MAY FESTIVAL. basis of musicianly attainnment. She free man has a right to life lie bao
-- will be heard at te Friday evening the right to iwork wichl of necessity
Concerts on Thursday, Friday and concert ino a broad range of seletion, follow. 1Dring lt year 3,200,000
12an 3. iasluing notolysooe of te great p opl ere nt of epoyeti
S Saturday, May 11,12ad3, risn which sle stands preeminent, te United States, aood of toese 2,-
I The following inforomatiooo respect- but also in German sonog. 800,000 ad no work uring the
H G.H. WI ID CO H lng the Festival will doubtless be of At the Worceter Festival aomog otire year. Thio eforreoh idlenecss
Igrat interest to the readers of the the many singers advertseod was Moio lies at the riiit of tle caus of oir
E TH E TAI LORS E DAvI was not thought desirable Sara Anderson, aosnknowoo sopramo, economooic troubes.
to give te 'Tannbhauser," inasmuchlo alo thtougongl otirely uooherale, Econoic coditionooneitrol l
108 E. WASHINGTON ST. as it wasooboutely impossible to s- won the great artistic triunophi of the oter. .Before fle presemnt inustoial
Tcure a tenor who onld do justice to Festival. Her perforooance since age there 0000s reaonaiooble eonomic
T the prcipal part. Tfle opera sea- thot tiooe have justified the entlusi euoaoity. Bot with the icrease n
AHave just received oa largeA sooo ho Lonthoon this year, contrary to astic commnodoatiooo of thosoe crtcs labor sving moachiery aooohfle con-
linue of Fancy Yeotiogs for thoe usual custooo, is to be opemed whoo at that time prooouced her thoeiueot reduoctionio ii wages, society
Spring and Sumsomer. I witlo a series of performnces of Ge- coningsorano of Amerira. Mliss los coonstonty tendmoohnore andmohmore
Thev are Imp~ortatiso man opera and, as a consequemce, the Anderson will 000g the Soporanmo solos to odivito shopy oto twitclasse-
Ldirect from Lononm. Please L greatest arthsto in that specal field in the Requiemo stoo will also be muotoaly mtgooisti. Simoe toat
caemll aod see them. are mot available. Amd tie same heard at the Sympo~hony cocert. thome tie traool mp moln the miliomair.
0 0 difficulty arose in regard to tie per. In addition to the nmues whicho have devehloedintoivese proprionmo
formane of ''Alola. ' For this harve amlreody beeto givemn to the pub- lie trampmooplroblemois hie most s-
R reason it was thought advisable mnot lie iiiformaloosh nmmoicemoet, are iostomence owsino sociey. "Momn
n to attemplt the performamce of either several otleos loseonames are re- ommner proper conditioosill matoral
of these works this year, but to defer served until a comnplete annmoumncey owork." The hLoringman0.000h le
J ~ it umotil aonother season. Of all tie met of the details of the Fetvsl victim Omf Conditiomms hoc diiot cci.-
wVsorks available "Samson and Deli- can be made, which will probably be mte. 50(,000 lboresore m tooay
~V L .L al," Saint Smes, appeareol to be the in tie course of a week or 10 days. receiving ess tian 50 centssaday.
proper choice. It ust e born in All tie egotiationso have not beenmo md ot atc niiut u
mnd that in nearly every imstance entirely completed and it los been
where the ''Sampson and Delilah" thoght best to reserve informationote system thatmainoe i posible fo
In hsbeen perfornoed one season it has respecting the others ntl arrange.foremtom acumundr te uchr aist ssem
been repeated the next. It may be ments tre madoe in order that therefotn.Udrurpentstm
Stains ~~~~accepted as an axion that a swork may not be so ufortunate Itiii- shmeaves. r atrsadohr
w ost, shich is not worth giving twice understanding as happemed last year Btsloa sahiveeilhes.ret
err rhw ot f'ov should mot hbe given at all. No one regardimg Campanari.ed Coptinisetrcve f
Oem.we hve om can hope to get all that there is in a As annoounced, the sale of reerved edublcsmnest i n as lreadytvco
OingOatwl opeey ra okat its first haig nseas will bemlliublcSamtuesdasol lotsroieol
rmvthma no graowrnhain-nd egm Strdymorinbeguin to he sefoetructive. (cm-
e~r h ietootbrcis as is almost invariably the case withi Feb. 4, at 9 o'clock, at Frieze Me. roiaim o-rmt r ocstms
.great work, the second performance morilHRal, under tie conditionms the watchword of fleihor. 'fTse
proves even more inspiring than the swhicho have been advertised. friaim o vr rmtcoe s
W~tllll 1 the Manzoni Requoiemn was received val associatiomns have sithdrasvn from manmomohos ot of work he notoniuy coo',
ast year was due largely to the fact the field this yeaor, notie compilca. 000uouner prodluc, bot hoc 00 no
*pp that it soas sommewat familiar. ton respecting tie operatic artists, lootgoer i or ueCmeiini
0611 (( L a dflU 'b Te choral swork to be performed already omentioed, it wams extremelcy tus mudotroyinmmcom.'in oweroo i
owtheofisst evening of fle Festival will difficult to touakl'satisfactor mramge. loro u oiuiouigio
,Iohtd thumssomnoverprodluctionu reslt ,
R. E. JOLLY & CO., inspired works of ths century. Of Festival of 1899 omay be conmsidereol e ientt o akt h ml
308 So. State Street. special interest swill be thoe porform-t.eua, if tot superior to mumy of its mot1ogohsi otm mmo
_____ ______ - -________ -ance ot Friday evening of the last predecessors. It my ntot ekhownoopu01001 whicho there isho00i0000uroved
-work of Verdi, the 'Stabat Mater,'' that there amc ut very few festivals machiiey. 'fle soom metlo of
swrittenmttis last year. This is a most ini the counmtry swhicho mu te bast ess Proluctionu mou nIse ocotiueu.
[C a ossuperb composition for chorus amd year have' beeno Sef supporting. But thec questionm is shalol teu fet=
orchestra smithits perhormanoce oct11 be AnomoAribor a eenmonof otthemotcomfl thu e oedoosmond thoe production,
Ve t .oeof the first io this country. u hooie iproblemmofo presentingsucl of tim eploe or shal1 le peopes~
When you don't wear your When the entire programis h programms aod suh asmists as we smrc colectivey do o0. 'lhe competi ie
Swetr you ought to wear presented, it owill be seeno flat in obliged to o accoun of tie wovooder- system musmt ammo is givingoway to tioe
one of these vests. It is many ways the Festival of of 1899 ful develsoment of muosical taste iii cooeratme. At lrent t imevoius
Wheapeittheabtkn oes.at ilresent a stronge obnto h omnt sbcmn eyeconoomoic ounits ore at woar, oestroc-
seperthanbetkings ctold fviworsnanbotothe ffcu umdohingisbuteom ostveytive of each ofher istead of cooper-
$1.50 to $ti00 Some for o ok mdarit haosy oofathidiffoulttsmd muotic'ig bwtatheomoeat
ess. former festivals. Among fle orches cordial amd absolute sopport of the idtries fremowruoowbhc'sc n.rs
tral selections are mamny standard community can make such Festivals idsre mcns unwtotcn
6a }kin P ilidGil works which have never been per possible. sideratison of pubic mneeds, merey
Pla~ formed in Ann Arbor, and several !_________ for private gain. operationoosil
absl meovelties, while the major.ESSPA S give fle prodmucer tie bemefit of whiat
otDoEte olissarPasonesSo.u he jroduces. This change wil not
ERHAPS YOU WILL NEED i Py h oossaeas e oor uine oeotaogtesl-be accomplished b alsns n
fiss mstbe ame among s wois- Addresses an Enthusiastic Audience vioencebuof in aim orderly mamner.
anwSweater or ' lltunscosbernned, Sebrchewhoeit, on Good Goernment. Tie laborimg memo oill soosnounite and
Gymnasium Suit. portent of true vocal art nose living. Newberry Ral was packed to the owitho a solid front by omse of te al.
'fhe enthusiasm with which sle has doors last night by an audience that lot will take these industries away
We have a large variety and at been received swherever she has boomhaod assembled to hear Eugene V. from private cotrol amd have the
Speci'a1 Prices We always heard this year is America is so sell Debs speak on "The Laboring Man's public run theno for the public good.
Yar h etga0 known to our readers that the mere interest in good government." Sl-
SPORTING GOODS statement of the emgagement of ths domn has a lecture been givenm here Gimnasium Closed.
disfingoished artist is sufficient. Soo- with whicih the audience sas so ell Tie gymnasium will be closed on
Of every description. brich is so well knownt as an operatic satisfied. His brilliant sallies of sit, Thuorday amd Friday of next week
artist and vocalist that few people sd his glowimng descriptions kept in- to allowo for the tpreparation for the
t J T j + areaware of her accomplishments as terest at a high pitch throughout the Junior Hop. Also gymnasium work
11 J amuiinin otler directions. Sle entire lecture, will not be conpulsry for freshmen
is uite a remarkable pianist and a Mr. Debs stated that shie swe en- from Feb. 3 to 11 imclusive. It is.
ANN ARBOR most excellent violinist and her great- joyed a free political government, expected that they sill avail them-
UP row" Down Town ness as a singer rests not alone upon we sere subjected to a despotic econ- selves of this time to prepare for x.
state S. opP. Court House hrvclmseybtuo oi mclgvrmn. I ona mntos
- lain A.' e oa atr u pot oi mc.gvrmnt fmna mntos