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February 28, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-02-28

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At Wild's
Spring selections just arrived
from the East. Call and
inspect our...-
Suitings, Trouserings,
Fresh every week.
Only in packages-
0c a pound.
Lowney's if you
Just received a fresh supply of Allegretti, and
Williams and Werners Chocolates. Largest line
in the city.
Lunches at all hours.
R. B. JObLLY & CO.
808 South State Street.
About April 1st I shall
need two more young men
to work at the soda foun-
Applications will be re-
ceived now.
Text Books i
For every department in the Uni-
versity. Law and Medical Books a
specialty. We can supply all youi
needs for the "Second Semester at
lowest prices.
Second-hand Books Bought, Sold
and Exchanged.
Best Linen Writing Paper l5e-and
25c per pound.
The A. A. Waterman Solhd Bold Fountai
Pe.sfor $1.25.


Sousa and His Band Delighted a
Large Audience.
Saturday night Sousa and his band
gave one of the most pleasing concerts
heard here in years, to the largest aud-
ience that has assembled in University
Hall this year. More than half an
hour before the concert was to com-
mence every seat in the hall was filled
and the crowd was pushing for stand-
ing room, and people were still press-
ing into the building.
When Sousa first appeared he was
greeted by a perfect storm of applause.
He responded to the encore with "The
Directory," which was so well received,
that the band was compelled to respond
again. The second number was a
trombone solo by Mr. Arthur Pryor.
Mr. Pryor's playing showed what re-
markably sweet tones can be produced
on the trombone. Mr. Pryor responded
to an encore with the "Banks of the
Wabash." No sooner had two or three
measures been played so that the aud-
ience recognized the tune, than they
broke forth in cheers and applause.
Miss Maude Reese Davis has a re-
markably sweet and clear soprano voice
and reached the highest notes with the
greatest ease. She responded to an en-
core with a taking little popular song
which was roundly applauded.
The rendering of "Sheridan's Ride,"
one of Sousa's descriptive compositions,
was excellent. The "Waiting for the
Bugle," "The Attack," "The Death of
Thoburn," "The Coming of Sheridan,"
and "The Apotheosis" were all vividly
portrayed. In "The Attack," there
were some splendid martial strains.

expressed himself as highly pleased
with his reception, and said the and-
ience was unusually responsive. He
was especially well pleased with the U.
of M. yell at the close.
S. C. A. Library.
The Students' Christian Association
have added the following periodicals to
their reading room:
The Christian Endeavor World, Out-
look, N. Y. Independent, _McClures,
Munseys, Life, Harpers' Monthly, Pub-
lic Opinion, North American Review,
Cosmopolitan, The-Nation, Outing, and
The Ladies' Home Journal. There are
now very few Of the better known
journals that are not received at their
The folicwirg books have also been
added to the library:
"The Story of Jesus Christ," by Eliza-
beth Stuart Phelps; "The Polychrome
Bible"; "The Book of Judges"; "The
Theology of an Evolutionist," by Ly-
nan Abbott; "Jesus, the Carpenter of
Nazareth," and "The Bonny Brier
Bush," preser ted by Prof. and Mrs.
Spaulding; "Champions of Christian-
ity," by Silas Farmer, and "Social Law
of Service," by Richard T. Ely, pre-
sented by the authors.
Harvard University Club.
Ever since the beginning of the col-
lege year at Harvard, there has been
considerable agitation of the question
whether or not a University Club would
be of any real benefit to the three
thousand or more students at Cans-
bridge. The matter was brought to a
definite focus by a mass meeting held
last week in one of the largest audi-
toriums in the University. The room
was crowded to overfiowing and a great

Graduate Club Work.
A short business meeting of the
Graduate Club was held before Prof.
Wenley's address last Friday night, at
which was preesnted. the report of E.
R. Sunderland, who had been sent by
the society as its delegate to the Feder-
ation of Clubs meeting at the Univer-
sity of Chicago during the Christmas
Holidays. The port was interesting
and detailed, describing in full the dis-
tinctly social occasions of the Federa-
tion, as well as those devoted to busi-
ness and discussion of important ques-
tions connected with graduate work,
The University of Chicago enter-
tamed with its usual character-
istic liberality and courtesy all
the delegates who represente 1 seven-
teen universities: Barnard, Brown,
Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard,
Leland Stanford, Michigan, Missouri,
Northwestern, Pennsylvania, Radcliffe,
Vanderbilt, Western Reserve, Wiscon-
sin and Yale.
The main address of the convention
was offered by Prof. Tufts, of the phil-
osophical department of Chicago, and
formerly professor in the University of
Michigan, upon the subject, "The Re-
lation of Philosophy to Graduate Stud-
ies." The address aroused so much en-
thusiasm that it was unanimously vot-
ed to incorporate it verbatim in the
graduate hand-book, of the coming
year. Other subjects discussed were
the question of migration in graduate
work, the requirements of the Ph. D.
degree and the contents and expenses
of the Graduate Hand-book. The ver-
dict of the federation upon the ques-
tion with the printing of theses offered
for the doctor's degree was expressed
in the following resolution: "That this

The favorite of the evening evidently deal of enthusiasm was shown. After convention approves the publication of
was Miss Jennie Hoyle, the violinist. a number of stirring speeches by prom- theses, and that such publication should
Her first number was very well re- inent undergraduates, a resolution was be at the expense of the university
ceived, and at the close of the second unanimously adopted urging upon the granting the degree."
selection she received a vertiable ova- graduate committee, in whose hands Old Gold as a College Color.
tion. The band attempted to play the the matter lies, the great need of an
next number, but could not make them- organization in Harvard which will Old gold is a popular color among
selves heard over the applause, and serve as a bond of sympathy between American colleges. It is combined with
were compelled to yield to Miss Hoyle each man and every other man in the blue by Allegheny College, Franklin,
for another number. This remarkable University. College, Franklin, Ind., Trinity College,
young violinist played with rare power It is probable that the request of the Hartford, and the United States Mili-
and feeling, undergraduates will be acted upon fav- tary Academy. The University of Miss-
The audience immensely appreciated orably. ouri, Vanderbilt University, Purdue
the sketch entitled "Over the Foot- Semi-Finals In Hand Ball. University, DesMines College, and the
lights in New York." As the different University of Wooster, at Wooster, O.,
selections were played one could see The semi-finals in singles in the hand- combine the old gold with black. Knox
persons here and there keeping time to ball tournament were played Saturday. College, Kansas Wesleyan and Union
th music with the nodding of the head, Emmons won from Chase, 15-8, 15-3, Christian College, Merom, Ind., display
or tapping of the feet or fingers, or and Lutz defeated Dwyer 15-12, 14-15, old gold beside purple, while the Uni-
- swaying of the whole body. Now and 15-9. The final between Emmons and versity of Texas unfurls old gold and
then someone would be lightly whist- Lutz for the trophy given by Dr. Fitz- white. Chaffin University, Orangeburg,
Sling or humming as some familiar air gerald will be played some time this S. C., and Simpson College, uphold old
was reached; and when some specially we.gold and red, while the University of
popular tune was played the whole For a Frieze Memorial. . Minnesota calls it red maroon and
Iwould enthusiastically applaud. Williamette calls it cordinal. Gold is
Mr. L. P. Jecelyn, '87, as secretary of
In the encores which were rpael also used to a considerable extent be-
n eore wictwre repeatedly the Frieze Memorial Committee, ap- ing displayed singly by Beloit College,
caldottanBeacTheietreElecaitaspointed last June, is sending out circ- and combined by -other colors by not
Manhattan Beach, The Bride Elect, and lar letters asking subscriptions of one less than fifteen other colleges and uni-
other of Sousa's most popular marches dollar. The committee hope to he able versities.
were played. to place a suitable monument in post- The Dally will be delivered the re-
e To a Daily representative Mr. Sousa I tion on Alumni Day this coining June. AInalder of college year for $1.25.

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