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Free vaccination against typhoid is
the latest type of service to be offered
to students by 'the University Health
service. Heretofore typhoid inocula-
tion has been given only when those
desiring it brought their own medi-
Dr. Warren B. Forsythe, head of the
Health service, urges that every one
who has not been inbculated against
typhoid fever within the last three
years, do so at the earliest opportu-
nity and take advantage of the. excel-
lent offer made to do the wor\free of
Fraternities Show Decided Climb on
1918 1919 Scholarship
Wilson and Bryan Split on League
of Nations at Democratic Dinner
m to Keep
plan4 the In-
on athletics
'rment of ath-
Jniversity. JIn
day by Alan
the commit-
faith in the
sted that the
its power to
on the cam-
Earnest. Priactice Only Sure Road
Successful Season, is essage
of Coach
ae how little Hard, steady plugging was the point
by the alumni which was most heavily stressed upon
to influence at the track niass meeting in the West
aft their lots Physics lecture hall last evening.
er goes on to Every speaker on the program dwelt
e most Impor- on the subject of earnest practice.
iats all of the Before a gathering of more than 100
eligible. Very track enthusiasts the plans and pros-
uns are, ever pects of the coming track season
were fully discussed by men directly
1t be an ex- in charge and interested in the cind-
all of the best ' er sport. Former Varsity men were
chigan eligible called upon for speeches andimembers
hose men who of the Athletic association and the
Lo have been faculty contributed to the program.
e for the team a Cornell Meet Certain
e over in my Considerable interest was manifest-
who should be ed in the announcement that the meet
hat they are, with Cornell for March, 27 was prac-
fall. ticaily a certainty. Final word for
this meet lay with the authorities
" Weman, at-Connell, aind TT6 ffflalpapei'ofJ
returnedfro mthat school has stated that the contestf
teacher in a has been settled. Mr. Bartelme of
.l e ¢orit the Athletic association, went over the
o them i schedule and said that the §eries of
n's eligibility, contests for the coming year presented
physical w-- the best competition which a Mich-
s, lf igan t r c t tam., has had fqr many
or years. "The Conference meet on Per-
3ld play itry eld, Jne 5, :will give us qn op-
of one theportunity tq show the real hospitality
and Blue has of Ann Arbor," stated Mr. Bartelme in
, now work- Prof. Aigler Speaks
-A., whois Professor Aigler was especially en-
ta god thusiastic over track. "It is the one
ell, ofTol sport in which every man is oil his
3 did not re- own and where there is room for every-
ank Goetz, pf body." He also announced that 'a prize
of $75 would be- awarded to the man
aol Puro who won an 'M'. and made the best
eligible next scholastic grade for the year.
isfactory and Professor Carver, a track man of+
six yenrs ago, stated emphatically the
need of steady, earnest work. "A track
met with the man is not thearesult of a week's, or
yesterday, to a month's, or a year's work but -the
o hand in the product of years' of hard plugging,"
vere obtained was the gist of his speech.
wroaeI"Red" Donnelly, captain of the 1917
nthe hn
A decided climb in. the average of
the general fraternities is one of the
most noticeable of the changes in the
corrected- edition of the comparative
scholarship chart for 1918-1919 of all
house clubs which is now being mailed
from the Registrar's office.
Fraternities Listed
The list of fraternities follow in
their order on the chart: Beta Phi.
Kappa Beta Psi, Zeta Beta Tau, Delta
Kappa Epsilon, Sigma Nu, Alpha Delta
Phi, Phi Sigma Kappa, Alpha Sigma
Phi, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi, Delta
Chi, Chi Psi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
Lambda Chi Alpha, Theta Chi, Kappa
Sigma, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi Sigma
Delta, Phi Gamma Delta, Psi Upsilon,
Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Mu Alpha, Zeta
Psi Acacia, Delta Tau Delta, Phi Delta
Theta, Phi Kappa Sigma, Alpha Tau
Omega, Theta Delta Chi, Delta Up-
silon, Sigma Phi.
Athletes Average C
The average standing of all men
:who toolk part in Varsity athletic con-
tests is given. Registrar Arthur G.
Hall said in regard to this: "The ath-
letes' standing is comfortably aboveC
grade,- the graduation requirement."
This refutes the group which argued
that athletes were very low in their
work, and that group which argued
that athletes were being pushed ahead
by the faclty."
Kappa Alpha Theta leads-the gener-
al sororities which have taken a slight
drop since the year 1917-1918. Nu
Sigma Nu is at the head of the pro-
fessional fraternities which dropped
down over the previous year. Herm-
itagetops ,th. list of. men'$ .i Ebs -
f Woman's Club Leads
Cannon, a women's club is the only
organization which is above B grade.
No house attained this height on the
chart during 1917-1918.
The general average of all house
clubs climbe4 considerably during the
last college year.
(By- Associated Press)
Washington, Jan! 8.-A split be-
tween President Wilson and William J.
Bryan over whether 'the League of
Nations should be made an issue of
the coming election topped off the
Jackson day deliberations of the Dem-
ocratic party chiefs.
It came at the Jackson dinner, as
the climax of a day in which San Fran-
cisco had been chosen as the meeting
place of the Democratic National con-
vention on June 28 and it charged
/the air with political electricity,
Meeting in University Hall to Open
Information Campaign on
Considering in detail all the propo-
sitions to be included in Tuesday's bal-
lot of students and faculty on the
peace treaty, four speakers will ad-
dress the discussion meeting tonight
at 7:30 in University Hall, with the
aim of preparing thefr audience to
vote more intelligently on the refer-
Hurley Urges Attendance
"Every student who has his future
duties of citizenship at heart should
inform himself on public questions of
this sort, and should come to this
meeting," said George Hurley, general
secretary of the Union, Thursday.
"The meeting tonight will be followed
by forums at the Union, in which wa
will open-the facilities of the .build-
ing to students wishing to express
their views and hear those of others.
These forums will be held over the
Prof. Hayden to Speak',
Prof. J. R. Hayden will explain
carefully the historical background
of the treaty, the debates in the sen-
ate, and the significance of the six
propositions in the balloi. Earl W.
Dunn, '22L, and Claude L. Benner,
'20, will discuss in debate form the
points on both sides of the proposi-
tions. James K. Pollock, .'22L, who
has made a careful study of the treaty
situation, will conclude the program
by clearing up any points not consid-
ered by the other speakers.
Prof. Adams Writes Article
A paper by Prof. tHenry Carter
Adams, head of the economics depart-
ment, on the Shantung situation
around which so large a part of the
treaty opposition centers, will appear
in Saturday's issue of The Daily..
President Wilson, in his message
read to the diners, declared that the
"clear and single way out" was to sub-
imt.the question to the voters as "a
great and solemn referendum."
Mr. Bryan, showing all the old time
vigor with which he led the fight for
the president's nomination at Balti-
more in 1912, declared that the Dem-
ocratic party could not go before the
country on the issue, because it in-
volved a delay of 14 months and meant
success only if the Democrats captur-
ed a two-thirds majority of the sen-
The disagreement between the pres-
ident and his former secretary of
state, the first in public view since
Mr. Bryan left the cabinet because he
did not agree with the . president's
course in diplomatic negotiations with
Germany was thus disclosed as a fact,
although it had been rumored and re-
ported in the underground currents of
national politics. In the opinion of the
political leaders it crystallized an is-
No Mention of Third Ternt.
President Wilso in his message
said nothing whatever about a third
term for himself and neithre did he
make an informal announcement of
his ir.tended retirement to private life,
as some had forecast he would. Mr.
Cryan said nothing bearing on any
ambition toward a fourth presidential
nomination although it variously had
been predicted he would.
There were. a dozen or more speak-
ers at the dinner and their views on
whether the league should be a cam-
paign issue were either divided in
favor of the president's or Mr. Bryan's
views or else they did not touch on the
subject sat all.
The gist of their speeches might be
summarized in this fashion:
Senator Pomerene: ratify the treaty
with or, without reservations.
Fo'rmer Se'refary MeAdoo: an ar.-.
raignment of Republican administra-
tion but no expression about the
Senator Hitchcock: Honorable com-
promise on the league question or a
fight to the finish. '
Senator Owen: Immediate ratiftl
cation of thd trieaty and -reconstruc-
tion legislation.
Labor Autocracy Looms
' Governor Cornwell. W. Va.: Ameri-
can institutions are in danger of b-
ing overthrown by the unchecked
growth of "a labor .autocracy."
Attorney General Palmer: The war
will not be over in fact until the is-
sues which it has' raised are passed
upon by the great court of appeals
in Amerioa and the judgment of the
people is entered.
Most all of President Wilson's mes-..
sage was devoted to an expression of
his argument of why he considered It
the duty of the United States to join
in the League of Nation's covenant.
President Expresses Attitude
The president expressed his attitude
towards reservations in this language
"If the senate wishes to say what
the' undoubted meaning of -the treaty
is I shall have no objection. There
can be no reasonable objection to in-
terpretation accompanying the'act of
ratification itself. But when the treaty
is acted upon I must know whether it
means that we have ratified or reject-
ed it . We cannot rewrite this treaty.1
We must take it without changes
which alter its meaning or leave it,
and then after the rest of the world
has signed. it, we must face the un-
thinkable task of making another and
separate kind of treaty , with Ger-
Commenting on the right of the Re-;
publican majority to decide the sen-
ate's course Mr. Bryan declared:
Must Secure Compromise
"Our plan has been rejected and we
must face the situation as it is. We
must either secure such compromises
as may be possible or present the is-
sue to the country. The latter course
would mean a delay of at least 14.
months and then success only in case
of our securing a two-thirds majority
of the senate. We cannot afford either,
as citizens or as members of the par-
ty to share with the Republican party
responsibility for further delay; we
cannot go before the country on the is-
sue that such an appeal would pre-7
sent. A majority of congress can de-
clare war. Shall we make it more dif..-
fictlt to conclude a treaty than to en-
ter a war T"
nd t
hart v
New Clocks Authorized; Registra
Speed Registration; Ten More
Internes Added
CA pie n
y various mem--
that the present
pity Men is mere-
o carry on werk
itions from the
a-campus or-
rned. The Stu-
ng on plans now
present organi-
in the indebend-
us, giving them
done little so
I to mail names
a in their hote
care of the com-
rdly any names
geither have the
rated as well as
team and a member of the relay team
which broke'the world's record in that
year, was strongly in favor of inter-
college competition on the campus.,
His parting word was to "talk, talk,
and keep on talking track at all
'Johnson Discussel Coaching
Captain Carl Johnson discusse4 the
plans for coaching track candidates.
Coach Steve Farrell finished with a
statement of' the prospects for the sea-
son at hand. He urged work now at
the very beginning as a preventative,
to later bewailings. "The year looks
very promising if the men will come
out and work, We have not lost many
of last year's men and the present
squad is strong. Work is what we
want now."
Zionist Society Dl1cusses Treaty
Zionist society met Wednesday night
in Lane hall and besides the regular
business session a good program was
Five hundred and ninety-two stu-
dents signifie# their intention of at-
tending the 1921 Hop at the registra-
tiou hel4 yesterday. As the gym-
-nasipm will only accommnodate 525
couples, it will be impossible for all
to obtain tickets, and as is custom-
ary, the juniors will be given the pre-
ference, the others following in pr-
der of the number of years on the
In order that all may have the Op
portunity of registering, the booth
will be kept open from 9 to 5:45
o'clock today in the lobby of the Un-
ipn. Of the number whq signed up
yesterday, 340 were juniors, 12 grad-
uates and special students, 180 sen-
iors, 50 sophomio es, and 10 freshmen.
As the juniors, seniors and, spec-
ial students number 532, there seems 1
to be little chance, in the opinion of
the committee. for the sophomores
and freshmen to get tickets.
All.'en witing to attend the get-+
together banquet of Sections 589 and.
590 of the U. S. A. A. S. at 6:30
o'clock tonight in the Union, turn in
your names to Hal Lewis, ex-'18, be-
fore noon today at 603 fast William
street. The banquet is not limited to f
the units nentioned. All ambulance-
men are urged to be present.
Pennsylvania Club to hold Party
Stunts, dancing, cards and refresh-
ments will provide entertainment at
the Pennsylvania club party, to he
held from 2'to 5:30 o'clock Saturday
afternoon, Jan. 17, in the old Union.
Serious consideration of raises
tuition and fees as a result6f'incr
ed University expenses of opera
was forecasted by the Board of
gents inits meeting yesterday af
noon.' The feasibility of such a in
was, in the opinion of the Regents
matter requiring longer inveetigat
and action was postponed until f
- To Investigate Congetlon
Meithods of securing relief from
excessively crowded c'ass .roo
which have furnished a severe prob
this year, were referred to the pr
dent and deans 'of the various colle
who were requested by the Reg
to make a thorough study of the I'
ter and to report on the results.
-Paper towels for ;use in all '1
versity buildings were authorized
an expense estimated to be ab
$1,800, the change to be made.as a
as possible. Money for this pur
will be taken from the general ft
To Expedite Reg stratlon
A request to the registrar and A
retary was made by. the board,1 t
they investigate and -consider p
to expedite registration knd
of fees, so- that the long waits2
lines might be avoided. The Rege
asked that a report be made a sa
as possible.
An appropriation of $260 was m
for the purppse of securing clocks
put on walla near the entrances
buildings too far from the chimes
hear the hour sounded.
Provide More Internee'
The Regents approved the plan
increase the number i internes in
hospital from 16 to 26. Th, phal
will enable the rotating system to
used,,- whereby an interne will se
two years at the Universit.y hospi
and will be shifted from one clinic
another, which gives him thorou
training in all branches.
Fees for hospital patients will
raised 25 cents a day, beginning-
1 because of tile increased operat
expenses. Patients sent for X-rays
outside physicians will be coupelle
pay a highr scale for-services r
dered, by .a ruling of the Regents.
To Investigate Water Supply
The Board also took steps to Inv
tigate the possibility of using Hu:
river water for the heating plant b
ers. The heating plant has been b
piered by the large1 amount of se
ment deposited in the boilers by
city water now used.
Springer Granted Leave.
The resignation of Dora M. Bar
professor of Public -Health nural
was received and accented by-
Board. D. W. Springer, superinte:
ent of the homoeopathic hospital, a
granted a part time leave of abser
during which he will assist in foi
ing an educational program %for
regular army at the request of
War department.
A luncheon to be tendered to
National Association of Alumh se
taries when it meets here in May, a
authorized.. Gifts offered through
Ruthen for the museum by -Cal
Goodrich, of Detroit, Bryant Wal
E. B. Williamson,, of Bluffton, I
and Mr. Henshawv of the Harv;
Museum, were accepted with thanks
Renew Chemical Fellowship
Owing to the fact that Washingtc
birthday comes on Sunday, Feb.
was made a University holiday. '
fellowship in chemical technology
$750, given by the E. I Du Pont p
der company, was renewed for
year of 1919 and 1920.
, ConferDegrees
Degrees of 'Bachelor of Arts 'w
conferred upon Roy J. Gulic, '18, 1
mond G. Hildner, '17, Frank W. Gr
er, '18, and Earl B. McKinley,
Marten Hoor was made. instructor
I English in the engineering college
Vilhjalmur . Stefansson, arctic ex-
plorer, who ia to lecture at 8 o'clock.
Satprday iight in Hill auditorium, is
noted not only for his discoveries but
for his services in sucu realms of sci-
ence. as anthropology, geology, and
Mr. Stefansson is known as an ex-
trewely interesting talker, with a
story of arctic exploration, thri-ls,,
discomforts, and discoveries exceeding
in interest most narratives of the sort.
cor- provided by Misses Mines and Cap-
that len, who spoke on the legal and so-
list cial aspects of Palestine. Many pha4s-
'hese es of the new Turkish treaty iwere dis-
cussed and prophesied,,
'ages- -
and Catholle Students' Club to Dance
of at As its first social occasion of the'
in school year, the Catholic students'
have club will give a dance from 2:30 to
are 5:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon in the
All students, both men and
women, who were in military
service during the European
war, and who have not already
, sent in records to the Alumni
oatalogue ofilce, Memorial hall,
Ore requested to call at this of-
ice as soon as possible to fill.
ot military blanks. :
The University hes under pro-
cess of publication, a complete
and detailed account of Michi-
gan's part in the war, The vol-*
ume will appear soon and in or-
der to make it complete, it is
desired that every one's name be
included. f
ts will be on sale at the Union