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February 19, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-02-19

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Has received a full line of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
Al legretti's
Fresh* every 'week.
Only in packages-
60c a pound.
Lowney's, if you
J st received a fresh supply ef AllegrettIand,
Williams and Warners Chocolates. Largest line
in the city.
Lunches at all hours.
R. S.JOIdY'& 00.


808 South State Street.
13ath Caps
eep the
500--=ore or les
300KST OI.
Text Books I
For every department in the Uni
versity. Law and Medical Booksa
specialty. We can supply all you]
needs for the Second Semester a
lowest prices.
Second-hand Books Bought, Sol
and Exchanged.
Best Linen Writing Paper 16c an
25c per pound.
The A. A. Waternan Solid Gold Fountah
Pens for s51.5.


Annual Promenade Eclipses All
Previous Ones.
The '99 Junior Hop given at Water-
man gymnasium last evening was in all
respects one of the most brillant so-
ciety events that Ann Arbor has ever
seen. The ball was a magnificent af-
fair in every detail. Neither expense
nor trouble had been spared to make it
as complete and beautiful as its pres-
tige demanded. The magnificence of
the decorations, the exhilarating music
of the two bands, the dignified grand-
eur of the patronesses, the superb
beauty of the ladies, the elegance of
their gowns, and the gallantry of the
gentlemen made the occasion one long
to be remembered.
The gymnasium was beautifully dec-
orated with yellow and blue bunting,
which was stretched across the room
from one side of the gallery to the
other. Bunting was also draped around
the entire edge of the gallery. Japan-
ese lanterns and flags of different na-
tions were suspended from the iron
girders. Between the boohhs were drap-
ed yellow and blue festoons reaching
to the floor.
The eletrical displays were beautiful.
At each end of the gallery rail was a
large M formed of electric bulbs on a
yellow background with a blue border
around it. Over the chaperones' booth,
which was directly across the hall from
the entrance, was a large '99 of electric
bulbs on a yellow background with a
green border. At regular intervals
around the gallery rail were smallr
M's formed by electric bulbs. The
electrical displays were put in by O. K
Peterson, the same man who did the
work for the '98 Junior Hop.
The chaperones' booth was formed
of yellow, orange, green and blue bunt
ing In alternate strips giving It a ver
gay appearance. The inside was decor
ated with palms and flowering planU
with a large mrror hung at the back
The programs were of green undress
ed leather, made up in the form ofb
card case, and lined with green silk
A heraldic design was stamped acros
the front cover with the word "Michi
gan" across the bottom and '99 at th
top. The stamping was in gold leaf.
Sehremser's band and orchestra, oa
Detroit, furnished the -music. Eac
consisted of 2 pIeces. The orchesr
was placed in the gallery above th
t chaperones' booth, while the band wa
r directly opposite-above the entranc
t The band and orchestra played altei
d nate dances. At 10:30 the grand marc
was started with 255 couples in lin
The march was very ably lead by Mi
n Fred S. Leas, Delta Kappa Epsilol
and Miss Wetmore, of Detroit, wh
was attired in an elegant gown of ceris
J silk. A large letter M was formed b
those in the march.
4e At one o'clock supper was served 1I

the Angell gymnasium. The dancers
v-ere sent out in four different de-
tachments, thus doing away with the
crowding that was such a objectionablc
feature of last year's hop. The cater-
ing was done by Hangsterfer and was
of the highest order. The dance con-
tinued until 5:30 this morning.
The following patronesses were pres-
ent in the chaperones' booth:
Mrs. J. C. Knowlton, who wore a.
gown of yellow silk with pearl trim-
rings; Mrs. V. C. Vaughan, who was
dressed in blue satin brocade; Mrs. C.
B. Nancrede, attired in lavender silk
with velvet trimmings; Mrs. G. W. Pat-
terson, figured organdie over pink silk;
Mrs. W. E. Wait, white silk mull over
satin; Mrs. P. R. de Pont, lavender
silk; Mrs. A. C. McLaughlin, white
satin; Mrs. P. C. Freer, white organdie
over silk; Mrs. F. Carrow, striped black
and yellow silk; Dr. Mosher, purple
silk with variegated trimmings; Mrs.
J. C. Russell, green organdie ever silk;
Mrs. J. H. Brewster, pink silk covered
with chiffon; Mrs. E. P. Campbell,
white organdie over satin.
The committees to whose work the
success of the hop was largely due are
as follows:
H. F. Bishop, Alpia Delta Phi, gen-
eral chairman; L. D. Verdler, Inde-
pendent, secretary: J. B. Harrington,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, treasurer.
Arrangements Committee - S. R.
Grinnell, Zeta Psi, chairman; M. B.
Beattie, Delta Tau Delta; C. L. Bene-
dict, Chi Psi; A. D. Stansell, Sigma Chi.
Decoration Committee-A. J. Farmer,
Delta Upsilon, chairman; W. S. Cooper.
Psi Upsilon; C. M. Green, Theta Delta
Invitation Committee-H. R. Hurlbut,
chairman, Beta Theta Pi; J. B. Pell,
Sigma Phi; F. R. Hoover, Phi Delta
Reception Committee-F. A. Lease,
YDelta Kappa Epsilon, chairman; F. L.
- Brown, Independent; L. H. Hole, Phi
s Kappa Psi.
The guests of 'he various fraternities
- are as follows:
a Chi Psi-Mrs. Don M. Dickinson, of
Detroit, chaperone; Misses Stevens,
s Wheeler, of Marshall; Clarke, Van
- Tuyl, of Detroit; Young, of Bay City
e Bassett, of Ann Arbor; Hineman, o1
Battle Creek; Bramer, Dickie, of Mar.

Regents' Meeting.
The regents put their meeting off un-
til the latter part of the present week
in order that some of their number
might be on hand to take in the Junior
Hop. The most important business
transacted at their morning session
was the adoption of plans for a new
law building, which is to be made by
remodeling the present structure and
constructing a big addition to the south
of the building as it now stands. The
plans of the firm of Spiers & Rohns, of
Detroit, were adopted and work will be-
gin as soon as the contracts can be let.
The work will involve an outlay of
rearly $50,000.
The sum of $250 was received from
I). M. Ferry, of Detroit, for the purpose
of supporting a graduate fellowship in
botany, and Miss Julia W. Snow, Ph.
D.. was appointed to the position. Mr.
Ferry has also given 170 to be used for
the purchase of 19 rare volumes of
Leigh Hunt's works for the general i-
The following degrees were conferred:
D. D. S., on Daniel Templar and James
C. Snook; LL. B, on N. C. Fisher and
Louis A. Nichols. Prof. George W. Pat-
terson, of the department of engineer-
ing, was given a year's leave of ab-
sence for study in Europe. Dr. N. S.
Hoff was granted three weeks leave
to attend the national convention of
dental faculties at San Francisco, Cal.,
as Michigan's representative. A pri-
vate telephone service between the two
University boiler houses was ordered
In the afternoon the regents discuss-
ed at length the matter of receiving
patients into the University hospital
and finally decided to lay the whole
subject on the table. As this matter
was brought up by the medical faculty
Rho desired an interpretation of the
by-law, "Patients known to have an
abundant means may be refused ad-
mission to the hospital and gratuitous
treatment by the hospital corps or by
the physicians having charge of the
diseases for which they are treated,"
the regents action today practically
means that they do not see the need
of any further interpretation.
Class of '48 Reunion.
- The class of 1848, which was the

shall; Graves, of Port Huron; Wright, fourth graduating class of the Univer-
of Des Moines. sity, will hold a semi-centennial re-
Alpha Delta Phi-Mrs. Snow, of De- union here next June, during com-
troit, chaperone; Misses Trowbridge, mencement week. This will be the first
Snow, Geer, Standish, Nichols, Davis, reunion the class has held since grad-
Pingree, Agnes, Field, of Detroit Ham- uation. There were sixteen members
mond, Osborn, of Kalamazoo; Pulkely, of the class at graduation and the fol-
Hentig, Cheney, Rindge, Blackmer, of lowing eight now survive: Rev. D.
Grand Rapids; Ballantine, of Port M. CoopersDetroit; Prof. Alfred Du-
Huron; George, of Ypsilanti. Bois, Jackson; Sidney D. Miller, De-
Delta Kappa Epsilon - Mesdames troit; Col. P. F. Parks, Milwaukee,
Bloomfield, of Jackson; Hodges, of De- Wis.; Maj. W. C. Ransom, St. Joseph;
troit, and Hunt, of Grand Rapids, cha- Rev. Horatio W. Shaw, Worcester, N.
perones; Misses Sibley, Charlotte Sib- Y.; Col. Joseph R. Smith, U. S. A.,
ley, Barbour, Hinchman, of 'Detroit;" Philadelphia. Pa.; Rev. Edward Tenny,
(Continued on second page). 'i3Holly.

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