PPPP ~~~~~N. Ketterring, of Defiance, O.; E. Sev-I Bfr a i g Y u
} " ;ens, of Elyria, .; L. Reid, o nin3 fxe H v ~ 'u
VVVV _ CJ' VVV spoils; J. Fraeer, of Chiacago; lv. Hoda-Ik1
nett, of Soth BWed; Meosr. iHarvey q INSPECT THE WiORKi
Puisihed Dlaily(Sndays excepted dring Hlo Commbus, .; and W. H3. Max- Fi taBs Ta e .. . ,. .
the Colegs ear, at well, of Deltas, Tex.
Phi Delta Theta -Mesdamoeo C. 0. h B r y a od
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Raynor, of Adrian, E. A. 'Treadway, of
OrrIOe: Times building, 110 S Male St. he- Grand Rapids, chaperones; Misses Day,er y atu o
tween Liberty and William St. Prentiss, Bury, Upman, of Detroit;-(ucesrtGion&Cak-
MANAGI5NG0EDITOR Bege, Chute; of Ann Arhor; Austin, of(ucesroGion&lak
J. F. TnooAS, '00 L. Toledo; Chute, of Dundee; Richsnond,12Ws uo SreAnAbr
BUIES-AAE of Grand Rapids; Thayer, of Saginaw; 11WetHrn teeAn rb.
.IH. BANSS oS L. Bailey, of Lansing; and Johnson of La- ____________________________________
EDITORS Sigma Chi-Meodames F. . Taylor, 'i~
II. B. SassaLMAN, '00 L., Athletics. fAnAbr n .TyoH V
ESE R ess, 'I3L. G. D. iHn ox xv.'00.
BUTLER LAn, '00. T. I. Wone1OW, 9 Noble, of Detroit, and . 5. Brumb-aclh,
I. 4, GeAMnsE'05,'0. A. CAersEm,',,0. of Toledo, chaperones; Mises C. Chap-,
F. ENoE0 As,'a. so n, Smalley, Strong, of Detroit; Wi-S
scinPopkins, Danforth, of Ann Arbor;
Martin, of Chicago; Doug, It of Fot Fine Confectionss
Waynse; Deckcer, of Hattie Creelk; Mills, Bon Bons and
The subcrptionpieoftet tn ,001 fDecatur: euret, of FlintF. L.
for the college year, with a e utr delivery young, of Vicksburg'; Coninse, of Bat- Chocolates._
bfre soon sach day. Notilees, communica- ES AfIUU
tions, and other matter Intended for pablica- tie Creels; Morgan, of Taverse City; 20
ti methS sse sa leDiyohee Lawrence, of Ypsilanti; . Wheeler, ofSTET
fnOp.m., oa nailed to tGee editor before 3I-nSnOnUri T E A-S n OWASneSp~'
p. i ., o the day prevsous to that as which Sault Ste. Marie. 316 STATE STREET'
Gthe are eexpected tagbepper. lf heDiy Sigma Alpha Epsilon-THesdaeneo W. _____________________
SabscriptismabelfatTeDiyitrica- @ TT rIT ,
Office, Meyer's aor toffiefas Necsasid, or A. Pungs acid H.I Ls, of Deri,_hp
with 13 sises Otasaer abcr~p ilers l cas- crons;M0 coss h'orrtcd, Johcoan, He- SAN O
la-,eon;Mlss.aradJonoH' --x.1 loce ass failare f carriers o cd,,i' er sre.as, Punkgs.NraPeriins, Lenno, Mel Gillespie, leat' er of Mandolin, iBanoTR~eB
Ss oington, Ling, of Dletroit, tle Laney, and Giter. Instractor in he University The Washburn is tie one end only
UNOO. Johnson, Canfield, c ilowioch, cof Chi- School at Msom. 10 years experience as nmake of world-wide reputation.. Sold
JUNIR 1011 ea MilerLee Kider ofKa~ama aeacher. Call at Asia Arbor Music Ceo's. by first-class dealers everywhere (run
zcg; ilerede, e, of otn;Rcadsoa- Store to arrange for haurs, t $15.00 upward. Imitated extensively,
(Ccliodfo io ae. ofOGospso.LO NED Washburno" io horned upon the inside.
Whee, o Chicago; ais, Laiwrence, NappaSiMgma-Hoosdairs F. P. Day, MONEY LOANED A beautiful Washburn ook coctaic-
ofRaiNeuaw;Pecen ui, of a roon uId Detroit; C. . Wais, Bancocft, iMich.; Os Watches, Diamonds, Wheels or therPer- ig portraits and letters from the De
Soidm emaoaJcos. oa PsstI'ze, av, aeNordica, ct-D
Se]Johns A. M 1c'.:yp, Sagicnow; Miser s onlrpry. cli samd too l other afaemous artists artdc
rig -hi-Mesamtes Ferguson, HFinicg, Chic sa; Frances Titus, Dat- WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED, 1echulers, mailed free upocn request.
Page, Potter, of Clots-go, and Walker, ie Creek;,race Day, Caroline Day, Gga mierct .LpetyPAiaA AIrssD4tU
itldciharcio;MseLssWinifred Patton, Dooittle, MolDiarmicl, o,MOih. All bsises easldruciaii Hoar. AtLON & HEAt.Y,
P'.ge, IBagley, Tafft, Donniely, of Cli- Detroit; Charles . Ward, ancroft, 8tol17""30a, i sn ocosro'I c i el s. e dm iCiao
ango; IFarwvel, cf Detroit; Speisoer, Co- Mc.OcJaosaSodhsideatheC ts.Die
Mtch. Bargai~~~~mndsi eodhnWthsadDa
ve, Pibsonc, Pattenigilt, Shepard, ('sod- Reu 'loas loirndetng
dard, Howeli, Gireeninig, of Asin Arbor. ReulcnCbMe..-
P oti t m;Hg e e ,o flo -iicoe aS n i, o w o , T h ere c iii be a m eetis i f th e U fP . cit' L c t r A s c i t o
Megler o Ciic.igc; ~en, fKansasc MoRepublicasn Club at Newbiecry Hlcl iEE
newy; MEciker lits' e ture As ociatio
Cit; iBcakger0, hAan rbeo o g;i-uscaisafternoons at 7:30. The rollsoingi to
cmtClit o accsn MAc-bor;Huhlite business lhot will come before the
ofSth, Cotbso i acoc;Hctsvmmeetig. Elections of delegaes to the II
Bea1hr iJr.~ .~,~ propcosed convecnticcn of College topuh- DON'T FAIL. TO HEAR
Beta hetaPi-Ais. W H. (aleo ci:anClob; electicoucocitdelegates Io the
Oak Park, Ill; Ecatlyn Nojarts, Edna regular state league; to arrange "or t-
Wheeler, ctof etoit; Helen Wuoodrocw tending the :Michigan Clstb Banquetl at S U A
Chifltenttriel~alieicg;(urtiae ul, _____SE _
Sacage, Aio udKanoiuse, NthcerI-la- Pots ocit hue inetenth century v-eHenSWodwiifdBebgrnasaheeous( ire
Ic, ldesS.WodncWicini-c Oestead of a two. P. . DPP'..
cit o Annc Acbor; Edithu Smith, ToEfES - nihe Greatest Musical Organization of its kind
Oaha, Feb.; Alice Brown, Ivculetta IF YO V'ANT TEBS
Boise of Lansing; S. 0. Hour, s4O Basis- in the World. This Superb Band composed
tee. FRATERNITY STATIONERY, of fifty men assisted by
Zeta tPsi-Mes'dameso Prinnellcot Chi- BA GES ud PINS- '-'
rags, Comstocck, of Alpecca, cud lcot- Send to_
ten, of H Dtroit, ehapernses; Miases SIH TRPSN&C. MISS MAUD REESE D V S Soprano, an
Grinnell, Ne-wcomb, Bigelowc, ierceS H TREO ,D VS
Mughson, Heineman, of Chicago; Aind, 237, 11, 41 Woodard Ace.. eioit. MSISS JENNIE HOY .LE, Violinis
Shewood, Patterscon, Seoten, Peyn- Desigs asid etimates fo nists 'don all work-
ton, of Deroit; Christoplcer, of Kansasof thiis kind, -W1SILL BE AT=
City; Dean, of Sa Franec.sco; Miorse, 1
Costoek, of Alpena; Buecann, cutalStrayNgtFbuayud
Pontiace; Bock, Akroun, 0.O - -- Universiy 11
Phi Kappa Psi-Mtesda mes Walser yfal audyNgt eray2
and Rush, of Chicago, and Pobh, of -
Kalamazoo, chaperone-; Misss Than(,,, Season Ticket. for Remaining Numbers $1.25. _
Jones, Bennett, Wrles , Iill, of Cii- "t ii - - ' . Reserved. Ticket for Remaining Numbers 25e exra
cgo; Fehlde, of Jackoon; Ball, of St.
Johns; Ryder, of Ba y City; Me~onan, CONSISTING OF
of Port Mron; Bunker, of 0Muskon; -a-i 5- Sousa's Band -- -- ------------------------------------ Feb. 26
Marvin, of Detroit; Marguerite Knowl-_________________ Oratoicrlal Contest---------------------------------- March IS
ton, Noble, Howlett, .Decereenoc, Burton.----------------- ----------------- April 8
Mac, of Anm. Arbor.EN
Delta Upsilon-Mesdiamee F. B Watl THlA RE-...s
is, of Grand Rapidn; W. LBack of EXPECT AS~ MUCH AS YOU LIKE
Eigin, Ill.; sod . . Cady, of Detroit; Roe
cadye;MsesDuls ine, :~iB'tiC iiS When you come to us for footwear; we will try and meet
CdL. McDonald, af Droit; Stud- MATINEE TODAY C your highest expectations.
iry, Walin, of Grand Rapida Smalley V g Men'sEnml Russia and Box Calf Sos hand oae ev x- -
end MeKanvin, Chicago; MctNeil, of El- N siA tension soles, $5.00,.. $........... ... ..83.84
in, Il; F. L. Moore, of Ace ,Arbor;-
Nieison, oa Pentwater, toich.; Oaude Prices, 5o and agCents. V 1 T J119 Ii.ASHINGTON ST.
Pound, Mabei Pound, of Pontiac, Y
Theta Deta Chi-Mesdames F. 00 THIlS EVENING
nenhLeAfDetoiHoToOTRdo11VStudents intending to elect German
Johnston, of Indianapolis Travis of 00(reeinrHiEodr GranLt Students desiring to eiect Mathiematics
Ann Arbor, and Johnston, f Elynsa0, 1PaPoseinat-----ernGe1.n00t
cheperonenu Misses Porter, f Massion n o aquet Cirie- - - -7 ntre wllmeted 5wineaeeet non18in Roo2.m.0, ton
Balcony- - - - 550 Wednesday, Feb. 23, at 12 oclock, toWensaFb21058C01ito
o.; E. Doneison, of Buffalo; VoosMu- Gallery ------.-... 25V arrange hose.ernehurs, etc.
sled, of Tiedo; 0. Gruwey H.Jarvis, i r( , aMAX WENKiL . ALEXANDE' IWE"T.