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May 02, 1936 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-02

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1400 - 1, 4,A'rXTP3DA y MAY 2. 193141

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~AT1JRD...MAY ....193


Detroit Bank Robbers
Believed Bottled Up
LANSING, May 1. -0(/P)-
State police officers intensified
their blockade of Michigan high-
ways tonight, confident they have
bottled in Detroit the five bandits
who looted a. Detroit bank of
$50,000 today.
Lieut. Caesar Scavarda pro-
fessed little credence in a va-
riety of tips that the men had
been seen on highways in various
sections of the State. "It seems
logical they are in Detroit and
unable to get out," Scavarda as-
serted. "We'll knock them off
if they come onto the highways,
and they know it."
Not fewer than 300 heavily
armed state police and county
officers patroled highways in
-radio-equipped cruisers, and
hundreds of other municipal of-
ficers maintained vigilant watch
throughout the State.
See Townsend Quiz
As Unifying Force
- Supporters of the Townsend
old age pension plan here ex-
pressed the belief today that re-
cent congressional investigation
of the movement will bring its
membership closer together.
"I believe the congressional
hearing has brought the Town-
scudites closer together than
ever," said Floyd R. Moody, area
manager. "Testimony by the
Rev. David B. Moore of Traverse
City, and Mrs. Juanita H. Jack-
son of Jackson, that the organi-
zation is a racket is being taken
lightly as they are both dis-
gruntled because of their failure
to obtain responsible positions
in the movement. We had heard
all about them before."
Vandenberg Definitely
After Nomination
LANSING, May 1.- (T) -
Howard C. Lawrence, chairman
of the Republican State Central
Committee, said tonight that
Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg
(Rep., Mich.) had authorized the
presentation of his name as a
candidate for the Presidential
nomination at the Republican
National Convention.
The authorization, Lawrence
said, was contained in a letter to
Gov. Frank D. Fitzgerald, asking
him to make the nominating
That request represented the
first definite indication that the
Michigan Senator is more than
passively interested in his
chances for the nomination.
"The Michigan delegation may
have a great influence on the con-
vention," Senator Vandenberg
wrote to Governor Fitzgerald.
The presentation of Senator
Vandenberg's name to the na-
tional convention will be in con-
formance with a resolution
adopted by the Michigan Repub-
lican Convention. That conven-
tion had been prepared to bind
its delegation to support Van-
denberg as long as there was a
possibility of his nomination.
Report Alleged Wendel
Kidnaper Has Confessed
NEW YORK, May 1.-(iP)-
District Attorney William F. X.
Geoghan announced tonight that
Murray Bleefeld, indicted in the
kidnaping of Paul I. Wendel, was
on his way to the Parkville police
station in Brooklyn.

He made a "full and complete
confession," Geoghan said.
Geoghan said Bleefeld was lo-
cated in a town in Georgia which
he would not name, and induced
to go to Cincinnati, 0., where he
surrendcered to detectives opera t-
ing out of the district att'orncy's
He was brought by plane to
Albany, N. Y., ai by train to
New York City today.
Suit Against Louis'
Manager Dismissed
CIIICAGO, May 1.- (n) -- Jul-
ius Browdy's hopes of sharing in
some of the profits accruing from
Joe Louis' fists were shattered to-
day in Circuit Court, where Judge
John Prystalski dinmirsed his suit
against Julian Black, one of the
Negro's heavyweight mi anagers.
The judge ruled that because
the $9,00 which Black invested

School System
Needs Clianoe,
Dewey States
More OrganizedD }irection
Is N ed ted, Prolinenti
E(ucator Says
(Continued from Page )
the executive committee for a three-
year term.
Mr. Tape announced last night that
between 1,800 and 2,000 members had
already enrolled at the convention of
the society in the first two days, and
that registration would be continued
today. Last year a total of almost
1,400 was considered a record for
recent years of the Club's history.
A general session will be held at
9 a.m. today on articulation of high
school studies with freshman courses
in the University, with reports by
the various cooperating committees
of the high schools and the Univer-
The music conference will continue
its meetings with an orchestra clinic,
a demonstration rehearsal of the Ele-
mentary School Festival Chorus, in
preparation for their performance
of "The Children at Bethlehem" for
the May Festival, and a conducting
To Hold Luncheon
The conference of business schools
will open with speeches on "What
Business Expects of the Business
School Graduate" by Forrest W. Bos-
well, president of the Boswell-May-
tag Company of Flint, and will con-
tinue with a luncheon and afternoon
business meeting.
Pi Lambda Theta and Phi Delta
Kappa, honorary educational socie-
ties, will hold a luncheon at the Union
at which Prof. Thomas W. Knott,
editor of the Middle English Dic-
tionary, will speak on "Business from
the College Professor's Angle."
Speaking at the luncheon of the
Michigan Association of Speech
Teachers yesterday at the Union,
Prof. Gladys L. Borchers of the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin emphasized the
immediate necessity of formulating
an efficient course of study for ele-
mentary and high school speech stu-
dents. Professor Borchers is chair-
man of the National Coordinating
Committee which is working on such
a plan at present.I
Tells Of Speech Study
The development of speech study
has reached such proportions in Wis-
consin high schools, Prof. Borchers
said, that all colleges and even the
University have been forced to give
students entrance credits in that
subject. She finds, however, that
speech is still being taught largely
as a training for public performance
and not for actual conversation. The
student must be made to realize that
acting in a play is no longer as im-
portant as being able to get up on
one's feet and to give a talk in the
proper manner.
Speaking before the conference of
geography, E. M. Clark of Ferris In-
stitute pointed out that Italy's at-
tempt to conquer African colonies
started as early as 1878, just shortly
after the Italian unification and that
Mussolini, under the excuse of "over-
population," which he himself is en-
couraging, is continuing this old pol-
icy by attempting to "reconstruct the
old Roman Empire at the cost of
other countries." In conclusion, Mr.
Clark said he doubted the ability of
Italy to conquer the empire of Haile
Selassie; for, in spite of Mussolini's
concentrated drive, Italy is trying in
the face of bankruptcy to overwhelm
a country which has never in its long
history been successfully invaded.
Surveys Ethiopia

Prof. Henry M. Kendall of the geog-
raphy department gave a brief survey
of the geographical conditions in
Ethiopia, emphasizing the vast dif-.
ferences within the country in cl-
mate, altitude, rainfall and resources.
Ethiopia exports very little of its prod-
ucts, Dr. Kendall said, and sends
50 per cent of its exports to Japan;
Italy gets one-half of one per cent.
Ethiopia has only five cities with
population of more than 1,000, only
a few roads, all near Addis Ababa,
and only one railroad, which is
French-owned. Ethiopia's exports,
mainly coffee, hides and resin, are
sent by way of the Sobat River
through an agreement with Great
Britain. In conclusion, Dr. Kendall
agreed with Mr. Clark in that the
geography of Ethiopia makes an in-
vasion impractical and almost im-
Describes Apparatus
The apparatus now being con-
structed by University physicists for
use in the field of nuclear research
was described by Prof. Floyd A. Fire-
stone of the physics department in his
speech to the science division.
Analyzing first the vacuum tube
with its 1,000,000 volt potential, Pro-
fessor Firestone called it the "brute
force" method of bombarding the
atom. Six transformers furnish the

Ethiopians Flee Capital As Italians Near

--Associated Press Photo.
Hundreds of natives and government officials evacuated Addis Ababa
as advancing Italian armies were reported within artillery range of the
ancient Ethiopian capital. Pictured here is the Ras Makonnen bridge,
one of the improvements made in Emperor Ilaile Selassic's drive to
transform the city into a Western capital.
There'll Be N Leaning-Tower

If Pr'ofessor H(
(Continued from Page 1)
to those taken in the actual diggings
for the foundation.
The tests were not everywhere the
same, indicating a considerably larg-
er settlement in one case than in the
other although the final capacity
was entirely adequate in both cases.
This difference in settlement was be-
cause of the fact that the sand and
pebbles were not uniformly "packed"
or consolidated. Professor Housel
and his associates wondered if it were
not possible to have the same varia-
tions where the structure was to
Thus many other tests were nec-
essary, but it turned out that these
proved satisfactory and proved that
the deposits below the structure were
sufficiently uniform and had suf-
ficie nt bearI1ng capacity to be suitable
for its foundation.
This was the first time, Professor
Housel said, that any soil bearing
tests had ever been applied to a Uni-
versity building.
The field of engineering having to
do with soil tests is relatively un-
developed, and for a time engineers
reached the conclusion that measure-
ment of the soil resistance could not
be made, according to Professor
However, in 1927 Prof. Lewis Grat
and several other men in the civil
engineering department began work
on the problem of foi'mulating bear-
ing tests which would be accurate.
power for this apparatus; "Electrons
are accelerated through a huge vac-
uum tube by means of six sets of
electrical plates within the tube."
When the electrons have reached a
high speed they are directed at ob-
jects under experimentation.
The cyclotron, Professor Firestone'
continued, is an ingenious method of
developing 12 million volts potential
from approximately 300,000 volts.
This is done by means of resonance;
that is, by continually applying this
potential to deuterons at equal in-
tervals so that the projectile soon
reaches a very large velocity.
Firestone Talks
Displaying various pants of the
cyclotron, which is now in the pro-
cess of construction by University
physicists, Professor Firestone stated
the principle upon which the cyclo-
tron operates. Deuterons are thrown
violently in a circular path somewhat
similar to the shape of a snail shell.
The forces upon the deutrons which
cause them to accelerate so quickly
and to take such a path are the large
potentials applied to them at inter-
vals, and the action of a huge magnet
between the poles of which the deu-
trons rotate.
The secondary schools are not hav-
ing as much influence on. the social
attitudes of their pupils as they
should have, Dr. Clifford Woody, di-
rector of the University Bureau of
Educational Reference and Research,
told the administrative teachers' con-

)usel Can Help it
Finally from gathered data they de-
veloped a method of estimating the
bearing capacity. The work on the
problem carried on by Professor
Housel has received recognition
throughout the world although the
entire matter of estimating soil re-
sistances is still the subject of much
The first real application of their
results came in Detroit where a large
number of tests have been run. It
has been found that in most of these
cases the tests were very successful,
and when the building of the Tower
was contemplated it was decided by
the University authorities to conduct
the tests on the soil near Hill Audi-
In the region of the campus, Pro-
fessour Iousel said ,thcere is a very sat-
ilsfactoi'y soil for foundations. It is
an "out-wash of sand and gravel and
has proved to be one of the best, but
because of the unusual character of
the Burton Tower it was decided that
such tests should be made.
Some of the consequences that
might have cone as a result of an
improper soil on which to base the
foundation were serious. The Tower,
had its foundation not been based
upon soil with the proper bearing
capacity, later might have taken on
a "lean" and many unsightly cracks
might have resulted from the uneven
settling of the structure.
It was found that the soil did have
an ultimate resistance of between
18 and 20 tons per square foot, a
capacity far more than would ever be
needed for the Tower. Moreover,
because of the uniformity of the con-
.solidation or compactness of the soil
particles below the site there will be
no danger of uneven settlement, Pro-
fessor Hiousel said.

Aydelotte Hits
'Reginentation' Classified
In Education,
Presilent Of Swarthmore ADVERTISING
Colle e }}eard( y 3,00 Pace advertiement w h Claied
Ad ertiw Department. Phone 2-114.
At Ilo}ii1rs} (llVOCiliOl the lassiied colms oea ive
Box mi'hbers may be secured at no
, o, nedfrm.Pg,1) v cra oge.
eash in advance 1 c per reading line
"otb hais of five average words to line)
Itheyfor one o two insertion,,. 10 per read-
ten and oral examination for which ig line for three or more insertions.
they "will need iiot merely a ood mi"uln tree lines per insertion.
but - gmas of 'Teehone rate 15(,. per reading line
memory but also a sound gra 01' two or more insertions. Minium
principles." three lines i e rnertion.
S1', dso"unt if paid within ten days
He cited fron the "History of the from the date of last insertion.
University of Michigan," by Dr. Wil- " " Contract, per line - 2 lines daily,
0110moth ..........................
bert B. Hinsdale, comments on the 4 lines Tn..., 2 months ............Sc
whc"a e' 2 lines daily, college year ...........7.
"University system," Which was very lines E.D., 2 months..............8
irmilar to the Swarthmore plan. "No- 100 lines used as desired-..........
body knows why the University system 300 lines used as desred...........Sc
I M00 lies used as desired ........7c
was dropped," he said, adding that 2,000 lies used as desired. ....
it was probably because of insuflicient The above rates are per reading line
based on eight reading lines per inch
funds to pay the necessary faculty ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
men. and that it worked too much 6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
of a hardship on the small staff. old face, upper and lower case. Aid
Dr. Aydelotte urged the University cpil eteras era for
to readopt the "University system." The above rates are for 7 point type.
"You are bound by your own history
to revive that ulan," le said, "and NOTICES
may I sugges that you call it by that ---- ------- -- ---- -
name." EYES examined, best glasses made at
The success of democracy depends lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M.
largely on whether or not the educa- graduate, 44 years practice. 549
tional system is revamped, he indi- Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x
cated. "Whether intelligent leader-
ship will fail democracy," he said, "i NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair
still the question of or civilization and refinish furniture. Phone 8105.
and of our educational system." A. A. Stuhlman. -5x
If such a system as the Swarthmore MAC'S TAXI-4289. Try our effi-
ionors plan is generally initiated, Dr' cient service. All new cabs. 3x
Aydelotte said, it will tr'eat students ---_.-.
intelligently. "Our present machin- SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES: We'll
cry," he asserted, "does not pay the buy old and new suits and over-
student the compliment of assuming coats for $3 to $20. Also highest
that he is very serious about his edu- prices 'for saxophones and type-
cation, that he has any very consum- writers. Don't sell before you see
ing intellectual interests, that he is Sam. Phone for appointments.
gifted with much initiative or is very 2-3640, lox
much in love with his work. It rather
assumes," he charged, "that his pri- WANTED
mary interests run more in the dirce- - -
tion of fraternities and football aid FOUR or five-room apartment for
that meticulous requirements as to sunimner or the year. 209 N. Ingalls.
cuts and exercises, frequent tests and 3403.
examinations, exact assignments by - -- -- - -------
professors and the constant suprvi- WANTED: Cook for summer camp.
sion of a formidable phalanx of deans Mrs. C. Avrunin, 3310, Rochester,
that all these are necessary to en- Detroit.
sure that lie will at least woik for his
degre. . "I e1
He admitted that the Swathmore UniVe " 11.11
plan is not one which "suits the ,/
plodder."_Ac- epts Unions
Holds Sexes Equal Offer Of Rooms
----i WMembers of the University Club, a
(Continued from Page 1) faculty organization whose club quar-
ters are in the basement of Alumnli
"Naturally," lie said, "there are ex- Memorial Hall, held a special meetiig
ceptions, but a significant proof of late yesterday afternoon to decide
this fact is the outstanding success upon a proposal made by the Mich-
of Phi Beta Kappa students in all igan Union olfiering the club part of
walks of life." two floors in the addition which is
Dr. Aydelotte is of the opinion that ,oon to be made on the Union.
jBrown University's recent abolition The Union's proposal was delinat-
of mid-semester examinations is "at ed by Prof. H. C. Anderson of the
least a step" in the direction of a engineering college and after an
more efficient educational system. hour's deliberation the club decided
Of especial interest to Michigan to accept the offer and to move from
students is the fact that a text book their present location.
developed by Dr. Aydelotte is used by Moving the club into the Union
the University. His "Materials for is riot a new idea, for it was con-
the Study of English Literature and templated in 1931 and plans were
Composition" is used in the instruc- made then for the change, but there
tion of freshman English students. It was a financial impediment that
was completed by Dr. Aydelotte while could not be overcome. The new ad-
lie was at Indiana University and he dition to the Union has offered the
recalls it as one of the most interest- solution to that problem, according to
ing and absorbing of his educational T. Hawley Tapping, treasurer of the
projects. University Club.

r ee,

LAUNDRY 2-10'44. Sox
Careful"""'k at low price

WILL '11I MAN who picked up my
brown gabardinme ;quit ct in Chemn.
430 Lab. Cail 7494.
LOST: You who ('ninmgly purloined
the brown raincoat from 229 A.H.,
your doomni: Papproaching The po-
lice cordon is tightening around
Ann Arbor. Amnesty and, inciden-
tally, 2 beers can still be secured
by callin, 4493 and asking for Jupe
Pluvius. 456
LOST: Illinois wrist watch Wednes-
day Union second floor lavatory.
Cherished high ly. Liberal reward.
Benjamin, 3582.
LOST: Womans wrist watch en-
guavod Miriam Robe' tson. Call
WILL party who took lady's bag by
mistake from 2 p.m. Ann Arbor bus
on April 13, please return or com-
municate with Eastern Michigan
Motorbuses, Ann Arbor, 116 W.
6:00- WJR Jimmie Stevenson.
wwJ Ty Tyson.
WXY7 King's J'trs.
CKLW Vincent York'^ Mu- C
6:1t--W.JR? ilmyi hunRevicw.
WJ ium na id (ie of New.
WVX YZ7 Luigi on in euis M uinc.
CKL Je (Gentile.
6:30- WJR Musical rrogram.
WWJ Diner Hour.
WXYZ flay in Review.
CKLW Shelo'k Holmes.
wxYz T''o e Announced.
7:00-- wJa Ziegfed Follies of the Air
WWJ D~ance Music.
WXYZ Town 'alk.
CKLW Dick Stabile's Music.
7:15--WXYZ Boston Synphony
:'30---CKLWOklahoma 'lob Aluright.
WWJ 1"rank iay Calin'
5:00-WJR Rubinoil-Virginia Rae.
23:15-WJ R.Go. 1. 1).Fitzgerald
CKLW Johmuy 1Johnson's Music
WXYZ Sammdiottrs.
8:30--W.JR Strange as it ieem.
WWJ SuimLBallew: Guests.
WXYZ National Barn Dan
CKLW Let's Go to Music Hai.
5 - : 5 W JR S ports o n arade.
9:00- w R"Your Hit Parad.
CKLW Titans of Sciencc.
9:30w--WJ Celebrity Night.
WXYZ mythn Review.
CKLW Lloyd Huntley's Music.
9:45 -Sid Austin's Music.
10 :00-WJR Rackets; xpoe.
W.WJ? Spout Celebrities.
WXY'Z Lowry Clark', M it.
CKLW Baseball corcs: New.
10:15--wxvz Bob Cuester's Music.
WWVVJ Dance M~tusic.
CKLW Kay Kyser's Music.
10:30--WJR 'exas Centennial Broadcast.
WW.J Dance Musc.
W XYZ en Cr y" ; Mui
ACKLw 'Freddy Martin's Music.
11;:00--WJR Henry Ialstead's Mui.
WWJ Rus Luyonm's Mus.
WXYZ~ 400 Club.
CKLW Enoch Light's Mu hic
11:3 0--WRFrankic Master' Muic
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ vloz and Yoanda
C~KLW' Mitton Mann's Mu.ic.
12:00-- WJRR 'om Jack Kaufman ' Music.
WXYZ Srt Stock's Mule,
CKLw Allan lIeance's Music.
12:30 WJR at Close of Day
CKLW Joe Sander's Musl(,
1:00-CKLW Freddy Martin's Music.
1 :i5--CKLW Kay Kyseis M c.
1 :30---CK[W Al Kavelins Mu i
2:00-CKLWL 'red WeeMs' Musit.
they marry in hate and
live scrappily ever
C: ,after? _ <




Religious Activities

State and Washington Streets
Music: Achilles Taliaferro
10:45 A.M. -Morning Worship serv-
by Dr. C. W. Brashares.
6:00 P.M.-Wesleyan Guild at Stalk-
cr Hall. Instlalation of new Stu-
dent Co ucil. Fellowship hour
and Suplper.

Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth
Ministers: Wiliam P. Lemon
and Norman W. Kunkel.
9:45 -- Forum for Youth, Mr. Kun-
kel, leader. "Life's Little Ironies
--Can We Evade the Mystery of
10:15--Morning worship with ser-
mon by Dr. Lemon.
6 :00 - Supper of the Westminster
Guild followed by the meeting to
be addressed by Dr. Lemon, "The
Religion of the Future."
'i'he annual spring formal dinner-
dance of the Guild will be held at
the Huron Hills Country Club next
Saturday evening at 6:30.




15c to 6 -- 25c After 6
,IF" ilD I "Df iA




Corner East University and Oakland
Dr. Bernard Heler, Director
3:00 P.M.--

Roger Williams Guild
1 -45 A.M. - Mr. "ay"s will preach

ColLcemmle p resen>6

One Week
Starts Today


I)ctroit Was Wild Over It!




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