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January 18, 1920 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-01-18

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Taft Favors League of Nations;
Approves College Referendum

- - -




e No

"I am in favor of the League of Na-
tions even if we should have to a6-
cept it unamended, but I believe in
modifying it to suit myself if I can,"
Hon. William Howard Taft ,told a
Michigan Daily representative at the
Michigan Central station last night
before boarding the 9:43 ti'din for
New Haven, Conn., ,where he is a
professor of constitutional law at the
Yale law college. He was unwilling
to express himself fully on the League
because his train was expected in a
few minutes, and he said he would
require an hour and a lalf to speak
on it if he once began.
Regarding the Shantung clause, Mr.
Taft said that he approved of it, pro-
vided Japan furnished assurances that
she would abide by her promise to
China. He declared himself highly
elated with the referendum vote that
had been taken on the League by most
of the colleges in the country, and
stated that it deserved important con-
sideration as reflecting the opiniqn of
the largest educated group in thej
United States.


The position that he takes on the
League is a compromise between the
Lodge and the Democratic reserva-
When interrogated about Pres. Mar-
ion L. Burton of the University of
Minnesota,she said: "I was acquaint-
ed with President Burton both at
Smith college and the University of
Minnesota and consider him one of
the finest university executives in the
country. I felicitate Michigan on hav-
ing secured him as its next presi-
dent. I sympathize with you, however,
for losing President Hutchins."
Arriving in Ann Arbor about 6
o'clock, Mr. Taft was entertained at a
dinner at the Michigan Union, attend-
ed by President Harry B. Hutchins,
Dean Henry M. Bates of the law
school,' Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood,
head of the oratory department, Prof.
Jesse B. Reeves, head of the politi-
cal science department, and Rev. Lloyd
C. Douglas. Mr. Taft commented on
the beauty of the Mich1igan Union and
Hill auditorium. :Five years ago he
delivered an address in University

y, minister of the
mple at Cleveland,
the service and de-
address at the see-
Union church serv-
6,15 o'clock tonight
under the auspices
Jnton services com-

ey is recognized both as a
. a speaker, and is regard-
thority on social and civic
For a number of years he
cretary of the Central con-
American Rabbis, the larg-
minsterial body in the
at present he is a member
d of directors of that or-
He has appeared in Ann
re, having given a series'
s before the last Univer-
r school session.



Superior Shooting and Passing Gives
Verdict to Indiana Court
Brilliant defense, with which Michi-
gan could not cope, and accurate bas-
ket shooting, won for the University
of Indiana in the game with the Wol-
verines Saturday night, 22 to 9. Michi-
gan was outclassed in every depart-
nient of the game, the Maize ind Blue
basket shooting being especially
Passing Wild
Dunne and Henderson were entire-
ly out of usual form, and the entire
team seemed to be taking a night off,
as far as basketball was concerned.
The Varsity was not able to advance
the ball, save by long passes. Time
after time the leather was thrown
away as a result of a poor pass. The
five man defense, that has held down
the score of every team that has op=
posed. Mich an thus far, was not
strong, and except in the last part of
both halves, Indiana was able to break
through at will.
The Hoosier team was light, fast,
and clever at passing. By means of
their accurate pass they were able to
get near their basket and score the
counters that gave them the verdict.
At the start of the game they worked
'the ball down the floor, and Byrum
dropped in a long shot for the first
two points.
Indiana Team Work Good
The passing of the Indiana five dur-
ing the first half was exceptionally,
good, though when the ball "vas un-
der the basket their shots were us-
ually blocked by Wilson or Rychener.
At the Indiana end of the floor Michi-
gan put up the strong fight that char-
acterizes Maize and Blue outits, but
once away from the danger point, the
men seemed to let down and the play
was poorer,
Indiana secured all the points they
threw in the first half, 12, before the
Mich gIul ifowards were able to locate
the ring. Then Henderson caged a
short one, and Rea followed this on
the tip-off wth a long shot from the
middle of the floor. With th1t encoor-
agement Michigan took a brace, and
for the rest of the half had the edge
on tho visiting quintet. Rea made the
fifth point on odunter from the foul

Reservations tfor tables at the Union
membership banquet to be held Thurs-
day evening, Jan. 22, can be made at
the Union desk or by calling D. .
Stratton, '21E, phone 396. No tables
can be engaged after Tuesday noon.
Union officials urge independents to
group together in bunches of from
eight to fifteen and reserve tables.
Titkets have been distributed among
the various fraternities, which are
asked to send in their table reserva-
tions immediately. Yesterday evening
only a few returns were made but it
is expected that requests for tables
will come in rapidly Monday when
tickets are placed on sale in Univer-
sity hall, the Library, and the new
Engineering building. Only 800 are
obtainable as the assembly hall is lim-
ited to that capacity.
President Harry-B. Hutchins and
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
school are on the program. Promi-
nent alumni will also talk. Quartets,
solos, dance numbers, and orchestra
selections will give variety to the pro-

Former President lases Statements o
Experience Gained While on
War Board
"The best means of overcoming la
bor difficulties is to bring representa
tives of organized labor into a pt'ivat
conference with organized capital an
let each man express, his innermos
opinions on the subject at hand," ex
Pres. William H. Taft said last nigb
'in Hill auditorium.
"Such a group of men assemble
behind closed doors, where they knov
that 3opinions they express may be re
tracted without any loss of pride o
dignity that the pubfic may hold fo
them can solve most difficulties tha
have arisen, as they can discuss eacl
point of djfference as it arises any
arrive at some understanding on th
question," the former executive con
Served on War Board
Mr. Taft gave as the basis of th
statement the fact that as a judge an(
as a member of the National War La
bor boarfi, he had always found th(
private conference the best means o
In speaking of labor organization
the ex-president said that the labo
unio is necessary for the working
man's protection and safety. The Na
tional War Labor board, on which
were an equal number of capital an
labor representatives, and on whicl
Mr. Taft as -one of- the chairmen wa:
a representativ of the public's inter
ests, gave out the principle that the
laboring man had the right to organ
ize into trade unions.
Conservatives Stronger
The conservative element in labor
is much' larger than is generally
known. while the radical or so-call
ed Bolsheviki group is smaller than

Representatives of Nearly
on Council in ChaTge
- Movement

Every Race
of New




ey, the Rev. Leo
rroit, supervising
a Student congre-
Thomas C. True-
y department, and
ns, pastor of the
rch, will also;ap-
a. The prayer will
verend Franklin,
uebjood will read
ctor Robbins will

of both the men's and
iyersity Glee clubs will
e choir for the service
ir ecion of Russell Car-
A. Tabor of the Univer-
of Mosic will be at the
[rs. William Wheeler will
tapy Expecte~d
t of the churches in the
hold services this even-
of the service in Hill aud-
committee in charge ex-
;e representation of stu-
y. members and towns-

Stephen Leacock, Canadian author
and humorist, will speak at 8 o'clock
Monday evening in Hill auditorium.
His subject is "Laughing with Lea-
Prof. R. M. Wenley of the philoso-
phy department heard an4 met 14r.
Leacock during the fgrmer's recegt
trip in Canada. Professor Wen'ey
said of the lecture, which wag at
Queens college, that it was the finest
humorous talk, filled with the most
life of any that he has heard in many
years. Leacock's wit was easy flow-
ing and vivacious, his personality was
winning, accrding to Professor Wen-
ley. 11
Leacock was born at Orillie, Onta-
rio. He was graduated from *cGill
university, where he is now a pypfes-
sor of political economy. Hij writ-
Aings have come into great popularity
and may now be found in many of the
.leading humorous ald literary raga-'
He is brought here under the ausplc-
es of tlhe University Oratorical asq-
V - - - - -
Boys' ;ud Girls' Bodily Development
in (rade Schools to Be ChrW

service in Hill auqitoriu".
"Motives of Mel{" will be the theme
of the sermon by Mr. 4. Mgsou RWells
at 10:30 o'clock in the First Bapfist
church. At noqu the young people's
guild holds its meeting with reports
on th@ Des Moines tu4e t Vlunteer
convention by iX pf t4me oeiegates.
Rev. Leonard A. Barrett will speak
on the subject, "Nqt Ethics Put Dy-
namics' at the mprning service of
the Presbyter in phurch. During this
service kindergarten meets in the par-
lors of the church. Prof. W. D. Hen-
derson at noon is to speak to the young
people's class on "The New Interna-
tionalism." On aceountof the Union
seryice ilx Hill auditorium the Chris-
tian pndeavor society meeting will be
The first f f sepigs o three lee-
turgs on "ersnWit "'Will h@ en
b' Fv. PgP O puglaa this morning
at the Congregational church. The
church chorus, under the direction
of Earl Moore, will sing Rossipi's
"The Inflammatus.' Other Iusic bath
soik 4n4 quartet will be giyen.
(jPntigu q Ia4 ยง

Sermons today at local churches'
will deal mostly with the applications
of religious and moral laws to a per-
son's everyday life, and to the solv-
ing of the problems that are contin-
ually arising. Few evening services4
will be held because of the Union

(By Associated Press)
New York, Jan. 17.-Raids and de-
portations of the sq unsettled foreign
born population that hundreds em-
ployed in basic Industries are prepar-
ing to leave the United States, accord-
ing to the Inter-racial council which,
tonight, announced the launching of a
campaign "to make aliens better un-
derstood and and to lift them from the
status of mere, clogs Ina machine, to
the status of human beings."
The council of which Coleman Du-
Pont is chairman and which includes
more than 400 leading financial and
industrial organizations representa-
tives of nearly all the races in Amei-
ca, purposes In its campaign, accord-
in' to announcement to accomplish
the following objects:
Outline Platform
"To offset most of the propaganda
of Bolshevik nature.
"To promote better relations among
the races in America, by presenting
the side of the foreign born and trans-
lating America to them in terms they
will understand, to end unrest among
the foreign born in industry.
"The recent raids and the deporta-
tion of aliens who have urged the de-
struction of government by force are
being interpreted by many of the
foreign born as a campaign of r -
pression against the foreign tern In
general," said a 'statement by the
council. "Hundred& are throwing
down their tools preparatory to leav-
ing this country.
Increasing Restlessness
"This condition not only is increas-
ing the restlessness in practically all
factories and mines but it is tending
further to decrease production which
is already hindered, as an aftermath
of the war."
American industry the statement
says is short 4,000,000 emigrants in
the field of primary labor owing to
the 'tremendous falling off of immi-
gration during the last five years and
the statement says immigration au-
thorities at New Yark believe that im-
migration in 1920 will be less than
one-third of normal.

ose in chargp pf tonight's service
Stewart Baxter, 121, chairman;
Johnson, '$0, Bruce Millar, '20,
y M. Carey, '20, G. L. Roprke,
J. E. Goodwillie, '20E, Frances
Wesley, 120, )"aguerite Chapin,
Ruth E. Jennings, '20, Miss Eva
art, Rev. L.,A. Barrett, Rev, S.
obins, Rev. J. M. Wells and Mr.
. Eyans, secretary..
i Complete program follows:
n prglude ............ Guilmant
.......... Kremser
r .Rlev, o M. Franklin
Lem .......... ~ossi~ni
ture lessou. . ofessor Trueblood
n-J'Portuguese Hymn'
'ess-"Religion and Honest
ubt" ................ D. Wolsey
S.......Duke Street
diction ...... Rev. S. S. Robins
n postlude............Rogers
muel P. Lockwood will present
University Symphony orchestra
. his brother, Mr. Albert Lock-
1, as soloist in a concert at 2:30
ek this afters oon in Hill audi-
m. ,The concert is complimen-
to the general public.
e program will be as follows:
Poet's Dream, Op. 31, No. 6..
.......... MacDowell-Jungnickel
ture to "The Bartered Bride"
........... Smetana
icerto Gropso, D minor...Vivaldi
zro Intermezzo: Allegro moderato

Test. which will show the phygic
devel'h'nent of school children as
they -ogress through the, varo a
grade' were devised during t ie tr ee
day onvention of the, State Council
of Phsical Education, wlich adoi .'
ed ysterday afternoon.
T tests are somewhat sinilar to
thos eused in the Detroit schools for
the pt five years, but are simplified
in fr'n. Those for boys are based
uponi.ve elementary things, running,
jump'g, climbing, throwing, and
Ind'idual graphic charts showing
the delopment of the students will
be isied, and it is expected that the
vizubition of a weakness in one or
two 'spects will prove an incentive
for 'ue individual to overcome his
TI girls' test is known as the "pulse
recery test." The normal pulse of
theubject is noted. After she has
rum place for 15 seconds it is noted
agt then after a laps of two min-
utes is observed. If the girl is
phyasily sound her pulse will be
norm. The training devised for
girls less strenous than that of the
boys .d is intended more to develop
"Ticouncil is highly pleased with
the ; i ts of the meeting. We ac-
Co(uIIPed twice as much as we antic-
;<att e would," said Mr. Rowe.

"eecoa mendations Made #t Meeting in
Detroit; to Be Announced Later
Recommendations regarding action
to be taken in the solution of the ath-
letic problem at Michigan will be
made in the near future to the Board
in Control of Athletics by the "M"
club and the Detroit Alumni associ-
tion, as a result of plans formulated
at a joint meeting of representatives
from the two clubs held Saturday aft-
ternoon in the University club, De-
troit. 1
It was decided that nothing re-
garding the recommendations should
be given out until after the spokesman
of the two clubs has met with the
board and discussed the plans adopted
at Saturday's meeting. This has been
done in order that all parties may
be given an opportunity to have .their
ideas considered without prejudice be-
fore action is taken.
As the board had previously an-
nounced its receptive attitude toward
alumni suggestions, and had author-
ized a meeting on the matter, the two
clubs await the board's decision as to
the place and time for the discussion.

Booth to Be Assigned Later In Week
with Allotment by Drawing
Tickets for the 1921 Hop will be
mailed out Monday. As more than
600 appieations have been received
it may be found necessary to con-
inne tie work until Tuesday, accord-
tug to Robert McKean, who is in
'charge of the ticket sale. .
All those who askeif fn tielwts and
whq d n:4t r.eetve them will have
4140y cheeks returned to them as soon
as possible. The booths will be as-
signed later in the week, the same
method of allotting being used as last
year, that of drawing. Although the
committee is not sure of the exact
number of booths which will be con..
structed, R. Dillon, 21E, chairman of
the committee, said that there will be
about 35.
The committee has decided that no
corsages will be allowed on the floor.
The second orchestra has been secur-
ed, but the committee was unwilling
last night to say what orchestra it

is supposed.
"The American public has in three
instances shown that when the rest-
less group has tried to assert the au-
thority and power of the laboring man
in defiance to the safety and comfort
of the people, it believes in the pres-
ent form of government and has been
able by the strength of its opinion
to defeat these attempts.
"The first case was at the time of
the Boston police strike. The coun-
try supported Governor. Coolidge's
stand to such an extent that no op-
position was offered to it.
"The second case was at the time
of the steel strike. Although I be-
lieve that Mr. Gompers was right in
,his plea for collective bargaining,
nevertheless the leaving of the con-
ference at Wagpington by Mr. Gom-
pers and his declaration that he would
make the conference welcome him
back was resented so much by the
,public that the strike failbd.
Public Triumphs
"The third time the public triumph-
ed over soviet ruel was when the coal
strike failed. The evidence in this
case is so conflicting that it would
need a careful consideration to jus-
tify the claims of either side, but the
attempt of the coal- miners to shut
down industries and discomfort the
public was defeated agin by the lack
of public backing," he concluded.

Prof. S. L. Bigelow of the depart-
ment of chemistry, will talk before the
freshman assembly at 3 o'clock Mon-
day afternoon. -This will be the sec-
and of his series of three lectures be-
fore the freshmen on "A Scientist';
Point of View." '
Directly following Professor Bige-
low's lecture, Colonel Robert Arthur,
professor of military science and tac-
tics will speak to the freshmen con-
cerning the R. 0. T. C. from the liter-
ary student's viewpoint.,

A regular meeting of the board of
directors of the Women's league was
held yesterday morning. Final dis-
cussion of ,plans for the fancy dress
party was held, and prizes determin-
ed upon.
Speakers who will address campus
and city audiences in the near fu-
ture under the auspices of the league
are Jane Addams and Bertha Conde.
Miss Cleo Murtland, who was unable
to speak at a Vocational conference
to be held last Thursday, will proba-
bly be scheduled again in about, a

Michigan's Affirmative Squad Mee
Defeat at. N rthwestern
In all three of the debates held
the Central debating league on Fr
day night on the question of govern
ment ownership and operation of co
mines, the negative teams won.
In Evanston Michigan's affirmatv
team was defeated by Northwester
by a decision of 3 to 0. In Chicag
where Chicago's negative team me
Northwestern, the negative won by
3 to 1 decision, while here Michigan
negative team won from Northwester
by a2 tol1score.


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