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December 14, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…THE DAILY NEWS OF THE WORLD'AND THE CA-31PUS ihe I A igan V9 ,Dali Phones :-Editorial 2414 Business 960 TELEGRAPHI SERV ICE BY -T) NEW YORK SUN VOL. XXV. No. 61. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1915. PRICE FIVE CE - , CHARITY LEADERSI SELECT FRIDAY AS GOOD FELLOW DAY Lansing r d icator EDWIN MAKHAM SPEAK Accider tally Shot Edward P. Cummings, '93, Is Injured While Cleaning Shotgun HIS POEMS IIIVLETTERS in Cellar. JOVE...…

December 14, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 61) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0 THE BEST DRESSED MEN k If have their clothes made-to-measure. It is not a fallacy to say that clothes reveal their origin even to the casual observer. And there's an air of dis- tinction to our clothes that can come only from years of experience in tai- loring garments. We have satisfied your friends, why not you? U. H. WILD COMPANY - L'elding Mercbant Tailors State St. Flowers for Christrmas thc NAR.CISSUS It Wil...…

December 14, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 61) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ... .. _ ..M.. _ ____. ....,__e _. ,. .. . .._,_ ,- . r.. _ ._ _ ...r......._..._ ,.w...... _ .. _ .. ___.-- ( .. LiA7 . "rt I iL h. li f l _ -...." -.---- l}14( J'1' i 14f U Id [ I ww.w.. .... ..W.Y:.., .........,.....w.,... . ... L.-- CLL MEETING FOR Expect Leaders to Aid In Shaping Polley For Awarding of Class Insignia BASKET3ALL DRAWS OUT MANY Al1 football managers are asked to attend a meeting whic...…

December 14, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 61) • Page Image 4

…FOUU THE MICHIGAN DAILY Prof. Dowrie of Finance Department on Anglo -French Loan i1 II I ECONOMISTEXPLAINS LUCIDLY NATUE OF ANGLO-FHRENCH LOAN PROF. G.W. DOWRIE OF ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT GIVES REASONS FOR RECENT ACTIONj "SECURITY IS UNEXCELLED" "Lack of American Enthusiasm Not Due to Fear That Obligations Will Not Be Met" (By Prof. G. W. Dowrie) Few financial, transactions have at- tracted so wide attention as the $500,- 000,000 loan recentl...…

December 14, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 61) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .l Mlake Christmas Last all Winter ~~ij 4 Jf+, When you're out looking for your Winter Oiercoat, just pay this store a visit. We don't ask you to favor us, but we do insist that you'll regret slighting us. There isn't . a finer, smarter or complete showing of Overcoats than ours in Town and we'll show you prices that you can't beat any- where. iuy a supply of Columbia Double Disc Records for your Talking Jiachine. The...…

December 14, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 61) • Page Image 6

…C SIX IxTHE MICHIGAN DAILY ----a- I 1 . i ra mk " k ... SPECIAL- HURRY WHITNEY, THEATRE THURSDAY DECEMBER 1 liave he Cadl I it-; received 150 Calendars for dxio Vertical Pictyre Inserts-by xistale in shipping, and by ail ar° anvement with the maniufaclurer I can close them out at only 33c each the regular price is Soc. They are beautiful sepia, separatly boxed, and just the thing to use with an enlargement, or we have some cho...…

November 14, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

… tv d s ; i T I'~IOt~)A~ .,. " . .tea.. p ~. T a Q x b ka M iru a .Illr ..ri ' w Phoiis :-dltola P 404 )L. XX Nc,: S , d >HIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER, 14, 1915. _. : PRICE FIVE CENTS 4 AFT GRAPHICALLY DESCRIBES BASIC PRINCIPLE OF RECENTLY PROPOSED LEAGElE NATIONS TO ENFORCE PEACE X-PRESIUDET 4JLIS INTENSE INTEREST OF 3 IEAR INHIL A 1 RIIT' AR NO DEAD ISSUE °eace Con rence Vii Nieesrily Follo End of (treat air,I lie say~ a ATWNS 1 FA...…

November 14, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 36) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAI.L*T Aft THEJLARGEST ASSORTMHENT of fine woolens in the city is here; for your inspection. We think you'll agree that never have you seen clas- sier fabrics. Tailoredc in our inimi- table style in a suit to your measure, they will make you as smartly dressed as any man ini town. G. H. WILD) COMPANY Leading 3lerchant 'tailors State St. Pon J ° ' A hay , ,_%% , - ; , ,; ' > . , .! ' f I LOOK I Co peGym LOOK THE MICH...…

November 14, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 36) • Page Image 3

…TH'8 MICHIGAN DAILI PAGE THt1S BIG szS. wo Aowml EVAER ARCADE THEATRE MONDlAY "'lII~iIY" -with Clara Rim ball Young,, in the tile role and Wilton l, a('k a a s Svengaili. Special music. 'like" Fischer -with o:°z"lr - f a, anid :3114s Ihemp of Detroit, who will feature Tiril- by' falmous -song, "SwAeet Alice W liBolt." E'xtra matinee at 4:30. 29 cents. TUESDAY "k4 F r()ION", a Mfutual Master Picture with Margarita Fisch- er ::Nd flrry P...…

November 14, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 36) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. M IGAN DAIt.Y blished 1890 .......... W '" AY HORNING MAGAZINE PAC~E Editor.......J. L. Stadeker Assistant Editors ompson E. A. Baumgarth Sunday forn ing. azinePale Fort ;lmn Suntley Reporters Golda Ginsburg Walter R. Atlas D. Ml. Sarbaugh' KEYS TO MANY DOORS there has been much talk of late1 >ut giving the professional man a ader background of culture in or- r to minimize the evils of special- tion. In the discu...…

November 14, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 36) • Page Image 5

…rliE MICHIGAN DAILf. The Fact That J.kci are frequc ntly v~ urn for two and more s:,asons by most particular men"i, 1is lut men- Ofth srvice and f f satisfaction fouind in tailoring Swits and 1 $10.[00 to r,> gi) _ YOUR SUIr T HISseason's style demai form-fitting clothes. TI makes it absolutely necessary tl experts work on your suit from'1 start. And of course, you requ all wool materials, in your cho of shade, fabric, and cut. You'll ...…

November 14, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 36) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. _ Walk-Over Foot-Wear -1 Anticipate Christmas: GYMNASIUM SHOFt FOR MEN AND WOMEN-RUBBER OR LEAT Prices 70c to $1.90 per pair There's Snap and Ginger in every Pair i '- E),~ Our wipdows are full of the season's authoritative styles -conservative staples and popular novelties-no mat- ter what your taste is, we In a few days we will be offering the most complete line of Calendars for Picture in erts ever shown anyw...…

October 14, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 9) • Page Image 1


October 14, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY. HOW STYLISHLY HE DRESSES will be the verdict after you have had us for your tailor. The Suit, the Overcoat will have a class and swing to it that only custom tailoring can have. Step in and see the fabrics and models. Looking costs nothing. G. I. WILL) COMPANY Leading Merchant Tailors State St. III L,.. ; It'll N r }. i .i NEW AND SECOND-HAND All Departments Drawing Instruments Supplies of all kinds I. P....…

October 14, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILi ., L }1, {E "( - - --- i ', lii i y ... ..* \. ., '. ~t1i Y Y 1 N Y , .. 1 Ft q l -=- --- a, 1 L== I1 .1 t=&i MARHIETTA SCORES AGAINST VARSITY ALTHOUGH BEATEN (Continued from Page One) counted heavily in the summaries. Michigan's line failed to do its work in the best manner, and the interfer- ence did not s.em to bother Marietta's tacklers. The line-ups and summaries follow: Michigan Position Marietta In...…

October 14, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. i.Z \ y IN 6 a. 5 ' I 61 e, 4 s_ .. ' S e S'iC: ' f ':' 1 < ,. " 1 1 y 9{p. W' PLO ,,3{p , ' S' : 3(41 °=VfrJ 1 'C . , , . . : r-;° ,_ i \ + s . k d 6 ¢$R f T , ,, ,, a. a< _ t' i ? "' u,._ , .} Z ' ' !te t = a r J t . - 1 ' a k' 4',a a, n 'st .-, t. zI / i,. * .. 'f vJ 1! -A 1/ / I " r In14A 2 L - fl ar cffner & X= ere are the style hits of the season the Hart Sch affner& Atarx Varsity de...…

October 14, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 9) • Page Image 5

…THE MI1CHIGAN DAILY. -- a ry Glad You're BackI en-5z,.- Let Music Ring- Throughout the House x ,r S.lI V1\ 4e We hope that you will make this store your drugstore. We shall do our best to We are ready to showery-vu the best line of Men's Suits, t lvercoat s, serve you. Raincoats, Hats, Capsp, and Fun isliings at reasonable r ices I CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 S. State Street Either whien all alone,} or when a few friends unexpectedl...…

October 14, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 9) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ____ I am showing all the LATEST models of KODAKS Liberal allowance for your old one. -LYNDOI N--~. Makes Photographs with Correct Color n Values of Paintings, of Drawings in Monochrone or Polychrome, and of Colored Objects. Has Photographed more Original Manscripts on Parch ment than anyone else in the State. 713 East University Home Portraiture a Specialt...…

August 14, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…PRICE 50ce'~ ,1F THE ONLY OFFICIAL FOR THE REMAINDER H I WLEI OF THE SUMMER I II SUMMER NEWSPAPER Vol. VI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURIDAY, .\AI',tY T14, 1115 o. 231 ......... ... ... . ....................... . . ........... . .. . --- - - - - - - -- ---- H IM NDN DVNN TO ROEfl-flI~rConcrert andt Address by lDeani Vauglhan -LOS T6 190'ITY Will be Features of ' ScoticT~ Difc liBar Athletes Next week will be the last week of Expected to Lo...…

August 14, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE Orpheum Theatre The Rouse of Fatuos Plays by Famous Players. Saturday, Aug. t4--Ilsold Luowo in "The Secretary of Friolous Al- Monday-Tuesday, Aug. 16-7-Edgar Slwiyn, intArb. Wednesday, Aug. t8-Nance Oneill, int "Princess Romtauoif." Temple Theatre Saiturday,hAg. 14.--"1he'ken1n lour." Sunday, Aug , j.,-sdComedy. Arcade Theatre SHOWS: AFERNOONS 4:00: EVE.6157:45;915 Saturday, August to LYDA BRE1L- LI itt "The Naked Truth." A ir...…

August 14, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…Till WOTVI TI,,N We charge you Amateur Photographers' H-eadquarters for Kodaks, ilms and FinishingPRNSO nothing for devel- in Ann Arbor is at PRNSO oigroll filmsi9 EO you can finda a , 79 Or Uiversity Avenue VteLs OXpr ae II single defect l< (Two) doo0m from [11l1 Auiorinttiebstpprwae II. snlhlshrd 1955 and growing bigger eveiy ay I - TL'L ~ F'i l n"loctsel]r.Kr0 n l eaIs 'ig sand 5) lai oli )raits made NEW Che i~tsUse j1~J1IChlorineii oGasa...…

August 14, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…THE WOL.VERINE :IS'I'IlN() lIl t' .116 IEIMA11r1 VD I)1NN U _ (10111 tiarld frotit Page 1) (C'ontttinuedfrom 'age 1) (1'r 1111 filt(lases are (contintualliy 1110- pastsedl oilhis wo~rk thiis last semoesiter. out frail the cente111r(1towtard lthe ut hast mucha hl Iopes5 tat Ihesill b irate, If titis we re tot te ase tt roe d fl~''( romithe110bail, 0asihe only liii outitl wo0ul(1so0011cool and idOveofOilfair work. too iii ii' 1h(at to ittal eli...…

May 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…E YEAR LOCAL m I, ie Michigan Daily MAILED NO0W 75c 7-a 161. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1915. PRICE FIN PRCEFl ISLER AND REGAN, PUT ON SLAB DUEL >)rliell Man and _lclhigan Star to Be Pitted Against Each Other in Tomorrow's Game )ACH DETERMINED TO GET MEN OUT OF BATTING SLUMP emann or Anderson to Fill Left Garden; Line-up to Remain Same George Sisler is the man who will >rk against the Cornell nine when e Wolverines an...…

May 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 161) • Page Image 2

…TkIE MICHIGAN DAILY .-- ' A Suit Above Criticism You would like to wear such a suit,. wouldn't you? You may; its up to you. We are ready and anxious to make you the best suit you ever wore, barring none -good material, perfect fit, and the latest cut combined. We are selling lots of -Billiard Cloth for white trouserings. Have you ordered a pair? 0" THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning ...…

May 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 161) • Page Image 3

…TRU MICRIGAN DAILY Y What Do YOU Know About Clothes? Not much if you're like most men; you probably don't care to spend either the time or money to learn, The way to be sure to get what you pay for is t wear ...I # Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes They're certain value because of the "all wool" fabrics and skilled workmanship that go into them. They're the cheapest clothes you can buy considering what you get for your money. In the newest ...…

May 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 161) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ . of w. OR HARD a snappy practice rved to prepare the 1 team for a hard The yearling team :hard Lake Saturday he Polish Seminary of no mean caliber hem. ,ke crowd have had g the last few years t teams around De- contest is expected the Saturday game have an opportunity on Ferry field. FORESTERS' PACK TRAIN GOES OUT FOR FIELD DAY AT NOON Forestry students will leave at 12:00 o'clock this noon for their annual field day...…

May 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 161) • Page Image 5

…TRI MICHIGAN AILY L. I i M EN who select their attire with punctilious care, with an eye for exclusiveness and individuality as well as quality, are invited to inspect our showing of all that is new in Stein-Bloeh Smart Clothes, Hats and Haber- dashery for warm weather-a comprehensive assortment to meet every need for town or city wear, for sport, vacation, travel or every day. The little subtleties of style presented in our apparel will be...…

May 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 161) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY alk ~ e New Spring Styles now Ready Y rr1il vA Another Big, Clean Up of Filly Slightly Worn Ko daks Prices start at from 30% to 5O% off regular prices, and re- duce at the rate of ten cents per day until sold. Ev ery one plainly marked. This is the biggest snap you ever saw. We sell from a sample line but our clothes are tailored in town OUR PRICES RANGE FROM $28,00 UP C. I. KIDD * wnSophomore 1530-1 1112 S. Univ. Ave ...…

March 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…LJ 'WEE m Mich igan Daily SUJBSCRLIBE I NOW ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARC[. 14, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS. PRICE FIVE CE'~TS. RACE YIELDS IGAN VICTORY Won in Sensational Style, es Meet for FaarrelPs aiders, with 40) to 37 Final Count AN) PARMALE WAGE E FIGHT IN MiLE RUN Wilson Spring Big Surprise U Pole Vault Event Ends in Tie E, N. Y., March 13.--By sensational relay race, the nt of the dual meet here g, Michigan won the meet 6 ' ...…

March 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 116) • Page Image 2

…IGAN DAILY From any View Point our clothes show their superiority. In the material, in the workman- ship-every stitch set with care- and in the fit and hang of the gar- ment. Don't spend a lot of money but to regret it; let us tailor you this time and forge t the past. Place your order today for that new Spring suit. G. f. WILD COMPANY Leading Merchant Tailors State Street; INDOOR XCK GOODS the most Complete in the City i CORKS - PUSHER...…

March 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

…}.TEE MICHIGAN DAILY 7 impossible for this nation or anyI The Michigan Daily:- Lswer to the communication of s issue, I wish first to compli- r. Thiel on his power of inter- n. Our judiciary will be improved when such as he en- According to his version, I would have every "knight of the road" go into the hold-up business and our for- eign trade nursed at the cannon's mouth. The idea I really intended to convey, and the one I believe most l...…

March 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 116) • Page Image 4

…TH MICHIGAN DAILY. 1 I' [[LIS N10Disappointed Diners Consider STATE AUTHORITIES' "Ye'Suicide afterSumptious R S"YeGods! For the love of Mike! dregs of the bottle po Points Out Fire Danger and Crowded Some imbecile has left a basket on our parched throats, and still Condition of Library; Shows steps and I nearly broke my leg com- been found. Ah! an enve Peril to Law Volumes ing in!" So says a student after protruding from its hiding Numberin...…

March 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 116) • Page Image 5

…tV lILY i rYA ""' jMf,=.s... .... tiw.-..w.®..m.....:.w w' Sri ing of -I SUITS, You have been looking for those Reule, Conlin, Fiegel Oxford Cloth Outing Shirts With Collars Attached We have them in all sleeve lengths Knitted Coats and Spring Shirtings now on display. READY AT YOUR SERVICE Correct Spring Attire for >rs in Tin ker & Company COR. S. STATE and WILLIAM STS. Suits . 2 Balmacaans Topcoats Raincoats $15 to $30 $12 to ...…

March 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 116) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1. -- _- NOTICE There is that something about Lyndon's Flashlights and Groups that many others have tried to imitate but none have equalled. It is that unequalled quality that you want-and it doesn't cost any more either We Do Repairing AND Altering C. KIDD---Sophomore 1534-J 1112 S. Univ. Ave on't miss the [alk-Over issolUtion Sale 8 x10 Groups only 25c. Buy as many as you want LY"DON WOLVERINES ENTER iDES MOINES EV...…

February 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…e Michigan Dall I SUBSCRIBE NOW WQ.6 3. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1915. PRICE FIVE CE ICOLLEGE ELECTIOI _ ,- t LY DEPICTS NGLISH LIFE iins Furnish Plot Set EAST AURORA SAGE TO TALK(_AT UlNiO FRESH MAIKE REAI FOR '17-'1 BOUT Robinson Uncorks Quarter-Mile Form, Going on List as Possible 440 Man for Meet I' NU Suburb ENE1wS D AFFAIR r i Youth, Son - the play by Louis to be presented by tuesday night at the s a come...…

February 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…,. J.L iA A .L '1iE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of ichigan. Published every morning except [onday during* the university year. N DAILY us is = To be wel dressed a man ndividually fitted and we rfectly. The result is a distinction not otherwise Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building.nSub- by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $2.5o. Want ad. stations: Quarry's, Univ. P...…

February 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

… R s L ENTIRE STOCK OF $6,000 must be sold in one week. Nothing re- served. Everything will be sold at less than cost. SALE STARTS MONDAY MORNING AT I THE PALAIS ROYAL 3045 MaSIn S. f, , FD R has had 32 years use of this part of a the building. A -new . generation has a come intobeing since this part was fi N built and with it have come new prob- 1 lems. Originally, it was not planned1 to house anq books in this front part,e but with...…

February 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

…THE' MICHIGAN DAILY , -. - , ,ti ^ a Theatri cal Circles I - I POST PLAYS 'OMAR' ON WHITNEY STAGE Production Beautifully Presented Portray ing Elaborate Persin Atnosph1er"ta by scoias ' Tvi . PlNT SrUVV{ESSES h, ti ti si ]3 ]3 (i d c. ti Is a tl Six Royal I-Jussar Girls at IeTtH ,i Tusay, Fiida Saturday, Feb. 18, 19 and 20. Guy Bates Post will play his muchI heralded engag-ement at the Whitneyl theatre, Tuesday, March 2, in "Omar...…

February 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 93) • Page Image 5

…LY ,... 5% off 0 I1 You have been looking for those Oxfordm Cloth outing Shirts. With Collars Attache" We have them in all sleeve lengths Knitted Coats and Spring Shirtings no won display, Tinker & Compa'ny, COR. S. STATE and WILLIAM STS. ' February Cut Price Sale a few co. I I February is the month that we cut prices down to roc.k-bo1 This 'is the time to buy. Be on hand so that you ca take vant'age of these wonderful money savin...…

February 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 93) • Page Image 6

…TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY 7t __ )ver Foot Wear Dull and Patent Leather Fawn and Greycloth Topsy Price $4.00 and. $4.50 115 S Main St. L YNDON THE Always Reliable Always Square Always on the job Always knows his place Always delivers the goods Always treats everybody alike Always back of every thing that's good for Michigan Students. PHOTOGR APH E R i We Do Repairing AND Altering C" I. KIDD -.--Sophomore 168-J 1112 S. Univ. Ave 10t' i R, ...…

January 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…OBNIN0 The Michigan SUBSCDE Vol. XXV, No. 78. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1915. PRICE FIVE C -rl "_ - Elaborate Ornamentation Requiring 2,000,000 Feet of Festooning Will Greet Guests at J-Hop YESTERDAY'S MEETINGS FAIL TO ACT FINALLY ON FAVORS Sentiment to Help Committee Prevails But Individual Groups Will Decide Guests at the Junior hop will step WATER CLUB MA4PS COURSEFOR CREW Student Surveyors Will Map, Out Path ...…

January 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…l (II Its a pecialty 40tj STATE STREET 2l/ ~1 SShoes VITS Goods all guaranteed. -9S .. 8 6:o6 a.i m., 7:o6 O:45 P. k20a.i Lm., a THE LITTLE :ro SCHOOLMASTER :xo SAYS: m., p. M. M. :I5 an .,,lotheos Made To Serve-- so Instead of To Sell!I" The former means assurance of service-the later, mnerely a lower price. Skill and honesty are determin- ing elemnts of quality and the use of a thing shows its worth. See our new style and woolen...…

January 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…TRE MICHIGAN DAILY ( Prohibition Movement to all Speakers to Ann Arbor LASTS THREE DAYS By P 4 THE CHANGING DRAMA Archibald Henderson (808.2 H5c). bor will be visited next week 'lying Squadron of America," ines in the interest of the L for nation wide prohibition. and evening meetings will the SSiadron" is the out- remtte wheh started at io, in 1913. It includes nost prominent speakers d is making a tour cov- te largest cities in Ame...…

January 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 78) • Page Image 4

… s Great Opportunity to Help! at Eight o'clock i*n the Hill- Auditoriu'm seeds to, be.given to the B elgian Relief Fund T SO C RECITAL. BY Alle~n and. M rln'Distinguished Concert Tenor Soloist: Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Minneapolis. Symphony Orchestra, St. Paul Symphony Orchestra, Mendelssohn Club of Chicago, etc., etc. Soprano tMend k - Y: TheProgram DvEI' CERoM "ROMEO AND JULIE," AcT IV... .. Gounod MTSS ALLEN, AND -MRS...…

January 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 78) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN i.JAILY. k Down! Whirlwind Finish CES I JANUARY ow On 11 Calkin's Pharmacy 324 S. State Street ' Divided in Two Lots of --'./3 off i We are compelled to give you this great opportunity of all Suits and Overcoats 1-3 off, Furnishings 200o; Bags and Suit Cases 20%. - 1-4 OFF OFF I LMS & CO. So. Clain St. Omega Phi, the honorary social ser- vice society for women, will have Temple Theatre IJuert w ) \ r q' ...…

January 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 78) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY w .d I. _! U anuary Clearing .SALE... Double amount of Free Piano Certificates with each purchase. 25 % on Mackinaws 25 % " Rainco'ts & Balmacaans 10% " all winterSuitingsTrousings and Overcoatings. - DRESS SUITS TO RENT J. K. MALCOLM 604 cast Liberty Street. M5leolm Block AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS Don't Overlook MY "SHOW U" SPECIAL 8 x 10 Enlargements until Jan. 25 Only 20c. Sepia 25c. NOT MORE THAN 3 TO ONE PERSON LYNDO...…

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