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January 29, 1920 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-01-29

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Ir . '- I I I , / I - -- --- it - I

A Little Negligee, Much Talent,
Such Is Alice Sit- ly- The-Fire




s for Both Sides' Satisfied
:h Day's Work; Sessions
Compliments Them
By Associated Press)

Jan. ZS.--Rapid prog-
today in the process
jury to hear the evi-
against United States
°ry and his 123 co-de-
d with conspiracy to
statutes in connection
mnatorial campaign. In
.ours court time eight
rs had been question-
or cause and two oth-
xcused by the court.
llenges will not be ex-
men have been pass-
'edicted that this stage
d tomorrow.
prosecution and de-
satisfaction with the
hed today apd Judge
mented them as he
two minutes ahead

ctical talks on how to write
ks will be given by E. Mor-
uter, director of- the Union
iortly after the beginning of
id semester. These lectures
to any student who is a
of the Union and who con-
writing a book for the
iter's talks wi-l come within
f a month, and will prob-
n the afternoon. Following
l V. Moore will give two ad-
n the technic of writing ly-
Expect Better Books
ion in the past has experienc-
lifficulty"in securing students
d write a satisfactory book,
fficials expect to obtain bet-
a as a result of these talks.
will not be called on until
n feels that no student can
book of the desired type.
uter's talks are to be on
ul Plays and How to Esti-
Bm," "Qualities Required to
Play," "Mechanisms of a
different Types of Character
ogue," "Practical Hints and
sis," "The Diction and Gen-
ce." Practical work will be
the director in an attempt
the student. The talks will
an hnnr in length.

(By Mark K. Ehlbert)
Not the least of the anilnities of re-
viewing a copaedy sans music is the
opportunity to consider bare facts in-
stead of bare backs. At least, in
"Alice-Sit-by-the-Fire" there are more
of the former, although . tantalizing
gossamers and enchanting negligees
are not entirely wanting. The play it-
self has just enough of the milder
spices to make it interesting, and this
slightly risque, element finds an ef-
fective contrast inther.naively spoken
lines of the characters.
Barrie's comedy makes strenuous
demands upon the aiting ability of the
cast and a mediocre professional com-
pany might succeed far less well than
did the members of the Comedy club.
Judged, of course, by proper stand-
ards, the actors and actresses are en-
tirely equal to their parts. -
Mildred Henry as Amy is the "parva
stella of the female cast. Her naiv-
ete (on the stage, of course) combine
with an innate charm to make her a
Committee Formed to Assist Athletic
Board in Making Formal Fun-
tion a Success
As an endorsement of the general1
suggestions of Carl Johnson, '20, in
yesterday's Daily, the Sphinx, honor-
ary literary society, appointed a co'.
mittee composed of C. M. Campbell,
'21, Paul Burkholder, '21, and Harold
Lindsay'21, to co-operate as far as
possible with the Board of Directors
of the Athletic association in giving
out "M" sweaters, numerals, 'and
blankets. Sphinx heartily approved1
of the plan of presenting athletic hon-
ors at a University function, and the
committee will assist in any way it,
can to malte such an affair a success.
It will work in close co-operation7
with Johnson and Clayton Shoemak-
er, '20E, who have been investigating
the matter for the Bard of Directors
of the Athletic association. .
Bartelme Favors Formality
Opinions in favor of establishing a<
formal presentation of University
honors to athletes have been given
by representative men on the campus
and in athletics. Philip G. Bartelme,
director of outdoor athletics, said: "I
have always been in favor of a formal
presentation of any Varsity award.
There have been such affairs in the
past which I felt were well worth
while. The question of the award of
blankets to seniors must of course
come up before the Board in Control
?of Athletics and being a member of{
that board, I cannot express an op-
inion before official action has been
taken on this matter."
Will Stimulate Athletics
Angus G. Goetz, '22M, expressed
himself as in favor of a formal func-f
tion. He stated, "It would be a fine
thing in my opinion to make the pre-
'sentation a tradition like Cap night1
as it would most likely tend to stim-l
ulate interest in athletics."
C. T. Hogan, '20E, president of the
Union, said, "It ought to be made x
tradition the same as Cap night is at
present, a dignified event in the
spring of the year. I think blanketsI
should be given by all means to senior
athletes as they can be kept longer
and better than sweaters."
Class Presidents for Plan

Wiliam W. Hinshaw, '20, president
of the senior literary alass, also ex-
pressed himself in favor of the plan
as suggested. "I've seen it worked
out in other places with a great deal1
of success, It makes a dignified and{
Inspiring ceremony that tends to,
make the men appreciate receiving
their awards more and allows the rest
of the campus to see who they are.
I believe a better spirit among the1
-student body towards athletics will
grow out of this custom."
Waldo M. McKee, '20E, president
of the senior eniineers, said, "It
seems to me to be a very good ideal
as it will undoubtedly help athletics f

most delightful ingenue. It is little
wonder that her parents should com-
pete for her affections.
Elwyn Davies makes a good Steve
Rollo because he knows how not to
overplay his role. That is one of the
clief difficulties encountered by most
amateur actors.
As Alice Grey, Ruth Minor finds her
youth a handicap in portraying the
mother of Amy. Her part is a rather
trying one for a young actress, but
she does her best with it.
Albert Jacobs is well cast for the
role of Colonel Grey. His deep voice
and clear enunciation aid him where
maturity defaults.
Matthew Lamport as Cosmo and Is-
abel Kemp as Genevra carry their
parts well, a fact which Is due in large
measure to their. eing naturally
aapted for the roles.
Anna McGurk as Richardson occu-
pied the stage for a much too brief
span of time, which is also true of
Marjorie Van Norman as the maid.
Harriet Woodworth and Frank Andrus
carried minor roles.
Of the play as a whole-a slight ten-
dency to overplay the parts, a too ob-
vious artificiality in the more senti-
mental passages, but, above all, an at-
/mosphere of wholesomeness and pure
comedy. Luckily the Grey children
were supposed to be rather cold and
impersonal, for they seemed notably
ill. a ease in the parental embrace.
"Ann Arbor has reached the peak
of its epidemic," according to Dr. J.
A. Wessinger. "Most of the cases have
been extremely mild and so far no
deaths have resulted from it."
Dr. Wessinger stated that 35 new
cases had been, reported in the last
24 hours, but that many of them could
not even be classed as influenza.
20 New Cases Among Students
Reports from the University health
service show that 20 new cases have
developed among students. The health
service advises influenza patients to
stay in bed until they are entirely
well and not to overdo when they do
get up. One student has a bad case
of pneumonia as the result of getting
up and going to a dance before he was
cured of a mild case.
Inilnenza Prevalent at Iowa
Only at two universities, according
to reports in the college papers, is
the influenza prevalent. Ten new cas-
es have been recently reported at the
University of Iowa. A temporary is-
olation hospital has been established
where patients not living in the city
have been taken to recover. This hos-
pital already contains about 13 cases,'
several of which are serious, accord-
ing to information secured at the of-'
fice of the student health director.
Illinois Affected by Epidemic
At the University of Illinois 11 more
beds have been added to the isolation
hospital. The number of influenza cas-
es in town is increasing rapidly.
Other contagious diseases are also
much in evidence. The second build-
ing of the contagious hospital which
contains the kitchen and storage
rooms Is to be remodeled, three pri-
vate rooms to be partitioned off and
another general ward added.a

Keen competition in the Judge "Col-
,ege Wits" contest has been shown by
the college humor magazines through-
out the country. The contest will be:
a deciding factor in telling which
college has the best humor magazine.
At the close of the contest yester-
day afternoon the Gargoyle sent 60t
pages of jokes, two cover designs and1
20 drawings to Judge.
Senior engineers at a meeting yes-o
terday afternoon dedicated their sec-
tion of the 1920 Michiganensian to
Prof. Herbert C. Sadler, professor of
naval architecture and marine engi-l

Drinkwater Considered One of Great-
est Present Day Dra
"John Drinkwater is one of the
greatest drgmatists of his time,"
Prof. Thomas C, Trueblood, head of
the oratory department, said yester-
day, speaking of the' writer who will
talk on "An Englishman's View of
Abrahm Lincoln" at 8 o'clock to-
night in Hill auditorium.
Is a Young Man
"He is about to write two other plays
including certain characters in Amer-
ican history, among them hobert ME.
Lee and John Brown. He is a young
man and it is surprising that he has
accomplished as mnuch as he has so
early in his career."
Speaking of the play "Abraham Lin-
coli" by Drinkwater, Professor True-
blobd stated: "I have read it with
great interest and I am not surprised
that it is being- received both in Lon
doi and New York with such large
He urged people to buy their tick-
ets on State street before evening be-
cause the box oilce becomes .congest-
ed and they would be unable to hear
the beginning of the speaker's ad-
dress. "It is the policy of 'the Ora-
torical association to have these
speeches begin as soon as the clock
strikes," he said.
Is a Real Poet
Prof. John R. Brumm-of the rhetoric
department expressed his opinon of
John Drinkwater as follows: !'I think
he will probably be one of the' most
worth while lecturers we have heard
this year.- Students who are particu-
larly interested in dramatics will gain
much from hearing him speak."
Prof. Louis A. Strauss of the Eng-
lish depattment said: "I think John
Drinkwater is a man who ought to
be well worth hearing. He is a real
poet. , His play on Abraham Lincoln
is such a sympathetic treatment of
that character that we all ought to be
anxious to hear him speak."
Professor Strauss wfif introduce
Mr. Drinkwater.
Faculty Pay Increased 20 Per Cent;
Two Colleges Excepted
(By Associated Press)
- Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 28. - The
Harvard corporation announced to-
night an increase -of 20 per cent in
salaries of all members of the teach-.
ing staff except in the law school and
the graduate school of business ad-
ministration. In these two schools
the salary basis is considerably high-
er than in other departments of the
university. '
The increase is retroactive to Jan.'
1, last. This Is the first salary in-
crease at Harvard in 14 years.-
Hof man' sI'usical

Inheritance is largely responsible
for the musical gifts possessed by
Josef Hofman who plays in a pian-
istic concert Feb. 10 in Hill audi-.
torium, for his father, Casimar Hof-
man, was the famous opera conductor
of Warsaw, Russia, and also profes-;
sor of piano and harmony.
Josef Hofman was born in Cracow,
Poland, in 1876 and studied with his,
father for several years. His genious
was apparent when he was a small
child and his first public appearance
occurred when he was five years old
at Warsaw.
Anton Rubenstein was his only other
teacher with whom he studied for two
years before the great master's death.-
He has the distinction of being the
only private pupil that Rubenstein,
ever accepted.
Since 1894, at which time he re-
sumed his public performances after,
a few years in private study, Hofman,
has toured the world, appearing in all,
of the important music centers.

Ferris Institute club members of the
University of Michigan, of- Ypsilanti
State Normal, an4 also a few of the
Detroit members will hold a joint
meeting and banquet on Saturday-
evening, Feb. 7, in Ypsilanti.
Ex-Governor W. N. Ferris and Mr.
Thomas Carlysle will be the guests
of honor at the banquet and the prin-
cipal speakers. Other faculty members
from Ferris Institute are also ea-
About 30 members of the U. of M.
club are expected to attend. Tickets,
however, must be obtained this week.
They are $ 1 each and will be on sale
in University hall booth from 10 to 12
o'clock Friday morning, and from 3 to
5 o'clock on both Thursday and Fri-
day afternoons. They may also be ob-
tained any day this week at the Mich-
igan Daily office between the -hours of
5 to 6 o'colck.
All who attend will leave Ann Arbor
on the 6:10 interurban on the even-
ing of the banquet.

- (By Dean Victor C. Vaughan)
Medicine is the art or applying the
fundamental principles, facts, and dis-
coveries of science to the prevention
or cure of disease. The fundamental
sciences upon which medicine rests
are physics, chemistry, biology, and
psychology. It is the function of the
cgllege to teach these fundamenta'
sciences as pure science. It is the
function of the medical school to make
applications and amplifications and
modifications of the\ facts learned in
the college to the preventin or cure
of disease.
, Funamentals Are Necessary
No student is fitted to enter the med-
ical school until he has had thorough
instruction in the fundamental scien-
tific facts concerning light, heat, elec-
tricity, and osmosis in the depart-
ment of Physics. ;:In the medical
school the knowledge of physics gain-
ed by the student in the college will
be applied in the use of the compound
microscope, the spectroscope, the
ophthalmoscope, and other instru-
ments *of precision employed in the
diagnosis of disease or abnormalities
of various kinds..
Surgeon Applies Principles
The surgeon will teach the student
the vlue and the application of the
pulley in the treatment of fractures.
The ophthalmologist will make appli-
cation of the principles of refraction
and the use of mirrors in the fitting
of glasses and-in the employment of
the ophthalmoscope. The diagnosti-
clan will use the microscope, the spec-
troscope, and other physical instru-
ments in the recognition of abnormal-
ities. No student without a knowledge
of the fundamental facts of general
and organic chemistry can understand
the first lecture given in the medical
school in , physiological chemistry,
which generally begins with the state-
ment that proteins are polymers of
amino acids. It is quite evident that
if his auditor does not know what a
polymer or an amino acid is his ig-
norance renders his instruction im-
Cites Illustrations
The professor of Pharmacology
demonstrates on animals the action of
morphine, strychnine, and other al-
kaloids. The student who does not
know what an alkaloid is is of course
unable to comprehend the instruction
offered him. Therefore, the fundamen-
tal facts of botany atnd the chemistry
of plants are absolute requirements
for admission to the study of medi-
cine. The professor of therapeutics
instructs his students in the cathartic
action of sodium sulphate. To the
student who knows nothing about the
laws of diffusion and osmosis lectures
along this line would not be under-
stood. Illustrations like those al-
ready given might be employed in-
definitely, but these suffice to show
why medical educators demand pr-
vious study of the fundamental facts
of physics, chemistry, and biology, in-
cluding psychology, of those who en-
ter the medical schools.
. (Vot18 ae o, ftg_ 've)

Reason for Poor Football Seasom
Wih Students, Says ,r.
, fessor-
Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the
school, chairman of the Boar
Control of Athletics, told the U:
sity of Michigan club of Detrol
facts about the disa ous fo
situation here last fa, and aboi
athletic situation in general at -
igan, at the weekly lnncheoin C
club yesterday at the Hotel Ca
in Detroit.
tudents at Fault
"The fault for the many defea
last fall lies with the studen-
much as with anybddy," P
Algler stated. "They have- in ge
taken the 'Let George Do It' spire
there has been a decided lack.ol
sonal interest among the student
In regards Varsity athletics. I
case of ineligibility among fo
players there were only ne 0
of the' eight men unable to play
had a really good reason for no;
up in"school work.
"The faculty has if anything
a shade more' favorable In
ering athletes' work rather than
ing it especially hard for then
pass. One football man had a
of becoming eligible by going to
mer school and passing six hours
work, but he failed"to keep up J
Answers Questions
After he had finshed givin
talk, he answered various que
that the Detroit alumni wishe
know about. Some of these- we
regard to Conference rules co
ing the training able, the allow
freshmen to play outside teams
taking of 5 men on the football
Professor Aigler stated that
rules affected all Conerence 1
alike; and that since most of I
gan's games are in the Confe
these conditions do not material
feet athletics here. He also.a
the Conference ruls in regar
eligibility weoe not anyinore t
ent here than at the other sl
He discountenanced to the fulle
tent of his knowledge any rum
the effect that professional
professors are any harder on at
than on any other students.
Yost Speaks\
Coach Yost was also at the ha
and he spoke of the football situ
He said: "The reason that Mic
was unmercifully beaten last fal
that she did not have the ma
The men that were on the
worked to the fullest extent of
abilities. Besides losing men th
ineligibility the reason that ther
not the right kind of material
was that Michigan men . throu
the country have been living
false sense of superiority, bell
that it was impossible to beat-
gan and thinking that the best at]
of the country would flock to' h
gan without persuasion. Alumni
not been selling Michigan to
school athletes.
Wants the Best Men
"Why is not Michigan's won
athletic record brought before
public more? Michigan has the
record in all branches o? spor
any large school in the country
ing 15 to 100 per cent better in e
thing, except' basketball, than t
the *hools against whom she
played. We not only must bring
letes to Michigan but we must
the best ones. I would rather
the two best athletes -turned o

Detroit schools this year than a
rest put together."
Fred Latwon, '11, presided at
luncheon. Following the meetin
executive committee of the D,
University of Michigan club and
of the "M" c~db met with Coach
to talk over matters for next fal
Student Council Committee to
Student council committee on I
rmen connnt willm eet at 7 o


to' the au-
at they will be
t writing skits
in and in the
rheory will be
in this course
Muter. He will
cal exnerience.



the varied
ers' smoker
f the engi-
an address
ished by a
a big place
was shcwn
ber of the

s topped


onsiderably in urging more
ome out. I should think
lanket would mean a great
.n +hlcJ e no i+ is n norm..

nt 4,l.


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