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August 14, 1915 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1915-08-14

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Orpheum Theatre
The Rouse of Fatuos Plays by Famous
Saturday, Aug. t4--Ilsold Luowo
in "The Secretary of Friolous Al-
Monday-Tuesday, Aug. 16-7-Edgar
Slwiyn, intArb.
Wednesday, Aug. t8-Nance Oneill, int
"Princess Romtauoif."

Temple Theatre
Saiturday,hAg. 14.--"1he'ken1n
Sunday, Aug , j.,-sdComedy.
Arcade Theatre
SHOWS: AFERNOONS 4:00: EVE.6157:45;915
Saturday, August to LYDA BRE1L-
LI itt "The Naked Truth." A ir
Part le1ine eatre
Sunday, August r6.--\ns pecially
stongeatuor. SundayShovs1 r
FREE. 3-30 ad115.
Monday, August t6.-RUTH ROL-
AND attd HENRY KING in"o
the Comtmtntalth,"nnstoryof
the "41111 :VSI seis.Bc
featre s acom let stry n i slf
Aiso the Pathe lWily ndsoa good
comedy. Fod «ee48 -
Jfaculty 1Rotes
Dr. Chas. W. Edmunds, secretary of
the department of Medicine and Sur-
gery, will leave next week for Eates
Park, Colorado, where hse will spend
a month,
Prof. William J. Hale, of the chie-
iatry department, left Thursday for
San Francisco to attend the exposi-
tion. Te will renmin there until the
first of October.
Prof. David Friday, of the economics
department, will leave Sonday for
Paterson, New Jersey, whsere 1se will
take op his duties in appraising thse
franchise of the New Jersey Poblic
Service company.j

Tile official stuldnt newspapel for Unitarian Church
he University of Michigan sommer
sessilo. Published-by the students onts State' 11111 llt0tttSt.
Tuesday, Thursday andl Saturday at-
ternoonis. Twenty-live issues.j
____________________________________ At__ 10Il:30 wnninlstrvitce Nilh address'.
Subscription rates-Dy carrier, sev- bytIel. IR. S. toeing an(
enty-five censts tot tile sanmmer; ttsl('rtlniFre'ptrt
mailed Inoaany address for one (101-
Advertising rates--Furnishsed uponup- Offertory , Violin Soin, "MtIdii alinn" by
pliration tn the business manager. Miss Stt((l1 If lte(11cho)l of Music
Subscriptions ansd ads taken at Quar-
ry's, Cuasing's ansd University Aye-
lne Pharmacy. Unitarian ChurchI
Office iHouts: Mhanaging editor,2:00
to 3:00 (laily; business mnaergee
1:00 to 2:00 daily. Phone 960 or
2414. - -
Address, Thst Wolverine, Press Build-
ing, Maynard St., Antn Arbor.
lHouwirdlH. Mlarsh-Ifanaging Etitor 1Don't.(1118' .1 a1.11 1by11hisftr15 Iat
Phone-2484-1505 1band(1: 1811 (((aly are erazy
Ferris It. Filch Ilusittess Mlanager_
Phone 960-236 Shall 5we1w'at oxfords (ot tubber
(111. Itst oday'.,
Assistant to Buseiness Malna-si-

Second Hand
Summer School Text Books
Woodruff's Quasi-Contracts
Beale's Crimminal Pleading and Practice
Mickell's Cases in Criminal Procedure
Hull's Cases Constitutional Law
Wigmore's Cases in Evidence
Ame's Cases on Equity
They've Arrived
I hesmtesttt, 5snappie~lst a etiost effect-
rire F ll1(1)11Winter abi cs( hato t e v ser
:Summterccschool studlenlts who wsh leto
ordec their fall sotetpsobSfore leavtttg
will fittd a handIsottasesoortmento1 new
woln ls.



William 118. Mogatn
('tlribtintg Editr
Phil 'lack
WIard Ptertsots
Btruce Swansey
David IRosethlal
_C. W'. Letltlotl
Jetome Zeigler
lottie Etditor-Willis It. (liottenese
SATIUJttlAY, AUTGUSJT 14, 19115.
Thsetee t lleast Iwo kinds (If
loyal alumln~i oflteItniversity of
Michligan Ihave torthiritaltmasm(Iset.
Thete is tte kind lwhichl tihey'shoe-
whlel lhcy teturtota big baseball
or footblall game totcein every(t)fsew
years, atnd yell themtlselves holatrseflot
their college. This is a sutperficial
quality, scatcely wvorth till' namel

"lannelIs or slithers?
"1.4)4k 'I')) I 1IN 1)S441
-1l litlt. Detroit 41ews.
A11(1 prohbably 111' 11s1hliythere 8111
tlle birds sw~arml.
All For IfI
1111 fall.''
"f twhlat?"
No. 9-811 .Ui(101(an1ZIero'tl''h(
who Wksa btec laduse1heIttos' tl
the onco ef eodchie
1ithou, 1111',lp lf t te'we theNess's
novr ould((itll th18iscll km; forait
Ntl.12 1111('(of 015beIfore.e


For Tahle Supplies- Wholesale and Retail
1 14-1 16 E. Washington St. Phone 326

Fine Watch, Jewelry and Eyeglass
4t V 2 5Lenses Ground to Order
:1,0 ) Alarm Clocks 75c. to $3.00
U. S. Postal Station 3 TELEPHONE 534

_1s lbough latltch'ed hy loprosy-
II1, as o(f onet ((10's1had1 11fright-

I7lfom¢n I I

--loyalty. l1t."
Prof. I. D. Sharfman, of the eno- Fortutiately, fist vast b(01k of the No. I4-Te leunk1r1sft-"If I but1
nomics department, has just completed Michilgati alutni possess ltst othet knlew. >
a hook on the suhject of, "Transpor- kind of loyalty as well,-lilt kilnd
tation."' whsich shlowss itself illtile sutppott of lBY XIIIEI,S
Dr. Warren E. Forsythse, whso ontil its students atid is gradustes. It is HIillsdale toda1y 11at I(is 1wie, Lulu11
last semester was connected with fteis deeper spirit wohichi tmakes p1s308 - 1W) Sire, 111d a "larbed witt' dis-
university Ihealtht service, io spetnditig sihle Ihetretion of a mlillionllall pSoiti.-Still rw%,'ity, ill Detoit
a few weeks in Attn Arhor. tDc. For- clubhoue' for Micheiganimeie; whlicli lrtc 'tess.
sythe left last February to estabelishs accountess its par tflrthlel factIthat Mhich- ----
a health service at Penn State, astitiganis15ne of t(0he largestseand strontg- Itsidel' ail(11the el.I1, e s oi the
he is now in complete chsarge thlete. estuiveirsoiit5ilsfil te 'ounity. wiret tlillleiet'e are't('in ll(te'Esr
While in flee city, he is tdoitng somet Thsere is 011e'test elf thlt strengti 01 tai heatres of Itlit.
work in the otology departtnt of the of thse loyally of gradeestes toIth lin11--
university hospital. versity, hesiides ltst lme'e l'ontribultionli aIe(lotu58( ug11(18y1ur uto(111for thoise'
of monleey tnwardlitis enterprises. Howlns-11(p asve'mltnts '?
Prof. T. H. C. Diekhsoff, of the Get- mnty aluesnei emake particelar efforts--
man departmsetet, is at present talking fto secetre onstheir payro~lls ihigan 41111 Arbor lihas1a,iolicemanli llname'd
his vacation at Whitmore Lake., essei? How' manyl5ill emlployXinlg hlpii.ptill : lie generatlfly manages lto (1keep
shlowedecidledlpreferencil'otilelstgrail-l<lilallof Itle "fall 0(1ys," owe take it.
Dean John R. Effinger expects In iuattso (f their olw'n college? -
spend a few weeks in the Adirondack InI a fewo years plroblably mally (f Writteei 111111thesis?
mountains after the close of the 00u11-05usnow leavitig the universityv, sill-
met session, he ill positions toI eigage men1itovork. Neithiet havi we.
If we do. are we')'gointo0takie 'arel'
President Harry H. Hutchins left to lure Michsiganes mtnI whenever pos- 14 pahUse ofdegree:oto her(I cis Ills
Thursday morning for Phiilaedelphsia sibie, or will we contribuite a test "v11.1(a11)111 signied E11W. lafted her
and New York set busiteess of tflit t- I dollarsto(a 5ilinlg project, praiset 10110'e01ofte uiviersity registr'ationl
versity. He will return fist first of file football ieaem, aniidf thnoilt back blank:1 11110111sloe in rigolus anger(1 ,
next week. to adirle ourt 1o011loyalty'? "I oo'e 'ife"," 'fcourset."

Whild fe'aturets, terrile iosee. 'Withift harty held at iBarboeur Igym
yeterday afternone, te activitie'5,of
I Iia 8(1(dy quivered t Uin~egl9', thll'Womlan's League for the summer~t
for ('co1(ull'h1110(1' his ftremlinlelgs0, came 1t1 aicloe'. 'T'ea'fair wt(as swell
Whichll l-l-ikt' shoot, (lakiligly- a)tede'd and wsosuccdiessfuil.
'Twosilid seeie he'd druelk ftio'stuff of Tlhis is the secoend sumeiier that the
k~egs. Leage has msade anly effort to foster
activities, and because of flee success
attainedi, defitnite organsizations for the
81is mulelIs taut--his ('yes aglare, 5summer5ttsessionl will pirobtably he per-
Ahs of 01 1beastiei ill igtlI dllnse, fectedoterea'te'r.l Til es on551 ft'e
tl~i t thegtll'nttlalchairmsanshiip of Jeanette
.81 t 11l ereature lobedofIily119stense. Ormostroneg-, '17, and~ a splecial cealt-

His hazil' sto1od tright. npon h is
"ixed to the floor, lie 0cou(loot run1,
As 115111, frollilhis liftteSed,
Ve God~s!IHis eeos lbeleld tfestar11!
-.C. 0'.1.

Nos o niAll lothling at greatly re-
sue' new locatioen, 2it So. Males SI. If

Vacation. lime is close at hand.
Get that Suit Cleaned and
Pressed before I
you go.

I i

Fifty Cents

All Spring Suits 1-4 off All Furnishings 20c off


1112 S. University

Phone 1530-J

1 '-I II''

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