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February 02, 1899 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1899-02-02

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1F U Dres Patent Leathers,
Six ollar Values
SALE FEB. 1 TO FEB 10.. 1
TheNiaaraFals t'" LRI h 1116PiNeW BVrllIo Mandolins
TArEfe t 1418S , A( i1 ilNi I i i 10 11 (i iD H . u h
1?rtl lial. . .i ' jol VdDI )it'i ,iP.SAEBE¢A~8RLE MUSIC STORE
ata iiNu iN....... 43FE El(tT~I'SI(l t11 ~lt12 '
ip 1 Euc s 55 L 11'' A ll'T.Ilit'. iD1 i NIE V l -Pl )(£Ctdt~_ 't i inl ThaN NiTiNNNl 'Ni NSANNNyiiN
c~~oru tcasr 0110 ~~~NN l 110i{1. t14 . ,M A TN .
1,71 :, ' loo N 1 .llu i ..N State ' Il1oe 1 01MfMA TI
... 12 - m.FUNERAL
r.iM uc A Aibur CALENDAR. French and Spanis. DIRECTOR
T rid'iu, Feb. -M. Wily 7;111- (SKend Suiiiqer)i) iiililuie a pcalty N 00 urti
M 4A BO i ialn i i i li NNNl i )l i IN Ii' INNIiin the2horalI 1v, du n Ite h t N' . te
N 'hurSt 1 Il P e
' N 1(1 h) ,7 fi t'1l , oN loN N A Th t o iNs t l NM o rp h ) c u aIN n d:NN. 2 6,il i iNH is I ce Y 3 11 ,t A e
n at IcNNNNI i XINNi'NDrin::, e i l icr iven by D)i. h
Nalld l Fe . 1 1 1' iN. 1111111 hu '111 ii
A".NN-NsINN 17.3iL. 1 N ii NNNNN
Ti . - li 5 x 11: iT iNIp. rt..
N. Nil _____ SETYU
INN NiiNrNn NilNiS. L. .L.i coul)ciiilni-I ''h.i s tines.ii1 t hrn' Y
[= . NA . orini10d 7 zealic. 'hN 'V NT.
yc )i~ u,. ntNNN\iN. t lr. ab eD en i r i I- i Aror iCni' 11i- 11i. Al ii~iriNNi- V .~ . ' i. '
Gi l VAX'. , A ie i sitr, Jlj LUNCHEiSi
r, NFOeiRANlA~li~ ' a1It 'l~iT, ei.l-. ,ii i INNi 1ii'ilENibT iiik ni ed T iNoiii iiiAjNN
iN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M na , FiNi.i. U fIi a aie t e, 1eb. 6.), P(dN N 1N7a i1 I'iii~ili'i ti' ~e i iill
'iN]) ,dio,'eyugi fe Iieie P~iet r f. S cot 01 i ll eli ase. Al modPERFECT IN. STY° 'LEE FNS
o fNN 'l ii i . i i i N N N Si n u l i i e v r'i l i i- a 'T H
DiEuRr , YP Iner NC & NLNINin Ai-in p~ leutsp, tvm. theasthnto U9p3e8ISo 2 SWateHuronet.
The , RabA CIneAlLimited" DeA..G1SPA LDIG'&rBROS
NI) iNAssictifiiN? look here tiienAnn'iiii oc esi I ,i'i -Coiliit;gi -
( l'aeui A205fnni Argbo fr p sii nt I p rilv Feb.1.ATHLETICn1- Glr abnkuttohofb O R P O O S .
dDe roi veofNi 72.')ca. r i liyi t6 l ena y nis . thhich aydsreachof2theIrII-us'.. ARE o e
N.I 7 ila5 tted ay , 10,.(Ni.,) ralTt ,iie 2Cl. - -(PER FEiTi I Nii i T Yii ii LE N' FI'NI SH N iiig
i N.ai er iituu I p. ii.,ht'.ifterT i7" :41h )NIN IN ii iii'iu 'iiaiiltlouaify
tri1. INNviN 1152p., ('i= Sudetsgo 214))o~ B ymn H
3ng ins on erlfi Ana n dp Al : r. ii, ,ewvleiCO P RAN ii'a oli li'*'riNdiii k NN
reee.raa A~o",II (riwol sret~ly il nl.C r th all l .IiN12P'Westii u rog'in . ~r i~
iN. iioit. T N slIT lti' h, I J1NN ii uf rl
le si unnebouti2a ati.oae statcs fr N QI0 eiN A T L ETiiN I C O S
r~ nsill Indlianl-iiosan-' Mih S~L..E l pading's Official League Bail
art. NiThe ('C ntinental Liiateil is te s theI 1 1. ., O I iiu I ail o teNaiaalLa
N u. as ilNiiN t raiiiiof the Wabaish _ ______and_______th__ leadin____college___associations.iea
in me Pass les Silan cgong est etaen at FHan~l L i~idsomiiiSCtialge oiiiAteic iipaoNt
TIN C n Ionsult tIhe tic'ket agnTor2ee ;ne lm n2Itoanldilty.lil'N
ii tiur i 1 and IVI ~ U~'~ p. dl ica al 1i B uGltiiGu ifoi I TI
t e m'in uRilroadufor rates rand MAKERSiOFVFOR MEN 'lrch 30 IaCntis.
k it o Dr a. IN ah folder___._A._P U__ITN_ A. G. SPALDING & BRO., New York, Chicago
IS ,iru'Nxioiii, M.IT A.
IlowiingGreen, , Narittttr ALL STYLES The Most " Up-to-date" AND TOLEDO RAILWAY,
Finlny Atind~el1, ad $ .0Shoe Made.Lliahe llie fromitha Tldo Iin aSaios
ealmIaianha u ~ it epot n.V4a. UtClmaan id paloints 'ond, uins Union
ClonttrleStoa, W. De.liplIterinslatol G as.
C'olultlbus trains use Lake Shre t'nion Ann Arbor Store: Parlor Cars on Day Trains, eats 25 ts
T Srogltainsita.eeingnd11 EAST HURON STREET. Polman Sleepers n Night Trains
Drawng hrouh Dom rain wih hSleeingandStetudneirguneualled facltie are In
a rawToltod canrs fo DNoi iullto tnse theaukey oal. Fll parilo
oomom Dtri ACTORY-Brockton, Mass. tare 00 apflcation to local ticket agens, or
W. B. FISHER, t. P. and TA,
SIIOLTON 11011OK, General IPaseneger At. Colmbs, Ohio.

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