r- I ,
f II r
VOL. IX, No. 97.
Have just received a large
line of Fancy Veetinge for
Spring and Summer.
'Tley are Importatios
direct from London. Please
call and see them.
Fresh Today.
06n Dadand Miuh
Darng'the ret otof itecolle~ge yearw
wil ere c hsait t il hotie, day o
ihtt Full tint, at tilt., tig a and
R. E. JOLLY & CO.,
308 So. State Street.
Witch Hazel.
The extract that we sell at 25
cents a pint is the name quality
and strength as that which
sells nt $1.01 a pint in ho ties
with yellow lahels. Some is
week and watery. Some is
mads with wood alcohol. Ours
is the straight article-20c Soc
apint in your bottle.
Gdiiu' P rhdpmd.
Law Books
Fee the Second Semester
Text Books
Forea11 the depatrtments.
Boueht and Exchaniged.
Bean Linen. Paper, na, 205 ad 25cpert1h.
Meets Deeat From the Windsor
Team Saturdaiy.
The hockey teatm representing
Michliganltmtet a stilt propsitionini
the Widsor entmllast 'Stturay
night. The game wis played ati
Widisor atid itt spite of the extreitt
coltd a good croiwd sate the gamte
ITe Michigatttteamit sas teaenedeiby
thte absetice of Capt. Hlaverty, whoi
'stoo tnill to pay, ani tlsocittt-
iniitteil the mistake of seturitg three
Detroit College of Mledicite players
to help thtetitit bittswlo proveiltt
be of hit little assistatce The
fittal score was 12 to 3 ill Windsor's
In thte first half Michigan coll
tiot score selile Vintsor putthSlier
gotals o Ier cediit. ITe seond half
Michigttn did better, tmaing three
goals, but Windsor hail an esy time,
scoritig ninetSies. '1110plck sas it
Michigan's territory mtost of the
Itt spite of the onesiied score the
giaesassntitdevoi of itterest atti
wnaty brilliatttpIltysseer.mtttde by
each teati. Tue Windstr players
sere old attd exierietcedl atid for
this reasiti had greatly the ttivttti
tatge of Micigai. Utder the cr-
citttsltatceo thte sosing tiade tis
very creditable.
Baseball Practice Begins.
The cage to be itsedi in battig
prtcice with he putttpi theiigyml.
nasimttodatiy tnd atiewostit sill be
egttt it t1itorrit. Mtttttger ttitttits
has issied a ctl for candidttes ts
reuorn for practice at 1 p. in. tuto-
rae atd frot thtentaoiltregulatr wotrk
sill be tken ttttiltie set.ater ee.
ntls ontlotr practice. ast yetar
sas the first year that a cage watt
used at Michigain aii the resls
sere sen in the qicnikness itt which
tite ten got intittiNorttttfter the sea-
5011 topened. 0Disitote fatct tat
college cltses earlier this year tittit
ever beftre tite seasont will be col-
sitderably shorter tttd thtus the te-
cessity fortit(e' plyers gettig intt
oshape at ottce. There is a large list
of cattdidates atd propets for a
witntintg teatt were neer better.
Owintg to the nmber of ttent it stll
be diffienlt for allSo.It'ae a'haclttee
tt pritetice every daiy adth ie eti
tiny e diveiedlimtosuadtts to reprt
at different days. Eery catitdtate
swho presents hitmtsef sill le givent a
fair trtal andn pariality sill be
shownt by the captats or cacies.
junior Hop Wrinkle Good.
Otte of the ibest nmbers lWrikle
ever' issued atte tit Fridaty. It is
devoted stritly to the Junor tutu
attd its attetidanttwoes ati(i pleastres.
the dratwitigs are say aledlf itose
tsuttlly apupearitg atd seound dii
cretdit o any Atmericat peritide.
't'hose of Bardlin, Bitswtat, V tie
tend atidXWaetner are espcially goiti.
Ttie center pge is by Barditanatd
represents a lilaseof te deiucratic
sirit prevalent at Michigatn. ITe
jotes, verse, etc., are excelett.
Wrinkle is o e cotgatnated ott
such an extretmely creditable nutuber.
California Football 'Team Coming
Fot the fitstfue itteistorsty of
colege fotblall tiiire asiile pee
sented this yea.r atiltipptt ttity of
copitinttg lt.eelta te etsi of~senadEsenfobl.Dr
itig theifSall 'siteliveil Ifutom te Pa-
cifit. costt, comisingmithie litst trid-
uat it layies Ifromthetii.Univertsity} oS
Californtia aidtthSltIatfott iviier-
sity, sethlvisSit e eastlhey sill
cou in ttquestSf otbtall honoitrs fruit
te Sumg'four Alretady tegotiaitis
hitteebegun swita viess tarranmgimg
ga-mies betwteentmiSie Westernt cniti-
getiltS dim le, 'ii lttmttt, 1Pritcetiti
aiti Utnivemsity oSlea tsyletia.
Ihs whi o s l believe that the colleges
oitt the:Atlatitict. oatSarctethe gretest
expoiiinen tootallbill lthlettotitry
mai y hae thli.aithlltisakenimretie i
etnt. Itt teAe t, te rivtlty exist.
ing~ betwteeni the tnilvee-itites i- juis
its grecata stt wsichttldividsthteSlt
f ootball suptrioriiity Tf liiayeiso
St.e Sacifiht.slopeat.tratitetijust as
artfltly s lt.eSYale and UH atted
Eery year jpliyeis frtmtinhle
Easitermi cleges igo XWest t ciuch
t.e 'atrsity tasc , andite 'ce e i et
their sois slottt ood5 m~ctteiie'n-r
Stitoc tttsit er haindXXeu the itg.ir
husiky Ifellose lurattetluals ttider
ofiS enmce swhiteltdiitigutitsh good
ceittititie deimnatedl by te suie
1h li.amies williiringtictttall ttt
s best inilt.e itiatetr sport It it
stelp i he right diectiitt, andist
houtid to ht. ofiestimiabhleIete it
shirt. 'those sthoitfotltt ctlege foct-
btll1 through its trials atid trinmptbs
atitirove of it tmttst earnestly
Uniersita Men in Conqress.
Over onte-hltf ofte 400 rere
semntatives i hSie nttiina cngress
hitve collegiatte eucatiohins, Fourt--
ieti of the cuongessmteni hivt leen
stdents at he Unive'crsity it' Vir-
gitui, 1d have been tttHatrvar, ii
ct ichlchigami, 11 a ouS biiiatblUni-i
versity, sevenit i ashVinton andi uti
Lee Utiversity, six 'at Yaehtfiur
etmchtat te utiiversties f Missotturi,
Notrthwsestermn, ani in ctont aid at
Aihuest attd Iartuntn t Colees.
TacitoitStiherresettivets have
stutdietd h Iintropet, oiit.at Leusic
anti the other tttHteidlberg
Fiftecen mteit of lt.e Utniversity
havue gonie to te 1Piilippities siicc
te outeaik of teSli.pianishmwara.
Tiey are P'rof. Detan C. XXorcester,
Piip \V. Cotrbuier, Franttk F. Free-e
mtttn, Howsardil 1.SHllnd, JohnitI).
Kilptuttuck, Sice AV. Meias, Karl
RoselAt 1 Iiem, Chtales Lemoy Iiore,
WXilliamut V. RIimhart, Lenty Smtb I.
tiaydTh liedore Vadiiimioff, Fraukt
S. Bouiirns auth Donmaldi lncea.
'Tue Univerity t.'iti tittees of te
hicutte anti he senatte sill py it visit
to te University Thtursday, Feb. 1.
A Young Man Who Chose to Go East.
Itt 1878 Mr. J. W. Baird fitished
te classicalurheumse inte Iigh sciool
itt Jacksont, M~ici., atid ettered tie
Utiviesity. Makintg cetmistry his
chief elective stndy, lie gradumated as
bacheor of arts itt 1882 amd then etl-
ttikenth ie tdegt'ee of phtarmacetical
chtettisi, as wel as tattster of arts
iuponi examiutatiotn,leipubished as
hits thesis it bibhtgenjihy oith ie actitn
if heat upmtettlictestlts. Next
lie ,ats a ntttd assisatSii inte
Chemical Laboiratory;bit jutt after-
itvttntlthere camie it ctl on somie one
toi got to Lelighi University, Pa., as
itistntictu in chemitiry, switit tsore
thiantwaice te salaury, tittdllie chose
iii leavte Attn Arhbr, mitutwsitout
egret. While at Leiight le becate
istructoir in several hetincies of
cemitrty, atid taught itt a nest
cemeiietl Lboratry btilt at a cost
oaf $12,,,000. Itt 186S he sas ap.
toiuhttd protfessor of anaytical and
prtacticalh chemtistry mt inte Massa-
ectutetts College of phiarmacy, in
Musutow,shere he still remins re-
mitns, witha additionaltdudties. Last
year lie wstsmitdue deanm of the fatcl-
ty itS thic colege, lit every suitmuer
sees huimt his old hotte in the
Comparative Sine oil American Uni
In a recenttnumuber of the Tar.
cutrcl Graduates' Mgzinie Pri. A.
B. HiarS punhishtes a commparative
, tuteiunmt of the attendattce at thae
letintg Amiericantmuniversities. Ac-
cordimg to his figurs te itstitutions
atki ittmibers s follows:
Unduergradiuattes mm arts amd scien-
ces: Hartvard, 2260; Ytae, 1,75;
litcligamu, 1,429; Visccumsim, 1,097;
Coliumilt, 602; Chicago, 783; tenll-
cyivatit (i5; JiohtmslHopinlms, 117.
(snutiutte tetdemts: Ciictgo, 370;
Iaitvamuldli1; Couimiat, Yale, 270;
Jou miHSopkis, 192; ensylvia,
lot. XX mstiuumuslm, 87; Mieihigant, 72.
ST.e aMedicual Deparnuittt: Petn-
ay taitt t7.3; Coluimbia, 0ti; lHar-
vammd, 46; Michigau, 40; Johns
ttieikLts20 1;)Yale, 112.
SieUie 1)-trttiett: Michigan,
720; 1Harvard, 543; Couimba, 341;
I tutuylsaia, 312; Yale, 195. -
Accutndimig to the tabove statistics
te vuarioun iversiies rink itt the
fuoiitg trte: Harvard, [Peinmsyl
vania, Michtiganm, Ytae, Coumbia,
Ctilcau, Vscusnm, Johslmm Hopi-p
kitts. ____ __
The foiloeimg tuble shos the
actual euroultuemt of he Umniversiy,
Fecb. 9, 11991:
Literairy tdeartment..,... 1,271
Lnuiuteerittg deparntmuemt...247
.fleieai depurmenmt...........421
Detal duh-ieptmtent............237
fHoumoeo'pathic deparetmenlt....61
Plmurmutnilcal department. ... 78
Franmk P. Buck, '9, has gotte o
his -hoime at S. Johins, Mch., where
le swll teach Latin and .Engish in
the hig'Itschuool
Up Towna
stale sn.
Doawn Town
Opp. Court Hou-te
nlain St.