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January 31, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…I pAb rlt SWakl~ Ahr PRESST SAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE :XX. 93: ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1920. PRICE THRE1: N WOMAN, AD RRANDU H AT 1-HOP Head, Heart, Spirit; All These Wake Burton An Ideal President __ .- t , . . .. AIGLER REPORT kL, '21, OF DILLON'S (By Chase S. Osborn) (Editor's Note -- In reply to a re- quest from The Daily Mr. Chase S. Os- born, of Sault Ste. Marie, former Re- gent of the University...…

January 30, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…2ri Pt w . ,4 ' i rII' ~A'A ND N1GH' SERVICE II I ) ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1920. PRICE THREE CEI! .. .....,... y , --. I 16E CUT EASE BILL . PIRACY fUnion, At- th Gomp- NEWLAS TO RESISTER Will Organize Classes for Students Entering Next Semester Students of the literary college who intend entering the law school next semester are requested by Dean HAn- ry M. Bates of the Law school to hand in their name...…

January 29, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…A tA at I DAY 4 6 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1920. P Ir . '- I I I , / I - -- --- it - I A Little Negligee, Much Talent, Such Is Alice Sit- ly- The-Fire ION IN LENGES NG LIST s for Both Sides' Satisfied :h Day's Work; Sessions Compliments Them By Associated Press) Jan. ZS.--Rapid prog- today in the process jury to hear the evi- against United States °ry and his 123 co-de- d with conspiracy to statutes in conne...…

January 28, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 90) • Page Image 1


January 27, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

… COLD I r 5k ian :43 a tlu TODAX DAs AND MIHT W SERVICE ,- , VOL. XXX. No. 89. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1920. PRICE THREE ,_ SOJIElT RUSI SA-TISFIED WITH OWN POBEM -"AMBASSADOR" MARTENS. TESTIFIES BEFORE SENATE COM- MITTEE ON RADICAL 1 AFFAIRS NOT INTERESTED IN WORLD WIDE REVOLTI Disclaims Any Connections with orders in America; Claim 'Country Is Strong Dis- (By Associated Press) Washington, Jan. 26.-Soviet Rus-...…

January 25, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…Li it iwrn Iait ASSOCIATE PRESS DAT AND NIGHT' SERT ICE Sit . No. 88. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 1920. PRICE 1t11REE C PRICE THREE OVERFLOW DANCE BS F A V H ~MENT O MANAGR CONTIIOL WILL RATIFY NEW MEASURE HAVE ON FOR HOCKEY M GETS APPROVAL of Revision to Select Men 0bllty Rather Than for 'ersonal Popularity w plan of selecting athletic as proposed by the"Stugent is approved by the board of of the Athletic associa...…

January 24, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…Il lJ VIW1 I 1 wi h r u ttl . ASSOCIATEL PRESS DAY AID N(MT 1I SERVICE .. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1920. PRICE THREE p { 1.41 V ... .L Y11L L'i2L . . r ..... _. _ YI U A IT LOOMS IN NKS OF PARTIY 1ER PACT FIGHT LICAN SENATORS GIVE rY NEGOTIATIONS SEVERE SETBACK - VER ULTIMATUM ON 'OSED COMPROMISE 4oloi1s Headed by Johnson of lifornia, Object to. Letting Up On Stand (By Associated Press) ington, Jan. 23.-Protest b...…

January 23, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…'I itr au xilx ASSOCIATED PRESS )AT AND NIGHT WIlt ' 1sRYll CE -1 _, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1920. PRICE THREE i PRCiHE ___________:_____ TENSE MOMENTS FEATURE HEARING OF SOCIALISTS Counsel for Defense Threatens tO Jng partly as evidence, partly for Quit Case Because of Evidence identification the following docu- SONGS Of ORIENT SUNG, INJAMOREE IRITISKI IS AMERICAN Artist Wh Plays Tonight Piano Study at Six Be...…

January 22, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

… II it ij Vrn :Iaitg -I.1 _IaY AND NIGHT SERVICE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1920. PRICI THREE 6LUAU ,.. HIM1 FEATC YORK Professor Newton Of Ti nteringI How graduate students of at least ono year's standing at a university may enroll under the professors of England, \France, and Italy from whom they are anxious to receive instruction ORES was told by Prof. A. Percival Newton of London university last night to a...…

January 21, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…rtr ,It 1 #410, a ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1920. PROF. A. P. NEWTON TO SPEAK TODAY A. Percival Newton, professor of imperial history in the University of London, will lecture at 4:15 o'clock today in the auditorium of the Natur- al Science building on "The British Empire. Professor Newton states that his purpose for coming to this BLS country is to interest American un- iversities in sending advanced students to Englishu...…

January 20, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…! 21 00 N C' . A'1 D)A I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1920. PRIC 'nTi , , i w 60 ,1 ITTEE ENSION. PORT HTJRON TO H EAR GLEE CLUB -As aresult of negotiations carried on with the management of a *Port Huron theater, the Varsity Glee and Mandolin club will give a concert in Pgrt Huron on the night of Feb. 20, according to an. announcement made yesterday by Manager C. R. Osius, Jr., '20. Permission, has been secured f...…

January 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…,11 { I, 1) 4 rrna r al r f DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE : ... 11 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN; SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 1920. PR 'V!. FmN i .. - rna~Ti TC"i-' trtIXD f l,.YC V I I Taft Favors League of Nations; Approves College Referendum - - - DAY II COMPOSE Because e No "I am in favor of the League of Na- tions even if we should have to a6- cept it unamended, but I believe in modifying it to suit myself if I can," Hon. William Howard Taf...…

January 17, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…A II of lit wan 'at , PFX£N SEI 1; ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY. JANUARY ft, 1920. " P7 " ,_ w -..., .r .. ., , . t x -, ,- ' _ lI I "I Love To Hate," dilly Sunday Says As He furies . arleycorn I T OVER KLIETLCS AND IVE MEN JE POLICY Only One with -By Associated Press) Norfolk, Va., Jan. 16.-Billy Sunday preached John Barleycorn's funeral' service today before an audience of more than 10,000 persons who attend- ed the mock...…

January 16, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…. . 1 "' aj -A DAY AND) NIG SERVII ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JA.NUARY 16, 1920. PRICE THRF ernities WATTS GAN'S CAGO SANDFORD, NEGATIVE AT EIGHT AND MISS DEBATING O'CLOCK TC re-wa hold a dys, large STRACCIARIS1D NE REVEALS'VIRTUOSO .- ~ -.u.O hall of the years ago 1,200 hope es in Program Gives Chance for Dramatic Emotion; Van Grove Perfect Accompanist CLDIAX REACHED IN ARIA FROM "BARBER OF SEVILLE" a n- !_ r (By Edna Lu...…

January 15, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…z it p- tI 4 al 111;. DAY AND NIGHT' 4 SERVICE r ii ... ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1920. PRICE THREE rr i YY ri w M I r . .++.. re i r I Yr '.. " I Y .w T ,, r SENIOR LIT CLASS TO HONOR WENLEY Prof. Robert M. Woniey is- tle faculty member of the University to whom the senior section of the Mich- iganensian is to be dedicated it was decided at a meeting of the senior lit- erary clas Wednesday afternoon. The lagest...…

January 14, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…I 11 I 00- 00 i Ztr rt t t 34 1 111MLL ASSOCIAl PRESS DAY AND NIGH' SERVICE I r ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 14 1920 ln*n Vill" r .. - ... _ __ . ... , . ... r.. ! vya vaw4Y1 ".fff bVVw .. PRICE THE .- ! R ., t US-FOR TREATY COMPROMIS LETI-CI iENOR LIT CLASS MEETING 'CALLED I GE RMANS! STAGE PROTEST RIOTS VUL 1OY NAMED AS IN- ASTIC JTION TO BE ) IMMEDIATELY Is Outgrowth Athletic Senior lits will hold an...…

January 13, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…i1w At _.A .1 FM~ DAY AND N SERI 40 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1920 ' PRICK I -; PRC READY FOR TREATY VO ANGE TODAY its whose athletic book num- cd in "2" or "3" may secure to two Conference basketball by presenting their athletic t the desk in the main corri- Jniversity hall between 9 end k and between 1:45 and 5:15 today. whose book numbers end in "5" may secure their tickets lay, those whose numbers end CLAIM JA...…

January 11, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…lxIT r AW i a DAY AND N1 SERV] N . ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 11, 1920. PRICE THREE PRCETHE I p V HINSDALE TO BEGIN TALKS OPINIONS I N FAVOR OF T HE LEAGUE Of NATIONS EXPRESSE BY:HISTORY PRDFESSOR AND BS STUDENT Dean W. B. Hinsdale of the Homoe- opathic Medical school begins a se- ries of lectures ii the lecture room of the Homoeopathic hospital at 3 o'clock this afternoon, taking as his subject "A Review of Medicin...…

January 10, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…g z pit 4L IU &U4J DAY AMD NIGHI SERVICE . . { j ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1920. PRICE r. l -; .' - FRID AY FAVORS STAND OF TREASURY OFFICIALS ON EXCESS PROFITS 11 1I { TA~ I Prof. David Friday of the economics 5 1 1 IN- department in an interview analyzed the stand of the treasury officials, who recommend that the excess profits tax be discontinued, as an attempt to sim- plify the administrative burdens of the ...…

January 09, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…I14 K ! e ~"I Ad lppp t at . .7 IM V AND NIGHT SEBRVICE I I y ,. F .. 1. f ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1920. PRICE THREE ( .. .. ,. -s..PRICE THREEa 1 _________ x. . i _, VACCINATION FOR TYPHOID,''OFFERED _ . ,U INELIG- Free vaccination against typhoid is the latest type of service to be offered to students by 'the University Health service. Heretofore typhoid inocula- tion has been given only when those desir...…

January 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

… II DAY A ) AV ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1920. PRICE STOUFFER INJURED IN MOTOR ACCIDENT "I Ii111- minim REGISTERING FOR IIanRAnI;S REPRESENTI WRIT flF HOP STARTS TODAY*m~u ID rs of Ian Ift- the on. ion dy Dr. C. 13. Stouffer, Homoeopathic physician to the; University Health IN 0' TW NiIO service, while visiting Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Jordan Detroit, Monday Dec. car crashed into the automobile in which he was riding. Dr....…

January 07, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…£p 4Mfr Iatjl PI oV tRAY ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7 1920. PRIC I b ft VILL EON nrrr I' 1 t t I T0.BEI KES FIN AL )UM ACTION ties Will Speak and les; to Have at Union s and faculty will pity to learn all ty of peace and efore voting in the dm on the treaty the. result of Alnal y the student coun- meeting held Tues- he Union. aass meeting which held in Hill audi- :ht, the committee e informal discus- University Hal...…

January 06, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

… 11 oz j '4bp 41P t r. -A1tih . .7 DAY ANI . ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1920. PRICE .- )N CHOSEN NEW NEW UNIVERSITY OFFICE CRELATED A new .office, that of assistant sec- retary of the University, was inaugur- ated .an. 1. PaWl Buckley, '05L, former deputy clerk in the supreme court of Michigan, has been appointed ot fill the position. The' duties of the new office have not been clearly outlined as yet, but it is ex...…

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