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February 13, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…,q7C o r- I , f II r VOL. IX, No. 97. ANN ARBOR, M~IC1I., MONDAY, FEBRUJARY 13, 1899. THREE CENTS H G.H. WILD CO., H E THE TAILORS E T A L 0 R 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. Have just received a large line of Fancy Veetinge for Spring and Summer. 'Tley are Importatios direct from London. Please call and see them. T A L 0 R WVrIL4J3 Allegretti's Chocolates Fresh Today. 06n Dadand Miuh Darng'the ret otof itecolle~ge yearw wil ere c hsait t i...…

February 13, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 97) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sndas excepted) during the College yea. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFEr;o: The Inland Press, Henning Block. Both Phones 147 MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENOELRARD, '01L. BUsINESS MANAGER. O.11. ANs, '00L. EDITORS. Athletic Editor, T. . WooDoe, '00 L. P. W. JONES, 'S9, A. H. MDOo AtL, 'it . F.D. EAmAN,'00, C.H.LUND,'00M, G.D.cHUDNUTT,01E. J. B. Woo, '00. The subscription price of the DAILY is !...…

February 13, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 97) • Page Image 3

…3 THE UNIVERSITY OF -AIICHIGAN DAILY. The kind that wear right, I- an N ROBE Fit right, are right, and IPaj am as R at RIGHT PRICE. I50C to $4. Goodspeeds,5Stet MIGflIORN 6[NTRA[ "The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STAONDASRI)TIME Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. Mail and Express .............. 7 Pt. N. Y. &Boston Special .......418i Fast Eastern ................943" Atlantic Expregss...........7 45 A. 00. Detroit Night Express........ 5 55" G...…

February 13, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 97) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.' 4 TH UNVERSTY F MCHIGN DILY SECOND SEMESTER LAW BOOKS. Cooley 's Taxation D.A.Tinker&Son JOS, W. KOLLAUF, Furnishers. 334 S. STATE ST. High, Extraordinary Remedies Legal Iotercollouiato Bureau 01ftuademioG6omtmo. GOTRELL & LEONAIRD. ALBANY, N.Y. Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address W. C. KERN, Western, lMngr., Haskell Mus...…

February 11, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…lZbe 'of r 94 PaiI 4 VOL. IX, No. 96. ANN ARBOR, HI[CI., SATURDlY, FEBRUARY 11, 1899. THREE CENTS. V IL PAST LUSTER DIMMED. T T H G. H.WILD CO., H E THE TAILORS E 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. T Have just received a large line of Fancy Vestings for Spring and Summer. . They are Importations direct from London. Please call and see them. 0 H T A I 0 R *W 111 i Allegretti's Chocolates Fresh Today. 00 Da .d .Nigh. During the rest of the college ye...…

February 11, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 96) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ........... r f Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year. al THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 'lerreo: The aland Press, Henning Block. Both Phone 147 MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENGELHARD, '01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. o. H. HANs, '00L. EDITORS. Athletic Editor, T. R. WooDRow, '00 L. P. W. JONEs, '99, A. II. McDoUGALL, '01 E. F. D. EAMAN, '00: C. H. LoND, '00 M, G. D. HUDNUTT, '01 E. J. B. Woo, '00. The...…

February 11, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 96) • Page Image 3

…THE [UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. I V XT'Y I O C A D ~ A strong, serviceable shoe. *I~III~I'U/~II38soles----sewed.Soi 1 TH 1I\JI~./L1L/wear-resisters. (6toll1)...$2, 0)0 _~ S HOF CQOODPEED'S, MIGlIGfiN 6[NTRHL "The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Taking Effect Aseg. 14, 1898. GOING EAST. Mtail and Express . .......3 47P. . 1 N. Y. & Boston Special ....... 4 08" Fast Eastern ................9 43 Attontic Express............7 45...…

February 11, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 96) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SECOND SEMESTER L AW BOOKS Cooley 's Taxation Intor0ol1oflato Bureau 01 tlGadolliG GostUMo. GOTRELL & LEONARD. ALBANsY, N. Y. SCaps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address W. C. KERN, WesternaMngr., Hasklli Museumascil of Chicrags WE KEEP UP TO DATE. Every rig in or barn is being repainted and varni...…

February 03, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IX, No. 95. ANN AUt8OR, MI1CIL, :II[DNY, IFA'LU \M Y a, 1891). Tiiooi. Cix. W3CU1 I ,COCI (AN Fcruuvtj Auninuo 0ut JJJOU L C CLUB. speaks Tomorrow Night in bnioer" A lutri o 'I 990 11011 00e to011i3 i An Intrsting Fatre af l'Liiier i1 con[altuts11 c1 d i 1 0 111 1)1rilesld Lin Quio ooiju e-a sill} I(hall.I 1 s iu( Iine 11111.o ra .t I)- in t e hisforo of Ihe Sf11111 i t^~I el t uh t t tit' 1ilta oats ti 1 ll :ltl Ill rind1A1d1r 9 111.- C ...…

February 03, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAN DAILY. S o Smith Rusell hnaswretit ol; Full Dress Shirts. 455liicc ODaily 5 isoisiyi 'iepted) duringthe p t 1c t iiil 1 sin 11his ie0w kiildy . THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, 10 5 seOrt il s iiliie s 5 oal ueoiig ii1 iii S th 0'e Ie: Il1,vt* lck 1 y i t05grie iia ot hat lt iiiussell an --- - Ili, Lii I lii ii" ii' hai'i' ec i d e d'ilil i)t huo t e / 5'.isit~.'i0 1Lii olo' ie' iisy (iiiigiteld'(si ent i Oiiii iv tie 5'...…

February 03, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN D~AILY'.3 66]VYl' H he Only Dres Shirt iat does not bulge.. G oodspeed's, 33hv33) '')3733381 I.5S. t; 3llA833331 I. S. 3.333383'I3, Prop 33 %a'. c'Iilrnrn E R AI t';IP M oft T^ lhe Niagaa( Palls (ssts." j';ac~m g Ic(,r u ~g. 34, 1898. a53 cI T3333 re33 .........'. . . 3 47 r Ill. '3 Y& 3otia Specil ........4533 ......... ............9 33 33.33 '1? -;.............. . 7 45 A. X. N333 338.xpre33 ......... ..3.530 .3)...…

February 03, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 95) • Page Image 4

… 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. S w K A 'P K 1Furn islhers. 34S. STATE ST. JOS. V.KOLLAUTf GOT LF. L &LOIU t('oYs,"_. efI1 os.} C an", t:A sdo oo:1: &tr:: r y9ti rrta5. T L PIPIIONE 106. 515 E. t I~l ETY.IUcO ONEZ4 ALF A T }tL g ;itV f,,. 'ic, S H K K H LA iPS-STUDENS IWe call attention to our conmpete lise of (tenter iPraitt'Nickel :Plateit Lamps. ranuginig in price from 7ie to .'2.505 each. These Lamps are of tile latest snot mo...…

February 02, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…VO.IN, No . i.ANN AIU3O IICII., THURSDI)AY, } 1iP UAHvY , 1 399 rECN- RAOIA ONES rp rttieilteUnvriycn- HN HSATOWCNE ____tet it thee shu og ne 0'ost Contestants Not Numerous But W.1ell to h on t es('t. Will Doicer Wshinq tos irtht Prpa, A ' istothe ettei os o he 'ovrt1 idl Addes. T (orpae' ltin-olltoitt 1 The tittfotr enteriti toillthe Ut1-J iotr1Liter ty- 1 I).Te o ltn ( Chi In ,t H 6. H. I LD C' H touiet Cotitest hs beeni iextnied 1 it. 1 PuA...…

February 02, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 94) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. I P~rof.Coe Lectores Before lFlb- .. *so Ihicat Socitt] heI 1 i 5 l )H( ( "ii oe, of 'Nirtliest' ill. r ° lecture before 4the Yi s ophe 1)ye O-eI .0 (('efton .74 ( 4~ fie) n1 "(1 Both f"(150 111#7 . ifIc u~1 e i i l i seakel hosp't ponf w s tul. ell bsiiil otetai te of liie 11 sl if=^i I.i (l . e vi s1a 'i"; I4 f mI0014Ti1144l. Ile4(11(4t11 " A i N I 1 . itoo'' ii io a .Ho ors Cto Q trf'ed llonse j.oN n I,, ...…

February 02, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

…THE UN IVERSITY CF MICHIGAN DAILY . 1F U Dres Patent Leathers, Six ollar Values SALE FEB. 1 TO FEB 10.. 1 GOOSPEED BROS.,I 19 S. MAIN STJ 116 1GGN 6[NT' L II I"IAV7 YOU'SEEN TheNiaaraFals t'" LRI h 1116PiNeW BVrllIo Mandolins TArEfe t 1418S , A( i1 ilNi I i i 10 11 (i iD H . u h 1?rtl lial. . .i ' jol VdDI )it'i ,iP.SAEBE¢A~8RLE MUSIC STORE ata iiNu iN....... 43FE El(tT~I'SI(l t11 ~lt12 ' ip 1 Euc s 55 L 11'' A ll'T.Ilit'. iD1 i NIE V l -Pl )...…

February 02, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 94) • Page Image 4

… 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. - ------- -- --- -[tercolleuate Breau lolf1ademhiG ostume. SCOTRE LL cLEONAIRDJK . KOLLAU F, 'y~r Caps, Gowns and Hods made to order and rented. Alto Clas- Canes, ('tas at and Cap, Class Collge in. Addre sA W. U. KI ily, N, (Wtrnengr., II OR la-neliilMa-sam, on'..sof ( li.i ordci- fo - -I! Hs Received a Fine Lihie A ECARRIAGES i oft'New oos. PJUNIO7R HOP eS or tii~t ~i K -i T E L E P H' O N E 1 0 6 . 5 1 5...…

February 01, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…IP VOL. IX, No. 93. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1899. THRtEE CENTS. MAY FESTIVAL. basis of musicianly attainnment. She free man has a right to life lie bao -- will be heard at te Friday evening the right to iwork wichl of necessity Concerts on Thursday, Friday and concert ino a broad range of seletion, follow. 1Dring lt year 3,200,000 12an 3. iasluing notolysooe of te great p opl ere nt of epoyeti S Saturday, May 11,12ad3, risn wh...…

February 01, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MIICHIGAN DA FY. ! 13urlt ester in the Choral 'in ,h. +. *1. L tE omntrSeries. bO ttisi Daily 181 tq ia' eel) i ing th lt.I th'fl Con cert of tIt Ch;loral U RninoV Co eea r, . eii n "ill ic' cit-nIbidyeening, ( Pe.,:; t ry t.Willy Ieurnuooer. lhe ro- J TH: U1AiEHIIY CF MICHIGAN. ooed toha vrztiiio, neetidby isc 41 " frrn I hu l i Pe . ttciini,; ont d'Inn t ii. pieist %t. 1li o (dir r01/ F,1t tit c 1i 'without iolilt, in 8of t...…

February 01, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

…THE UTNIVERSITY OF 1ICUIGAN DAILY. FULPDRSS We can Fit you out CORRECTLY. The NiagarPFalsRoute CENTRAL ST N IrrT INII Taldng EletO :Ag. 14 19. Stlall tnd Eollt.o. ....... ..rI N Y ntote: :ei~d 4 r.0 '1101 F.: leon.. .......... ...I t 11 toil. Ni 1 , 1?x 00........... 5 Grtn 16EphisExpoo. ..... ..1 faCT.'o.... 1¢$ :c Rost-n.N. Y1k 114fa4.......813" G.IR. K& tl F'::r-...........54 Co p. ........! Pati: 1'p. ...............15inA l ...…

February 01, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

… 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. S A D.A.TinkOS . W. KOLLAUF, D.~~ A.Tikr SnTAII4OR, Furnishers. Has Received a Flee Line " a01®t ew GoodIs. $ ' 334 S. STATE ST. 214 East Washinogton St., na 5th Ave_ W.J.Bo,)T11,PR'e..l IntercollouatoGBureau 01 tlGadeuhiIGG6oy Ctum JYtH.S C.oAT, HERet Vc ipee.~ GOTRELL & LEONARD. ALBANe, N,.Y, BINK ! Cape, Gowns, and Hoode made to order and rented. AlsoCas . Canes, Class Hate and Caps, Class College P...…

February 28, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…Ijf AhL Ak VOL. VIII. No. 104. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1898. PRICE--3 CENTP. At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...- Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST NEAR MAIN Allegretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 0c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. PIPE SALE!- FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Just received a fresh supply of Allegretti, and W...…

February 28, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 104) • Page Image 2

…I THE UNIVER61TY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OrFcE: Times building, 329 S Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Sts. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THoMAS,'00 L. - BUSINEsS SMANAGEI O.1H. HANS, '00 L. EDITORS H, B. sKILLMAN, '98 L., Athletics. E. L. GEIsMER, '93 L. G. D. IUDNUTT.'00. BUTLER LAMB, '00. T. R. WooDRow,'98 L A. CAMPBELL, '00. A. CAMPBELL, '99. F. ENGELHAR...…

February 28, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

…TJIE UNIVERSITY OF M4ICHIGAN DAILY.' r Closing Out Salto Make Room for. Our. Spring Stock N[CKWEAR... GOLF HOSE... All $1.00 and 75c ,Ascots, - - 59c $2.25 Scotch Hose, - - Puffs, f-in-Hands, $2.00 Scotch Hose, -- Imperial Strings,- - - - - 39c $1.75 Scotch Hose, - - SWEATERS@.. - $1.75, $5.00 Pure Worsted, - - :x.50 $4.50 Pore Worsted, -- 1.25I $4.00 Pore Worsted, 3 .75 - .00 Adler's Pixie Emg1±sh, Out.Sea=. aOVoz $1.332 We guarantee onr ...…

February 28, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 104) • Page Image 4

… THE UIMVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Store A oke of We have just received a large Pnipouent of WEIGHT, PETERS & CO. Those New TOP COAT HATS SE SOUTH WINDOW. G7SOUTH MAIN STREET. HOLMES' LIVERY, 515 -East Liberty St. W. J. BoOTH. Pres. W. ARNOLD, 1st Vice-pres J.V. SHEEHAN, 2d Vice-pres JOHN C. WALz Asst. Cashier. Stat -Saviug'Ys - Bak Tascsa general. Banking bust ness. Cor. Main and Huron Streete. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $30,000. Tran...…

February 26, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…l c . of t. lat . VOL. VIII. No. 103. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1898. P-tcE--3 CENT. t :;_ At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... 'Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO. 108 E. WASHINSTON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegretti's. Chocolates... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowneys. if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. P=IPE S ALE!B FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Just received a fresh su...…

February 26, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 103) • Page Image 2

… THE UNIVEltbITYLOF MICHIGAN DAILY and this reacted on the university, con- tracting its curriculum. This influence of the church continues even to the present day, though now its deteriorat- Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during ing effect is not so great. the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OGaics: Times building, 329 s Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Ste. MANAONG EDITOR J. F. TuossA, '55 L. BUSINESS MANAGERI 0. H....…

February 26, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Closing Out Sale, to Make Room for Our Spring Stock NEC KWEAR... GOLF HOSE... SWEAIE All $1.00 and 75c Ascots, - - 59c $2.25 Scotch Hose, - - - - $1.75 $5.00 Puffs, 4-in-Hands, $2.00 Scotch Hose. - - 1.50 $4 501 Imperial Strings, - - - - - 39c $1.75 Scotch Hose, - - - 1.25 $4.00 Adler's Tine English, Out-Seam a ove $1.33. We guarantee our stock and stand back of everything we sell. -RS... Pure Worsted, - - ...…

February 26, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 103) • Page Image 4

…T' UE9'4VVWERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Token. - d of 1Ve just.received a rIG, PETE&pment of WRIGHT PETERS &CO.N SW Wetmore, .....OS S.Man .St., aod 342 S. Stat. St. RAS L FS or UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, NEW AND SECOND-HAND. NOTE BOOKS, and. STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery and offers all at the Lowest Prices.j Utdversity School of Danciug 'STATE STREET, OPPOSITE LAW BUILDINX. UNTIL MAY lst, 2 LESSONS PER WEEK. P...…

February 25, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…Ijc II. of *1.L VOL. VIII. No. 102. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1898. PRICE-3 CENTS. At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. 910. 108 E. WASHIN6TON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowneys if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. PIPE SALE t FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Just received a fresh supply of Aflegre...…

February 25, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 102) • Page Image 2

…I THE UNIVELimITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Oollegs year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHI6AN. Orrica: Times building, 329, s Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Sts. tAN tI ING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS,'00 L. BUSINE4s SIANACIEII O. H. HANS, '00 L. EDIITORS H. B. SIsIMA, '08 L., Athletics. E. L. GEsEn, '9 L. G. D. HUDNUTT, '00, BUTLERi LAMB, '00. T. R. Woonnow, '98 L . CAMPBELF, '0H. A. CAMPBELL,'99. F. ENGELHiA...…

February 25, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAIL. Closing Out Sale, to Make Room for Our Spring Stock NEC KWEAR... GOLF HOSE... SWEALE All $1.00 and 75c Ascots, - - 59c $2.25 Scotch Hose, - - - - $1.75 $5.001 Puffs, 4-in-Hands, $2.00 Scotch Hose, - - - 1.50 $4.501 Imperial Strings, - - - - 39c $1.75 Scotch Hose, - 1.25 $4.00 Adler'v Fine Zgi1sh, Out-seam. Cloves $1.33. We guarantee our stock and stand back of everything we sell. FRSS.. Pure Worsted, Pure Wo...…

February 25, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 102) • Page Image 4

…THE UMVERSITYOF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Store A Token of Spring! WVe have just received a 1a]"- sipmntof WRIGHT; PETERS & CO. CELEBRATED FOR SPRING- See Our -- New shapes in Vesting Tops, $3.00, $4 00, $5.00. New 3 Strap Sandels $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. Our entire stock of winter shoes at a RZDUOTIO N! MACK & Shoe Department. Rear 1st Floor. Those New' GTOP COAT 'HATS! SEB SOUTH WINDOW. Q 7OODSPEED'S HOLMES' LIVERY, 51,5 East Liberty St. Phone 10...…

February 24, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…tic of Von. VIII. No. 101. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1898. PRICE-3 CENTS. At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegretti'sx Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60o a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. PIPE SALE!T FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Jut received a fresh susply of Allegretti, and W...…

February 24, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 101) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVELI1TY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Colege year at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orrfa: Times building, 329 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Sts, MANAGING EDITOR J. F. TnoMAS,'00 L. BUSINESS ItANAGER o. H. HANs,'00 L. EDITORS H. B. SKILLMA, 98 L., Athletics. E. L. GEIsME, '1 L. G. D. HUDNUTT, '00. BcLE LAMB, '00. T. H. WoODnow, '98 1. A.. CAMPBEL,'00. A. CAMPBELL,'99. F. EsoccLsoin,'98. The su...…

February 24, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGiAN DA1L. Closing Out Sale, to Make Room for Our Spring Stock. NECKWEAR... 6011 HOSE... SWEATERS... All $1.00 an(1 75c Ascots, - - 59c $2.25 Scotch .Hose, - - - - $1.75 $5.00 Pure Worsted, Puffs, 4-in-Hands, $2.00 Scotch Hose, - - - - 1.50 $4.50 Pore Worsted, Imperial Strings, - - - - - 39c $1.75 Scotch Hose,- - - - t. 25 $4.00 Pure Worsted, Adlor'm TFine English, Out-3oa= aves $1.33. We guarantee our stock and stand b...…

February 24, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 101) • Page Image 4

… THE UMVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. __-. ._ TheStreA T A Token of Spring! KTO We have just received a ar --ipment of W RIGHUT.PFTFRR £. CON _w W. Wetmore,- 0114156306 S. Mains St., and 342 8. State Sts HAS FULL LINES OF UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, NEW AND SECOND-HAND. NOTE BOOKS, and STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery and offers all at the Lowest Prices. University School of Dancing, State Street, opposite Law Buil...…

February 23, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VIII. No. "100. ANN' ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1898. -SIX PAGE--5 OENqTQ. __ __ r WASHINGTON HONORED. Appropriate Exercises Conducted by the Laws. The thirty-eighth annual celebration of Washington's birthday by Michi- gan's . law department yesterday brought out an audience'that entirely filled University Hall. . The celebration was one of the most successful in the department's history as the enthusias- tic applause whi...…

February 23, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 100) • Page Image 2

…I THE UNIVEi&TY.OF MIQHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sunays excepted) during the olege year at THE UNIVERSITY OF MlICEISAN. OrinE: Times building. .2 g :St. be- tween Liberty and Willi)s ; MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS,'00 L. BUSINESS MANAGER - O. H. HANs, '0 aL. EDITORtS H. B. SKILLMAN, '9L ., Athletics. E. L. Gxsnun, '9 L. G. D. HnUTT. '00. BUTLER LAMB, '00. T. R. WOODROW, '98 1. A. CAMPBELL, '00. A. OAMPBELL,'99. F. EGELHARD, '98. The sub...…

February 23, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

….ig uNIVERSPY 0MICHIGAN DAILY. , M 1i-t r l.n mre siarked degree than my forms _ >. JOHN PHILLIP SOUSA In University Hall on Saturday Night. Undoubtedly the most notable and most popular engagement of the year in Ann Arbor will be that ofSousa and His Band, on the Students' Lecture As- siociation course, Saturday evening, Feb. 26. Mr. Sousa's organization is known throughout the entire country and wherever it appears standing room is at a pr...…

February 23, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 100) • Page Image 4

…I 4 'Tl;IE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Not only the music did he write, butli lng near us will sooner or later tempt the book of his last and best opera is hither the old world's powers. when we' from the Marh King's pen. Every shall be forced either to abandon the line and every lyric, every verse of the Monroe doctrine, or else fight to uP- comedy songs, ond every scene and sit- hold it. Alliances will then be wel- uation, and th plot, ...…

February 23, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 100) • Page Image 5

…..r... . .r THE UNIVERSITY OF MiCH IGAN DAILY. Men's Furnishings That Sell' Themslves! OUR STOCK COMPRISES Or THE BEST VALUES AND MAKES. .. . Pure Lambs Wool Worst- ed. All kinds of Styles Sweaters .i4n all the Combinations of Shirts .. Colors. 'The best from $3.00 to $4.50i, Unlaundered, _pure Wam- Random Wool, a fine sutta Cotton and 4-ply smooth garment void of Linien Bosom Soc. The U nderwear best shirt in the market to- any scratc...…

February 23, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 100) • Page Image 6

…''H , UMVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Store A Token, of Spring! We have just received a rg -I pment of WRIGHT, PETERS & co. CELEBRATED OR SP RI FOR SPRING- Those New TOP COAT HATS! SBB SOUTH WINDOW. QOOD SPESED'S, 17SOUTH MAIN STREET. !T University School of Dancing, State Street, opposite Law Building. Terms $5.00 a semester - - Single evenings 53 cents. Office-427 Thompson Street. ,. I I HOLMEas LIVERY, 515 East Liberty St. Phone...…

February 21, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…VoL. VIIL No. 99. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1898. PRICE-3 CEN. _ I 1 t WILD WASHINGTON'S BIRTHLDAY. jstudied in Berlin and Munich, and then became professor of history and politi- President Andrews Will Speak cal economy at Brown. In 1884 he re- b . ceived the degree of LL. D. from the on Political Liberalism. University cf Nebraska and in the same year D. D. from Colby University. In Has received a full line of Novelties f...…

February 21, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 99) • Page Image 2

… THE U.MNVES1'TVt OF MICHIGAN DAILY Address-"The Crisis of Political + s Liberalism" .. .Pres. B. Aidrews Music... . . .America Glee Club. Published Daily (Sundlays excepted) during The exercises will commence at 2:30 the College year, at o'clock. The law classes will meet at the law building and march to Uiver- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. sity Hall at 2 o'clock. The place of OrFIce: Times building. 329 S. Main St. be- meeting of each class...…

February 21, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 Men's Furnishings That Sell Thenisives ! OUR STOCK COMPRISES OF THE BEST VALUES AND MAKES. Pure Lambs Wool Worst- - ed. All kinds of* Styles Sweaters * intal the Combinations of Shirts.. Colors. The best from $3.00 to $4.50. Unlaundered, pure Wam- Random Woul, a fine sutta Cotton and 4-ply smooth garment void of Linen Bosom 50c. The Underwear best sbirt in thc market to- aysrthn aeil day. See them at 69c...…

February 21, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 99) • Page Image 4

…THE UMVERSITY OF MIUHIGAN DAILY. The Store A Token Of . r Sping iT have just received a lar : .iipment of WRI'T PFTFRS & G0. Those New TOP COAT HATS.! SEE SOUTH WINDOW. Q 7OODSPEED' STREET. -University Schoo1 of Dancing, State Street, opposite Law Building. Terms $5.00 a semester - - Single evenings 53 cents. Office-427 Thompson Street.. F I EAVE CARRIAGE ORDER FOR JUNIR HOP -AT--- HO LMES' LIVERY, Both Phones io6. - - 515 East Liberty St...…

February 19, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…Ije U. of ,. il VOL VIII. No. 98. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1898. PRICE-3 CENTS. WILD Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings IN.108 E.WASUINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh* every 'week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's, if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY, PIPE S ALE! FOR THE NEXT WEEK. J st received a fresh supply ef AllegrettIand, William...…

February 19, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 98) • Page Image 2

…G? THE UNtVER,-jITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY, PPPP ~~~~~N. Ketterring, of Defiance, O.; E. Sev-I Bfr a i g Y u } " ;ens, of Elyria, .; L. Reid, o nin3 fxe H v ~ 'u VVVV _ CJ' VVV spoils; J. Fraeer, of Chiacago; lv. Hoda-Ik1 nett, of Soth BWed; Meosr. iHarvey q INSPECT THE WiORKi Puisihed Dlaily(Sndays excepted dring Hlo Commbus, .; and W. H3. Max- Fi taBs Ta e .. . ,. . the Colegs ear, at well, of Deltas, Tex. Phi Delta Theta -Mesdamoeo C. 0. h B r y...…

February 19, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICH4IGAN DAILY. 3 Men's Furnishings That Sell Themslves ! OUR STOCK COMPRISES OF THlE BEST VALUES AND MAKES. Pure Lambs Wool Worst- ed. All kinds of StylesI Sweal'ters ins al the -Comnbinations ofI Shirts. Colors. The best from $3.00 to $4. 50. Unlaundered, pure Wam- LandonA lWool, a fine sutta Cotton and 4-ply ;Q1 a- n i . Linen Bosom 50c. The Underwear sot snn odo best shirt in the mvarket to- any scrtcing material. dlay...…

February 19, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 98) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Storel . W. Wetmore, ..:..3. S. Main St., akld 343 5. State St A Toket of Spring 'We have just recE e 4hipment of WRIGH PEERM CELEBRATED OOTW.,E FOR SPRIN( See Our... Now shapes in Vestin $3.00, $4 00, New 3 Strap Sa $1.00, $1.50,4 ohir entire stool winter shoes at RZDOTIC e i awved a &6crag HAS FULL LINES OF UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, NEW AND SECOND-HAND. NOTE BOOKS, and STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. Fountain Pe...…

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