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February 01, 1899 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1899-02-01

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! 13urlt ester in the Choral 'in ,h.
+. *1. L tE omntrSeries.
bO ttisi Daily 181 tq ia' eel) i ing th lt.I th'fl Con cert of tIt Ch;loral U RninoV
Co eea r, . eii n "ill ic' cit-nIbidyeening, (
Pe.,:; t ry t.Willy Ieurnuooer. lhe ro- J
TH: U1AiEHIIY CF MICHIGAN. ooed toha vrztiiio, neetidby isc 41
" frrn I hu l i Pe . ttciini,; ont d'Inn t ii. pieist %t. 1li o (dir r01/
F,1t tit c 1i 'without iolilt, in 8of the yia'tst tt
________ ~~~vilinistslnof twli tap yci ally onar1, A h ut:e vrot S c k
DI N GtNCl i~im'l. lehnrliat iii.' ft toin itig eo ticotnAtteSuta d Ni)o t S ea -a
Id ica e ho dlitie giislitil a aresen
. Ii:e.,ti-;. 'm iL. wlichu Mr.l i q it v tt ici il lle thai
,Is i-NO s I at Nti l r. clii ed. Ilisi tmii is .1r tie lost v I -, o m t t1c So 7 10F2 J
o. Ii 111110 iL. ehniiiii5 lalcii at lila i c- tat >,42 itt te e l c eid ie -Y
Aittoie tiiiai,'i it ttnniie.'c i a iii ir t'-1,1 i It iioei-etei and in 'I-
laiiceeitr,'t.tiiiii17 , 00I. ror t , i chlieun"ill I roeco' t n p ii 1titt (fi lt at {119 Sasc.Ii ofatoe
.W Wiict., ii A . Sti Iientl,'cit .1 i t t il I le 1icilaclii cit lialing 1fc
5.1). Caai .i i i)3 at Ihis vary bet. lit li it ]ll'ilT=ALtiSO 011rf
-pii .-,^coiiAT mule ?I, Ittsrhim
ii leiljcnpieicc ii qtf -P o lint fe xtrdnri/es, ttle2 C9 t,11 s' f1:S AIO t 21ST ./'
_iaie i i i c ia --_ cci. Iicii I 18 i lipimt Ie' 10 eincits inton -)SM C1 'o i~leo
ho c 111, 1,iiiellti1 ti'iitt11 1i'iif 1ithe l i l p;iii 1 i ii c ith e o tieiti ____I__
Ptc ariiO t n. 1 fi 11ii ,, l 1i I," (licl-iiiiiiii ilcieiclc 3 e -ir.Z -
hsa l in athe l 0i1iiiun 11i ," i1e' ii >=i 1 i i iii ter essletli)ledi iiniS hejne stiili1e
mi htoiigii eelEIit Ief1 ,V,. <,t'-u 11ic-c- I si lice-, liceno1 ti' ul.t tci'cioci is- t' / ci te[(eatiun irs(o
pnva. t lia 11iii le-te nt iliel l ieiiiice i ll lli-.I'ctdei, tltr F. to./it r '. Qi ( I fai 'P1 Ao 1 e, k
to-, rite lewcicl ii eintni I Ince iii tau in ItIs on nti ihopedI (1,ll El j tiP-- liitllI hm-i
t-aicyr H illt lien i c i I .i t I c ii i il itii "m iih, s\ iciletd e ro gacc iticns c 1d,} l et- iiitty etititi t . c^i Ac ic , in
ATtuiri t I he r i Iii axlecI I, lif. eltic icyii taunl li'i/.) I>,Jii sicnicev -IV- f11)_
Te rtmii t ri iii i c- iitiiii :it i- t1'i11 I11 s: I'llIA I ii I llE s. 20IATtA i IA.i ST L , __
can b Iit -t ice lin 1 t i.X i e l0nct ita r e d i 1t ti to s iii~n il- GIG 332 ri STATE Sc lEFT(. ( , ]
All hgt. . U 11itc c , Ifv iii1ii .i nt 1"i i-c t i dt se ii n ii l v s lie I ~; - -,t-ii'iiiiiiiiii 0 lii I- :.-i i iics c ___
the ftes yonglu,11t ii l :i ic l t wtiiil iiiil ih cAstu rxcn lcurcagcnu1,: etilitin il iiii i tei-eeii-ci -i i ia t
ron ii h c r ic al tlcclct. t r.lci, - iii ale seulicai 'c. tp-sliccit lcoIcl -
cci loiiii - ltt- ie-ie le- 1(1,ch- it ni i i5 oelirla'tuIni
f h Gt~ i el i n, ~lo l Ii.s c I- tiel uncutt tut in lsrit le-.J 'y '}v_ tS( 1T
cireste l To (iiIi ti oth ic-i-li 1" iii-ii0iirCecctieall1t ntlfith'i .Pt,1,{c " -C ~I~~ RD~
'peak, lThloughi he iiiit iiitiot li5l sl i itae 5 lon itol1;"Ie~cncc lcgc hds t ii ,1AT I l id 111 I A I1A Z T S
t- etio ii i s lsts "il t e ilgola
to l e r elic prci iiil iii u11 li r t rie t i-isiliitn oe i III-i le"s1 clui glc 11II Oi l D IC V1R6 1R PP a:<tarer im al LTt oa
atetlsl s tl e tiall:I s icti iis-c t-nil i. sly tt i ar. Iiuns n ctittn a' cii rn AM D O '.. O Eitc A DS
eanf - lining A Ilcil tli t anitlii- ndt i c lrl lt\ - soi l it adiit leA 11istst. ilstinPSatreetlk.Ann A tar. ich
ntttltik itI le h tiict~ 1 1 ndci siihn :i n d 1Vci 1t cia Ileserioen - --- ---I-- .
atit-u et it uiunc l-s ucig" ActilAoleoosltcnc is -- -'-
ThIecD atlifcle lI. 1). Fiochtici1:",1 Tud nsRYetr ss cain
as11in' I ilt ell c l 'e l . , ti l-- s t nSTl Citi at th tii,
_____fu_,ehara p1_ fots~1t1l e tir . o rk1C/k a
o ttlicte olieu SenslliV Ir In l iii14it '0_ \i_______________v,._2____EAST____________________
Daititetu c 1in. ili e u r<lcico ill-oil lip -______________3__STASATE______T. q
:ii solt o hA optbr~ litd lol1490 An jihlnleo-yr L "C11wt.horl. ti,.,1 eln ally t rluqi. mee"r.
relr o h~ Laal a oletcs tvi5ilrl,, h,= iu(litsprano,1,tf iiitmtetI hemllfe-et."
QVrrtrs Oi itilt ti i e l f Sp in, $thel,1,rtor I'il - - -e.'
b-e l u~li in t fin ghut t c c li u-it i ,ii t "Frl ~ 11',a dis ee" ( rce o M u u rii or e t
eeitdl, L C Cel tI). flats Ill t eli st1tc~iii I d -cvnon vrta pr'0tIl 8 VY S" P a
give1111 ols bil-n lice) iiiin,c, vh wa att-th-t ooE A Trg j and tIoi T Tll'i. It n et7i ttI 7:/ ixe .~
Avt inds lied, TltiiI niuur Ifi-ly L volijeci: ivpeMILrTARISM AND WAGES.''iII
itrit rand10 1 ,- ari c nt ll 1in nl atAiiiooa 11. t l nTIits xla Cor
o bleing.Iit s ae ttM iiiad laoat, tihiS t l:,biiti tmo StlEstof '.an Cl ouIa l, ridnth rs til obo r, Eic.
liocr tlkandon tatMe itd teli do sIt Ci-ieto rh l ri n
sttftr>l li teeu ieitIi"i ii A t he At ns ThatfnetI--'-3.___ ._._- - -- --__- - --___ _.
Ceeetiihieetiluccii i n ot-cluug it- a tein
_e lttce iiiy alltftlg ad GoodStu1899sCrescuetssMcitAEB ER
cTto eat f D octv ' fhrgs tneOpanttil A n eeiBe lGar $ 5 0
Mettl1), Itttt we IiereouyLepree Iee,1 . . - ltiti tk.
Plitirtftt sii ctetLv;wIt Iit n iits BokHrn S. .ttei-, - - - . 00o10BWETrWAHINGON ST.
albeetieitti; Thetla s tpfsrsledr -Al yre,-t-DunapDeucabe-Tre, NN AR OR
1&'piue re l o iti t tt ; 1,re sitO DENTtGUEiORTs
Ie runitlicncloiel(17 s~elb tte,
: edu ti dpe t h 9 1c . etl. A oiln~tputit 11.- ittly stp cutni l--aal nnig
-~npe~elt em v rnt r-ioESn 00 t ald"-ti ati
A.1+, 1l ) t ie, an n ~ "ov onnrant~i oret'
C~~leTa n tutimly Lee c1 " ILIP~TeRISMeAtNDhoesfor Sprn .ist" Enls
t~cah oruur ll~alat, ou elear Sinle A mi ivt Laut e ave Set?,2 eiii lnt itai CoLace I
n len igls rda, it llrlstuet ; amylV. BoiiiketUnnota,'$ -.y5t. R sveiteto esurceoflt, t , k 0sucenseulran, wa
L o e b r itt cl. a ss c lr.c~~tn. I' -- oi J ] u sh s c rnshos. ,an t e s tl t o e
ilrereitydllI. Subrjctarid t iasila o{ TJ12QiT. 18 9tOH. arls u~ ~u 1 ahntn
r-hs trlnU n- -

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