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January 11, 1920 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-01-11

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I p



Dean W. B. Hinsdale of the Homoe-
opathic Medical school begins a se-
ries of lectures ii the lecture room of
the Homoeopathic hospital at 3 o'clock
this afternoon, taking as his subject
"A Review of Medicine or a Cursory
Survey of Medical Art from the Time
0V. of Primitive Man to Civilization."
Dean Hinsdale will continue the
course for four Sundays following
and has selected a series of subjects
Y; for those dates: January 18, "The Nor-
)N mal and Abnormal Individual or
Health and Disease Considered as Re-
nkee sponses to the Same Natural Laws;"
January 25, "Predisposing and Deter-
mining Causes of Diseases;" February
1, "Natural Laws Must Be Observed in
the Treatment of Disease;" February
8, "Drugs dr Agents That May Dis-
no- turb the Normal or Alleviate It When
Fby Disturbed."
with Any person interested in any or all
Itifl- of the foregoing topics is invited to
eaty attend the lectures. .
,er- .
the JILSDL 218

Editor, The Michigan Daily:-
I wish to point out the fact that the
treaty reservations are radically dif-
ferent in nature. The so-called Lodge
reservations are of such form and na-
ture that they virtually have the ef-
fect of textural amendments while the
so-called Hitchcock reservations are
merely interpretive in character, stat-
ing to the world how the United
States understands the treaty, but not
changing the treaty in content or
The Hitchcock reservation states
plainly inf accordance with the evident
meaning of the article, that thie advice
which the council of the league of na-
tions is authorized to give in article
10 is to be considered as' nothing
more than advie; which the congress
of the United States may accept - or
reject with perfect freedoip, and that
the United States could not be in-
volved in a war under advice of the
league unless the congress of the
United States then in being should
adopt a declaration of war.
The United States and all other
signatory powers jointly promise that.
they will permit no aggression*
against one another's territories, and
that if any one of them is threatened
by territorial aggression the entire
league will come to help in some
manngr, of the nation thus threat-
ened. ? But in the light of our own res-
ervation the ways and means that each{
nation is to employ in preserving the
"integrity and independence" is left to
each individual nation to 'determine.
The only function of the council will
be to advise each nation as -to what
ways and means it will be best. to

Following Saturday morning's re-
view by'Prof. Henry C. Adams of the
much discussed Shantung provision,
The Daily prints in this column a
second article of information for stu-
dents and faculty who intend to -vote
intelligently on the treaty referen-
dum Tuesday. In it,' Prof Edward R.
Turner of the history department ex-
plains hii view of the Le gue of Na-
tions;, without doubt the greatest
storm center of treaty opposition.
Commenting on the campaign of
preparatory information to date, Fred
J. Petty, '21, chairman of the Student
council committee on the ballot, said
Saturday: "Information given to
those who attended the meeting last
Friday evening may clear up many
points which might have been misun-
derstood. The discussion was clearly
and concisely stated, in such a' way
that each one amight weigh the advan-
tages to be gained or lost by each
proposition. Open formus may be held
at the Union any time that is conven-
lent, before the election, and those
wishing to take part in such discus-
sions should leave word with Mr. Hur-
ley, at the Union.
Wants Representative Vote
"The committee hopes the vote tak-
en next Tuesday will be a truly rep-
resentative one, of both the student
and faculty bodies; for the results will
be combined with those received from
other colleges and universities in the
country, and given immediate public-+
Professor Turner's statement in fav-
or of the League of Nations follows:
"I am heart and- soul for the plan
to make a league of nations. I be-'

Tryouts for clog, Oriental, and ec-
centric dancers for the coming Union
opera will be conducted from 10 to 12
o'clock, from 3 to 5:30 o'clock,. and
from 7:30 to 8 o'clock Monday in room
308 of the Union, according to an an-
nouncement made by Willk m Leitzin-
ger, '20, general chairman of the Mimes'
E. Mortimer Shuter, director of the
opera, who arrived in Ann Arbor Mon-
day night to conduct the tryouts, will.
have personal charge of the work.
Individual trials will be given to each
person instead of the old method of
collective competition.
All men other than freshmen and
who are not ineligible are requested
by Mr. Shuter to come, if they have
had some dancing experience or who
can do some work in this line. Try-
outs for the cast and chorus of the
opera will be conducted at some later
First Gamies with Southern Univer-
sitles; Georgia Worst
With seven games on the spring
training trip and thirtee'i on therre'g-
ular list the Michigan baseball team
\will have an opportunity to play some
of the best nines in the middle west
and south. Several additional games'
are to be added to the schedule, which!
wl bring the total number to nearly
The Michigan season will be opened
against one of the Kentucky schools,:
half way down south, April 10, The1
Varsity .will meet the University of
Kentucky at Lexington. Two games
will be played with each of the follow-

y State Basketeers Hold Wol.
erines to Low Score ,in
Exciting Tilt


at I

In the scrappiest basketball game
en here this season Michigan defeat-.
I Hillsdale 22 to 18 last night. The
ne Michigan defense 'was in a large"
easure responsible for the victory.
"Whitie" Wilson, the stocky little
card, was the individual star for the,
olverines. His guarding of the fast
ill dale forwards was little short of
arvelous. Rae, Dunne, and Hender-
n did .the bulk of the offensive work,
hile Weiss was responsible for two
ectacular goals in the last two min-
es of play,
Ely Star of Visitors
Ely was the star of the visiting ag-
egation. His play was uniformly
>od and his ability from the foul line
oved a great aid to his team. He
ored 14 out of the 18 counters chalk-

Procured Meat and Other Proisto
"Along Way; Burdens Less
Heavy to Carry
"The biggest thing the ordina
person has to learn about the nort
ern regions is to unlearn most of t
things he already knows of then
Vilhjalmur Stefansson, the Arcetic e
lorer and scientist, id last eveni
in Hill auditorium.
"Persons commonly believe that t
entire northern part of the' world
continually covered with snow,, a
they have just right to think so f
It is the common story told in m
all of the books of the north," IV
Stefansson continued, "but the nort
ern coast of Canada has its seaso:
the same as Michigan. In fact, 0
temperature has been known to rea
90 degrees. There are iany winte
n .Iceland when the thermometer ne
er goes below zero."
North Pole Not Coldest Place
Another point brought out by 1
stefansson was that the north pole
neither the coldest nor the most i
accessible place in the Arctic rego
Its temperature does not go as low
other places because it is situated
water, which tends to a more tet
perate climate than land and becau;
of its low altitude.
Mr. Stefansson made his Arctic tr
on principles that were fundamental
different from any other successful e:
plorer's ideas, the principdl diftreni
being the question of diet. All othe
trips have been made only on pros
sions that were brought on the tri
This necessitated many extra me
dogs, and sleighs, besides the tin
needed in looking out, for them.
Stefansson's pr~visions were secu
ed from the seal and bear meat th
he found throughout the Arctic cou
Shows Slides
Towards the end of his' lecture M
Stefansson showed slides which gai
an eye impression to the audience<
various detils of his trip. One of thei
was the method employed in buildht
a snow house, which took four me
45 minutes to build. Another Wir
shown was the method used inctel
ing seals.
The speaker of the evening was i
troduced by Prof. William Hobbs o
the geology department. Previous I
this the appearanbce here next Satu
day evening of ex-President Wllia
H. Taft was announced.

v Qf

The game'started with a rush, Grime
making the first counter with a long'
shot from the middle of the floor. The
play continued fast and furious.
throughout the first half. The feature
of the game came when Dunne, rush-
ing down the floor, received the ball
and shot a difficult basket just as he
crossed the end line of the court.
The second half started with Mich-
igan in the lead by a 10 to 9 count.
The visitors soon. forged ahead, how-
ever, with baskets by Taylor and Ely.
Then Michigan took a brace, long goals
by Rychener aad Weiss evening mat-
ters up. lea also scored a difficult
one froi the sideline, putting Mich-
igan 'in the lead. Rea made a foul
shot as the whistle blew.
' Michigan asss Well
Besides the goad defensive work,
Michigan showed somQ excellent pass-
ing. The visitors were also strong in
this- department, although they were
unable to get close to the Michigan
basket. Henderson was having,..hard
luck ou his 'shots. Time after time
W111 missed difficult ones by the nar-
rowest margins.
The fight exhibited by both teams
made the contest exbiting from start
to fnish. Wilson defended the Mich-
igan goal spiritedly and repeatedly
tok the ball away from the opposing.
forwards and passed it out of danger,
Hillsdale made no substitutions
throughout the contest, while Mich-
igan made but three. In the second
half Weiss went in for Rychener',
Mason for Henderson, and Peare for
The temporary bleaehers were
crowded to their capacity. Between
halves Carl Mason led the crowd in
Michigan Hillsdale
Henderson, Weiss.R.F......... Grime
Rea ...........L.P.......Taylor
Dunne ..........C.... ... Kirk
Mason, Peare..R.G........Beard
Wilson ......... L.G.............Ely
Field baskets, Rea 2, Dunije, Weiss.
2, Henderson, lychener; Ely 4, Grime
TPylgr. Fopl baskets, Rea 2-2, Hen-
dersoh 4-7 Ely 6-8. Referee. Olds.

lieve the covenant constitutes the no-
Lodge Prpposal Wrong blest endeavor so far made to substi-
Now let us consider the Lodge res- tute reason and humanity for warfare
ervations and its effect on the league. and force.
Here is the reservation as it was in- "In my opinion it would be an ex-
troduced in the senate-"the United ceeding calamity if it, failed of ratifi-
States assumes no obligations to in- cation, or was so changed as to de-
sure the territorial integrity or po- stroy its intent. That It contains im-
litical independence of any other coun- perfections I think most probable, as
try, or to interfere in the controver- all great constructive attempts al-
sies between nations, whether mem- ways have; but 'the world is improved
bers of the league or nbt under the by honest efforts to make things bet-
provisions of article 10 or to employ ter, and not by keeping things as they
the military or naval forces of the] have been or attending only to the dif-
United States under any article of the ficulties which beset improvement.
treaty for the purpose unless in any Covenant Not Dangerous
particular case the congress, which "I do not think that the covenant
has the sole power to declare war, contains clauses dangerous * to, the
shall by act or joint resolution so United7States, though sacrifices are re-
proyie," .quired. But better some sacrifice to
It states in the clearest terms that have peace in the future, than the old
we will not be bound in any manner system and the wars which it brought.
to come to the aid in any way of any:. "I think the welfare of mankind re-
nation no matter how unjustly at- quires the adoption of such a scheme,
tacked. In short, it leaves us in just and then the best efforts of the best
the same position as before the war, people who make it work. With good
binding us to nothing- faith, the defects can be amended as'
We must remember the league cov- time goes . on. But if perfection be
enant is .a contract and a contract sought at the start, no league of na-
that does not bind bot# parties is tions will ever come into being.
good for nothing, "Many of the arguments which I
Lodge Does Not Want Treaty . have heard used againist the covenant;
The Lodge-ohnson-Borah fellows resemble those once employed against
may talk about splendid isolation, un- the American constitution. Some of
abridged sovereignty . and *American the bitterest opposition which I have;
independence, but what they want and noticed seems to be based on no con-
what their reservations offer is noth- siderable knowledge of historical de-
ing but the old system as it was ,be- velopment, but on personal dislike of
(Continued on Page Eight) the president of the United States."
Committee Promises That 1921 Hop
Will Surpass Those Held In Past

ing teams, Alabama Polytechnics in-
stitute, University of Georgia,. and
Vanderbilt university, In the Georgia
team, Michigan will meet one of I the
best baseball nines in the south 'and
one that has always made trouble for
the Wolverines on previous trips.
To Take Conference Trip
The big Conference trip will start
when Michigan meets Chicago at Chi-
cago, May 15. Two days later the Wol-
verines invade Iowa City for a game
with the Hawkeye team. The third
gamne which- ends the trip, May 20,
is with Ohio State'at Columbus.
Another game will be arranged with
M. A. C. and perhaps two with Notre
Potsey Clark, former Illini gridiron
star, has been appointed cajch of the
Illinois nine, and will work under
George Huff, who is the athletic di-
rector. At the present time both Illin-
ois and Iowa are expected to have
powerful teams, and will be in the race
for the Conference title.
Indiana will be met at Bloomington
late in April, the date not yet being
Baseball Schedule
April 10-University of Kentucky at
Lexington, Ky.
April 12-13- Alabama Polytechnic

Students whose athletic coupon b
numbers end in "0" or '4" may ob
tickets to two Conference basket
games by bringing, their athletic bo
to the main corridor of University ]
between the hours of 9 o'clock
noon and between 1:45 and 5
o'clock Monday afternoon.

of Iowa, 1$.

institute at Auburn, Ala._
April 14-15-University
at Athens, Ga.
April 16-17-Vanderbilt
at Nashville, Tenn.

of Georgia



Students whose book numbers




Although the 1921 Hop wiTl be held
on Friday the 13, with 13 men on the
committee, and 13 pieces in one of -the
orchestras, the programs containing
26 dances and there being 39 booths,
the information given out by the com-
mittee relative to the decorating in-
dicate that it will surpass any previ-
ous Hop.
Green smilax fiom southern
Georgia, and Spanish moss, interspers-
ed with many colored flo'ers, will be
used to canopy the entire gymnasium.
According to present plans, the booths,
which will surround the etdre fo or,
will be separated by birch bark trees
?u t here from the irxn Moun-
tin region of northern Michigan. The
trees were cut during vacation by F.
S. Kingsford, '21.
The programs, which are to be of

grey -leather lined with blue silk,
will be furnished by the Charles H.
Elliott company of Philadelphia. The
covers are to be made in such a form
that it will be possible for the girls
to use them as picture frames after
the Hop, while those for the men are
to have the form of card cases&,
There are to be two orchestras but
as yet only one has been secured. It
is reported to be one of the best in
this part of the country, the Ponchar-
train orchestra of Detroit, and will be
composed of two pianos, one violin,
twq bauans, seven saxaphpnes, and
As the dancer who was presented
last year caused considerable criti-
cism the committee has obtained four
saxaphonists to perform during the
intermission. A quartet will also ren-
der several songs at this time.

May 1-Chicago at Ann Arborw
May 7-Purdue at Ann Arbor.
May 8-Wisconsin at Ann Arbor.
May 12-M. A. C. at Ann Arbor.
May 15-Chicago at Chicago. .
May 17-Iowa at Iowa City. -
May 20-0. S. U. at Columbus.
May 22-Iowa at Ann Arbor.
May 29-Illinois at Ann Arbor.
June 2-0. S. U. at Ann Artor.
June- 5-Illinois at Urbana.
June 7-Wiscoahi at Madison.
Prof. H. H. Bartlett, of the botany
department, has recently been elected
to the position of representative of
the Botanical Society of America on
the National Research Council for al
term of three years.

not end in "0" or "1" cannot secu
tickets Monday. They .will be accoi
modated on succeeding days. Hol
ers of book numbers ending in "2"
"3 will be given tickets Tuesday, ai
so on until Friday. Saturday morni
all students who have failed to s
cure their tickets at the proper tin
will have an opportunity to get tic
Students bringing their athlet
books, to University hall on the de
ignated days will have the choice
any of three pairs of basketball game
each student being permitted to s
but two games owing to the buildh~
regulation which limits the number
spectators at any game to 2,200.
The games have been paired as fc
lows: Indiana, Saturday, Jan. 17, al
Illinois, Monday, March 1; Ohio Sta
Saturday, Jan. 31, and Minnesot
Monday, March 8; Chicago, Saturda
Feb. 21, and Wisconsin, Saturda


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