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January 29, 1920 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-01-29

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admission because of a lack


in Control of

Monday during the Univer-
Student Publications.
ely entitled to the use for
edited to it or not otherwise
ews published therein.

at the postoffice at Ann' Arbor, Michigan, as second
on by carrier or mail, $3.50.
Ann Arbor Press building, Maynard street.
Business, . 96o; Editorial, 2414.
cation not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig-
ecessaiIyto appear in print, but as an evidence of
rices of' events will be published in The Daily at the
the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Daily office..
nunuations will receive no consideration. No man.
bereturned unless the writer incloses postage.
y does not necessarily endorse the sentiments ex-
ie communications.
rey............Managing Editor
Phone 2414 or r06
ette, Jr......Business Manager
Phone 96o'.or 2738
>ert .....................Asst. Managing Editor
)ell ................... .. City Editor
... Sports Editor
ark ...... ................Women's Editor
rnstein ........................ Telegraph Editor
EABan DH. Hardy Heth
Gaines, Jr. ................... Advertising Manager
ell ... ........................... Issue Manager
g .............................QOffice Manager'
i. ............ .............Publication Manager
eider.......................... Circulation Manager
......................Subscription Manager
........................... Music Editor
. ...Literary Editor
[do ...... ...... Exchage Editor
Eck ............................. Campaign Editor
ood .............. .Efficiency Editor

as II. Adams.


Brewster Campbell
John I. Dakin


N A "-ri :


>ki Dorothy Monfort
rt : Minnie Muskatt
Robert C. Angell
an- . Robert D. Sage
Thomas J. Whiner,


Isabelle Farnum
May nerd Newton
J. Gordon Hill

D. P. Joyce
Robt. Somerville
Arthur L. Glazer
F. M. Heath

Persons, wishing to decure information concerning news for
any issue of The'Daily should see the issue editor, who has full
charge of all news to'be printed that night.'
The. issue editors for, the week are as follows:
Edgar L. Rice, Monday night; Thornton Sargent,
Jr.,Kuesday night; Brewster 'P. Campbell, Wed--
nesday night; George Brophy, Thursday "night;
Edgar.,L. Rice, Friday night.
On Octobe'r 15, 19I9, The Daily introduced the
question of making the use of pasteurized milk in
student boarding houses compulsory. Tonight, after
a moie or less quixotic career, the matter comes
up for th.e consideration of the ordinance commit-
tee of the Ann Arbor common council.3
Advocating pasteurization are the city chemist,
the city bacteriologist;, the .city health officer, the
Regents' committee, composed of President Harry
1. Hutchins, Dean Victor C. Vaughan of the Med\
ical school, Dr. C. G. 'arnall, head of the Univer-
sity hospital, and Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, head of
the University health service, as well as every med-
ical man that has been approached.
Opposing compulsory pasteurization are certain
local boarding-house keepers. The ordinance coni-
inittee, whose recommendation tonight regarding
the pasteurized milk question will undoubtedly.
swing the decision of the common council, refuse
to comment on the matter.
Will their retort be such that the council can act
in accordance with the avowed dictates of public
health? -
Coming to us after having won distinct success
in' New York, John Drinkwater will lecture to-
night upon "An English Dramatist's View of Abra-
ham Lincoln."
A successful poet and a no less successful dra-
m'atist, Mr. Drinkwater's ardent admiration for
Abraham Lincoln has made him a decided Amer-
. an favorite. His play "Lincoln" received almost
universal praise in the national capital, the most
crucial test to which it could be subjected upon the
American continent.
The press has been most complimentary to Mr.-
Drinkwater in other cities of the United States.
To quote-"Mr. Drinkwater's genuineness is so
patent, his sympathies so markedly sincere, and his
manner so simple and direct, that however true
was what he had to say, and however beautiful were
the poems he read, it was the man himself, behind
and in it all, that quickly won a splendid apprecia-"
tion from a large audience."
Although very young Mr. Drinkwater has pro-
duced many volumes of poems, the most recent
one being published by Houghton, Mifflin and com-
pany of Boston. Itis his human element and deli-
cacy of personal touch that wins him universal
popularity and appears to be the inspiration of the
drama of "Abraham Lincoln." The multitudes feel
that "the most remarkable thing about John Drink-
water the poet, is John Drinkwater the man."

of facilities for handling them. They believed also
that another hundred thousand would have applied'
but for the knowledge on their part that it was use-
less. Naturally, therefore, these college presidents
want something done between this time and the
opening of the schools next fall to accommodate
all who apply for admission.
The trouble last year ,was that so many ex-serv-
ice men were returning from the armies. This year
we shall not have the same condition. But it is
almost certain that the numbers applying for ad-
mission to our colleges this. fall will still be greater
than can be accommodated, unless arrangements
are made in the meantime for taking care of thei.
The truth is, the country is outgrowing its col-
legiate facilities.
A paradox of the times is that every one urges
education as the salvation of the human race, and
nearly every one .objects to taxation to enlarge or
improve the schools, or to compensate teachers ade-
quately, as if we could educate our youth without
cost to ourselves. We might as well make up our
minds that if we are to be an pducated nation we
shall have to enlarge our schools and colleges and
pay our teachers better salaries, and this means in-
creased taxation for those purposes. Let us decide
at once whether educatio6 is worth it, and if it is
then .proceed to raise the money.-Columbus Even-.
\ng Despatch.
The elescopeI
I have apipe in chemistry,
You see I'm getting wiser.
I let my girl do all the wor k
For she's my Ann-Elyer
Dr. Thompson is a strong advocate of correct
walking, and he impresses its value by means of
slides.-Daily storf.
Practicing what he preaches, as it were.
We clipped this from' last months' copy of the
Undertaker's Journal:
First Medic-There used to be a lot of fellows
coming to the hospital but I haven't seen any of
them lately. Where have they all gone to?
Second Ditto-The Lord only knows.
Dear Noah:-
I am writing a poem and am trying to find a
phrase that will express the whole joy of living-
the very acme of happiness. Can you help me out
of this? Awthur.
The only phrase we can think of that can ex-
press these things is "Received Payment."
Plan Annual B. V. D. Dance Early in Second
Semester.-Daily heat.
Let's all hope that the weather is mild the night
they .hold the dance.
Heard at the Dent School
"Before I pull this tooth I must have my drill."
* "Good Lord! Can't you pull a tooth without a
Looking Into the Future
Last night Evangelist Scoville spoke in the Bible
Hell. . Mr. D. Smith sang a solo, "We Will Meet
You There."-Cedar Rapids Gazette.
Our Daily Novelette
He had been keeping company with her for
three years now and knew that it was his duty to
declare his intentions, For some time he had been
trying to do this, but at the crucial moment his
courage failed him-he became a stuttering, stam-

mering idiot. He was grimly determined 'that
nothing of this kind should happen tonight, and
that he would have this matter settled for once
and for all.
However, the moment they were seated on the
divan he could feel his courage deserting him. Bit-
terly he cursed himself for his own timidity. Why
was it that his tongue seemed cloven to the roof'
of his mouth on these occasions? His mind ,was
in a daze but still he plunged desperately on.
"Darling,' 'he murmured, "there is something I-
I"--he paused irresolutely.
"Yes, yes," she encouraged. Her heart leaped
with joy as she realized that the great moment had
at last come.
"Your-your," he gulped and could say no
"Yes, yes, go on"-her breath came in short
pants.( No, gentle reader, she was a lady despite
the fact that her breath was so indecently dressed.)
Finally with a superhuman effort he got the
words out.
"Darling, he murmured brokenly, "your hair is
coming down in back." J. W. K.
Famous Closing Lines
"It looks like a pretty bad joint to me," said the
plumber as he gazed at the break in the pipe.
J.W. K.




Cousins & Hall
Members Florists Telegraph Deli
Phone 116 l0

(Oct. 26, 1919)
Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jacksc
(Eastern standard Time)
Detro it. Limited and Express Cars-6 :x
na.. and huuily to 9::o p. m.
Jackson Limited and Express car-
a. "M., and every 'hour to 9:48 p. in. {
presses snake local stops west of Ann Arb
Local Cars East Bound-6:oS a. m., 9:
m. and. every two hours to 9:o!; p. m., is
V. in. To Ypsilanti only, 1:4 p. 1n.,;
a. m.. atd to Saline, change at Ypsilanti.
Ypsila nti.
Local" Cars West Bound--7:48 a. ,i,
X2:20 a.. m.
XxceIlent CHOP SUEY from
11:80 a. m. to midnight
Steaks and Chops $14 S.State

o a.
05 a.
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Y OU don't want too much Turkish tobacco in
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The extra large proportion of Turkish in
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That is why - even if a man smokes more
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The Real Thing
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Smokers are beginning to realize that the
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At nearly all of the big fashionable clubs and
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most frequently seen is this sensible "soft"
yellow package that carries twenty Fatimas.


A group of college presidents attending a func-
>n at Chicago recently, estimated that a hundred
ousand young people who applied for admission
the colleges and universities of this country last


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