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December 02, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-12-02

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Weather 1 q
Rain or snow and somewhat
colder today...5-A AB, HA A AE ,9
VOL. 1. No. 59 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DEC. 2, 1939

And It Is
A Goad Cause F.E.



For Children
To End Today;
Collect $800
Organization To Canvass
Downtown Ann Arbor
In An Intensified Effort
Funds To Maintain
With first-day returns already
reaching the $800 mark, the 11th an-
nual two-day drive conducted by Ga-
lens, junior and senior honorary
medical society, to raise funds for the
University Hospital's crippled chil-
dren, will be concluded today.
The organization plans today to
canvass not only the campus area but
also Ann Arbor's downtown district
and merchants in an intensified ef-
fort to raise the total proceeds to a
sum higher than the $1,600 received
by the organization last year.
Claiming that yesterday's bad
weather may have had a detrimental
effect on the day's total collections,
Percy J. Murphy, '41M, publicity di-
rector, though characterizing the
day's proceeds as "fairly satisfactory,"
again emphasized the need for funds
and expressed the hope that today's
contributions will swell the total past
last year's $1,600 figure.
Sponsors Workshop
Galens, placing on its shoulders
much of the burden of providing the
hospital's cripple children with both
year-round vocational guidance and
Christmas cheer, especially in view of
curtailed state funds for these chil-
dren, this year annually sponsors the
Crippled Children's Workshop in the
top floor of the University hospital,
and the regular Christmas Party for
these children.
"The sick child or person is the
isolated person," the organization
points out, in outlining the purpose of
its annual two-day campaign. "Ten
people may have the same disease but
each has it in his own way.
'Can Only Help'
"He may have things done for him
or to him but he lives the experience
of illness, he has the disease. Those
of us who are well can only help in
providing the place and the plan for
care. The children of today are the
citizens of tomorrow for whom pro-
tection and opportunity for sound de-
velopment, physical, emotional, social
and vocational leads from infancy to
maturity and responsible citizenship.
"There are many children who come
from all over the state to Ann Arbor
seeking the opportunity of life and
increased usefulness not only to them-
selves but others. It is these children
whom Galens attempts to help. It is
for these children, and this purpose,
that Galens conducts their two-day
drive -each year and for whom the
proceeds of the drive is annually de-
Opera Auditions
To Be Extended
Positions Are Still Open
On Cast, Chairman Says
Because of the demand for further
auditions, two more days of tryouts
for parts in the cast of the Union
Opera will be held, Robert Mix, '40,
general chairman, announced yester-
Director Roy Hoyer will conduct
private auditions of all try-outs from
2 to 3 p.m. tomorrow and from 7 t 9
p.m. Wednesday. Room numbers will
be posted on the Union bulletin board.
During the first period of try-outs,

more than 150 men were given audi-
tions. Talent uncovered included one
student with experience in Hollywood
productions and another who has ap-
peared in stage shows since he was
There is, however, still plenty of
room for men with no special talent,
but who would like to appear in the
Opera, Mix added.
Teachers To Hold
Education Parley
Teachers who are in their first
year of practice will return to con-
fer with former critic teachers at
9:30 today in the. University High
An assembly program, following
the initial convocation, will have as
its theme, "Some Things I Have
Learned During the Last Three
Months of Teaching." Miss Myrtle

Dewey Enters
1940 Contest
For President

Thomas Edmund Dewey, '23, whose
marks while in the University defi-
nitely stamped him as a "typical
Michigan student," formally, entered
the lists for the Republican Presiden-
tial nomination yesterday in New
York City, where he has attained
prominence as district attorney.
Dewey, who was born in Owosso
and majored in music in the Univer-
sity, was asked to reply to a declara-
tion by a group of state party leaders
in which they said that they were
convinced Dewey could carry not only
the "pivotal" state of New York "but
also the country at large next year
against any opponent."
In acceptance, he said: "I will be
glad to make the fight. I have con-
fidence in the Republican Party,
which has always stood for good gov-
ernment and stable business."
Dewey added that he had "faith in
the nation and in its future and in
every element of its people."
Dewey, who, after transferring
from the University to Columbia,
made his reputation as an"racket-
buster" in New York, was a reporter
and telegraph editor of The Daily
and sang in the University Glee Club.
He also took part in the Union Opera.
He was interviewed yesterday Ot
the opening of "Dewey for President"
headquarters in which were gathered
Republican leaders from throughout
the state, the Associated Press re-
ported. The manifesto was read to
him by J. Russel Sprague, Republican
Chairman of Nassau County, who will
direct the pre-convention campaign.
It extended to "all citizens a cordial
invitation to join with us" to bring
about Dewey's nomination.
Dewey disclosed that he would not
seek a delegation in Michigan, even
though it is his native state. He
said that he believes that Senator
Vandenberg "is entitled to the dele-
gates from his state."
This regard for the priority rights
of "favorite sons" was extended by
Dewey to some other states which he
did not name,
Ensin Contest T Pick
Fraternity Life Photos
A contest, in which all amateur
photographers of fraternity and so-
rority houses are invited to compete,
will be conducted to gain informal
shots of fraternity and sorority life
that will appear in this year's En-
sian, Ward Quaal, Ensian Publicity
Manager, announced yesterday.
Selection of shots from the various
houses will be based only on true
worth to the fraternity and sorority
section of the Ensian and must be
submitted by Thursday noon, Dec. 14.
This new method of selecting pic-
tures for the Ensian section has been
instituted in an attempt to present a
better cross-section of fraternity and
sorority life on the Michigan campus,
Quaal said.
National Guard To Hold
Mock Battle Near Here
Fields in the outskirts of Ann Ar-
bor will become a mock battleground
for more than 350 national guards-
men of the 125th regiment of the

Hockey Team
Meets Ontario
Squad Tonight
Inexperienced Wolverines
Face A Seasoned Team
In Year'sOpening Tilt
Capt. James Is Only
Veteran In Line-Up
The most inexperienced hockey
team that Coach Eddie Lowrey has
sent onto the ice in the past four
years will get its baptism tonight
at the Coliseum when it meets a
powerful veteran squad from the
London, Ontario, Athletic Club in
the season's opener.
Bolstered by the return of only
six lettermen, five of whom have
seen a year's service as second-
stringers, the Wolverine sextet will
be up against practically the same
squad that ended a four-game win-
ning streak for the Lowreymen last
season at the Coliseum by handing
them a 5-3 licking.
Ten Veterans Here
The Canadian contingent which
plays in the fast company of the
intermediate Ontario Hockey Asso-
ciation league across the border will
include twelve men, and of these,
only two were not on the London
roster a year ago.
The center ice spot on the first
line for the invaders will be taken
care of by Lapthorn whose play-
making ability makes him a man
to watch tonight as the spearhead
of the Londoners' attack. Flanking
him on each wing are McFadden
and Legg, two fast men whose quick
breaks from the sides made life
miserable for the opposing goalies.
Hemphill In Nets
Back at the defense posts, J. Lane
and Foskett will team up in an at-
tempt to break up the Wolverines'
attacking lines. Both men are good
poke checkers and are heavy enough
to bounce their opponents around
when necessary.
In the nets, Hemphill will be a
formidable last line of defense
against Michigan thrusts. Last year
his netminding was one of the major
factors in London's victory.
The club's second line, of, G. Lane,
Butler -and Barret, is every bit as
strong as the starting forward wall.
Lane is the goal-getter of this trie.
(Continued on Page 3)
Reliojous Talks
Topic__Of Meet
Freshmen Will Discuss
Series Of Lectures
A general discussion of the talks
on religion and science presented at
the Freshman Round Table meetings
during the last three weeks will be
led by Kenneth W. Morgan, director
of the Student Religious Association
at 7:30 p.m. today in Lane Hall.
The last three talks have dealt
with the relation of religion to
science and the current sociological
ideas. The topic was introduced by
a general discussion of the relation
of the physical and biological sci-
ences to religion.
This was followed by a survey of
the biological sciences by Dr. Ralph
Isaacs, of the School of Medicine,
who placed particular stress on the
subject of evolution. "Humanism,"
discussed by Prof. Wesley H. Maurer,
of the journalism' department, was
the~ clsn lecture in the series.




Reported Increased; Soviet Ship
Sunk; Molotoff Hits New Cabinet

Hull Relays Latest War News

Thirty Killed When Soviet Planes Bomb
Helsinki; Moscow Demands Finnish
Communists Replace Government


HELSINKI-Finland stiffens resistance to Soviet advance as new cabinet
headed by banker takes over government; Russian cruiser reported sunk.
MOSCOW-Molotoff turns thumbs down on new Finnish government.
Tass announces formation of Communist-led Finnish "People's" Party.
WASHINGTON -Roosevelt denounces bombing of Finns. "Moral Em-
bargo" on Russia reported by Washington Post.
LONDON-New conscript class is called to register Dec. 9. Mine prob-
lem claimed being solved. Three ships sink.
PARIS-Daladier's power to rule by decree extended for duration of war.

The grave view taken by the Administration on the Russian invasion S
of Finland is reflected in the serious faces of President Roosevelt and tl
Secretary of State Hull when they met at the railroad station in Wash- d
ington to discuss news of the latest outbreak of war. Later the President m
issued a statement denouncing the Soviets for their "wanton disregard n
for law."
* * *
'Moral Embargo' On Russia f
By US. Reported In Capital
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1.-(-)-A "moral embargo" on sale of American-
made warplanes to Russia was put into effect tonight, the Washington g
Post said.P
The report of the embargo, which the paper said was "unofficial bute
nationwide in extent," came within a few hours after President Roosevelt
had condemned Russia's attack on Finland.F
One authoritative source said the ban was so tight that the Soviet woulde
be unable to buy a single American plane. The Post added that an officialv
Russian mission was "gding from one plane factory to another in this coun-
try offering large amounts of cash for various types of American fighting a
Mr. Roosevelt declared that the Russian bombings were a "profoundr
shock" to the United States and added that it was "tragic" to realize that 1
"vanton disregard for law is still on
Smarch." b1 H 11
The "moral embargo" has been ap- R esidence utal
S'.:d to Japan and rigidly enforced.
I-o power exists to forbid such ship- Fete Scheduled 1
r;ents, but, in the case of the Japan-
esc, Secretary Hull appealed directly For Thursday 1
to American aircraft manufacturers
and they have refused to fill Japanese1
orders. Hull's action was taken be- Men's West Quadrangle
cause of Japanese bombing of civilian Bloc Of Dormitories
populations in China.-
Russian arms purchases in the Will Hold Open House9
United States have been comparative-
ly light this year. The West Quadrangle bloc of Resi-
The President's statement was is- dence Halls, a major link in the Uni-
sued at his press conference. After versity's newly-integrated plan for
stating that "the news of the Soviet versinewinterad pln for
naval and military bombings" had housing men, will hold an open house
shocked the American people, Mr. from 8 to 11 p.m. Thursday, Prof.
Roosevelt said: students who will act as hosts and
"all peace-loving peoples in those Karl Litzenberg, director of residence
nations that are still hoping for the halls, announced yesterday.
continuance of relations throughout A tour will be conducted through
the world on the basis of law and the Quadrangle by more than 100
order will unanimously condemn this guides to escort visitors through the
new resort to military force as the 457 rooms which house 945 students,
arbiter of international differences." the four dining halls in which 1,000
- meals are served three times daily,
the kitchens, recreation rooms and
rnorance udy halls in the eight houses which
im peu e comrisethe West Quadrangle bloc.
e l r s B Members of the Board of Gover-
,els Deres auer nors of the University Residence Halls
will greet visitors. House, directors
-and still living Many of these in- wll be in their suites to receive guests
dividuals lived 10, 15 and 20 years resident advisers, and assistant
aftr te rmovl o thir ancrou jresident advisers and staff assistants
after the removal of their cancerous will act as hosts for the evening.
growths. Of course some died, Dr. willactshosfo tepeenng.
Bauer noted, but they did not die of Governors who will be present are
cancer. ShrleyUni rsith, vice-president o
Dr. Frank L. Rector, middle-west Bursley, Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Prof.
representative of the American So- John W. Eaton of the German de-
gie for the Control of Cancer, has partment, Prof. Carl G. Brandt of the
given doctors an important rule to English department, Prof. Charles L.
follow, Dr. Bauer said. His slogan Jamison of the business policy de-
is "Seek Cancers That Are Curable!" partment, Prof. Roger L. Morrison of
Americans hardly realize 'the im- the engineering school, Prof. Margaret
portance of this precept, Dr. Bauer Elliott Tracy of the engineering
. added. They cannot "live with can- school and Professor Litzenberg.
cer asthey can " live with Attendants will be present to fa-
-disease" ecause if tey l ,,ei aeprin n h cekn f
cancer, they'll die with cancer." wrate parking and the checking of
ThrPP r Ta InP wnown wrap.

oviet Premier Brands
'anner Finns''Evil Genius'
(By The Associated Press)
MOSCOW, Dec. 2.-Soviet Russ a
>day denounced the newly-formd
innish government in Helsinki and
eclared that her hope for peace lay1
i the new "People's" regime of Fin-
nd which Russia proclaimed under
Finnish Communist leader.
Premier-Commissar Molotoff, in
communique distributed by Tass,
oviet official news agency, declared
he Finnish cabinet formed yester-
ay by Risto Ryti, 50-year-old bank-
r, "unfortunately does not improve
atters" between Russia and Fin-
Molotoff referred to the Finnish
overnment, in which Finance Min-
ster Vaino Tanner was retained as
oreign minister, as the "Tanner"
overnment, and added:
"Tanner was and undoubtedly re-
mains the evil genius in Soviet-
'innish negotiations."
Molotoff asserted that, if the ne-
otiations had been pursued by
aasikivi without Tanner's partici-
ation "they probably would have
nded in an acceptable agreement."
The Soviet official added that the
Wussian-proclaimed "People's" go-
nment, headed by Otto Kuusinnen,
who helped found the Communist
arty in Finland, "introduces a new
nd important factor into the situa-
ion and causes the Soviet govern-
nent to hope for a peaceful and sat-
sfactory solution."'
In another communique, Molotoff
replied to President Roosevelt's ap-
peal against bombardment of civilian
populations by declaring it was
"pointless" because he said Soviet
planes had not bombed Finnish
towns and did not intend to do so.
The communique said Molotoff
handed his reply to United States
Ambassador Laurence A. Steinhardt.
Mr. Roosevelt's appeal was addressed
jointly to Russia and Finland.
The Red Army high command
meanwhile, reported its legiops mov-
ing against Finland had advanced
as far as 16 miles into Finnish ter-
ritory at one point and downed 10
enemy planes during the day.
Composer Jan Sibelius
Still Not Heard From
HELSINKI, ;Dec. 1. --;-- Finn
sought in vain today for informa
tion on the whereabouts and safet
of Jan Sibelius, Finland's world
famed composer and idol of hi
Sibelius has a home near Helsink
but he came to the capital Nov.2
because, he said, he wished to b
with his people in their time of crisis
(A Stockholm newspaper sail
there was an unconfirmed repor
that the 74-year-old composer ha
been injured, but Finnish circles i:
Sweden discounted it.)
Sibelius is considered one of th
greatest composers of modern times
It was he who gave expression to a
interpretation of the lakes and wood
of his native land.
Governor To Probe
Welfare Violation
LANSING, Dec. 1.-(A-Governo
Dickinson disclosed plans today t
investigate the Michigan State Med
cal Society's assertions that it ha
evidence "political intrigue" sab
taged the State's program of carin
for crippled and afflicted childre
"An investigation will be made
Governor Dickinson said. "I'm n
sure what lines it should follow. B
I want to find out whether tho
I taeraments are fact or not"


Finnish Capital Undergoes
Heavy Air Bombardment
HELSINKI, Dec. 1.-(RP)-Finnish
successes against Russian attacks in
bitter fighting on land and sea were
reported tonight as a new govern-
ment, headed by a banker, took up
the little republic's struggle against
the Soviet Union.
At least 30 women and children
were reported killed in Helsinki today
when Russian warplanes subjected
the capital to a prolonged bombing
and machine-gunning, but elsewhere
on the 800-mile Russian - Finnish
frontier there were stories of destruc-
tion of Russian tanks, capture of
Russian prisoners and increased Fin-
nish resistance.
A Russian warship was reported
sunk in the violent battle between
Red warships and the Russaroe fort-
ress at the strategic city of Hangoe,
which guards the entrance to the Gulf
of Finland. The fortress was still
held by Finland tonight.
Ryti New Premier
The new Premier is Risto Ryti, 50,
governor of the Bank of Finland. In
his cabinet are two men, Vaino Tan-
ner, and Juhu Kusti Paasikivi, who
dealt personally with Joseph Stalin at
the Kremlin during the prolonged
but vain negotiations over Russia's
demands for territorial concessions.
Tanner, Socialist finance minister
in the outgoing cabinet of Premier
Aimo K. Cajander, was named foreign
minister while Paasikivi, a former
premier and long experienced in deal-
ing with Russia, was given the post
of minister without portfolio.
Cajander and former foreign min-
ister Eljas Erkko, who were assailed
by Russia as inimical to the Soviets,
were dropped.,
(An indication that the Ryti gov-
ernment also was considered hostile
by Russia was seen when Tass, of-
ficial Soviet Russian news agency,
said the "hated" Cajander govern-
ment had been replaced by "Tan-
ner's government, but Tanner is an
enemy of our people just like Cajan-
Flames Spread
The Finnish capital went through
the heaviest aerial attack of the two-
s day-old invasion this afternoon and
- two other air raid alarms-which
Y were followed by no bombing-were
- sounded as flames spread through
s the capital. A railway warehouse
was demolished but rail traffic was
i not affected.
2 There was no bombardiment of Hel-
e sinki by Soviet warships, but the air
and naval bombardment of Hangoe
-was described as extreme and it was
t expected Soviet forces might attempt
d a landing to reduce the stubborn
n fortress there.
What was described as a "tremen-
s dous" Soviet attack along the south-
n eastern border was reported repulsed
s by Finnish troops, with hundreds of
Russians taken prisoner and a heavy
loss of life on the Soviet side.
SixteenRussian tanks were wrecked
by mines or gunfire in this engage-
s ment, military authorities said.
r Today Is Deadline
;- For Senior Photos
ig Coupons for senior pictures for the
n. new Michiganensian must be pur-
" chased before 5 p.m. today unless
ot special arrangements are made,
ut Richard T. Waterman, '40, business
se manager of the publication, an-
nounced yesterday.


Quackery And Ig
Cure Of Cancer
"Fear, ignorance, procrastination
and quackery must be eliminated
from the American scene if we are
to make cancer curable," Dr. William
W. Bauer, director of the American
Medical Association's Bureau of
Health and Prevention, pointed out
yesterday in a talk "Cancer Is Often
Curable," sponsored by the Women's
Field Army for the Control of Cancer
in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham
People must lose their unreasoning
fear of cancer, Dr. Bauer emphasized.
Medical men now have the power to
treat skin cancers successfully. Al-
most all cancers if discovered early
enough can be cured. Only in cancer
cases where the symptoms are diges-
tive upsets do doctors have difficulty

[ jun~ree reuuib tmi
Only three ways of treating cancer
are known-surgery, X-ray and ra-
_ - - - - - ---

Dean Burslev Honored



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