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January 20, 1920 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-01-20

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! 21










i w




-As aresult of negotiations carried
on with the management of a *Port
Huron theater, the Varsity Glee and
Mandolin club will give a concert in
Pgrt Huron on the night of Feb. 20,
according to an. announcement made
yesterday by Manager C. R. Osius, Jr.,
'20. Permission, has been secured from
the committee on student affairs to
make the trip.j
It is planned to take 40 men on the
trip. The Glee club will have 20 rep-
esentatives, 16 will be chosen from the
Mandolin club, and the others will be
composed of the manager, directors.
and a faculty representative.
-The Port Huron trip was originally'
planned for early in December, but
conflicting theater dates forced the
club to change its plans. The concert'
in February will also Oct as a prelim-
nary to the Pacific coast trip which
the club is to stake during the spring'



e five
v be-

d not indicated
which it would
3 list of speci-
uspended mem-
>ublic and it is
ases will go, to
rounds contain-

Sermons of Sandhy Deal with Moral
and Spiritual Problems of
"If there is any religious institution
that reprobates any man by calling
him an infidel for doubting, it has
misconceived the history and essence
of religion," said Dr:' Louis Wolsey,
of Cleveland, 0., speaking on the:sub-
ject "Religion and Honest Doubt" at
the Union services in Hill auditorium
Sunday evening.
"There - lanoreligiousdisciple or
teacher who has not, doubted. The
trouble with doubt is fhat it does not
always think its way through to its
conclusion. We should approach re-
ligion with an earnest desire to find
the truth."
Carter Leads Music
Dr. Leg M. Franklin of Detroit, Prof.
Thomas C: Trueblood, h ead'of the or-
atory dpartment; 'Rev. S. . Robins, of
Ann Arbor; Mrs. William Wheeler and
Mr. Frank A. Aaber and Mr.' Russell
Carter, of the School of Music facul-
ty, took part in the program. Stew-
art Baxter, '21, acted as chairman of
the services. -
The services Sunday evening were
the second to be given in Hill audi-
torium this. year under the auspices
of students at the University. The next
wil be held Feb. 22.
'Messages dealing with moral and
spiritual problems confronting the
everyday individual characterized the
sermons in many of the Ann Arbor
churches Sunday.
Must Extend Efforts'
"The youth of America must not be
content with the Christianization of'
their own country," said Rev. L. A.
Barrett in his sermon on "Not Ethics'
But Dypamics" at the morning service
of the Presbyterian church, "but they
must extend their efforts to the Orient
and there spr'ead the truth of Christ's

Returned applications for tickets to
the 1921 J-Hop which were not granted
because of the great demand by ju-
niors, contained in addition to thg
check an announcemnt by the Union
to the effect that a formal dance would
be held in the assembly hall, Friday,
Feb. 13, simultaneously with the Hop.
To insure the fihancial success of
the party it will be necessary for at
least 150 to signify their desires, by
sending an application, containing the
student's ' names, address, and a
check, to the Union desk. In case
such a number apply, the Union will
proceed with plans for the fance.
The price of tickets: has been set
at $4, whch will also include a din-
ner to be served at 12 o'clock. Music
for the occasion will be furnished by
a foreign orchestra, which will play
from, 9 to 2:30 o'clock. Programs and
probably favors will be provided, and
officials plan to make,this the biggest

Necessary for at Least 150 Tickets to Be Sold; Expected That 'Jnion Asseni-
bly Hall Will Be Fin ished by That Time

Union dance of the year, they de-
clared. No one will be admitted un-
less in formal dress.
By the date of the party, the assem-
bly hall will be completely finished. A
representative from Marshall Field,
and company,, Chicago, arrived ,Mon-
day to hang the window. draperies,-and
Union officials expect permanent light-
ing fixtures to be installed soon.
The purpose of the Union in giving
this dance, officials say, is to care for
the overflow from the Hop. As more
than the maximum number have ap-
plied for tickets to the 1921 -Hop,
the Union officials expect that a great
many students will be unable to go,
and They have consequently under-
taken to care for them in this man-
*It is expected that this will enable
larger house parties to be given, as
those unable to attend the Hop, can
attend the Union dance.







Four Types of Heroes and Heroines
That Have Ruled Fiction
Are Described

ts were
muel A.
les Sol-
ence in
ess of

Minor Reservations Brought to Agree-
able Termination by Committee;
Strike Big Question




Speaking in a manner that brought
forth a,hearty response from the au-
dience at every other sentence, Steph-
en .Leacock, having as a subjectl
"Frenzied Fiction," told last night in
Hill auditoriumy the four types of he-
4ioes and heroines that have ruled in
the world of fiction.
Four Typesof Heroes
The incarnation of the first type
was Ned. An overworked hero always
performed the impossible. No wom-:
an had entered into fiction yet or it
she did it would be on the last page
of the book where Ned mould marry
and settle down for life.
After a time, though, according to
the humorist, this type lost its favor
and the Victorian sweet, Innocent and
"fragile" young girl, together with
the villian knight and the young hero,
who always conquered the latter, held
sway. In the latter part of the nine-
teenth century, however, the back-
ground for the hero and heroine
changed to the Rocky mountains of
the west.
Final Type Found Today
The final type that may be found to-
day as the "made to order" kind of
characters that are in most all mod-
ern magazine stories, is the clean
shaven, Tuxedoed lounger, whose
breath (up to a few days ago) gave
forth the fumes of liquor. He al-
ways was the husband of the other
woman, while his co-actor, the hero-
ine, was the wife of the other man.
The latter must be well groomed and
well gowned.
(Continued on Page Six)

(By Associated Press)r
Washington, Jan. 19.-Senate lead-
ers working on compromise reserva-
tions to the peace treaty today report-
ed reaching their first major dis-
pute-the question of voting power
in the League of Nations of the Brit-
ish colonies and dominions.
On this reservation the fourteenth'
of the Lodge program, the Democratic
and Republican merbers of the bi-
partisan committee were said to be far


An abundance of "smokes," eats,
and music, interspersed with pithy
talks by men from the faculty and
campus, are set for the program of
the smoker which the sophomore lits
will give at 7:30 o'clock tonight in
the Union.
An orchestra of 12. pieces picked
from the "Jazziest" musical groups on'
the campus will give several numbers.
Two musical skits are also on the
program. "Rans" Sherman and "Glen"
Otto, of "I'm GoingCrazy" fame, have'
a'so been secured to give something
new in the musical line.
Short talks will be given by Dean
John R. Effinger, Treasurer Robert A.
Campbell, George Hurley, and Charles
Eades, president of the class. "
Rounding out the eats part of the
program will be a barrel of cider, doz-
ens of doughnuts, cigarettes in plen-
ty, and corncob pipes with tobacco.
(By Associated Press)
Terijoki, Finnish Russian border,
Jan. 19.-The undesirable aliens head
ed by Alexander Berkman and Emma
Goldman deported from the United
States, entered Soviet Russia at 2
o'clock this afternoon. They received.
an enthusiastic welcome here.

Feel there Is Too Much Criticisi
Too Little Work on Part
of Students
After an investigation of th
dent body'of the University, an
ni committee, representing th
club, and the Detroit Alumni as
tion, reported in the meeting Sa
at Detroit 'that student ,norale i
low, that there is too much cri
and too little work being done I
students, and that nothing c
expected from them in the job o
tering Michigan athletics. Al.
chairman of the student commit
athletics, told that body Sunday
ing in its meeting at the Union.
No Help From Studeuts
The alumni had decided that:i
needless to expect anything fro
student body, and that whatever
done they must do themselves, a
lug to Mr. Boyd. When he tol
however, of the action last w
th'e Athletic association in establ
a student committee, and of the
the committee is working on, th
passed resolutions endorsing the
ment. They informed him howeve
they intend keeping a close che
what is accomplished.
Report on Morale Hardly T
It was the opinion of the com:
in its meeting Sunday that the:
of the alumni committee as r
student morale was searcely t
the. present'time, since they 'r
Ann Arbor shortly after the fe
season, and things have improl
some extent since then. It we
mitted, however, that there at
many men on the campus who
that they can coach teams bette
the regular coaches, and who
bestir themselves to come out
Reports were hear from I
Cook, '20E, on the work of the e
ity committee; from David Land
the progress in getting names o
letes; from~ H." Leslie Po6pp, c
.ponding secretary, and from R la
Barnes,."'20, on, the'work of the p!
ity committee.
Anyone who has read Barre'
cription of the setting for act o
"Alice-Sit-By-The-Fire," to be
on Jan. 28, at the Whitney theal
the Comedy club will *appecia
problem presented to an amateu
perties committee.. -
Amy, sixteen, artistic and ten
mental, has been ptparing .the
house for the return of her pa
long absent in India. She has, a
pther things, attempted a sche
decoration for the dining room
shall conceal its real purpose
out reducing too much its real u
The result of such ingenuity is
for a stage design where the onl
ical unity is the lack of persisten
pose in a young girl's mind. As
herself says, she hasn't fully d
yet just what the room, is to be
With this problem before it th
perties committee of the Comed
has done much pounding and s
and painting 'and pasting to mal
setting for Barrie'*y one in I

ony with the characters and th

n secured'for
dinner to be
evening, Jan.

music committee, will
of the Union orches-
oughout th& evening.
a under. the direction
>n, '20, is to be pres-
ht *Mirrielees, '20E,
individual speciali-
ty quartet will sing
and a monologue ar-
e program from other
s will appear between
dinner, after which
peeches will be given
tchins,,Dean Bates bf
and an alumni speak-
will be announced in

Prof. Wenley Speaks - W
-Beginning the first of a number of adjustment. On minor details of otherJ
talks on the religious revival now be- [less important reservations, today's
ing conducted by the church, Prof. meeting, it was stated, resulted inl
R. M. Wenley spoke before the con- sogne progress towards agreement.
gregation of St. Andrew's Episcopal Discuss Reservation
church Sunday morning on the neces- Most,of today's session of the bi
sity for the spirit of enthusiasm and partisan committee was spent in dis-
helpfulness in the campaign. He de- cussing the colonial voting reservation
dared that behind the religious as- and adjournment was taken until to-
sertions of the people there must be morrow, when its consideration will
an attitude oft 'hristian zeal if the be resumed.
spiritual revival is to be a success. Leaders of both groups tonight
"Personality," Douglas' Theme , agreed that the conferences -probably
In the Congregational church Rev. would continue for some time, but
Loyd Douglas delivered the. first of with the final putcome still in doubt.
a series of lectures on "Personality."
"The Purpose of -the Christian Form New Alliance
Church" was the subject of tho ser- Berlin, Jan. 19.-Dr. Karl Renner,
mon of the Rev. J. Mason Wells of the Austrian chancellor, has informed
the First Baptist church. Mr. Wells the foreign affairs committee of the,
stated that many people had raised the assembly that an offensive and defen-
(Continued on Page Six) sive alliance has been complete d at

Leacock Opposed To Wonking and
Going To college-' At Same Time


i Guy
.t 'the
n and

11 be on:

3 soon as possible
aumber are availa-
desiring reserva-
come to the Union
prepared toeither
umber of places to
buy the tickets atI

"I am firmly set against the idea of
a person working and going to col-
lege at the same time," Stephen Lea-
cock said to a Daily reporter last
"A man working his way through
school," the humorist continued, "must
necessarily deprive himself of recrea-'
tional and educational advantages,
such as going to shows,*concerts, lec-
tures, and being able to purchase
books and magazines, which would
give him a cultural view of life. He
not only is not able to spend money
for these things but he hasn't the
time to enjoy them. A person from
19 to 22 who must earn part of this
way through school had better stay

out of college a couple of years and
lay by enough mney, so that.he would
not have to work and could enjoy
these things when he did go to school."
Mr. Leacock also Mtated that the
college literary magazine ws an ex-
cellent 4means for developing literaryl
talent, and if it could not support it-
self, should be given financial aid by
its Achool.
When questioned about the report;
that Americans would lose to a great'
extent their sense of humor because
of prohibition, Mr. Leacock said that
as the country had only been really
dry foa' three days no greatchange had
so far been noted, but that in 15
years the average Yankee would
probably be cold and unemotional'.

Prague between Austria and Czecho-
Slavia, acco'rding to the Frankfurter
Zeitungs Viennacorrespondent.
Eight men were eliminated from the
tryout *squad for. the Michigan Mid-
West debating team at the tryouts
held Saturday morning. The 14 men
who were retained on the squad are:
J. V. Adams, '22L; G. E. Bigge; 0.
A. Brown, '21, W. R. Clark, 21; W. P.
Connell, '21; J. W. Hindes; A. M. Mc-
Gurk, '21; J. K. Pollock, '22L; G. C.
Quinnell, '22L; T. M. Rygh, '21; P.;
,H. Scott, '23; 0. J. Watts; W. H. Wise,
'21; C. M. Youngjohn, '22.
The next eliminations are to be held
at 8 o'clock next Saturday morning,
at which time 10 minutes will be al-
lowed for each speech. A complete
brief of one side of the question will
be required.

Washington, Jan. 19.-Replying to
charggs made by Hector M. Holmes of
Boston that the deportation of some
of the radicals aboard the steamship
Bufort was "brutal," Secretary of La-
bor Wilson. declared in a statement
onight that although the expulsion ofj
thousands of aliens each year cannot
be accomplished without some suffer-
ing, both to the deported and their'
families, he had not heard of any spe-
cific cases of brutality in the Bufort
Secretary Wilson said it should be
realized that statutes which exclu-
sively require deportation of aliens do
not take family suffering itno accoulit
any more than penal lawsdo.
Fosdick Resigns from League
Washington, Jan. 19.-Raymond B.
Fosdick, under secretary general of
the League of Nations, and American
representative in the league machin'
ery so far, has resigned.' Mr. Fos-
dick's friends say that inasmuch as
the league has not been accepted by
the United States he did not feel he
could continue. Mr. Fosdick an-
nounced his resignation in a cable-
gram to Sir Eric Drummond, secre-
tary general.


nbers at-
ts wil be
here each
be seated




The Christian Science Society of the University of Michigan announces a
By Rev. Andrew, -Craham, C.S ,



11ic is Cordially Invited


Sarah Ca


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