hold a
.- ~ -.u.O
hall of the
years ago
es in
Program Gives Chance for Dramatic
Emotion; Van Grove Perfect
a n-
(By Edna Lucking Apel)
anus, Riccardo Stracciari proved last night
Mning that he is thoroughly cognizant of the
rses enter-
ear. Every-
ke the din-
r aid one
vening will
i of a new
een in the
. months.
demands of the stage and the plat-,
form on a singer, and. consequently,
there was none of that gross effect
of over-emphasis so often noticed
when an attempt is made to place the
operatic in high relief against a con-
cert background.
Holds Reserve for Last
Throughout the program he strove
for the lighter tonal qualities, not re-
eight men vealing his store of reserve power
w seating up until the concluding number, Ros-
erved before sini's aria, "Largo al Factotum" from
the smaller
te aftem tat the Barber of Seville.
thought will ! The progam was largely made up
od fellowship of French and Italian numbers with
a meager bit of English. "Oh, Casto
nes, because Fior Mi Sospir" from "Re D'Lahor"
ead of total by Massenet was the opening number,
oe an ottr.followed by a group of three, the last
arrangement giving a decided opportunity for dra-
t of the Un- matic emotion. "Bonjour Suzon" and
to se Uve-y "'Cause of You' were charming songs
to see every of a more flippant vein that pleased
on to fill one the audience.
so especially Introduces Opera Hint
dents will be
3 ad encu .ill The climax of the program was
and encour- reached in the rendering of the aria
so as to oc- from the "Barber of Seville" when Mr.
Stracciari seemed to lose himgelf in
be present in the atmospiere of the gay and happy
rage them to Sevillian barber, introducing just a
hint of the opera.
a Mr. Isaac Van Grove deserves much
nday praise for his splendid accompany-
sa'le Monday ing. He has the rare gift of combined
hiall, Oe Li- concentration on his artist and his in-
building, and strument and the result is a perfect
at which the acedmpanist.
from 8 to 12 -_
.airy. Fra 100 REHE ARSE FOR
"I am glad to hear that the stuilents
are organizing to handle the relig-
B. Hutchins in referring to the Union
Sunday evening in Hill auditorum, un- LOOMS, BR TIH REPO T D L
der the auspices of the Students' Union
Services committee. The service will OFFER NEW SEATS REDS VIRTUALLY CONTROL
be the second held under the direc- OF RUSSIA; POWEI
tion of a student committee composed INCRASING
of repreentative men oi the campus. -
Inps yasal uhmoeet All reserved seats that have been
In past years .all such movements placed on sale for ex-President Wil- NGLISH WAR LORDS1
' have been more or less sectarian, or-
iiat ieen mone or anothercofrthelor-l iam H. Taft's lecture Saturday night CONFER WITH PREMI
iginating in one or another of the local nHladtrumhvbensdot
churches or religious societies. 1' is i Hill auditorium have been sold out'
.t hld and a block of 200 more reserved seats Formidable Forces Controlled
GRATTON, WHO COMPOSE MICHI- the object of the committee to hold will go on sale this morning at Wahr's Soviet Planning Move on
TEAM, WHICH WILL MEET CHI- non-sectarian meetings at regular per- book store on State street. Polish Frontier
NIGHT IN HILL AUDITORIUM. iods in Hill auditoium, choosing the Prof. T. C. Trueblood of the ora- '
principal speaker of the day from tory department believes thatthis lec-
those men prominent in the social life (By Assciated Pe )
ths m p il ture will draw the largest crowd that London, Jan. 15.-Before the tr
C [ fhe Studnty Uno.Sricsco-has assembled in 'Ann Arbor for sev- wt.emn i ekod
NE A IE ME TTfhi:cudnty.Uion etinusedm effortsmanyiforweeaolLeague i coofseNa-repattention el .ofrstheeaupossibility ofcoes
cm ss tyBritishpublichas been brought to
f I ~H of many campus organizations. tons ever since the late World war'tertonofwar.siiltyo
' - H'TO N16 TI -Dr. Lois IWolsey feladlneEuclid Ae-otewr
I.H wib VTivNIbH
UIInee Temple in Cleveland is to give the began and because of the important Winston Churchill, secretary
address Sun*y. Rabbi Leo Franklin, position the League of Nations holds war, Walter Long, first lord of
,In the world's affairs today the ap-
of Detroit, Rev. S. S. Robins, and Prof. n the eds prsidbnt he wi- admiralty, and Field Mars al Sir]
Thomas C. Trueblood will also take b e of e intres t ry Wilson, chief of \the imperial $
hate of Old Rivals; First s I usical numbers P of special interest. .left here tonight having been hur
part in the service. lyusmmondltoParibersa co
'Woman wins Place. ntepgrmwlbeaadda- Presiden Hary B. Hutchins will ly summoned to Paris fr a co;
Woman Wins Place oan the program will be an added at- introduce Mr. Taft. tto ihPeirLodGog
traction of the evening. Mr. Frank tation with Premier Loyd George
CHICAGO )EAM AND TWO OF Taber of the School of Music, will give unannounced military and naval
ThREE JUDGES ANNOUNCED a short organ recital in ddition to1ters.
For the twenty-second time in the clubs and the several vocal numbers. The summons is connected in
RK Dlpublic mind with the semiofflcial
history of the CentrHl Debating league nouncement today calling atter
Michigan mets Chicago at 8 o'clock Df l Y r ITF RAto the threatened conditions as
tonight in Hill auditorium. During -result of Bolshevik military sef
this time the decision has been award- Committees Told Co-operation Is Ne- yhich have brought them virt al
ed to Michigan 13 times, Chicago hav- L IUU III J IOIIL cessity for Turning Out tery of the whole of European
won on eight occasions. The sub- Finished Production sia.=h B
HALL IU HR TR- By their victories the Bolsit
ject will be "Godrernment Ownership Hk.OLD TITUS, SHORT STORY HOLD INDIVIDUAL IRYOUTS have obtained command of enor
and Operation of Coa Mines." IESFOR SINGING PARTS TODAY wsupplies of food, raw material,.
As has been customary, the Varsity rolling stock and other means
Writing for a living is not crea- Organization of committees for the transportation of which they were
ceding the forensic exercises, as it is tig but anufactge,"sadHaro- coming Union opera was effected at merly in need.
desred thosen xcisges, tat al Ition but manufacture, said Harold a meeting of committeemen at 7:15 Speculation is active in Europ
arrive in time to be seated by :40lo inug editory Ther ailyrin' o'clock last night in room 308 of the, to what will be their next move.
o'clock Admission will be free. The takgto ember .f the dent pb Union. General Chairman William A regarded as certain that they
squad has been training for more than alk to m'embersf te student pu-Leitzinger and Director E. Mortimer not be content with their present
a month, and is in good condition for Mr. Titus encouraged all embryo Shuter talked to the men, and the quest' but will seek to, extend
tonight's contest, in;g the opinion ofr writs enrse inh effrts chairmen were directed to begin form- Bolshevism father east or west.
tonghts cntetin'theopiionofwriters to persevere .in their efforts elating plans for work immediately. pert military men incline to the
Prof. Thomas Trueblood, of the de- as there is an unusually large man- g s foorktimnp litar eincline to t
partment of oratory!'' scuipt market at the -present time. He Urges Cooperation lief that their next have 'will
hold Two therD e . aetp re the , even, that a The necessity of co-operation among attack Poland and the Baltic at
Debtes deplored the fact, however, that a the men for the successful prodution Warsaw dispatches to London p
Two other debaes are also ,bng large 'part of magazine fiction of to- of the show was pointed out by Leit- indicate that the Poles are a
held. in the Central Debating league # day is written to order. He express-
tonight, Michigan's affirmative team ed the hope and belief that there soon zis a ndnhe urgedeeverB msnetokdo prtng s
vs.; N orthwestern at Evanston andwolbeanwdnin rtng hn his part. Considering the nature of, Bolsheviks Strong
.Northwestern ngate eavs. C, would be a new dawn In writing when the book and the difficulty in staging The Soviets now command form
Northwestern's negative teami vs. Chi- ,conditions would be changed. hcmngorM.Sutrsdtatbefrenagrigh ea
cago. The results will be Wired spec- In speaking of the movies, Mr. Ti- the coming opera, Mr. Shuter said that ble forces, endangering the pea
fal to The Daily. sad"Tepcusarplyn only a short time remained until the Europe.'
lo oTe al.,tus -said: "The pictures are playing opening performance, which will be Unless te likelihood of the a
Regent Junius E. Beal will preside at: a big part in American literature. oe eroae , wich wl e nlss th ikelid o te a
the debate. As yet only two of the Since there is such a dearth of plots sme time late in March or earlyr on Polanit which is said to be +
the judge's have bensecured. They April, and that a Bret deal of hard lar with gnrli nt a
three jdg ha been ecrd.Tyany new idea is eagerly seized and, workg would be required of the coe-nout they in ymove to. he north f
are Judge J. P. Eggeman, of Ft. once the writer has learned the for- work wu b rqid ofth con o u hey yfe Letthe orth,
Wayne, Ind., -and H n. John W.- mula, the production of these plots mitteemen if a good opera was to be held by e Lets, e south,
Hackett, of Toledo, Ohio. t- simply mechanical." t on. r by the oumanians.
Announce Chicago Team He did not recommend the writing "This year'g opera is a~ good one The semi-ofiial tatement hs
The Chicago team, which is madeoH pitreaya te train- and the music is excellent," said at London indicates that the B
up of Harold Sanders, Royal E. Mont- ing, as the author is apt Sto fall into huter, "and with the proer spirit government is more apprehensi
gomery, and George D.' Mills, will be the rut of mechanical production. As of co-operation manifested the co- a move threatening India.
accompanied by Prof. W. E.'Atkins of a preliminary training, however, he ing opera will be b ntter than that ofBs-=--
the University of Chicago and will ar- strongly advocated newspaper work last year. We all want to strive to Bliss Predcts War
rive thiser oCn. and tr avdar r ,make Michigan the leader in the pro- Washington, Jan. 15.-General
Ida this afternoon. - and travel. . S D duction of good shows." / vival, of war in Europe, if Pola
Ida E. Gratfon, '20, the first girl to Mr. Titus spoke before Sigma Delta Singing Tryouts Today unable to withstand the Ru
get a position on one of Michigan's Chi at 4:15 and before the meeting Tenors, basses, and baritones will Bolshevikarmies, is not "imp:
final squads, will be the first speaker of the board of directors of the Chimes be given the opportunity to compete ble" Gen. Tasker H. Bliss, who
for the negative, the remainder of the at 6:15. for the leading singing parts from a member of the American peace
'21, and W. P. Sandford '20. WEngineers to AttWndslecture 2:30 to 5:30 o'clock today in room gation, told the House Ways^
Te1, a m. is Expriened, 'All embers o te class of'22En-308 of the Union. Earl V. Moore and Means committee ,today.
Team is Experienced All members of the class of '22 En-M. htr ilcndtth tias
Watts has had considerable ex- gineers are excused from 11 o'clock Mr. t 4r will conductPtheKETials.
periencein debating, having repre- classes this morning, in order that be conducted for-a pianist, who will
sented Battle Creek in this line for two l they may attend an important meet- play for all rehearsals and perform- TO END SATURD
years. Sandford was a member of the ing in room 348 of the New Engineer- ances; both in Ann Arbor and on the '
Varsity team in 1917. °ng building. road. A reliable man is wanted by - Saturday is the last day on N
,. m r.... . t T T -- L~a-..tw evi
the managemeit. applications for J-Hop tickets wi
Individual tryouts will be given accepted. A great number of app
men who appear for chords tryouts tions have alredy been received,
Lid Clamps isE arn st estiight during the specified hours. According cording to Robert McKean, '21, w
\, to Mr. Shuter, the men are afforded a in charge of the ticket sale, but a
better chance in these trials than in orders have not been filled it is
"Oh for one-hour air service be- hand there July 1, 1919, than in either the collective competition, which will yet too late.
tween our fair city and Havana," sighs of the latter cities. Anyway, Detroit's be held later. There is, in the opinion of the
mayor has been quoted as remarking mittee, a misunderstanding amon
the bred student with a dreamy look that the reason the city escaped wood WAR RECORDS OF STUDENTS students as to chaperones. Ticket
yes, as he gazes at the fateful cohol poisonIng wasbecase so much FAST NEARING .COMPLETION them must be purchased in the re
datq which greets his glance at the good whiskey was available. Our fair manner.
. top of this pagel town of Ann Arbor itself has been Work on the completion of Michi- The contract for the decor
For today is January 16, 1920, which , fairly damp since the state law went gans record in the European war has has been let to a local firm, The
will gi into effect, as is witnessed by. the re- been facilitated by' the prompt re- Maize shop. However it will be
go down in history ascent raids on the makers of the day sponse to the registration notice, on essary to have student help at
when our fair anl fruitful United licit brew. - the part of students who were in the time as the contract covers onl:
States of America became, dry in fact ' service, stated Prof. H. L. Sense- supervision of the work which
as well as in name. It is an unde- Can Science Assist mann yesterday. It is desired that be done in 24 hours, the men %
niable fact that the wartime prohi- Whether science will provide a rem- this registration be completed this ing day and night.
bition act was in many cases inef- edy for the thirst of parched throats week, and Professor'Sensemann urges
fectual. remains to be seen. Underground pipe that all who lily ot turned in their Maeterlinck Will Not Speak, H
" Exactly Dry lines,, ships outside the three-mile lim- records do so a e. M. Maeterlinck, the Belgium a
Michig to be sure, has been of- I.. in the Great Lakes, fast tank car- In order to'acc. modate such stu- who it was expected would sear
ficially ar since May 1, 1918, but it rying airplanes, and undiscovered dents as are in ss until 5 o'clock on Jan. 31, will not come.'F;'
is said that Detroit was so well stock- chemicals that can do the work are the office of the Alumni catalogue will sults from the fact that he
ed via Toledo and Chicago, that a all possibilities. John Barleycorn is remain open until, shortly after that continued speaking in English a
larger supply of whiskey was on as hard to get rid of as a family cat. hour for the remainder .of the week. now lecturing only in French.
re fixed at
rge of the
e William
ge of the
Ld Guy S.
an of the
i be rep-
at the
ev weeks
More than 100 foreign students are
now at work rehearsing the acts that
Oill make up the All-nation' Jam-
boree to be given by the Cosmopoli-
tan club Thursday, Jan. 22, in Hill
auditorium. ' An unusually large
amount of talent has been secured
for this year's entertainment and all
indications point to the program be-
ing the best yet offered by the for-
eign students.
The entertainment will consist of
14 acts in which 100 students repre-
senting 10 nations will participate.
The principal orchestra# will consist
of 14 pieces and there will be three
supplementary orchestras including
Phil Diamond's players.
Among the interesting features on
the program will be "On the Road to
Pekin," a playlet the . scene- of which
is laid in China. This number will.
be presented by Chinese students who
will introduce several native songs.
and some' oriental music.
Another act, "Los Gauchos," pre-
ings, which were done;
iicrs and seniors in the
hitecture, ill be ship-
'e students have been
the last few days in or-
e work finished in time,
the United States, Can-,
merica and South Amer-
r exhibition at the con-.
le charge of the United'
has been placed .in the' sented by the South American stu-
Emil Lorch of the col- dents, will provide (he actors an op-
eture. Professor Lorch portuuity of 'demonstrating the cus-
tives in every large city' toms and dreamy music of that coun-
ral school in the coun- try. The reiainder of the bill will
gther drawings for the consist, as the name jamboree implies,
it . of acts of every' description.