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February 23, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-02-23

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Appropriate Exercises Conducted
by the Laws.
The thirty-eighth annual celebration
of Washington's birthday by Michi-
gan's . law department yesterday
brought out an audience'that entirely
filled University Hall. . The celebration
was one of the most successful in the
department's history as the enthusias-
tic applause which attended the musi-
cal numbers on the program and often
interrupted the speaker bear witness.
As usual the law students met at the
law building and marched to University
Hall in a body, occupying the seats on
the -main floor. The decoraticns of the
hall were simple, consisting of the
local college colors and American flags.
Pictures of George and Martha Wash-
ington occupied pJaces on the platform
which had been beautified by pahs,
flags and college colors.
The program opened with the "Yel-
low and Blue," by the Glee club. Warm
applause failed to bring an encore
number. Mr. Louis Elbel followed
with a finely executed piano selection.
It was most warmly received. After a
feiv fitting remarks Acting-President
Hutchins presented the speaker of the
day, President E. Benjamin Andrews.
The reception tendered him by the vast-
audience as he stepped forWard was
most enthusiastic and amply testified
to the high regard in which he is held.
He spoke upon "The Crisis of Political
Liberalism" and for over an hour held
the attention of the audience by one of
the best efforts yet heard here.
The address in part follows:
President Andrews began by briefly
tracing the rise and triumph of the
Christian conception of mankind, as
forming a true brotherhood, beautiful,
worthy, capable, throughout of eleva-
tion and culture. He then spoke of the
magnificent inspiration which this view
of man for a long time lent to all high
human endeavor. He then marked the
now quite prevalent relinquishment, of
this ideal, observing that where it has
not yielded outright to pessimism and
misanthrophy, it has been much re-
stricted, so as no longer to apply below
the third estate. He next reviewed the

making at a venture, passing a lass
just to see what will come of it, is
quackery, not to be recommended, but
in every way discouraged. What is
urged is:
"L That, as a matter of historical
fact, human freedom has not lost but
gained as the public power has received.
larger and larger attributions; men's
liberties and men's laws nmultiplying in
a direct ratio one to the other and not
in an inverse ratio.
"2. That, at present, certain specific
evils recognized by all as grave and
threatening, yet almost beyond ques-
tion remediable by some legal meas-
ures, are allowed to remain and plague
us merely ' or mainly because laissez-
faire has become such a fetish.
"3. That the legislation thus referred
to as desirable reed not greatly extend
public ownership, need not take aught
from the rich, discourage any produc-
tive enterprises, repress individual in-
itiative, or have the slightest levelling
tendency; but might, on the contrary,
be so shaped as to set free the match-
less and invaluable force of individual-
ism as has never been done yet.
"4. That the execution of a just and
careful program of legislative reform
in the interest of the common man, by
removing obstacles now in his way, by
making him more of a man and less of
a drudge, would vastly increase his
productiveness and thus the nation's
wealth, removing never a penny or a
privilege from any who possess wealth
"v. That the wise execution of such
a program, so far from tending toward
socialism, would have precisely the con-
trary effect, preserving the state, as,
apparently nothing else can, upon its
ancient and present foundations of per-
sonal intelligence and character, indi-
vidual freedom, private ownership of
goods, and individual effort.
"6. That the aim and ;end of social
agitation should continue what it has
so long been, the -elevation of individ-
uals, the many, indeed, not the few,
yet the many man by man and not
mass-wise, collective action being used
resolutely when needed, yet temperate-
ly, as a means, and never save when it
is certain to be what individual action
could note achieve.
"A feature of liberalist nrocedure in

undertakings by this nation abroad
was most wise. Even now any 'jingo
policy' on our part would be imbecile,
Yet only stupidity prevents us from
reviewing and modifying, in the light of
modern development and events, that
mythical portion of the Monroe doc-
trine. Steam and electricity are rapid-
ly reducing the size of our globe. Na-
tions jostle one another like pedestrians
on a crowded street. Strictly, there is
no such thing as a 'foreign' nation any
more. With what propriety can people
having an advanced civilization like
curs consent to continue nothing but
spectators of what goes on beyond
ocean, to keep their hands in their
rockets whatever diabolical crimes na-
tions may commit! To give out that,
however radically European policies
and practices touching Old World in-
terests traverse our convictions of
right, we will never, never interpose so
long as the American eagle is permitted
to scream freely-O, how mean and
despicable! Let us no longer avow
such apathy unless ready to repudiate
political ethics altogether. America as
a nation has a role to act, an influence
to exert, a charge to keep. Discretion
is one thing; doctrinaire reserve verg-
ing upon cowardice is another,
Out attitude toward San Domingo in'
President Grant's time and toward
Cuba and Hawaii now, seems to me
painfully to manifest servitude to a
liberalist shibboleth. What I criticise
is not so much the attitude in itself-
for which, no doubt, some good reasons
might be adduced-as the logi in which
sopport for it is usually sought. We
must, forsooth, either ignore entirely
the fight for freedom going on in those
islands, or, if we interfere at all, do so
to help keep the old effete rule over
them from its natural fate; and this
because, as we are so much more pow-
erful than the peoples there, any as-
sumption of authority over them would
betray an itching for conquest. Even
a protectorate by us in any of those
parts many declare wholly contrary to
the spirit of our institutions, their
thought being that it is immoral for
any nation to rule a weaker neighbor,
however high the motive or kind the
"A hundred years ago, or even fifty,
such reasoning and the action to cor-
respond would have been perfectly
philanthropic and sensible. We ought
to disavow forever all wish to extend
our empire for the mere sake of power.
To refuse a protectorate over people
beyond our pole would once have been
a most natural mode of expressing such
disavowal, and of repudiating the spirit
of conquest formerly so rife among
nations. But no such announcement of
policy is longer needed. For a power-
ful state to accept a protectorate over
a minor one, or even to annex such, is
not necessarily selfish. It may be pre-
cisely the reverse, the best means in
the world for promoting the weal of
(Continued on fourth page).

A Most Enjoyable Occasion Last
The freshman law class held a most
enjoyable banquet at Prettyman's last
evening. The entire law faculty was
present and the student attendance
was over 150.
After an hour spent in receiving the
guests, an elaborate menu was discuss-
ed and the toasts were then in order.
These were fourteen in number and
each was enthusiastically received. A
hidden orchestra furnished music dur-
ing the evening. The decorations were
in the college and class colors and were
gotten up with extreme good taste.
The menu, the toasts and the com-
mittees follow:
Iluitres en Coquille
Green Turtle
Radishes Olives Celery
Sweet Pickles
Baked Red Snapper
Pommes do Terre, a is Parisieniie
Filet de Boeuf, a IRossini
Petits Pots
Young Turkey, Cranberry Sauce
Chicken Patties
Salade, a l'Italienne Pine Apple Sorbet
Cherry Jelly
Assorted Cake Ice Cream
Chocolate Mousse
Salted Almonds Fruit
Confectionery Lemonade
Cheese Coffee
Toast Mistress, Mrs. Emma S. Tyndale.
The Duties and Responsibilities of the
Lawyer....................Dean Hutchins
Are We Here ?
Realyifsa maii won't let us now
That he's alive, he's dead, orohould beso.
The Legal Profession ...........Ralph Parker
Your pettifoggere damn their souls,
To share wit iknaves in cheating fools
Sweethearts ..................L. M. Poppaport
Her step is music and her voice is song.
. -Bailey.
Upper Classes......................A. P. Sox
Wile tumbling dow the turbid stream,
Lord love us, how we apples swim.
Jerry Contracts...................J. R.Schacht
I'll answ himby law, I'll not budge an
inch - Sakespeare.
College Friendships.........D. T. Masters
Icount myself In nothing else so hap ,
As in a soul remem ringmygood friesds,
Athletics...........................C. T. Teetzel
Allow mesuch exerciSes as may become
The YoungLawyer in Politics......W. L. Day
"old meG fpr counsel, young men for
Our Co-eds............,,....J. A. Montgomery
There isa woman at t? beginning of all
great things -Tamartinit
The Faculty From Our Point of Vi.,."..
...................... .........Dana T . ; ones
Talent should administer to genius,
The Bachelor.................... C, E. Wallace
God made him andtherefore let hi pass
for a man.-haenpeare
The Class of 19C0................J. E. M. Bailey
Six hours in sleep, in law's grave study
Four spend in prayer, the rest on natnre
fix-Sir Ed Coh.
College....................Prof. J. C. Knowlton
. H. Hans, Chairman, of Indiana.
J.B. Dandridge, of Texas; H. A. Converser,
of Illinois; J. Symington, of Michigan; 0.
Clyde Taylor, of Missouri.
0. E. Linderholm, Chairman, of Illinois.
Chas. H. Thomas of Missouri; T. B. Marke.
of Indiana; J. A. 6ppenhimer of Iowa: L
H. Lociwood, of Michigan; W. N. Bollou, of
Indiana; . W. Means, of Colordo; C. T.
Tappano fNew York; .A. Brown of Call
fornia; . F. Govert, of Illinois, 9t. A. An-
drews, of Rhode Island.

dogged tenacity with which, in many American political life has been ex-
directions, old liberalist phrases and the trtme conservatism as to intervention
letter of ancient liberalist policies are in the affairs of other countries. The
niaintained; men holding the tors ofMonroe doctrine has been forced out of
godliness after the power is gone. He its old self into a fetich. 'America for
also spoke of the troublesome dilemma , .e
Americans,, that doctrine says. :Good.!
now before liberal legislators every- . .
So say we all of us. This is the worthy
where, each liberal party in power be-
part of the old utterance: let it stand
ing like a bird with one mained wing, forever! But, by a 'perverse inferenial
'now hopping, now fiepping-secuar assumption, President Monroe's rever-
parallel of the religious condition de- end dictum has for most come to mean
scribed in the hymn linen: also: 'Europe for Europeans'-so far
'Our souls can neither fly nor go, as we are concerned, 'Asia for the
To reach eternal joys.'" . Asiatics,' and so on; the United States
Continuing, he said: "No man of in- being bound to abstain, world without
telligence thinks legislation a universal end, from all participation in interna
panacea. It can never take the place tional po . at-
of common sense or of morality. Law- In 1823, warning against entangling

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