mwm wm"00 0
w Cooperative Health Group
Will Run On Non-Profit Basis!
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Vlhverstty. Copy received at the office at the Assiatant to the Pres dki
utIl 3:30; 11:00 a.n. on Saturday.
Obese Diabetics Find Possible
Care Under Supervised Dieting
trip look much more dangerous than
they really appeared to us, Miss Jot-
ter said. Guests are invited to attend
the meeting.
terested Persons To Meet
Tonight At Lane Hall;
To Plan Year's Program
'he Ann Arbor Cooperative HealthI
ociation which is to;be formally
iblished at a meeting of interested
sons at 8 p.m. tonight at Lane
.1, is a non-profit, private volun-
y organization run by the meen-
s for their own benefit.
o. remedy the situation of inade-
te medical care, lack of preventa-
medicine, and uncollected doc-
s bills, the cooperative medicine
n was formulated. According to
plan a group of people unite,
a stated amount a year, and in
irn obtain whatever medical serv-
they need.
'he organizing committee for the
n Arbor Health Association has
n working since February to can-
s families, investigate doctors and
w up a schedule of prices. Tenta-
prices are $30 a year per family,
per individual, and $10 initiation
to be used for purchasing perma-
t equipment. Of the income re-
red, $4,000 will go for the salary
a full-time physician, and $2,000
his overhead expenses. It is
essary to have a minimum of 200
illies to carry on this project and
families have already signified
ir interest.
'he cooperative medicine plan
uld be of benefit to the patient,
doctor and the public at- large.
ce the cost of medical care is a
d amount, the expense can lej
rned for as a regular item in the
iget, and the patient does not have
thought of doctor's bills to worry
z when he is ill. The Health As-
Lation will devote a great deal of
rt to preventative medicine, since
'ogee Course
Started Here
the doctor will be hired to keep the
members well, as in addition to cur-
ing their ills. Members can consult
the doctor at the sign of any symp-
toms at no additional cost.
The doctor, who will be entirely
free from interference by the associa-
tion, will be guaranteed a fixed in-
come, and will be relieved of the
drudgery of collecting monthly bills.
The public benefits since coopera-
tive medicine brings medical service
within the reach of persons with low
income, and is an effective method in
spreading preventative medicine.
City Bank Deposits
Reach New High;
Are Sixth In State
Prosperity is returning to the state
of Michigan and the city of Ann Ar-
bor, if increased bank deposits are a
true indication.
Ann Arbor bank deposits during the
quarterly fiscal period ending Sept.
28 were $1,256,124 greater than dur-
ing the previous period. The city
ranked sixth in the state on the basis
of total deposits with a total of $21,-1
607,513 was placed in savings ac-
counts here.
The report which was published in
the "Michigan Investor," a state
banking magazine, also discloses that
of 23 banks showing increases De-
troit was far in th e lead with a total
gain of $17,797,085. Only eight cities
reported a decrease in the amount of
deposits. . .
Only one city in the entire state re-
ported a deposit increase at the end
of the previous fiscal period, the re-
port stated.
Sailing Club Takes
Fourth In RegattaI
___About 90 per cent of obese diabetics hours and to store the other half in
(Continued from Page } ing with the Quarterdeck Society on by means of dieting are able to lose j the liver in an insoluble form known
Thursday, Nov. 3, 7:30 p.m. in the 'll abnormalities in regard to sugar, as glycogen.
p.m. in the ,Graduate Outing Room, Michigan Union. Dr. L. H. Newburgh of the University Obese people also oxidized one-
Rackham Bldg. T! half of the standard dose in four
Loks Jotter will speak on the "Chills, The speaker will be Mr. W. I. Noke- Hospital said yesterday, but there ho Dhewburd explain The
Thrills and Spills in the Colorado ly, Traffic Manager of the Michigan has been no cure devised for young hours, Dr. Newburgh explained. The
Thrali soapan, and seinilldisCussrId}.remainder, however, instead of be-
River." Guests invited. Refreshments Alkali Company, and he will discuss diabetics who are afflicted with the indr, hever ied of be
the relation of the American Mer- disease in its purest form. g stored in the liver piled up in the
(disase n it purst frm.blood.
Wives of students and internes are chant Marine to the transportation sYoung diabetics were character-
ISigns of diabetes, Dr. Newburgh ex- 'yon dibtcweehacer
invited to meet with the Homemaking field in general.
group of the Michigan Dames this plained, are sugar in the urine and ized by "less than normal oxidation,"
evening ath 8 p.m. at the home an abnormally high sugar content in he said, and this condition varies
of Mrs. Alfred H. White, 608 non- The Graduate Outing Club will meet the blood after awakening in the with the severity of the disease.
daga. Those desiring transportation at the northwest entrance of the d Dieting has proven successful in
should call Mrs. Killinger, 5361. Rackham Building at 3 o'clock Sun- I morning. treating the obese diabetic because as
s ds. ge 5 . day, Nov. 6. The group will go for a A third accurate indication is the soon as the patient reaches normal
Scandinavian meeting - at Lane hike and will return to the Rackham reaction after a patient has drunk weight, all irregularities in regad to
Hall tonight at 8 p.m. All Scandina- Building for supper. Election of of- a standard amount of glucose di- sugar disappear. This type of case
Han tudntsare inim. a ficers will be held at this meeting. solved in water. If a normal person is in direct contradiction to the be-
vian students are invited' (drinks this solution before breakfast, lief that diabetes is incurable and
the sugar content of his blood will hereditary.
Cssembly Banquet, Nov. 7. Thererise in an hour from the normal of
Coming'Events will be a 25 cents rebate on Assembly 100 milligrams per hundred cubic
Cercle Francais: There will be a Banquet tickets for all girls residing 'centimeters to 150 milligrams. How- Colorado Exedition
meeting Thursday. Nov 3 at 7:30 in in dormitories. Tickets may be ob- I rr-in b t whns ea en- -
LA~i AL5 L~~iU1w., 1 . { 4 U
Room 408 Romance Language Bldg.
Mr. Koella will talk on "L'Europe Ac-
tuelle" and there will be songs and
Geological Journal Club. Thursday,
Nov. 3 at 7:15 p.m. in 3065 N.S. Fac-
ulty and graduate students will give
short talks on personal research.
American Association of University
Professors. There will be a meeting
' of the local chapter on Thursday, Nov.
3 at 7:30 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of
I the Rackham Building. Mr. William
Brownrigg, Director of Personnel for
the Michigan Civil Service Commis-
sion will talk on "Standards for
Evaluating Public Officials in the
Higher Brackets" and there will be
opportunity for discussion.
At the conclusion of the formal pro-
gram light refreshments will be
All members of the faculty, whether
members of the Association or not,
are cordially invited.
1939 Mechanical and Chemical En-
gineers: Mr. T. W. Prior of the Good-
year Tire and Rubber Co. will give a
group talk on the opportunities for
employment with his company, at 9'
a.m. Friday, Nov. 4, in Room 348 after
which appointments will be made for
interviews. If you are interested,
please attend this lecture.
Sigma Alpha Iota will have an im-
portant business meeting Thursday,
Nov. 3, at 7:15 at the Michigan
Ann Arbor Independent Women
can get their tickets for the Assembly
Banquet any afternoon this week in
Miss McCormick's office at the
League. All tickets and money must
be accounted for by Friday, Nov. 4.
There will be a regular meeting of
the Ann Arbor Independents Thurs-
day at 4:30. Tickets for the banquet
can be purchased at that time.
The University of Michigan Trans-'
E p rtation Club will hold a joint meet-
tained from the following girls:v
Alumnae, Zenovia Skoratko.
Barbour, Alberta Royal.
Cheever, Jane Campbell.
Cook, Sally Manthei.
Jordan, Mildred Wiliams,
Mosher, Marjorie Kern.
Newberry, Ellen Redner.
Prof. Hlstead Conductsi
Voice Improvement Class
A six week course in voice im-
rovement was started last week by
'rof. William P. Halstead of the,
peech department.
The purpose of thie exercises, Pro-
essor Halstead explained, his to im-1
rove voice quality, increase volume
r strength, improve articulation, at-
ain variety in pitch, and where nec-
ssary to change 'basic pitch."
Although presented especially for
tudents of speech 41 (introduction
o theatre arts), and speech 31, any-
ne interested in the course may at-
end. Classes are held at 3 p.m.1
onday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
f each week in Room 4208 Angell
tall. After the first six weeks, an-,
ther time may be chosen to enable
thers to take advantage of the ex-
An eight week extension course of
he same type is also being conduct-
d by Professor Halstead in a branch
f the Detroit public library. This is
alled the "Backgrounds and Hori-
ons" course.
6:00 Stevenson News
6:30 'the Tnside of Sports
7:00 Musical
7:30 Ask-It-Basket with Jim McWilliams
8:00 Gangbusters
8:30 Paul Whiteman's orchestra
9:00 Street interview,
9:30 Texaco Star Theatre
0:30 Edgar Guest
1:00 News
1:30 Reminiscing
2:00 Joe Venuti's Orchestra
.2:30 Gene Krupa's Orchestra
6:00 Tyson's Sports
6:30 Bradcast
7:00 Amos 'n' Andy
7:30 Wayne Co. Republican
8:00 One Man's Family
8:30 Tommy Dorsey
9:00 Town Hall Tonight
9:30 For Men Only
0:00 Kay Kyser's Klass
1:00 Newscast
11:30 Hotel Statier Orchestra
12:00 Webster Hall Orchestra
12:30 Lights Out
1:00 Weather; Scores
6:00 Stop and Go -
6:30 Exciting Moments
7:00 Washington News Commentator
7:30 Turner and Marion
8:00 College of Music
8:30 Press Time
9:00 Bob Crosby's Orchestra
9:30 Music by Percy Faith
LO0:00 Famous Jury 'Trials
10 :30 Melodies from the Skies
L11:00 Canadian Club Reporter
11:30 Dick Jurgen's Orchestra
12.:00 Sammy Kaye's Orchestra
12:30 Skinny Ennis' Orchestra
6:00 The Day in Review
6:30 Duncan McCrea
7:00 Easy Aces
7:30 The Lone Ranger
8:00 Roy Shields Revue
8:30 Hobby Lobby
9:0 Eduard Werner 1~Presetst
The University of Michigan Sailing
Club finished fourth in the Boston
Dinghy Club Challenge Regatta at
the Charles River yesterday in com-
petition with thirty other schools.
The Club is the first Western team
to enter into any Inter-collegiate
sailing contest.
The Sailing Club which was or-
ganized last March by members of the
Quarterdeck Society, an honorary
society for naval architects, received
an invitation last' month to partici-
pate in the regatta. The Michigan1
Club is the only sailing club in the
Big Ten,.
Cooperative Restaurant
Edits 'Wolverine Notes'
The Wolverine, men's restaurant
cooperative ,has issued the first edi-
tion of "Wolverine Notes," a mimeo-
graphed newspaper intended to carry
news of the cooperative movement.
The paper will keep the members in-
formed of what the Wolverine and
other co-ops are accomplishing.
League houses will be personally
canvassed this week. There will be
no tickets sold after Friday noon.
Assembly Banquet Central Commit-
tee: Important meeting Wednesday,1
Nov. 2, at 3 p.m. in the Undergraduate,
Third and inal League duplicate
bridge tournament is to be held
Thursday, Nov. 3, at 7:15 in' the
Ethel Fountain Hussey Room. All
reservations must be in by 12 noon
on Thursday.
Flood Control Costs
1oo High, Says King
The nation is spending too much
money trying to keep nature where it
isn't intended to be kept, Prof. Horace
W. King of the hydraulic engineering
department told members of Sig-
ma Rho Tau at last night's meet-
ing in. the Union.
Speaking on "Reservoirs and Flood,
Control, Professor King said that
the cost of the dam must be weighed
against the cost of the territory to
be flooded. The money would be bet-
ter spent if used to move the people
away from the neighboring area or
building up the land, he added.
A special meeting for those who
were unable to attend last night's
meeting will be held at 8 p.m. today
in Room 214 in the West Engineering
Marriage Course Tickets Available
A very few tickets for the Mar-
riage Relations lecture series are still
available at the League. They will
be on sale today from 3 to 5 p.m. The
fee is one dollar.
ever, 11 a teL~ c l~e ga rCu-
tent may already be 150-300 milli-
grams per hundred cifbic centimeters,
the sugar content may increase by
100 to 200 milligrams and be very slow
in returning to the patient's normal.
Most patients are middle-aged, Dr.
Newburgh said, and two-thirds of
these have been obese for years.
Young diabetics are thin. Investigat-
ors wondered why in some cases pa-
tients were fat and in others thin.
To answer this question, a respira-
tion chamber was developed, Dr.,
Newburgh said, in which. doctors can
I measure how much glucose is being
oxidized by the body in a certain
'period of time. Normal people were
discovered to oxidize one half of a
standard amount of glucose in four
TopicOf Address
"Experiences on the Colorado Riv-
er" is the topic of an address to be
given before Phi Sigma, honorary bi-
ological society, by Miss Lois Jotter,
who accompanied the Neville Colo-
rado River Expedition last summer at
8 p.m. today in the graduate outing
room of the Rackham Building.
In the talk, Miss Jotter will tell of
shooting many of the most dangerous
rapids including the Serpentines, in-
to which they were accidentally
pulled by the current before they
had looked them oVer. If you're on
the side lines, many aspects of the
IClassified Directory
WANTED-Coed to do housework
for board, pay for room. Telephone
LOST-Fox terrier, female, white
with brown markings. Tel. 4328.
Reward. 171
TYPING--Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935.
TYPING-Experienced. Reasonable
rates. Phone 5689. L. M. Haywood.
WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17
Reduced rates for calls to most
points, in effect after 7 every
night and all day every Sunday,
make it especially economical
to telephone home during those
periods. For the rate to any
place not shown here, see page
6 of the telephone directory or
dial 110.
LAUNDRY - 2,1044. Sox
Careful work at low prices.
Nights &
all day
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h ow fast that
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ing mildness... better taste
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