TUESDAY, DECEMBfER 2,1930 ACHE MTCHTGAN DAILY P'AQF SEV NATTO~T~ fl~'cAcKWIMM Matt Mann's Swinmevs to Hold Third Meet of Season Tomorrow Night. ,o ."v_,aA ii .t.+ ct.'1. k .. APVERTISIN G D _______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___NOTICE ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ 551 a !Ph~L. lay toin~aht Inir' .,ejIcypal IF you have odd hose of miscel- e, Two t ' r eniettiae T' n il metthe laneous colors still serviceable, n qu.arter- fe i tefraeternity l~ain Delia rho utft t 73 let us pair them for you. Dyed to 2 ha 'x. Betav m..;hi ambDalKap-match in any color you desire.I p.ca~ ~l~ ~ _35c per pair. Tel. 23865. 12A to move up to this position while ta id Jll mrt- a the'-, ri time cas l- ______________________ AlphapaApa LaT d to tol over ' __/ in a wide $1.50 variation of and $"2.00 - I EN AVANT >. , r-' :p ever forward tt Mene do- like shirts for Chrisitmas. Every man needs th en and mnore lhe wel- comes a shirt from ouir sore. Themc's a vast variety as to colors, models, sizes, HOSIERY For Christmas and many weeks after the holiday pres- entation he will appreciate these quaity hose, You'll buy .reveral pairs at these attractive prices. 50c o$200f' For tl- -at will truly be appreciated. We sugg -7est gloves. Fuir and woo,. lined, pi,-skin, suede~s, and othet ty' e, 4 ,uld Coo Mranu~acturin9 ill Fr cr ni J w e I e r s #ero ;f k aiVerviiiep Ontario AA A^ " II# -, - - &- 0 and patterns. AlII 11 i Ii I