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December 02, 1930 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-12-02

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Matt Mann's Swinmevs to Hold
Third Meet of Season
Tomorrow Night.

,o ."v_,aA ii .t.+ ct.'1. k .. APVERTISIN G D
_______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___NOTICE
____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ 551
a !Ph~L. lay toin~aht Inir' .,ejIcypal IF you have odd hose of miscel- e,
Two t ' r eniettiae T' n il metthe laneous colors still serviceable, n
qu.arter- fe i tefraeternity l~ain Delia rho utft t 73 let us pair them for you. Dyed to 2
ha 'x. Betav m..;hi ambDalKap-match in any color you desire.I
p.ca~ ~l~ ~ _35c per pair. Tel. 23865. 12A
to move up to this position while ta id Jll mrt- a the'-, ri time cas l- ______________________
AlphapaApa LaT d to tol over <ni~i 1eAImaPu. I EXPERT COLLEGE TUTORING c
the Pi Alpa I t« phmii ho2-t1. P 47 I 'Al'h~OmgaTommie Mack Tutoring Agency -
Tollnight t ClhcliRho Bela SigmaaPsI a the 310 S. State Phone 7927 r
Psi Upsilon vwillsso lyat tis ae . .e ---c -c p::~:3 2
time. Phi KaE;,e P4)ien Chi are EW11x iR 0. PERMANENTS at four, six and a
ached l-1i ir 3:30. eight dollars. The six and eight H
~ .Tht i a n2ei iOcja~ dollar waves include service.8
icrfinls f te ate na C~lV Raggedy Ann Shop. Dial 7561. 1SO
_ '~~~petiGlien by vi'tue of aforfeit. Del- _____________________
Pthe tnofaern'itytes r]M *roI o°I ta Tau lDelta reached this stag"e by Careful attention paid to ladies'
Plenty ofaetlen inin itor
-- ____-__--_-__ -the sam--ehod. Dcila Sigma I fine silks.


tAT1 TC_'i'h, cuc n crtinnin'It r ' nir.

r vta .A7 a gecjiy. sPair.
7ates. M. j. YHaisfl Dial 3087. WAN ?LEID
_____WANTED-Two men student to
board with private family. Ro a-
VOR RENT sonable. 720-Haven Ave. Phone
4578. 123
CHURCH ST.-2 or 3 rroms;
everything furnished;ney re- WANTED-A small house for t he
modeled; very reasonable. Phone second semester by a fac ulty
21588. B, Groves. 123456; man. Call University Exchange
.TCHELOR APT,' for 1 or 2; steam --
heat; conveniently located and 1 FOUND
close to campus. 507 S. Division. FUD- e detsn se

Coach Matt Mann will see d his'
varsity swimmers into their thir'd
meet of the season tomorrow nigh);-t
with the Grand Rapids Y. M./. C. A.
coming here to furnish the opposi-
tion. The first event of what pro-
mises to be an interesting meet is
scheduled to start at '7 :30, Number-
ed among the stars on the Furni-
ture City team is Goldsmith who
last year starred in the breast
stroke for the Michigan varsity.
Last Saturday the Wolverine
tank squad performed in an exhi-
bition swim at the Indianapoolis
Athletic Club before a p acked house.
and the conclusion of the festivi-
ties found several Michigan swimn-
mers in possession of tank records
notably in the breast stroke events
and the relay.
Mann is highly desirous of com-
peting in as many meets as possible
before the opening of the Western
Conference season in order to giv)e
his squad of inexperienced sopho-
mores a considerable amount of
seasoning under the lire of compe-
tition. While several of the mean
possess natural talent to a great
degree, they lack for the most part
sufficient experience to establish
them as well-balanced swimmers
ready for major conquests.
As yet the Big Ten tank schedule
has not been determined, but willj
be drawn up at the annual coaches'
meeting in Chicago on December 6.
With several strong contenders in
the field this year's Conference
competition promises to be keener
than ever with a strong probability
that several existing records will
be shattered.

Bob Goldsmith,

Star breast-stroker of last year'sI-
varsity swimming team, who comes iATV~ ' O O E
here tonmorrow night to swim for
the:' Grand Rapids Y. M. C. A. SEII& /T.Y S
against his old teammates in what'
promises to be an interesting meet. Coach Keen's Wresd1ers Work
~ Hard for Openiig fMect.
VA IT TAC Michigan State 1,ioimal w,,ill fur-
IT"" TO inish the first op osition for Coac.h
TP P f w ens resti:ers Tu esday, .Dcc. 9.c
S i I.I ffthoug'h Ypsi h as not an inter-
collegiate wrrestling teem 1, they will
Promsin Sopomoe Maeril ibring a team made up of the win-
PrM isnaS p om r M t ri l ners of the recent l-ca mnp us mni et.
MyCome to Assistance vpsi tori.ed wrrestlin g g as an , in-I
of Few Veterans.' tramural sport :our years ago and
have prodt'ced many Food :men.
EDDIE TOLAN -WILL RUJN Cacvee xetssifcm
petition in this ,warm -u) affair ndI
Michigan's prospects for the con- 1
i ig indoor track season are not the is drilling his mren every afternoon
brightest that she has had for some ;in1 preparation f o r this meelt.
time, yet there is a lot of promis- Strategy will 'olay an important
ing material on the cinder squad part in the winningof it his merit
to bolster up the few veterans leftCocfeanpditdndsdrl
this. year'. The sophomore crop CahKe rdce n sdil
seems to be one of the best and ing his men on the fine points of
needs only experience, wrrestling .
The Wolverines are exceptionally About 14 or 15 men will be eanter-
strong in the sprints with Eddie dntthsmeatcth eit.
Tolan, world-famous flash, Camp-dit hsme tcthwihs
bell with a good record to his cred- 21 the men wYill not havea to reduce
it, Smith and Murray, all veterans in cr der to make their weight,

earn its pi-,ce in thiis divisin.
mul tD ..cra Will Speak~
at AnnulCon --fcre iee
Prof. Eln-er D. Mlsitchecll, director

Phone 3916 204 N. Main St.
Forest near South. University
TYPING, script, of all kinds; comn-
p id i n g, manuscript, statistics,
stenography. Phone 9094.


)MPLETELY furnished apart-
ment for four girls. Steamn heat,
private bath, and shower, Single
and double rooms. Also garage.
Between State and Division. Dial
8544. 561
flat, with garage if desired
Handy to schools and city bus
lnes. Phone 4023. 234561
-Will sacrisle; for quick sale.
Call 6678. 1219 Franklin Blvd.
AN'S RACOON COAT for a six
footer. Attractive price. 621
C~hurch. Dil1 7037. 561

for p~rogressive merchants. Call
the Daily otie, 2121-4 and let us
explain it.



NOTICE :-Here is a new advertis-
ing medium that is sure to get
results. Call 2121-4 for informia-
tion and rates.

FOR SALE :--A new kind of a dver-
tising -- Classified liners -- they
appeal to the reader and rates
are surpri jingly low.


of Intramural snor:s, wilspeak 0b-
[ "ore the anniiual itramulral Con--
ferenee which is o be held in Chi-
;1 c.-e~ 3s not h? I!,:-d to Big Ten
schools., but is a n-, .P_ l confer-
ence. Iharvard, Uniivs, i c f Texas,
and Oregon o. 2 clng will also
have represenztativ-es oa the pro-
gramn, as well as several outstand-
ing high school; that have been
sponsoring intramUral1 activities.
"rStimulating S1 ucLeniu Int"e rest in
IAthletic Partici at i n," will be the
subject of Prof. MVitehell's ad1dress.
Othe;. members of the Unive rsity
Jntr nivaral department who will
represent the MIichigan delegation
include John j ohnstone who wvill
speak on "Faculty Intramurals."
Earl N. Riskey wvill give an address
on " Newvv ntramural Spor fts." A. A.
J ames and Randolph Webster will
also be active: at the convention.


and men who can

FOR IK i FIVSAJUH to turn in good time.
- tion in the hurdles
Ontario Squad Rated Among tough though for 1\
men. are sophomore:
Best in Canadian League. going to meet start
of Illinois.
(Continued From Page 6) 1 ioyt has twoI
rey has put on the ice since his quarter--mile, Russel
advent at Michigan and he believes last year and Muel
that it is a stronger aggregation the relay team. Mc
than the one that took the WNest- relays, Gladding, an(
emn Conference title las~t year. .uniper, form a gooc
Many substitutes are one of the Alien stands out as
biggest assets to the present squad sophomores in this
and the Wolve lineup will have The haif-milers
many replacements this season, all new; Crawford,
Adopting a new method of drill vitch, and Chase.
the hockey team is not getting the good miler in Wolfe
usual number of scrimmages this probability; and Aus
year but special attention is being rmiler on the Maizea
given to the fundamentals of the These events couldE
game as well as a number of new ditional candidates
plays that are direct results of the door meets.
changes in the rules that were in-
troduced this year. T1hese plays
are to strengthen the weak spots
that showed up in the corner plays OC Y
of the skaters last season. Later in STAND]
the season the large number of re-
serves will compose a team that NTOA
will give real competition to theNTOA
Varsity in their drill sessions. The American Di
freshman squad that turned out W L
last week thirty, strong will also be Chicago .....5 0
used in the pre-conference drills N. Y. Rangers 3 3
as models of the different systems Detroit........2
of attack used in the Big Ten this Boston ......3 3
season. Philadelphia 1 5
+ - International
SID COU T rT~ ,to......4 1
Ottawa......3 4
SH TS]N. Y.Amer's.1
ff !nefti Tn..........T31n~,1 M ons . ..2 3

be counted on
es. The competi-
Sis going to be
M'ichigan's only
es and they are
rs like Sen tman
M-men in the
11 who ran good
ller who ran on
Zosser from the
ad Noyes, a high
)d reserve, while
the best of the
are practically
Turner, Elno-
There is one
ewith Howell a
istin is the two-
and Blue squad.
stand some ad-
before the in-

Coach Kee n ex-oects the team to
show their best skill. Endurance,
will play an important part as the
meet is regulation length,

__. _._
_ _ ._____._w__e,_._. ._

"The Down Town Store for MichiganMen"

t S 3 fI
s r-f 'A 017'.;

For AMan's De~sire!
Confidentially, fair ladies, your sex
isn't the only one to rejoice in "fine
feathers." For that man is never
more pleased than when his wardrobe
has been augmented by some desir-
able new acquisition. We know what
he likes. You may buy here--not ex-
pensively for his much-thought about
Christmas gift.






T OF GA Pts.
1 16 4 11l
2 1'7 16 8j
2 15 12 8
1 15 13 1
1 10 26 2
T GF GA Pts,
2 14 4 10C
1 8 14 7
0 19 14 6
4 6 8 6j
0 10 183 1.

Silk Dressing Gowns ... $0 to
Bathrobes .......... $8.50 to
'ro 1
r' y a
' ( t


3i .:
r +t + C
Jig .
p ' A
! n 3I '
j , t fr
S '
T L' '
, Ll
. _ ..

floor game in which the smr.alle(r
players will be abie to coGpe
with the giants they are ri
to meet during the course otf
their ramblings about the i
CHICAGO - "Stretch" Murphy,
former center on Purdue's cham-
pionship basketball team, started
his first full season as a profes-
sional recently when he played
with the Chicago Bruins,

Today's (Games.
jChicag(,o at Maroons.
'Toronto at Boston.
Canadians at Philadelphia.

Windsor .. . .3
Cleveland .. .2
j Detroit . ... 2
Pittsburgh. . 1
Syracuse .... 1

T 0
1 2
3 2
2 2
2 1
4 1.

GF+GA Pts.
18 4 14,
19 14 8
14 11 8
12 11 6'
9 9 5i
8 21 31
11 22 21

Silks of quality, patterns of
novelty and interest, colors
in as w i d e variation of

47 >'

in a wide

variation of
and $"2.00

- I



>. ,

ever forward

Mene do- like shirts for
Chrisitmas. Every man needs
th en and mnore lhe wel-
comes a shirt from ouir
sore. Themc's a vast variety
as to colors, models, sizes,

For Christmas and many
weeks after the holiday pres-
entation he will appreciate
these quaity hose, You'll
buy .reveral pairs at these
attractive prices.
50c o$200f'
For tl- -at will truly
be appreciated. We sugg -7est
gloves. Fuir and woo,. lined,
pi,-skin, suede~s, and othet

ty' e, 4 ,uld Coo



Fr cr ni

J w e I e r s

#ero ;f k aiVerviiiep Ontario
A^ " II# -, - - &- 0

and patterns.


11 i



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