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February 02, 1899 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1899-02-02

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- ------- -- --- -[tercolleuate Breau lolf1ademhiG ostume.
'y~r Caps, Gowns and Hods made to order and rented. Alto Clas-
Canes, ('tas at and Cap, Class Collge in. Addre sA
W. U. KI ily, N, (Wtrnengr., II OR
la-neliilMa-sam, on'..sof ( li.i
ordci- fo - -I! Hs Received a Fine Lihie
A ECARRIAGES i oft'New oos.
PJUNIO7R HOP eS or tii~t ~i
K -i T E L E P H' O N E 1 0 6 . 5 1 5 . L A 3 E R T Y . . . B o n ' -1 R
We call atetion to or -comlete linof ICenter Irat ishet Plated I-ams, ! r wa5'(Isenerit
S anring in price froin 75 to ,2.50 eact. 'Iiese L amps are of the atst nd }anigBsne,
most imnloosed patterns asdtmaes. Inluding"The New Ioeleser '''The lakti i sa-.
Yae, ''l ire Rofl , ""Th e tBerlni sldett Iatp' "Its IerfetionS tdettt
ON E-HALF Lmp."If you aatt the est I' tip for tie Icot dinr etee and sees. FIRST NATIONAL BANK tni
44 SO. MAIN ST., Caia l t t --uiuailiIl A 'S
3PI;ANN ARBORl. MICH. srM Ltot ci, Iz
AT orations Mst IBe In By Feb. to. 1 At92 .l'11'II AIlY4 IN rs IxlOt'atli
Aliy' tst'ttl r of tite (Irttori til is n d'i t i ts at the Athet'-s I- ia. e 'S. W I -IstI, . i
n "1t''-"'Athough sestt hers' before,
ln uarouetiu ot'tfot'y It'plirr th e 1 1irleste it te disoe ry (f! i IILI
Htre tpe( Wrilttnc o sf his- otta ntereai, itctudes attostgits aist ers '' __s_______
jf"Jj i ti it t lit tsthe '-t ntettuv of t tso' io0 peple. New seney ttvill be aitheit
ciatioitttbefore ti p.it., Itriday, Fe.C r " o tttttthis tri n d((11wsilth te liMahi iit inItt (It s .
terre ast it gtoto s tw is sareto eth ie itt i Itt t 5n to 'I 0( I su
KI, 1 , ltp rovding that theoIts tinltttreul ttibr iler
Shalt ntcottaitn ((ore Itthan 18 )) Itul ittf r'tlor at'd atusi, tntttvitt it" It. KrMI i . C IL. iinr IE ict
ivotds, at at lt teide etm l bitasi 5fttl torottn te ft itt eo ned nst 'Fi:> ttB it nttt i er.tn
in te sphoior Junor r snio ieninine bettit It 1' sotltd e teet
Kclsoh iterary, (tant- nn-t'r nated amdby abig house. This xprloat The fAnn Arbor .Savins BaIIR
eiuber ofltee ltas inthit'Ltwv De-gatteibeside 1osessigalitlie f eatren 'atia s l n' 000. n~ e i
prtitteit, atd pt'vitittg tshat thelai tiitwerts Itctors tnt its tttaetnlieness itt '-5(i1 ' t ((II in
sau itetott' ltistitt ernvei ii)'whenltst here, Ias been nehttneS b ilttiie iUdettttlishe t ~n a tln In r,
a series ot'beutiot rtitic livitg i (it hw'e othiniti'0 ' ii t I ll. o n te
tacad'mtic terees ori'astnu m ore gni li etr't ils
tirsIhclrichedu eycee-,,aer itt iieduonbolricufctot r years college cetit ii 1tily. In the perormancte the ' e so 't 1
Neprtmients. rtti rlt Iabe ftiie i ts t elti by .start is hesi e i . ttlak «; .1il.i
J. A. tOi'onsiieitlasie, e' ) rittarale netu otly ly it is i enad e - ,lt _it
Y.y y417aperacI . Piiv r ty Ae, baith ty avsale hihtcinsiruhohfally be
Atlei-ar-roeeigs Ith 's letsctiveness sene al nA BscSFENCER
Students' Laundry Association A the mettigof tie Ahtietic-perstnttiots.. T H
Wi. y S' it'ii't-O 'to. R t. g up n- or Botrttlast igh eieteiei i reshnen Trahmen-
de ~N)~.S~~DTIOJiifei te tletioni tff ttttlititt tottaer tit Fancy aloterc
fion tet yea inath atii tf nsstiit AItstiidie
Teet h ad t ti th l tate I ttis ebit ett'i'rac'karng Vllt etimi ieorti I iftte GroIsiitt [o c
Gorer fiii Sotgine iin.Al itl- iuitlttI- Ilte ext m inrios fthe lxii tiltaY liTiurstas'sanitu SalurdatI ,aat;
nelittilland tr aftullhe'asltittititi- 04a8i) . JAS. S-R~ i i'm - ekeep eer tig nsaly ketit i
slitte tat11 Satecurt aftier tthe insitte____________1___firt-las Groery and taery. Cl
\ it St tlei ini44i. iotls. (to aund1get itisktie oiiatilt ts Aitt tid; tt
a~#!~ lS1t(O' o mike ii' igtte t vftitil itig toti'Airboi' e ittg ark. It is itte'. 318 . STATE ST.
i'it btlo entisitiioit of'this assoiattiotoite'-VI-lt INt -Side stubattili, f(riYOU'RE N EXT
Ptan, Ppe Ogenasndrposian Mi tig wichlttihats itettineeodedtielis l-it-n 31 a cattrl sI,.1I Ilo sk u o ii Poin S o
toildi tes.. fuir te o 10 1 ( as t 11 R. hIlt tsNo ssintPre. I 32t S. Soe.sna
Feiot Sttti;at ctntia tr, est rO itilsI - te gyiltitituttwill beolet iii I t k Pei isllm -Ia tteG tit
32 S. Divistan St. CneriSPaoTietg 'Iltttroly autu Friday o f n't isecoa,( RAZRH N G
sbt nomiclass n-rk sill lit'doe ~ittit Itoti40to481 l5:15 oiTue tisay~y' ZORA HOINEN.
osntpulsory stuiniutui woorTIurlayltnStllSattrda atfecrnos. I1 CIEC
THE iRENOWltNEDOlMA'NDOINttVIRTOSOi A M. llnoaceasoD, Mtntie. (itWettuarataa OtisStin.
MR . U EN A E rnert fotittiFel. 3 t 1, a-. AiF tay a i _ -ot'-iitWARREN THE BARBER
alt a tiatm." I is tihtle tiwo pesns!tTHE M D L o State Street
Wilt give lessone s le mandolin and Arommte"got ejahreresanitga ae Slt sitti.aadwiti ncoerOE
guitar at the University SChool l ofcotittt oiatisii offered. LawsIEpreferted ptay n te fetd. Strepaidtraeit alyaddlrres BRE HPI ytidesire
DnievrFrdyFo esaderaeiiit f 15.firt-las work and corteos treatmnett
Enqure t, U ofM. DILYOffie.AS ALAT HOE Co
housa>Ic ee cridary. Fr'eia idIaqtr t .o .Dotr ~ s,5s. Chambe tr ittcommrtel, try George and Iarry at 332 S. State St.
hor appy IiteSceay )J DetilaS ____
Phoneor he4ark!It if see that tielsa.o161. Lierty Street.Reridnca in8
on the articule (ott the box. This is a giiiaraitee that it is THS OB TOSR
good. Souvenir Holiday Gifts! Thfle hitget line in THOEshB-YTROSER
Penin ularteflast-Comtty' of gifts desitrable for ladies andetleen
PennsuarExamine our Mtock.

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