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February 25, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-02-25

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Ijc II. of



At Wild's
Spring selections just arrived
from the East. Call and
inspect our......
Suitings, Trouserings,
Fresh every week.
Only in packages-
60c a pound.
Lowneys if you
Just received a fresh supply of Aflegretti, and
Williamsand Werers Chocolates. Largest line
in thecity.
Lunches a ali hours.
308 South State Street.
Some old story about
the same good tooth
brushes. If a 25 cent
brush sheds its bristles
we give you another
brush. Glad to do it.
We don't often have
an opportunity.
Text Books !
For every department in the Uni-
versity. Law and Medical Boks a
specialty. We can supply all your
needs for the Second Semester at
lowest prices.
Second-hand Books Bought, Sold
and Exchanged.
Best Linen Writing Paper 15c and
25c per pound.
The A. A. Watrman Solid UOid Fountain
Pens for $1.25.
Up Town Down Town
S Staest.e t Opposite netHouse
Ann Arbor -ain at

Courses in Physics Will Be an
The work in physics in the coming
term of the Summer School at the Uni-
versity of Michigan, will offer various
attractive features.
Besides the usual work in prepara-
tory physics for students desiring to
meet the entrance requirements in this
subject, a course will be given designed
especially for teachers of physics in the
secondary schools. In this course a
thorough review of the subject will be
combined with the solution of numer-
ous physical problems and the pre-
sentation and discussion of a number
of the 'more difficult demonstration ex-
periments. Methods of instruction and
the various devices for connecting lab-
oratory and text-book work will re-
ceive due attention.
In laboratory courses will be found
ample opportunity for teachers to be-
gin work in physical measurements.
The course will embrace the same work
as the corresponding courses given in
the regular University work, and to
those completing the work the same
amount of credit will be given. Labor-
atory management and details of lab-
oratory instruction will form an essen-
tial part of these courses.
In advanced laboratory work will be
found courses in electro-chemistry and
in sound, open to all teachers or stu-
dents qualified to pursue those sub-
jects; illustrative lectures will form a
feature of both these courses. Teach-
ers and other properly qualified per-
sons desiring to devote special atten-
tion to particular features of laboratory
work, as to investigation of special sub-
jects, will find assistance and encour-
In recognition of the frequent occa-
sion found by most teachers to repair
physical or chemical apparatus, it has
been decided to offer a course in ele-
mentary glass-blowing. This is to em-
brace the simpler manipulations in
glass of everyday use in all laborator-
les, such as cutting, grinding, bending
and. welding glass tubes, ' making
T-tubes, absorption tubes, thistle
tubes, the preparation and sealing-in
of electrodes and making electrolytic
apparatus, Geissler tubes, etc.
The courses in physics will be 4n
charge of Dr. Guthe and Assistant-
Professor Reed.
Philological Society.
The fifth 'meeting of the Philological
Society was held in Room E last night.
The feature of the evening's program
was an illustrated paper on the Arch
of Trogan at Benevento, by Prof.
Francis W. Kelsey. The paper was a
very interesting one and was enjoyed
by a large audience. The society prom-
ises some interesting programs during
the coming semester.

Freshman-Sophomore Meet. Address for Woman's League.
The candidates for the freshman and Tomorrow at 3:30 Mrs. Emma A. ,Fox
sophomore track teams are showing up of Detroit, will lecture on Parliament-
in good form and it is expected that ary Law in the Women's Building.
the coming meet between the two Mrs. Fox is a woan of ery fine pres-
classes will be an interesting and close-
ly contested one. It is expected that enee, has a delightfully clear and
dmaterial will show u strong voice, and is a very ready speak-
much good mtra vlshwsp in
this contest, which will greatly add to e. She has made a long and careful
the strength of the 'varsity track team study of parliamentary law and has at-
which will undoubtedly be better than tained an enviable reputation as a
any previous year. Managers Bach, of parliamentarian.
the freshman team, and McLean, of The Saginaw Courier-Herald had the
the sophomore team, are using every followingt the time of the conventioi
effort to get their men out, and to put of the M ticheig State Federation of
them in proper condition. Boih mana- ome C hel i thati:
gers claim that their men are shwing Women's Clubs, held in that city
up in excellent form. "Anotable feature of the session was
ethe able manner in which the President
The Cage Back. Emma A. Fox, conducted the business
Manager Keith has again received that came before the assemblage. Hei
the cage for the baseball men. 'When knowledge of parliamentary rules was
it arrived the first ime it was fond exact and accurate; her decisions were
to be too short and would not reach to invariably right and fair, and her pa
tience andI cuntesiiifilng"
the respective hangers intended for its t
After the lecture a reception will be
support. After a good deal of trouble held. Medaies LoosHll, echem,
Manager Keith again has the cage so Pttengit., femai, Knowlton, ussell,
that it can be used, but it still needs fempg Wircester, lOal, Merry,Wait,
to be altered. The sides are entirely Finney, Morris, R. Campbell, Mensel,
too short, for when the whole cage ises
suspended at its proper height, they eeve, Dr. Mosier, and the Misses
lack some feet of reaching the floor, Mary Young, Bates, Stickney and
which they should do in order to utilize Heath will act as a reception commit-
the cage to the best advantage of the tee.
players inside as well as those exercis-
Junior Law Contest.
ing on the outside.,
"Charlie" Baird In Town. The '99 Law contest was held last
"C r r snTwn. night and was the most closely contest-
Charles Baird, one of Michigan's oldI e of the contests thus far. The
football managers, has been spending judges on thought and composition
a few days in town. He has been stop- were Rev. E. M. Gelston, Prof. Brew-
ping with some of the football men at ster and Prof. Mechem; on delivery,
the training quarters on Volland st. Prof. B. M. Thompson, Dr. Herdman
Charles Baird managed Michigan's and F. L. Ingraham.
team during the years of '94 and '9i,
and it is universally claimed that he The speakers were marked as filiows,
was one of the best managers Michigan the marks being in the Order of the
ever had. The two seasons that he had judges as named:
control of the tem were especially sue- Mulholand, 1, 4, 2; 2, 1, 4; total, 14.
cessful, the famous game with Harvard Wisner, 2, 3, 3; 1, 3, 3; total, 15.
being the only one lost. Bowman, 5, 1, 4; 3, 2, 1; total, 16.
1 Gilbert, 3, 2, 1; 4, 4, 2; total, 16.
Adelphi Meeting. Bigger, 4, 5, 5; 5, 5, 5; total, 29.
Mr. Mulholland received first place'
The Adelphi Society proposes to in- i. thought and composition, and Mr.
augurate the work of the new semes- Bowmangind ryMo ,andwas
ter with a special program tonight. l3owman in delivery. Mr. Bosman was
The Alpha Nu and the Pislologia so- compelled to write his oration verg
cieties have been invited to be present hastily, and to go into the contest only
and participate in an informal recep- partly prepared because of the press of
tion after the regular program. The his other University literary duties,
program is as follows: Music: inaugur- and this fact no doubt accounts for his
al address by the new president, B. 11.' failure.
Johnson; music, Ann Arbor Banjo I The next contest will be that of the
Quartet; story, Mr. Bryant; speech, Mr. Senior Laws tonight. This class as
Minchin; music; story, L. Van hook; is the ior t, class t
flcte solo, Mr. Drake. The program be- well as the Senior Lit. class has two
-representatives sn the final. The
gins at 8 o'clock. Everyone is invited.
judges on thought and composition for
Senior Class Meeting. tonight are Profs. Wenley and Knowl-
There will be a meeting of the senior' ton, and Rev. Young. The six highest
class this afternoon at 4:30 p. m., in in thought who will deliver their ora-
Room C. Important business will ba tions are Tatum, Stolz, Huff, Rea,
considered. Fted E. Leefe, manager of Storm and Albright.
the '98 baseball team, has resigned and Miss Mina M. Gat h ta t
s his successor will be chosen. It is prob-
able also that something definite will the west side schools last year, and who
be done in regard to the athletic trophy has been taking special studies at the
room, which the senior class has in University of Michigan, was married
charge. Some new social plans are also yesterday at Ann Arbor to Delos F.
being contemplated by the social com- Wilcox, secretary of the Business Men's
I mittee. association of Cleveland.

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