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February 02, 1899 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1899-02-02

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I P~rof.Coe Lectores Before lFlb-
.. *so Ihicat Socitt]
heI 1 i 5 l )H( ( "ii oe, of 'Nirtliest' ill.
r ° lecture before 4the Yi s ophe 1)ye O-eI
.0 (('efton .74 ( 4~ fie) n1 "(1
Both f"(150 111#7 . ifIc u~1 e i i l i seakel
hosp't ponf w s tul. ell bsiiil otetai te
of liie 11 sl if=^i I.i (l . e vi s1a 'i";
I4 f mI0014Ti1144l. Ile4(11(4t11
" A i N I 1 . itoo'' ii io a .Ho ors Cto Q trf'ed llonse j.oN n
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TI C ill 11l h ,I I i (51iC ' ,ii( l1'alill4I1 f iS 1 (i£iO1 i'(lil4 ilk-{
Athlet'Ie X"Oo01E.litii(4 (it t ed C it 3110e, l'li Mt I ' Cuf
IL 14._ ilo i .4-lIO- - ,tl mo" hn o x et' 410-ric'11l iwe r vlI
' 10419( t .1rlg r'Ihl, 11 iell 'liit 11CoIilas~.s theeof. 's
'C 1 oi' ljpi lt tL (01W4handballe i-FitrnsfrLastiondc1,.
i lie dsiC' i11 toill arlh (k liii' 11110(1 ,
oii in ii(.(, oT100 el ck ,the l£k(S ;s((- 1h ppitedgi1 . 11c foundi l tha te
0i'il(i fr 50(4(14 1stb m tie.f<~ iC COred mint.dpXeXmintedin las
is t ,rib for(e 41 1 m i th( a 1 011 li ith menal fcultil l ls
., I 'old e4(t i a i. XX1 r s tov '. lineln(1 tiV4HV i li4 111'.

MirocoialSuple INLAND PRESS ±
Dissecting Inlstrumllents- + ANN ARBOR I
verioiiie y n ,'difor( :: qii I
('(isry(work (oilillif:}.. ~ ~ ~ 1 ~fU ~
Cmsl~so ( Y'' MOKEt
flID ~ UuII GO1ddu SGuptrIT
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%~'( ,
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VCY 1. htsiv '4CTAci'

Coh~~nitUncesuitHal. oil' b'lie-Cl liiti0501((1 ie(i4i'4Students. Lecture Association.
()~tr1 -Tll.ii 17.sBourke Cockrlul is . 1". Ma.xnoz',
Dea th14 e fl) 1o f the list.I 14 ________ilaa ir. Hon. lA. Bon. uk o
,iosiq01' lie is idea~l-i(l5l 00ve eadl, Ili ("0 l1109(1(1'98,1 a1 i1 iC')Q.Cf ile c~~U I ~ ~ ~ i I
fr54'7 r i s an4d014 1 11 4ierll l(i'isllg sh lun'014h1illleft college tiiacn' GOLDEN TONGUED ORATOR
liii 1114 11(1 oin ii '.r schoouls it X\Vest Bay City, 11i14. I''Tltlle1lll 151 1111)141115
IisIst'-ill 'ii11 u t. ot t ' yfr C'r1liioof eljlo ell('.''
old, ' Hi' hasoe-ieuia i elui o f sev- "Of''1the -IlaurstiLld litll ( r t.
,( s C'49''0',41(1 , 44 (tu ATH-ENS TH-EATRE, I'Lo-il 141.
zlsOt iu ie00ll lawnsill ~ 14the State -- - -''- ___{1FolI-eof a)1 ' 111tuill Torrentfl.'"
o)f Niew 'Xokhi s lptieIiC'0iioiiIt- X.ttlri~iivl-, Isht-ordlinary. 'uViE SI T'II L..,FEB F 4
1), toierlilFs J070 ear(19on 44 4'C'54I Y-H LL. TIU ADT1 I
Ie i hpa(1rticullry famousfor is TUA~l Su(ji~et: "MILITARISM AND WAGES.'1
-peelinai 1511.of Clevln nC iao' h Ii r.tPe ~ i h nds Iufe, ((4 179 IelS'zl5440foi1'((l rar-oi ClS x
(44(1 huiTsNMuiisoll'Nillare ( e ad a II I o lFtorite n tIti t Sinog1 Admilssonl $.. eservedl 5 ~t, jcenits extra.u t i144
sli 13,00) pele ~were hl ihin 1 1 1j ______lies, A 011,Collell, .111(1Others SItill (to Com~e'.
-'ag f his treimendous flow. do Ilo *
I((lIIC. N o0more1eff'iveI I'SpeechMonday, Feb. 6th. 18i99 C.rescents VA.STAE SLE '
,vas evfer444d'lrdlii(NewYrkshe 40 PEOPLE- -40 $..5O
';elue of la3= iateff111)4144,-c,"50c.1 Cresn Bevel 3Ge1ar01Ch1ai1- Cycle Emporium,
choin lie s0 eloqently hrattledli(ine --l ess, - - $60.00
lte presidential campaign,, w(l1 be The Mutual Life Ins. Co., Juveniles, 25915WSTWSIGO T
hrjuttwo w4eeks later, w0111 add Aset Newi York. llfite with Dunlap Detachable Tires. ANN ARBOR.
her justts$277,516,325.36.
.interest n rt to teegrpl-Gaate ageIadu nuacCs n MAYNARD ST. BELL 'PHONE 246.
_t.C oka ill spteagern publ- LioaVlusdEtnded 14(0PInsrane 44(44w'shnuand'Grangter s tndle mana4gementflof MRS. NOSS GRANGER.
Mc. ock~in illspea 01 'Mii- oss l'sue.and lotlude 1(bsniwe 1181 ~o C) 1agtbhes' Cls4ss-Gentlemen(4, 104a1rn., Saturdys; Ladies, 4414. Saturdays
0501540 and '\Xages" inl University sle 44s(4(Aents Wantedl. ,'r'.derm iielldalCa-odyeesso di0v4 '41-ssa so g
7fal Saturday evening, Feb. 4. Addrcss .1.A. PIERSON, Dist. Supt., rogammaPrtyEacaSturay vein I1(g.
Many' prominent men from out of 42d1e- tol.Mh ______ __
town will be honorary guests of the j3UZY A N W T I G
occaesin.cInuvewAsoiinof thes- -_ -" -'---Ini Patent Leather Shoes for Spring, is the English
ocain nve ftedifficulty Flat Laat. We have them nil Buttoln sod Lace. If
on obtaining Cockran one will do Drug s and Optial Goodsna' you want to be successf ul, look sueesful and wear
'well to avail himself of this, per. pIU. "''or shoes.
haps the only chance, to hear him in , 11fWahintonSt,
51nuAro. Cook House Block. Huron St. IFIVS HESO Ann Arbor.

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