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December 14, 1915 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-12-14

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Expect Leaders to Aid In Shaping
Polley For Awarding of
Class Insignia
Al1 football managers are asked to
attend a meeting which will be held
at 5:00 o'clock tomorrow in the In-
tramural office of the Athletic Asso-
ciation onMaynard street.-
one of the hatters 'whch will oc-
cupy a prominent part in the discus-
sion is that of the awarding of nu-
merals. The awards have been made
for the past season, but is it thought
that the experience gained by the dif-
ferent managers, and the conditions
which have been met, would have
considerable influence in shaping up
a definite policy for determining who
shall receive the class insignia.
At the present time, approximately
300 men participate in interclass foot-]
ball. Four teams ar awarded nu-
merals--15 men to the team-making
a total of 60 class athletes who re-
ceive the sweaters and caps from this
sport. Basketball, on the other hand,
Is participated in by 450 men and,
with only six men on a team, only 24
basketball numerals are handed out.
The 13 relay track teams, with five
men on a team, give place for but 65
men, while four sets, or 20 numerals,
are given out. It is quite evident that
such a policy is not consistent, and it
is hoped that the managers of this
year's football team may have some
helpful ideas toward solving the diffi-
The official system as employed
during the recent football season may
come under the observation of the
meeting. General dissatisfaction was
current in the past when willingness
of a bystander was the only means of
obtaining officials, and it is believed
that the plan worked out the past
yeart may have been a great improve-
Intramural Director Rowe will ex-
plain to the class managers at the
meeting the working of the new Inter-
College Board, and the method of se-
lection of the Inter-College manager.
The new board is an innovation in in-
tramural methods, and will be made
up of class managers.
It is quite important that all this
year's football managers attend the
meeting tomorrow in order to have
a full understanding of the duties and
privileges of the office of footbal'
manager, even after the actual grid-
iron work of the season has come tc
a close.
Mile and Half Mile Candidates Hang
Up Good Marks For Time
of Season
With the dawn of the last week be-
fore the holiday vacation, aspirants
for Coach Farrell's 1916 Varsity track
aggregation yesterday began to push
their speed up another notch. Among
the distance men, one of the milers
did the distance in 4:54 3-5, with no
effort to make any race against time,
while among the half mile men, one.
of the candidates went seven times
around the Waterman oval in 2:17.
The freezing temperature outside

was not of sufficient frigidness to
keep several runners from circling
the new outdoor track, although it is
feared that most of them were out
there mostly for the purpose of see-
ing just how fast they could run.
Coach Farrell wishes to announce
that the first call for candidates will
be made directly after the end of the1
Christmas holidays, and it is hoped
that every man who has any serious,
intentions of making the track team
will be out just as soon as the call is
Powdered wax for dancing floor, in
perforated top cans. C. H. Major &
Co. Phone 237. edtdec21
2255 2255 2255 2255

Senior Engineers Doped to Win Their
Game With J-Medies; J-iLts
to Practice.
Three indoor baseball games are
scheduled to be played tonight in Wat-
erman gymnasium. Owing to a little
confusion in the entering and with-
drawal of teams from the league, there
are in reality four games slated to be
finished by 9:00 o'clock tonight. How-
ever, one of the games will assurddly
be forfeited so that there will be no
interference in the regular periods al-
lowed to each contest.
At 7:00 o'clock the first game will
be called as usual. The games follow
in their order of contest tonight:
first, J-medics vs. senior engineers;
games scheduled for the second period,
fresh engineers vs. J-laws and J-en-
gineers vs. soph lits; third, fresh lits
vs. senior laws. At first glance there
appears to be a conflict in the schedule
but since the senior laws evidently
have no team, that game will be for-
feited to the fresh lits, and one of the
games slated for the second period
will be shoved down to the third
period. Which teams will have to
play in the third period will depend
entirely upon which ones are there
ready to play first.
The game between thes J-medics
and the senior engineers is doped to
be a one-sided affair. The medics have
not been working themselves to death
and no records can be found of their
winning their other game, while the
senior engineers have been working
regularly every night whether they
had a game or not and are consequent-
ly in excellent condition. In addi-
tion to the advantages of practice they
have the dope in their favor since
they have won all their games, and at
present are considered to possess one
of the strongest teams in the league.
As to the dope on the fresh engi-
neers and the J-laws, about all that
,an be said is that it .Is exceedingly
scarce. The laws have forfeited
once and since they have never been
seen in action no prediction can be
nade concerning their ability. The
teams to clash in the other game
charted for this period, the J-engi-
neers a-nd the soph lits, should put up
a good game. Dope seems to favor
the engineers as they have won all of
their games thus far, while the lits
have lost a game. Both teams have
lots of fight and have good batteries,
although the lits are a little weak
with the stick.
Since the other game is predicted to
result in a forfeit, there is small use
in trying to figure out relative
strength. The fresh lits were awarded
a forfeit in their last game and have
not played a regular game during the
cason, so nothing of any real value
is known about their ability.
At 7:30 o'clock the J-lits will hold
practice in the gymnasium. Every
member of the squad is expected to be
out ready for a stiff workout. A
strong comeback spirit is characteriz-
ing the junior lits and they are pre-
paring to wallop every team they mix
with in the future.


Coach Farrell and Dr. G. A. May to
TĀ£ake ,ladical Steps to Unearth
More Material
Due to the lack of any real track
stars among the freshmen who have
reported to Coach Farrell up to the
present date, Dr. George A. May, di-
rector of the Waterman gymnasium,
has decided to take radical steps in
conjunction with the coach in order
to find out if there is any ability
among those yearlings who have not
yet signified their intentions of try-
ing out for the team. Shortly after
Christmas holidays this plan will go
into effect.
Previously, before the gymnasium
classes had started, "Steve" Farrell
would give the men a short instruc-
tion in starting and running dashes.
He would put three or four men on
the mark and start them down the 35-
yard~ straight-away in the gymnasium,
-etting a new bunch on the mark as
soon as the first had gotten away, and
paying little attention to how the
frosh ran. According to the new plan
"Steve" will start the men with a gun,
and the time of each individual will
be taken, first from the 35-yard dash
and then later probably for one lap
on the track. The records for the
high-jump and 220-yard dash may
also be taken. In this way he can
get a line on any man showing class

enough to be considered.
sufficient ability he will

If he has
be requis-

tioned for the team.
In order to stimulate interest and
also to get the men to try their best,
track meets will be held either bc-
tween the lits and engineers or be-
tween the gymnasium classes of the
two days, Monday-Friday, and Tues-
day-Thursday. It is most likely that,
the matches will be between the lits
and engineers.
"All of these preparations are be-
ing taken in order to develop a good
track team for next year," said Dr.
May. "There is absolutely no ma-
terial out of which to build next sea-
son's team. It seems as if the high
schools had cut out track, for the
men show astounding evidence of
lack of coaching along that line. I
admit that it is an expensive sport, to
say the least, but it is a major sport,
considered so by all of the big col-
leges, so we must keep it up. If only
the high schools had that incentive
to make, them keep it up, matters
would be a lot easier for us. How-
ever if there is any ability among
these freshmen we will find it, for
under this plan of ours every man
will have to run and be timed. There
'is no way of getting out of it, except
by bolting gymnasium class, and a
man can't keep that up any time
without getting in trouble. In this
way we will be able to get at the man
who can run but who is too bashful
to come out and show us that he can.
There are a large number of that
kind in the university today."

Skates, Skating shoes and Hockey Supplies
Complete Outfiits (Skates and Shoes Attached) $4.50 and up
Ladies Skates and Skating Shoes




Sp ecial for the
rest of the
college year ...


Michigan Daily


Recent discoveries seem to un- football for Carlisle, is that you are
earth the fact that one of Michigan's ! allowed to play as long as you like,
best rifle shots is a girl. Who knows, unless your grandchildren object."-
perhaps Yost has repeatedly over- New York Journal.
looked the greatest drop kicker in
college? We didn't see Dr. J. William Coch-
N ran who spoke at the Presbyterian
The New York Sun says: church Sunday, but we'll wager De-
"We have seen three of the expert cember's allowance against a slightly
punters of the east, Driggs, Guernsey used tooth pick that despite his na-
and Mahan, and the greatest of these tional reputation he isn't as big as
is Shivcrick - of Cornell." our own Willie. Not by at least 60
Speaking of Shiverick recalls atpounds.
statement of Coach Yost's. - Yost as-
sorted that the greatest Individual "It would seem that the outdoor
feat of the year was Shiverick's punt- track is none too popular these cold
ing in the Harvard-Cornell game. days. Occasionally an enterprising
Yost ought to know. He was easily youth can be caught approaching a
within 700 miles of the spot. two-minute gait around the oval."-
Michigan Daily.





Recommendation of Captain
Coach Basis For Distribution
of Insignia


Contrary to all rumors to the effect
that the Varsity soccer team would
not receive numerals this year, the
members of the squad have been
awarded their insignia. The follow-
ing men will call at the Intramural
office at their earliest convenience
and be measured for their sweaters,
at the same time turning in their
suits: Kiefer, Ayers, Jones, Otis,
Tanover, Feizy, Wong, Fleischauer,
Hung, Doomborajien, Schnoor, Bates,
Sayner, and Tripolitis.j

* Ithaca, N. Y., Dec. 13.-Cornell w
play nine games during the, 1916 fo
ball season, according to the seh
ule published today by the athle
authorities. The big games are wi
Michigan, Harvard and Pennsylv
nia. The Michigan contest is sch
uled for November 11, and will
played at Ithaca. The games follo
Sept. 30--Oberlin at Ithaca.
Oct. 7--Gettysburg at Ithaca.
Oct. 14-Williams at Ithaca.
Oct. 21-Bucknell at Ithaca.
Oct. 28-Harvard at Cambridge.
Nov. 4-Carnegie at Ithaca.
Nov. 11--Michigan at Ithaca.

A turtle in Wellsboro, Pa., traveled

Personally, if we were out there on These men were awarded their nu-

18 miles in 31 months. The Yale back- that outdoor track with nothing but
field couldn't gain 18 yards in 31 a track suit between us and the win-
years, wherefore we arise to marvel. tery blasts, our speed would put H.'
at the speed of a turtle. L. Smith, H. E. O'Brien and A. S.
Robinson to shame.
Dispatches say that football may be
dropped at Carlisle. After glancing i Walter Camp rates Watson, of Har-
over Carlisle's 1915 record, some of yard, ahead of Russell of Chicago,
us strongly suspect that it was dis- but then, Walter is perfectly justified,
continued a year ago. _<since Russell comes from a, western

merals ?on the recommendation of Nv18--Massachusetts Aggies
Captain Tripolitis and Coach Fowler. Ithaca.
Although the team did not play more Nov. 30-Penn at Philadelphia.
than two games during the season, l
yet the men worked hard and won New Student Concil Provided
both of the contests. New Haven, Conn., Dec. 13.-A ne
Student Council in which the thri
The Inn Keeper. A new booklet upper classes will be represente
by Mr. Lloyd C. Douglas, acceptable will supersede the old Senior Counc
holiday gift, published and for sale by at Yale. The new council will be con
the James Foster House of Art. Price posed of 15 men, seven seniors, fiv
15 cents. edtdec2l1. juniors, and three sophomores.

school. Watson is easily 60 per cent
as good as the Chicago captain.

"One of the beauties of playing


Sale of tickets to the junior lit
"Christmas party" at the Union next
Friday night was thrown open yes-
yt the general student body.
The pasteboards may be obtained for
$1.00 at the Union desk or from mem-
bers of the committee.
A special banjorine-saxaphone or-
chestra will be supplied for the occa-
sion by "Ike" Fisher. The dance will
be from 9:00 to 1:00 o'clock.
Prof. J. S. Reeves Resumes Charge
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, of the politi-
cal science department, who has been
ill for the last few days, has fully
recovered and has resumed charge of
his classes.
See our line of chafing dishes and
electric appliances. H. L. Switzer Co.
310 State. edtdec2l

Is a hobby of ours and we ride it consistently because we love the game and incidently it serves
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