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Renwick, of Michigan,
Turns in Finest
Ward, Boyk Capture
High Hurdle
Five state A.A.U. records fell
before the onslaughts of one of
the largest fields to ever partici-
pate in the annual state track
meet held last night in Yost field
house. In general the meet was
dominated by University of Mich-
igan athletes who amassed a total
of 311 points to win the team
The outstanding performance
of the entire meet was turned in
by Don Renwick, the Wolverine
sprinting ace, in capturing the 60-
yard dash. Victor in both his own
and the semi-final heats, Renwick
retained his form in the finals to
lead O'Neill, University of Detroit
star, to the tape by about a foot.
The time for the final heat was
:06.3 seconds.
John Pottle, former captain of
the Wolverines, competing as a
representative of the Cadillac Ath-
letic Club, established a new pole
valut record by clearing the bar at
13 feet, one and one-half inches.
One of the surprise performances
of the meet was the dual victory
scored by Willis Ward and Boyd
Pantlind, Michigan freshmen, com-
peting unattached, in the 65-yard
high hurdles. The time was 8.4 sec-
onds., Westcott of Michigan Nor-
mal finished third.
Record in Mile.
Perry. Austin, another former
Wolverime star, established a new
field house record in winning the
mile run in 4:22.4. Austin got away
to a good lead and was never
Silber of the Cadillac A.C. turned
in a surprise victory in the high
jump. He cleared the bar at 6' 2%
to gain the edge over Willis Ward
who was generally favored to cop
the event. Glickert, unattached,
tied Ward for second. Silber also
captured the running broad jump
with a leap of 22' 8".
Dues, Detroit City College, smash-
ed his own state A.A.U. shot put
record by tossing the metal sphere
46' 5%". His former mark was 46'
1 5-8". Booker Brooks, U. of M. star,
took second place.
Haskins of the Detroit Police
force captured the 35-pound weight
throwing event with a toss of 48'
8%". Cox of Michigan was second
and McCaffree, unattached, was
Zepp Takes 3-Mile.
Zepp, Michigan Normal, com-
pletely outdistanced the rest of the
field to capture the three-mile run
in 14:56.2 seconds. He was follow-
ed by Kraszewski, Cadillac A.C.,
Lewis, Detroit Y.M.C.A., and Mor-
combe, Michigan Normal, in that
The Michigan Normal mile relay
team broke the existing A.A.U. rec-
ord by 18 seconds to outdistance the
U. of D. team. The new mark, es-
tablished last night is 3:30.
In one of the odd distance events.
Capt. Russell of Michigan covered
300 yards in 31.6 seconds to outclass
Lewis, of Detroit City College; Mul-.
line, of Western State; and Hersh-
cy, of Michigan Normal. Ned Turn-
er, another member of the Wolver-
ine varsity, captured the 1000 yard
run in 2:17.5. He was followed by
Yaeger, Detroit Tech; Wright, U. of
D.; and Kahler, Michigan Normal.
Arnold of Michigan Normal nosed
out Ecknovich of Michigan in the
600 yard event. DeBaker, also of
Michigan, finished behind Ryan, of
ie U. of D. to capture fourth place.
The time was 1:08.6.
A mile walk event furnished the
>90 spectators with considerable
rmusement. This event was won
by Foster, of the Adams St. "Y," in
Budget Not .dopted;
Cook County 'Broke'
CHICAGO, March 1.-UP')-Cook
county was a legal pauper today
because its commissioners failed to{
1t.sla -+d t ,f 1nR9) h mi_
Goes to Honolulu
Clarence D a r r o w, prominent
criminal lawyer, who decided yes-
terday to participate in the defense
of Mrs. Grace Fortescue, Lieut.
Thomas Massie, and two enlisted
men, charged with second degree
murder in connection with recent
disturbances at Honolulu, T.H.
Chinese Said to Have Abandoned
Kiangwan Front; Japanese
Advance on Tachang.
(By the Associated Press)
A battle of heavy ordnance over
the flaming ground of Chapei jar-
red everything within miles today
as Japanese and Chinese guns
hammered each other's positions.
The shelling opened up again be-
fore dawn, after a lull in the night.
while Chapei, battleground of
Shanghai long since shattered in
the conflict, was a blazing inferno
from the worst punishment, thus
Beyond Chapei along the Kiang-
wan front, action also was resumed
with the coming of dawn, although
to a lesser degree.
Japs Advance.
Japanese mnilitary authorities
said the Chinese had abandoned
the Kiangwan front and that the
Japanese, unopposed, were advanc-
ing on Tachang. They said the
Chinese retreated during the night.1
New Japanese troops, numbered
at approximately 10,000 men, were
reported to be fighting their way
southward from around Liuho,
where they landed yesterday.
Chinese denied that the fresh
Japanese troops had landed, but
apparently authentic reports said
the newcomers managed to get
ashore, landing on the south bank
of the Yangtze river.
They were thought to be advanc-
ing southeastward toward Shang-
hai, with the object of joining the
22nd regiment of Japanese infant-
ry, which constituted the right
flank of the Japanese line north of
Chapei Pressed.
The Japanese seemed to be well
started on their plan to pinch the
strong Chinese position in Chapei
between attacks from the north and
from their lines in Hongkew to the
east. Two powerful mines exploded
within a short distance of two Jap-
anese warships moored in the
Whangpoo off the International
Settlement. Neither ship was dam-
Seven hundred wounded Chinese
were brought back from the front'
to crowded hospitals in the Inter-
national Settlement. J a p a n e s e
headquarters anonunced that 200
Chinese dead had been found at a
crossroads which was under heavy
fire for several days. No figures
on Japanese losses were available
but a headquarters spokesman in-
dicated they had been heavy.
Owosso Resident Found Injured
Near Whitmore Lake.
Thrown into a ditch after being
robbed of $240 by two men in a
large sedan, Alvin Harris of 114 E.
Comstock street, Owosso, was found
early yesterday morning about 4
miles from Whitmnre Lake by Fred
Waite Thinks Law
Reform Proposal
No Vital Change
The recommendations of Presi-
dent Hoover in his recent message
to congress on the subject of im-
proved criminal court procedure are
both constructive and wise in the
opinion of Prof. John Barker Waite,
of the law school. However, the ul-
timate benefit from these changes
In legal rulings was minimized by
Professor Waite, who saidathat the
efficiency with which criminal law
was administered depended nine-
tenths upon the type of men hold-
ing positions as judges, jurors, and
lawyers, and only one-tenth on the
set-up of the legal machinery.
The recommendations o f the
1 president are by no means sweep-
ing; however, they are fundament-
ally wise and certainly are harm-
less, Professor Waite brought out.
He particularly praised the propos-
ed change which would do away
with the necessity for grand jury
indictments in cases where the de-
fendant pleaded guilty.
The whole administration o f
criminal law is in rather a bad way
at present, according to Professor
Waite who suggested that larger
and more important recommenda-
tions might have been made. "The
president could have gone much
further," he said.
The law itself, Professor Waite
thinks, is the result of a long evo-
lution which has produced the best
possible end product that man has
as yet devised for the solution of
the crime problem. While the law
is adequate, he says, it is the agents
of the administration of criminal
justice who are responsible for
nine-tenths of the delay, ineffi-
ciency, and miscarriage of justice.
Believe Conspiracy Is Hatching
for Restoration; Forming
- on'French Soil ,,.
PARIS, March 1.-(P)-A belief
that a Spanish organization is
forming on Fernch soil, with the
object of restoring the Spanish
monarchy, has been conveyed from
the Spanish police to the French
political police.
The information alleged a revo-
lutionary movement was scheduled
for March 11 in Spain.
This information follows less than
a week publication of a manifesto
for restoration of the Spanish mon-
archy, supposedly under the hand
of former King Alfonso and the
Spanish pretender, Alfonso Carlos,
his uncle.
On Feb. 26 a report from Madrid
said that Alfonso and Carlos had
asked Spaniards to join them for
the purpose of overthrowing the
The day before reliable sources
in Madrid said two documents had
been circulated among monarch-
ists, and in one of them former
King Alfonso had ceded his right to
the Spanish throne to his uncle,
Carlos in turn recognized Alfonso
as his rightful heir to the thrones
of Spain, France and Portugal. The
latter two thrones previously had
been claimed by the pretender.
HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Fron-
tier, March 1-(-P)-Reliable reports
from Madrid today said the Span-
ish Cabinet was seriously concerned
about the recently disclosed ar-
rangement by which former King
Alfonso accepted the claim of his
uncle, Alfonso Carlos, to the Span-
ish throne, and agreed to work with
him for restoration of the Bourbon
Miss Diana Churchill Proves
Beautiful But Dumb.
Tall and slim and red haired,
Diana Churchill, is a typical Eng-
lish beauty of the highest order.
Her bright blue frock set off her
naturally delicate coloring, and her
long black velvet did not fail to
emphasize her architectural sym-
In fact, Miss Churchill seems to
approach perfection when it also
appears that she doesn't talk. That
is, not for publication. For all her
external attractions, she is decided-
ly chilly conversationally. It seem-
Compares English and American
Treatment of Liquor
Calls English-Speaking People
Important International
By Geor A. Stauter.
Speaking bef're more than 3,000
persons in Hill auditorium, Winston
Churchill, "the stormy petrel of
British politics," last night ridiculed.
rash projects for disarmament,
struck at the "tyranny" of com-
munism, and compared the ways in
which England and America had
attacked the liquor problem.
He touched upon a number of
other topics, but these were the
most important and came in for
more attention. His subject was
"The Pathway of the English-
Speaking Peoples."
Citing peace and disarmament as
"ideals dear to both the United
States and Great Britain, Mrs.
Churchill said:
Questions Peace.
"It would be a pity if the Eng-
lish-speaking peoples were the only
ones to disarm and then something
went worng with peace. Our respon-
sibility not only to our own people
but to the entire world forbids our
entering upon any rash projects.
We must have adequate instrumen-
talities to defend our rights and
discharge our duties.
"Great Britain and the United
States could, if so disposed, limit
or control any dispute among the
nations. Not by force necessarily,
but by economic pressure-provid-
ing, of course, there was enough ex-
cess of those'instrumentalities."
Constantly, throughout his lec-
ture, he linked- Great Britain and
the United States in touching upon
his topics, saying that they should
"get closer together."
From disarmament he went on to
communism, bitterly denouncing
the doctrine advocated by Russia.
No Aggrandizement.
"We have the same abhorrence of
communism that you have. Neither
of us are thinking of : aggrandize-
ment. We know we have more to
lose by war than any other two
powers. Why, then, with all our
common interests, do we not act
act together? If this world is to
escape from its present misery,
there must be some nucleus to
which due obedience will be shown.
The English-speaking peoples af-
ford such a nucleus.
"We are a great power," he said,
"You are a great power. Together
we are mighty. But there are oth-
er powers and other forces, partic-
ularly that ruthless force based on
a doctrine that offers 'logical' solu-
tions for every political problem.
Eventually there will be a great
struggle between those opposing
doctrines. And then only will the
destiny of the world be secure. It
will be a battle against the grim,
new, cold-blooded tyranny of com-
munism. Perhaps it is the task of
the English-speaking peoples to
lead this battle."
Son Kidnapped
Colonel Charles A. Lindberg,
father of nineteen months old
Charles A. jr., who was mysteriously
carried off last night from the
family home in Hopewood.
Former Candidate Gives Consent
to Use of Name in Polls
of Massachusetts.
BOSTON, March 1.-(/P)-Alfred
E. Smith was formally listed today
as a candidate for the Democratic
Presidential nomination in the
Massachusetts Primary to be held
April 26.
Mr. Smith's assent to the use of
his name by those seeking places
on the State's delegation to the
National Convention, required un-
der the Massachusetts law before
delegates may be pledged, was re-
ceived by Frank J. Donahue, Dem-
ocratic state chairman. With his
letter of consent, in which Smith
said "I would not be interperted as
hampering, in any way the desire
of my friends in Massachusetts to
express their sentimentf orime,"
was a power of attorney authorizing
Donahue to file Smith's assent to
the use of his name with the secre-
tary of state.
Doubt Roosevelt Entering,
The 1928 standard bearer's ac-
tion assured a Smith-pledged slate
of candidates for delegates-at-large
and for district delegates, support-
ed by a majority of the party lead-
ers, including Gov. Joseph B. Ely
and Sen. David L. Walsh.
While the Smith letter cleared
the Democratic political atmos-
phere to some extent, it still left
uncertain the question of a pos-
sible contest between Smith and
Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt for the
Massachusetts delegation. Thus far
Roosevelt has not indicated wheth-
er he would enter the State Pri-
Anti-Injunction Measure, Lame
Duck Report Find Favor,
in Both Houses.
WASHINGTON, March 1.-(A)-
The congressional day had a George
W. Norris tinge, the Senate passing
his anti-injunction measure and
the House adopting the conference
report on the "lame-duck" consti-
tutional amendment, also sponsor-
ed by the Nebraska senator.
The anti-injunction bill sharply
limiting the power of federal judges
to issue injunctions in labor dis-
putes has yet to pass the House but
the proposed constitutional amend-
ment needs only routine Senate ac-
tion to be through Congress.
The Senate will probably act on
it tomorrow, and send it to the
state department eventually to be-
come a part of the Constitution if
the necessary number of states rat-
ify it.
Another constitutional amend-
ment rose in the offing as the
House judiciary committee approv-
ed a resolution which would exclude
aliens in apportioning population
to map congressional districts.
Open Bids in Extension
of Local Postoffice
WASHINGTON, March 1.-(P)-
Local Socialists
Besiege Churchill
By David M. Nichol.
"The present British governmentI
is, for all practical purposes, a Con-
servative government at this time,"
the Right Honorable W i n s t o n
Churchill, former Chancellor of the4
Exchequer and prominent figure in
the government of the British Is-
lands, explained last night.
"They are merely pulling a lot
of others along," he stated when
asked at what time the Conserva-
tive party would rise and demand
a government that was entiely
Conservative in its make-up.
"And an excellent thing it is,
too," he added.
Mr. Churchill, himself, was be-
sieged with ardent autograph seek-j
ers and with some students of ap-
parently Socialist tendencies who
chose to take exception to some of
the statements of the fanou Eng-
lishman. His secretary stated, how-
ever, that Mr. Churchill had con-
fined his remarks since the begin-
ning of his lecture tour of the Uni-
ted States almost entirely to the
subjects which he mentioned in the
course of his speech last night.
"He has not mentioned such sub-
jects as the Sino-Japanese situa-
tion," the secretary said.
Rhode Island Statute
LegalizesLight Beer
PROVIDENCE, R. I., March 1. -
(I)-As far as Rhode Island's police
officials are concerned 3 per cent
beer became legal today, and any-
one manufacturing, transporting or
possessing liquor for his own use
can not be prosecuted under state
law, as a result of the signing by
Gov. Norman S. Case of two bills.
As the new bills passed by the
general assembly last week went
into effect, the Sherwood Act, this
state's enforcement act since 1922
automatically was wiped off the
Speech Instructor Gets Rebuff
From Churchill Doorman.
Speech instructors, despite their
close connection with the lectures
of the Oratorical association, are
not always too well received by the
objects of their attention.
After the Right Honorable Wins-
ton Churchill's apearance in Hill
auditorium last night, Floyd K.
Riley, instructor in speech, made
several persistent efforts to get in-
to the the room back of the stage
to which the noted British states-
man had retired.
About the third time that the
doorman had shut the door in the
instructor's face, Riley said:
"I'm an instructor in speech. I
would like to come in if you don't
"I do mind," was the rather un-
compromising reply as the door was
forced shut again.
"Just crowd through," one of the
spectators advised, and the instruc-
tor promised that he would.
Several minutes later he had still
not gained the much desired en-
Lower Michigan: Snow over north
portion. Rain or snow over south
portion and some sleet Wednesday.
NEW YORK, March 1.-P)-
Col. Charles A. Lindbergh's 19
months old son, Charles August-
us, Jr., was kidnapped last night
from their home in Englewood,
New Jersey.
News of the kidnapping, first
carried as a report on the police
telotype service, was verified
through the Associated Press by
one of Col. Lindbergh's closest
friends, who asked that his name
be not used.
The police message which gave
the first news read:
"Col. Lindbergh's baby was
kidnapped from the Lindbergh
home at Hopewell between 7:30
and 10 o'clock p. m. Boy, 19
months, dressed in sleeping suit.
Search all cars."
To Bring Modification Measure
Before Representatives
on March 14.
WASHINGTON, March 1-()---
A House vote on considering a bill
to give control of liquor to the
states was assured today.
The wet bloc obtained 145 signa-
tures to a petition to withdraw
from the Judiciary , omittee a
resolution to bring this about. As
a result a vote will be taken auto-
matically on March 14 on the ques-
tion whether the measure will be
placed upon the calendar of the
House for its consideration.
In previous Congresses, 218 peti-
tioners, one more than a majority
have been necessary to discharge a
committee from consideration of a
bill. At the outset of this session
the number was reduced to 145.
Immediately after a sufficient
number had signed, Rep. Linthicum
of Maryland, Beck of Pennsylvania,
leaders of the Democratic and Re-
publican wet organizations, respec-
tively, issued a statement saying
the vote March 14 will show "the
American people exactly how every
representative stands on the vital
The petition was placed on the
speaker's desk last Thursday after
the judiciary committee had de-
clined to report the proposed con-
stitutional amendment by a vote of
14 to 9. On the first day, 108 sign-
ed. This number was increased to
139 by last night and soon after the
House opened today, six more sig-
natures were affixed.
The 145th signer was Rep. Mans-
field, D, (Tex.),.a. paralytic who
rode himself to his desk in his wheel
chair from his quarters in the
House office building after he heard
that Rep. Hamilton Fish, Jr., R.,
(N.Y.), was the 144th to sign.
Kansas Only Dry
State Out of24
in Digest Ballot
Out of twenty-four states now
tabulated in the nation-wide Digest
prohibition poll, one state, Kansas
shows a slight majority in favor
of continuance of the eighteenth
amndment, according to the re-
ports this week.
The vote in Kansas was more
evenly divided than in any other
state being 8,590 in favor of con
tinuance against 8,167 in favor of
repeal, a bare majority of fifty-one
and a half per cent. Nation-wide
totals compiled so far show 299,000
in favor of continuanc against 1,-
024,000 for repeal.
The only state besides Kansas
where there has been any sort of
contest has been North Carolina.
Even in this state, however, the
tide seems to have turned and a
wet majority seems assured; 8,388
North Carolinians voted dry while
Veteran Hurler, Given
Chance of Recovery
From Injuries.
BREWTON, Ala., March 1.-(!P)_
Ed Morris, veteran Boston Red Sox
pitcher, was seriously stabbed last
night in a fight at a fish fry near
here, given in his honor by a group
of friends on the eve of his depart-
ure for the Red Sox training camp.
Hospital attendants said he had
only a slight chance to recover.
Morris was said to have been
stabbed twice near the heart by Joe
White, with whom he engaged in
an argument after the party assem-
bled five miles from here for the
fish fry.
Witnesses said Morris knocked
White down and himself tripped
and fell. While lying on his back,
they said White drew his knife and
stabbed Morris after slashing at
him Whgm uni ~e in~ h~iw ith-+s
Open Advance
for DeKoven
An advance ticket sale for De-
Koven's "Robin Hood," to be giv-
en March 11 and 12 in Hill audi-
torium opened yesterday with
the sending out of circulars
through the mail. In advance of
the regular box office sale at Hill
auditorium next week, seats may
be procured at the main desk of
the Union.
Five orgainzations are cooper-
£1 ..U,.A... - _1 .. .L