Marjorie Mayhew Detroit; Louise Howell, Dowagiac;
burgh,yn K an D ertebe at- Jean Bonisteel, '38; Phyllis Campbell, and Eleanor Ewing, Detroit; Louise Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Snyder, Flint;
houen, Flinett; ianhVcowe ' '38; Shirley Crosman, '38; Margaret Stevens, Muskegon; Esther Lincoln, Marion Barnum, '37; Marion Can-
houn, Flint; Lillian Vinacow, O36 Kurtz, '39; Mary Loughborough, '39; Jackson; Phyllis Price, '36; Gertrude non, '37; Marlene Fingerle, '38SM;
Evelyn Bluestein, 37; Pauline Gor- Marjorie Merker, Lit.; Prof. and Mrs. Veneklasen, '36; Irene Sartor, A; Dr. Barbara Spalding, '38; Marguerite
man, 37; Ruth Lipis, '37; Miriam G -
Sauls, '37; Elaine Bubis, '38SM; Shir-
ley Potts, '38; Ernestine Roeder, '38; Walter B. Be, Ann Arbor. for
Irma Sykes, '38; Rita Baum, '39; Phi Kappa Psi
Rhoda Fuxman. Lit.; Mr. and Mrs. Doris Hitchcock, Chicago. Ill.; Jean
Julius Schaffer, Ann Arbor; Mr. and Shuster, Lake Forest, Ill.; Virginia V
Mrs. Samuel Greenberg, Detroit. Lee, Terre Haute, Ind.; Alice Bradley, are THICKER and
Kappa Sigma Lexington, Ky.; Jane Sexton, Boston, F LO W E R S
Margaret Ann Brierly, Hamilton, Mass.; Maude Corale, Carson City, FRESHER with our
Ont.- Marian Sanders, Winona, Nev.; Virginia Rustler, Bartlesville, FOR ALL OCCASIONS own Home - made
Minn.; Grace Hasley, Carleton; Her- Okla.; Jane Smith, Ponca City, Okla.;
Min.; rac Haley Caletn; er-Mary Jo Irwin, Richmond, Va.; Mary
nice Lewis and Louise Bierling, Jack- ary Jo I n Rimond , BMry Ice Cream.
con; Germaine Speyer and Barbara Anne Reed and Julia Preston, dna CORSAGES PLANTS
Williams, Midland; Lillian Miller, miaghem Betty Thompson,
Saginaw; Billie Griffiths, Ann Arbor; Knudsen, Betty Gregory, Helen BOWL AR ANGEMENTS CUT FLOWERS
VigiiaWites,'3 'Strickland, Betty Sheefer, Betty Sue, B L ARRA~~NGEMEVIL~NT CUIFOW R
Virginia Witters, '38. Graham, Kay Little, Carolyn Morse
Lambda Chi Alpha and Yvonne Trego, Detroit; Hester
Virginia Hinds and Caroline Ford, Green, Lansing; Helen Strand, '36Ed.; C I
Toledo, O.; Virginia Berns, Marion Margaret Connelias, '36; Mary Ag- onpvrsty ow er o
Field, Rhodetta Lepisto, and Elenor new. '36Spec.; Ronnie Stilson, '37; 727 North University
Sexton, Detroit; Evelyn Denne, Grosse Mabel Campbell, '37; Mary Johnson, Opposite Michigan Theater 9055 P HON E 9797
Pointe; Maxine Wilson, Ionia; Betty '38; Adeline Singleton, '38; Harriet
Ludwig, Jackson; Mr. and Mrs. C. Shackleton, '38; Lou Taylor, '38; Vir-
Russell Pryce and Ione Hunt, Ann 'ginia Van Dyke, '38; Priscilla Abbott, j - _ -- -__
Arbor; Alma Harbican, '36; Martha '39; Sylvia Callender, '39; Marcia
Nelson, '36Ed; Marie Soucaze, '36; Connell, '39; Julia Anne Welch, '39;
Kay Kirwan, '37; Merian Lotz, '37; Jean Bell, '39; Roberta Chissus, '39A;
Elizabeth Miller, '37; Florence Frances Sutherland, '39; Margaret
Schenck, '37; Leah Russell, '38P; Cram. '39; Stephanie Parfet, '39;
Margaret Johnson, '39. Betty Haas, '39; Winifred Cutts, '39;
Lawyers' Club Dora Anne Day, '39; Peggy Strickler,
Lit.; Prof. and Mrs. H. H. Calderwood,
Marjorie Mackintosh, Crawfords- Ann Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Ether-
vile, Ind.; Ellen Brawn, Cambridge by, Grosse Pointe.
N. Y.; Beatrice Devine, Ann Arbor;
Margaret Love, Lois Foley, Polly New- Phi Kappa Sigma

man, citby Leu Gomon and Eette Betty Petrash, Ann Arbor; Dr. and
Searis, Dci it; Barba a Robcrts, Mrs. Nelson A. Beeckle, Detroit; Elea-
Houghton; Mary Jane Howner, '36D; nor Blodgett, Highland Park; Eliza-
Jean Hoover, '36M; Muriel Levy, '36; beth Lilley, Lansing; Gertrude Over-
Jean MacGregor, '36; Kay Barrett, holdt, Williamston; Jane LesselyongRIBWOM
'37Spee.; Betty Anne Beebe, '37; Jane '37; Barbara Strand, '37; Jeanice
Lombard. '37; Nancy Quirk, '37; Betty Byrne, '37; Rose Mary Neuhaus, '37;
Sherk, '37; Betty Whitney, '37; Sue Doris Hoyt, '37Ed.; Marjorie Stebbins, qri the 2 U higan U nion
Willard, '37; Jean Finlayson, Lit.; Mi- '38; Kathryn Keeler, '38; Virginia
riam Robertson, '38; Jean Benach, Wagner, '38; Mr. and Mrs. Kent
Janet Leonard, Lee Bratton, Adele Thornton, Toledo, O.; Mr. and Mrs.
Helper, Geraldine Jorgensen. William Fleckenstein, Flint; Dr. and
Phi Beta Delta Mrs. Maurice Meoarvey, Ann Arbor,
Mr. and Mrs. Macy Cohen, Betty Phi Kappa Tau and Triangle
Halperin, Dorothy Markle, Diana Jayne Cope and Irene Brown, Chi-
Granet, Gertrude Love, Maxine Gra- cago, Ill.; Alice Mead, Ann Arbor; M i
bow, Annaruth Paul, Dorothy Roth, Alice Haigh, Margaret Alward, Ruth
Laya Fauman, Elsie Greenbaum, Ev- jSchneider, Isabel Hempseed and Vir-L/ "W

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