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May 02, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-02

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The Weather
Moderate to locally fresh
southwest winds becoming
northwest today; showers and
thunderstorms today.

LI r

Sir igan


Night Thoughts ...
Doubtfully Democratic ...
l)rmsed Fit To Kill..



New Deal
in Schools
I Urged
More Organized Direction
Is Needed, Dewey Tells
Seeks 'Rethinking'
Of School System


Acadenic Freedom In America
Is Increasing, Says Dr. Dewey
Schoolmasters' Founder Is Heidelberg invitations or no Heidel-
Emphatic In Declaring It berg invitations, liberalism is growing
in American education, he neverthe-
The Hope Of Democracy less deplored schools that did accept
ByA E NEAsthe invitations of the German uni-
By FRED WARNER NEAL versity. "I regret deeply that Co-
Although academic freedom may be lumbia accepted," he said, "and I
having its set-backs during this per-thnitstobateUivrtyf
d ofcrisistisstditgaining Michigansdid." He based his opposi-
strength in America, Dr. John Dewey, tion on the belief that the Nazi gov-
hstrengthinmer icar. Jn Dewy ernment would use the acceptances
philosopher, educator and Grand- to prove their political and education-
father Schoolmaster declared last al ideals were generally favored.
night in an interview.
The 76-year-old liberal, who 50 The liberal arts college has pro-
years ago helped to found the School- gressed, rather than declined, in the
masters' Club, was emphatic in his opinion of Dr. Dewey. "It was cer-
assertion that academic freedom istain asd henl a
stronger here than ever before. "Of education was divorced from purely
course it has had difficult going," he classical subjects," he said, holding
said, "and pressure groups have tried that therefshould be certain kinds of
their best to stifle it. But they have education for certain kesds of stu
Tint altnncrcaradents."

Aydelotte Hits
At Restriction
In Education
President Of Swarthmore
College Heard By 3,500
At Honors Convocation
Both I Brilliant, Slow
Hindered, le Says
Urges Specialized Study
For More Progressive
Upperclass Students
"Regimentation and standardiza-
tion" in American education were
hit yesterday by Dr. Frank Aydelotte,
president of Swarthmore College, who,
when he addressed the Honors 'Con-
vocation in Hill Auditorium, urged a1
return to the old "University system"1
of student independeiice and initia-
More than 3,500 persons, including
719 honor students, heard Dr. Ayde-f

To Kalamazoo
In State Final
New Debating Champion
Crowned Before 3,000
In Hill Auditorium
Government Arms
Control Is Argued
Debate Is Characterized
By Prof. Densmore As
One Of Best In Years

G-Men Get Karpis
At New Orleans In
Downtown Raid


Meri Orranization
Group Meets Here
The organization committee of the
Michigan Merit System Association,
which was organized Wednesday in
Lansing, will meet this morning in the
The comittee consists of G. I. Nip-

Says Depression, Amount
Of Scientific Material
Necessitates Change

American education is in need of
a New Deal, with "more organized
direction and control of social life
and social forces," Dr. John Dewey
last night told members of the Mich-
igan Schoolmasters' Club assembled
at the Union for their Golden Anni-
versary Banquet.
Education and government, he said,
have for a long time exercised a lais-
sez-faire attitude toward social con-
ditions in the world, but the time has
now come for a "rethinking" of the
educational system for greater unity
of aims and thought.
A change in the conditions and
problems to be faced, Dr. Dewey
maintained, has made the dispersive
and diffused education which has
been brought about by its populariza-
tion no longer adequate. He con-
trasted as the old and the new the
education of a few financially fa-
vored individuals as against the edu-
cation of "anyone in anything," the
process of accumulating knowledge
compared to learning to think, and
the acquisition of an education by
absorption as contrasted with activ-
ity in the fields studied.
The necessity of a change, he point-
ed out, has been brought about by two
factors - the present depression and
the introduction into today's civili-
zation of a great amount of scientific
and technological material. As a step
toward the new order he recommend-
ed a unity of system to replace the
wide spreadof educational institutions
brought on by the tenfold increase of
the school population in the past 50
years, bringing' with it a change in
the quality as well as the quantity of
the education offered.
At the business meeting yesterday
morning B. J. Rivett, principal of
Northwestern High Schoolpin Detroit,
was elected president of the School-
masters' Club for 1936-1937, and C.
E. Brake, assistant superintendent
of Wayne County Schools, was elect-
ed vice-president. H. A. Tape of
Ypsilanti was named to succeed him-
self as secretary-treasurer, and Reg-
istrar Ira M. Smith was reelected to
(Continued on Page 2)
Speech Society
Initiates Nine
At Union Today
Nine varsity debaters and orators
will be initiated into Delta Sigma Rho,
national honorary forensic society, at
the banquet celebrating the thirtieth
anniversary of its founding, at 7 p.m.
today at the Union.
The banquet will also honor Prof.
Thomas G. Trueblood, former debate
The nine who will be initiated are:
Collins E. Brooks, '37, Mary E. Burns,
'36, Leo R. Burson, '36, Clifford C.
Christenson, '37, Frederick E. Dens-
more, '36, Grace K. Gray, '37, Jay C.
Hall, '36, Don W. Mayfield, '37Spec.,
and Arthur S. Secord, Grad. Mr. Se-
cord, who is the present debate coach,
was elected a member-at-large.
The program will include speeches
by Edward H. Litchfield, Grad., Col-
lins E. Brooks, and Professor True-
Blood. Judge Ira W. Jayne, of Wayne
County Circuit Court, will be toast
master. Election of officers for next
year will follow the grogram.
Former varsity debaters from all
over the state will attend the ban-
quet, according to Samuel L. Tra-
vis, '37L, president of the organiza-
tion, and messages of congratulations
to Professor Trueblod have been re-
ceived from all over the country.
City Lags In Social
Aid, Hyde Asserits
Ann Arbor is running far behind
the average small American city in

private social service, according to a
statement issued by Emory J. Hyde,

noL succeeded.
"Always in time of crisis," Dr.
Dewey said, "pressure groups become
afraid, and they attempt to stop free
discussion. But in doing it, they hurt
only themselves. It is that sort of
thing that causes revolution." He
cited the need for continually fight-
ing against repression, and declared
that complete academic freedom is
the great hope for democracy today.
A state university, he continued,
"is, of course, always in a precarious
situation. They have their budgets
to consider," He said he saw no ex-
cuse under any conditions for expell-
ing students because of their political
views, but added that many radicals
on campuses "are immature and have
no perspective." "They are interest-
ed so often in mere showmanship," he
maintained, and they must be taken
in hand by the administratipn.
While Dr. Dewey believes that

Varsity Errors
Bring Normal
Victory, 8 To 2

'Selassie Girds '
For Last Stand
Agrainst 11 Duce
Orders Troops To North
And Says Ethiopia Has
Excellent Morale
ADDIS ABABA, May 1. -(/P) -
Emperor Haile Selassie, determined
to defend the seat of his menaced em-
pire, today ordered soldiers to the
I north to meet the invading Italians.
The Negus called upon every able
bodied citizen to take up arms and
join the regular troops tomorrow in a
defense of the capital.
This army, part of it volunteer, will
be led by Ras GetachouvGovernor of
Kaffa and Gofah provinces.
Selassie, who returned suddenly
yesterday from the Northern front,
told his soldiers to carry enough food
to last them for five days. He as-
serted Ethiopia has only made a
-strategic retreat" and the war is far
from over.
Ethiopia, asserted the Emperor, will
fight "until the last soldier and the
last inch."
Reappearance of the ruler here dis-
closed that he has not shaved his
beard (as Italian reports said).
"The majority of our army is not
destroyed, and the morale of the
troops is excellent," he told the As-
sociated Press.-
"The Italian advances are im-
portant in length, but insignificant
in width and far from bringing the
invader a decisive victory, as claimed
by him.
"Even occupation of Addis Ababa
does not signify destruction of the
A narrow escape from death by the
Emperor at the hands of rebels was
disclosed by General Kornivaloff, a
military adviser. lie said the rebels
recently fired into the imperial suite
at Magdala, killing the Emperor's
valet and his chambermaid, both
standing near him.

Larso Oii oun~llotte decel t
Larson On Mound Against the bachelor'st
Slugging Ilhini Today; become not kn
Big Ten Lead At Stake 1of 120ours
certified in the(
Michigan's attempt to sweep the
two-game baseball series with Mi'hi- "Wes," hae re
gan Normal met up with a wor'ld of dehess
trouble yesterday at Ferry Field when in lock-step, a
the Wolverines found themselves in the race horse
such a generous mood that they were Holding that
willing to give the Hurons seven un- standardization
earned runs and thus drop their under the pressu
fourth game of the year, 8-2. numbers of stu
At 2:30 p.m. today Coach Fisher's tinually expand
club, acclaimed as possible Big Ten hip.e Dr. Ayde
champions, goes into action once cave evolved in
more before local fans when they face cated system o
the slugging Illinois outfit that to credit hours, w
date has marched through six Con- values to the f
ference games without defeat. Capt. educational pro
Larson will pitch for the Wolverines rate of progress
and will be opposed by Hale Swan- which it is
son, Illini ace, whc ti
son, lliniace.to deviate very
After two and a half innings of tiont. We have
yesterday's tilt the only question re- concerning cuts
maining in the fans' minds was how inations, which
many errors the Michigan club could of the time of
make. The Hurons scored once in not need them
the opening frame on two errors and do."
a single and at, no time staged a real-
ly good fence busting: rally to collect A rges
their runs. And all these
Pete Lahti, sophomore right hand- e. Di. Ayd
er, started on the hill for Michigan th pense of
and in the for innings that he studenatk like ti
worked yielded four hits, all of the (the honor stad
one base variety. Four errors led to The right wr
his downfall. Ed Andronik worked A we have gotter
the next two innings and was fol- Dr. Aydelotte, i
lowed by George Rudness, who had versity system,'
the least trouble in disposinig of the here in the 188
Ypsilanti aggregation. tically the same
The Wolverines tied the score tem- now employeda
porarily in the second on a double rystem, he expl
by Kremer, an error on the part of sive students, e.
Weaver and an infield out. The Wol- two years in co
verines satisfaction was short lived, major and twor
however, as in the third Normal independently o
,lcoredfour men as they batted inaticns. At t
around. year period, Di.,
In that session three hits were reg- the students tak
istered against Lahti, and the run-c
ners benefited by another pair of
Michigan misplays. Lahti also walked Ilan T-
two during the course of events .le
was relieved at the end of the in-
(Continued on Page 3) 1311i.
(2e er Uinpiaced iNext
In Speech Colesi -
. George ans
CHICAGO, May 1. ---(Special to British labor p
The Daily) -Ramon Irwin of the Pairlianment, will
University of Minnesota today won Thumsday, May
the first prize of $100 in the annual delssohn Theatr
Northern Oratorical League Con- tural Science
tst at Northwestern University, Ev- previously annot
anston, Ill. auspices of th
William A. Centner, Michigan Rep- the local branc
resentative, was given no rating by Peace Campaigr
the judges. "Ways To Peac
He will bei
Pa 'e, famous at
- will also descri
Emervncv Pea

gimented our student
rted. "They advance
nd we penalize both
and the laggard."
"regimentation and
become inevitable
ure of larger and larger'
dents and of the con-
ling fields of scholar-
otte charged that "we
this country a compli-
f courses, grades and
hich attempts to as-
ive and qualitative
Fractional part of the
cess. We have fixed a
for the average, from
ractically impossible
much in either direc-
e devised regulations
exercises and exam-
take about as much
the students who do
as of the ones who
New System
"results have been ac-
elotte maintained, "at
the development of
here in front of mhe
ay out of the "mess
1 into," according to
s to adopt the "Uni-
" which was in use
0's, or, what is prac-
e, the "honor system"
at Swarthmore. This
ained, allows progres-
specially in their last
lege, to work on one
related minor subjects
of classes and exam-
he end of the two-
Aydelotte pointed out,
e comprehensive writ-
uei on Page 2)
)n P"eace
bury, leader of the
arty and member of
1 speak here at 4 p.m.
7, in the Lydia Men-
re instead of the Na-
Auditorium, as was
unced, under the joint
Peace Council and
ih of the Emergency
n. His subject will be
introduced by Kirby
uthor and editor, who
ibe the work of the
ce Campaign.
)uncil, sponsor of the
e Meeting on April 21
nded by more than 2,-
d faculty members, is
ture as a continuance
It has also organized
ers bureau, according
igham, '36, secretary,
send out speakers in
ease to organizations
ncy Peace Campaign
rganization dedicated
sponsoring no single
ing it. It is engaged
e plan of student and
akers to arouse a con-
wr preventing another

hat "our standard for
degree has everywhere
owledge, not even in-
rather the possession
Isemester hours duly
office of the registrar."
t Regimented

Kalamazoo Central High School press, Saginaw educator, chairman;
won the 19th annual state champion- Dr. C. C. Shilling of the Western State
ship debate of the Michigan High Teachers College at Kalamazoo; D. A.
School Forensic Association last night Van Buskirk of Hastings, president of
in Hill Auditorium when it defeated the Michigan Education Association;
Plymouth High School by supporting and Mrs. Harry Applegate of Lansing.
the affirmative on the question of The committee will map out a plan
government monopoly of munitions of action for the association, which
manufacture. will back Prof. James K. Pollock's ef-
"One of the hottest and yet most forts to bring civil service to Michi-
excellent debates in the 19 years of gan.
this contest," was the way Prof. G.
E. Densmore of the speech depart-
ment characterized last night's de-TH ouse Passes
bate. Throughout the program, the I.PIS
audience of more than 3,000 registered D
repeated outbursts of applause as the Hnor eNew D eal
closely contested teams fluently
lashed back and forth, first with ar-
gumentation, then with rebuttal. Navy .M easulre
The question used in the debate
has been used by all the schools in
the contest and is as follows: "Re- Marcantonio Leads Bitter
solved: That the Several Nations F.T
Should Make Government Monopolies
of the Manufacture and Sale of All Biggest Peace-Time Bill
Combat Instruments of War." t1'
In successfully advancing the af- WASHINGTON, May 1. -- UP) -
firmative, the Kalamazoo debaters The biggest naval supply bill ever
mentioned the graft among munitions put forward when the nation was at
makers which has been so success- peace-carrying $531,068,707 in new
fully brought to light by inquiries such funds and conditional authorization
as the recent United States Senate for the construction of two new sup-
investigation. They also cited the er-battleships - today was passed by
saving which would be made possible the House after crushing down by a
by government monopolization, since 212 to 73 vote a move to strike out
conscription of industry could be used the capital ship clause.
in time of need instead of partici- The measure was ropelled into an
pation in armament races such as apparently favorable Senate only a
those of today.p few hours after President Roosevelt
Plymouth argued against monopolif-ewndoursdatersPressden t
zation because of the increased mili- indicated at his press conference that
tarization they felt would result by he might send to that branch shortly
placing arms production in the hand the new London Naval Treaty. le
of the militarists, and the dsadvan- did not commit himself definitely, nor
tage to small nations. did Senate leaders hold forth any
The honor'able Charles F. Hiemans, guarantee of ratification at this ses-
Tven hofrhe Chanversity w a hF. e sio .



!.tl;U ~J tit' t&l t 4UY W ,5Ji
chairman of the debate and presented
both schools first-honors loving cups
and the individual debaters with gold
wrist watches.
The judges, Prof. Gladys Borchers,
of Wisconsin, Prof. Pollock of the
political science department and Prof.
Densmore, cast two votes for the af-
firmative, one for the negative.
Van Wagoner Out
Of Democrat Fight
LANSING, May 1. - (AP)- The
withdrawal of Murray D. Van Wag-
oner from the list of those considered
as probable candidates for the Dem-
ocratic nomination for Governor
centered interest today on State
Treasurer Theodore I. Fry and
Speaker George A. Schroeder, of the
House of Representatives.
Van Wagoner, State Highway Com-
missioner, brushed aside the urgings
of party leaders who had insisted lie
had the power to bring together con-
tending factions. He insisted he
"must carry out his contract with the
-Delegates to the Michigan Con-
gress of Parents and Teachers adopt-
ed resolutions today urging Congress
to enact the Neeley-Pettengill bill
prohibiting "block bookings" and
blind selling of motion picture films.

To the surprise of the House lead-
ership, one of the noisiest floor fights
in two sessions of record army and
navy supply bills developed under the
generalship of Representative Mar-
cantonio (Rep., N.Y.) who centered
his attack on the battleship authori-
zations with a cry that "we are aim-
ing for an imperialistic war."
Despite backing by Mid-western
farm members, he lost successive at-
tempts to strike out the authorization
on a point of order, as an amend-
ment, and by recommitting the bill to
the appropriations committee with
instructions to remove it -- this on a
roll call vote.
The bill then was approved with-
out a record vote.
Worrell To Reiurn.
From Egt In June
Prof. W. H. Worrell, of the Oriental
languages and literature department,
who has been in Egypt for the present
semester studying certain Coptic dia-
lects and documents, will arrive June
10 in New York on the U.S.S. Exeter.
Leaving early in February, Profes-
sor Worrell has spent most of his
time in Cairo studying certain docu-
ments and special materials at hand
in some of the libraries and museums
in that city. Professor Worrell is an
international authority on Semitic

Hoover Directs Surprise
Capture; No Shots Fired
By Either Side
Prisoner Rushed
Away In Airplane
Public Enemy Arrested
Before Apartment House
In Heart OfCity
NEW ORLEANS, May 1. -- (P)A-
Alvin Karpis, No. 1 bad man of the
United States, was captured tonight
without resistance by officers led by
J. Edgar Hoover, chief of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation.
A few hours later, the man who
succeeded John .Dilinger as the coun-
try's most wanted criminal was placed
aboard an airplane heavily guarded
and manacled andtakenfrom the
city with the destination unan-
Karpis, under indictment in the
kidnapings of William A. Hamm, Jr.,
wealthy St. Paul, Minn., brewer, and
Edward George Bremer, also of St.
Paul, was taken into custody along
with Fred Hunter, 37, suspect in the
$34,000 Garretsville, Ohio, mail rob-
bery, and a woman whose name was
not revealed.
Hoover himself made the announce-
ment of the capture of the three per-
sons as they emerged from an apart-
ment in the 3300 block of Canal
Street, about a half mile from the
center of the business district.
"They were in an apartment on the
first floor of the building and were
leaving the house to enter an auto-
mobile when the agents surrounded
them," Hoover said.
"The agents called upon them to
surrender and they were taken with-
out the firing of a shot."
The prisoners were taken to an un-
announced place for questioning for
about an hour before the announce-
ment of their capture was made.
Phi Beta Kappa
Eleets Regent
And 5 6 Initiates
Phi Beta Kappa yesterday an-
nounced the election of 56 students
and Regent Junius E. Beal of Ann Ar-
The elections were made public at
the Honors Convocation in Hill Au-
ditorium, and the new members will
be initiated Monday.
Regent Beal was graduated from
the University in 1882 and has been a
member of the Board of Regents for
28 years. He has the longest record
of service of any elective State official.
Students elected to the honorary
scholastic society include:
Harvey W. Patton, Jr., Donald N.
Sweeney, Jr., Richard Brawerman,
Emil M. Isberg, Esther Kaplan, Mar-
garet U. Newman, Ann Timmons,
Clevoe D. Jones and Lillian Ogoro-
skin, ails of Detroit.
Israel H. Finkelstein and Nina Jean
Knutson, Flint.
Dorothy 3. Carr and Edward Wen-
drow, Lansing.
Clara E. Gilmore, Barbara E. Mil-
ler, Louis Olivier and Gertrude M.
Veneklasen, Grand Rapids.
Ward P. Allen, Battle Creek; John
A. Babington, Sault Ste. Marie;
Ralph H. Danhof, Kalamazoo; Mary
E. Groesser, Traverse City; Tom D.
Johnson, Augusta, Mich.; Philip H.
Trezise, Calumet; Erwin C. Moess-
ner, Bay City, and K. L. Nielsen, Rog-
ers City.
Elections to Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma
Xi, Phi Eta Sigma, and other honor-

ary scholastic societies were also an-
nounced at the convocation.
Michigan Alumnus
Gets Music Award
ROCHESTER, N.Y., May 1. --(R)
-Rent M. Kennan, 23-year-old East-
man School of Music instructor and
graduate student, looked forward
eagerly today to two years of musical
study in Europe as the winner of the

~Thiere'l1 Be NoI
If Professors Ho
Early in the spring when most Uni-
versity students were shivering from
the cold wind, over at the site of
the Burton Memorial Tower tests to
determine whether the ground. was
suitable for' the foundation" of the
193-foot structure were being con-
ducted by Prof. W. S. Housel of the
Highway Engineering department.
The purpose of the tests was to
determine the bearing capacity of the
soil upon which the foundation was
to stand, and the amount and uni-
formity of the settlement which

bllsed (aii hel I

. 1

How the tests, which for the ordi-S
nary building would cost between $300
and $500, were made was carefully de-
scribed by Professor House], who di-
rected them from start to finish. First
pits 10 feet deep were dug, 10 feet
being the elevatiorn of the Towe'
footings. A 60 ton hydraulic jack
bearing upon a steel plate resting
on the soil at the bottom of the pits,
and a platform with 60 tons of ce-
ment was placed over the jack. Grad-
ually the cement was allowed to bear
upon the jack until the steel plates
below began to sink steadily into the

The Peace Cc
University Peac
which was atter
000 students an
planning the lec
of its service.I
a campus speak
to Alice B. Bri
and offers tos
the cause of p
which request t
The Emerger
is a national o
to peace but s
plan for achiev
in a nation-wid
professional spe
certed action fc

Aydelotte Disproves Conception
Of Male Scholastic Superiority

The college woman, that much ma-
ligned creature so often seen upon
the college campus today, seems to
have come into her own at last. In
the opinion of Dr. Frank Aydelotte,
president of Swarthmore College, the
female student plays a vital and in-
dispensible part in the scholastic ac-
tivities of the modern college.
"I believe the ideal college is one
whose student body consists of both
men and women," said Dr. Aydelotte.
The co-educational plan is certainly

found that there were exactly 198 of
each sex."
When asked as to whether he would
advise students to obtain a liberal or
a so-called "practical" education, Dr.
Aydelotte stated that the best minds
demand a liberal education. "It is in
this type of course," he said, "and
especially under the Honors system
as found in English universities, that
the real character of the student is
developed. The individual respon-
sibility and initiative required to pur-
sue a liberal course under the Honors


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