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January 14, 1915 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-01-14

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Vol. XXV, No. 78.




"_ -

Elaborate Ornamentation Requiring
2,000,000 Feet of Festooning
Will Greet Guests at
Sentiment to Help Committee Prevails
But Individual Groups
Will Decide
Guests at the Junior hop will step

Student Surveyors Will Map, Out Path
Mile and Seven-Eighths
Long on Huron
Enthusiasm for Eventual Varsity Crew
Wins Support for
Plans for a crew course were acted

Early Games Automatically Move
Along OneWeek From Last
Michigan will probably play but
eight football games next fall, owing
to the fact that the university does
not open until a week later than last
fall. As usual, the Cornell and Penn-
sylvania games will come the first two
Saturdays in November, and there are
only four Saturdays in October after
the opening of college on Tuesday,
Oct. 5.
Last fall classes began on Tuesday,
Sept. 29, and the football season open-
ed the next day with the De Pauw
game. There were five Saturdays in
October, the two ;usual November
games, and two mid-week practice
scraps. Although no official announce-
ment has yet been made in regard to
the 1915 schedule, it seems likely that
there will be two big November games,
four Saturday October contests, and
two matinee tilts on early Wednesday
The mysterious "open date" on the
Maize and Blue battle list, therefore,
is a myth. The early games will be
automatically shoved along, no doubt,
and the Yostmen will have one less
early game in preparation for the ma-
$or contests with the east.
As near as can be guessed, the Wol-
verine dates will be as follows, plus
two Wednesday games:-
Oct. 9-Case.
Oct. 16-Mount Union.
Oct. 23-M. A. C.
Oct. 30-Syracuse.
Nov. 6-Cornell.
Nov. 13--Pennsy at Philadelphia.-
Remove Quarantine on Hospital
Wards; 50 Students Given
Vaecine Yesterday
Health service officials expressed
themselves yesterday aJconfident that
the epidemic of smallpox has passed
its crisis. No new cases have been
reported since Monday, and with the
vaccination of all those who were in
contact with Howard Gray, '17A, be-
sides numerous other students, they
believe that the danger of an epidemic
of the disease has been reduced to a
minimum. More than 50 were given
the vaccine yesterday as a further pre-
ventive of a spread of the infection.
The quarantine on the wards of the
university hospital, where the patients
suffering from smallpox are confined,
was- removed yesterday. Authorities
at the hospital said last night that
Gray's condition was improving dai-
'y. H roommate, A. K. MacNaugh-
ton, '16E, will be discharged, as he
has shown no symptoms of the mal-
City health officials, acting under
Dr. i. A. Wessinger, city health offi-
cer, have taken precautions to prevent
a spread of the disease, by fumigating
all places where Gray is known to
have been, and by advising a general
vaccination of all persons in Ann Ar-
With the paradoxical motto, "Mora-
turi salutamus," the Engineering so-
ciety will endeavor to drive away pre-
examination cares at the dance to be
given in Barbour gym next Thursday.
Many features have been planned
by the committee in charge, consisting
of Don Smith, '16E, Howard Enos,'1E,
Russell Mills, '15E, Allen Ricketts,

'15E, and John Naylon, '15E. The
Mandolin quartette will play special
music for the occasion, while Herbert
Bartholf, '16E, and L. E. Hughes, '16E,
will show the new steps of modern
An eight piece orchestra will fur-
nish the music. Tickets are on sale
by the committee for 50 cents to the
society members, and 75 cents to oth-
ers. The chaperons for the affair
will be announced later.

Meeting of the Catholic students' club
at 8:00 o'clock in St. Thomas hall.
Francis Mack, '16E, Replaces Richard
Thorseb, '16, as Assistant
to Chairman
Francis -Mack, '16E, has been ap-
pointed an assistant to the general
chairman of the 1915 Opera, to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of
Richard Thorsch, '16. Harry Frank,
'16L, will fill the place formerly held
by Mack, on the costumes committee.
With these changes the personnel of
of the committee is now complete, but
for the assistants to the treasurer, who
will be chosen from the sophomore
Tryouts for the chorus, as previous-
ly announced, will take place Tues-
day night at 7:00 o'clock, in the large
room at the Union. The emphasis at
this time will be placed on dancing, as
judged from the execution of the mod-
ern steps.bMoreu;men will be chosen
than will be required. L. E. Hughes,
'16E, dancing director of the produc-
tion, will be on hand to take either
the man's or woman's part, with those
who are unable to secure partners.
Posters will be judged, today, and
the drawings which secure the first
places, will be put on exhibition in
the window of a State street store, be-
fore they are sent to the engravers.
The lyrics are now being rearrang-
ed by the author and will be sent to
the music publishers in the 'near fu-
ture. After the trials Tuesday night,
activity in preparing the show for
production will cease until after ex-
President and Members Argue in Heat
Over Division of

into a Venetian garden scene, accord- I upon and election of new officers were

ing to the plan of decoration which
will be submitted to the hop commit-
tee today or tomorrow by the Hunt-
inghouse Cotillion company of Chica-
go, with whom the contract has been
The decorations this year, it is un-
derstood, will be the most costly and
elaborate which'have ever been used
for this function. The booths will im-
itate miniature pagodas. Two million
feet of festooning will be used, and
artificial flowers and vines will be in-
tertwined with many colored lights.
About two weeks before the hop, a
number of carpenters and decorators
will arrive here from Chicago to carry
out the plans.
Music for the dance has not been se-
lected yet, but the committee has ask-
ed the Varsity band and Finzel's or-
chestra to submit lists of pieces from
which to select. No spotlight dances
will be held, although several schemes
for feature dances are being consider-
ed. There will be four favors for
each person, which will be given out
during the cotillion.
An agreement has been reached
with the local taxicab companies un-
der which no price higher than $2.00
will be charged on this night. As it is
expected there will be some delay in
securing service at this time, the first
few dances of the evening will be pre-,
liminary, and not on the program,
No decisive action was taken at the
meeting of managers of fraternities
and house clubs yesterday afternoon,
except that it was suggested that they
should not give flowers. The matter
of favors will probably be decided in-
dependently by each organization.
This committee has no power to legis-
late and can only suggest. No action
was taken by the interfraternity con-
ference, but the general sentiment to
cooperate with the hop committee in
every way possible prevailed.
Tickets for chaperons without es-
corts are to -cost $2.00. Sales at the
Union today amounted to 33 tickets,
while about 100 had been sold previ-
ous to this time. In order to secure a
booth, the party applying must have
control of 12 tickets, since the booths
will accommodate this number of
couples, unless the plans of the dec-
orators have been changed. Sales of
booths starts January 25, at 25 cents
per couple.
A smoker for all interested in the
hop, where those intending to attend
may become acquainted and start their
programs, has been arranged by the
committee to take place at 7:3 o'clock
next Thursday, at the Union.
Officials Fear Best Men Will Not Be
Selected For Varsity
With a roll call of 90 in the Michigan
Rifle club only about 25 or 30 men are
turning out each afternoon to
take the regular practice, in training
for the Saturday afternoon tryouts.
The men who turn out are usually the
same 25 or 30, while some of the mem-
bers of the organization have not as
yet reported at the Ann Arbor armory
for any work.
Michigan's fi r s t intercollegiate
match is scheduled for Jan. 28, and
ten men will be picked to sloot in the
first match. Unless every ian turns
out for the trials, and for the practice
afternoons there is a possibility that
the ten best men will not ?epresent
Michigan when the match is shot.
"The only way to insure a fair
chance for each individual, and for the
team is to have every member of the
Rifle club appear for practice regular-

ly, and hand in his targets so the offi-
cials can judge the ranking of the
men," said H. A. Moul, eng. spec., pres-
ident of the club yesterday.

part of the business carried through
at a meeting of the Michigan Union
Boat club at the Union last night.
Student surveyors are being sign-
ed up to map out the proposed race
course on Argo pond sometime this
week, while the ice is still strong on
the river. The course which is slight-
ly curved and about one and seven-
eighths miles long, is declared by men
formerly connected with eastern crews
to be the best in the country.
Cooperation of the Detroit Boat
club has been secured through the aid
of Grover Farnsworth, of Detroit, who
was in Ann Arbor to look over the
situation last week. Money is being.
raised among the 2,000 alumni in and
about Detroit, for the establishment of
shell racing at the university, and two
excellent eight-oared shells have been
promised by parties in Detroit.
Intramural Director Floyd Rowe is
working on a campus championship
plan whereby the crew of the winning
class would receive numerals. Match-
es are promised by the Detroit Boat
club, and, according to plans, a boat
house will be constructed by students9
before the spring regatta. The East-~
ern Michigan Edison company has
promised a site and $1,000, and a De-
troit firm is being solicited to furnish
lumber. In a few years a Varsity
crew, capable of strong eastern compe-
tition, is in sight.
W. W. Watson, '16E, was elected,
vice-commodore of the club in the,
place of Earl B. McKinley, '16, who isj
now commodore. H. H. Phillips, '16E,
was chosen treasurer to fill the place
vacated by Harry G. Gault, '15, and,
W. B. Palmer, '15, is now second en-s
sign. The newly appointed commo-
dore's committee are H. S. Parsons,
'15E, H. G. Gault, '15, P. D. Koontz,
'17L, S. S. Dickinson, '15L, Prof. H. C.
Sadler, and Director Floyd Rowe.
Art Association Arranges Daily Public
View in Alumni Hall
Representative paintings of Chica-
go's most prominent artists are now
placed on exhibition in Memorial hall
under the auspices of the Ann Arbor
Art association. The pictures are
from the collection of the Chicago So-
ciety of Artists, and are the recent
work of living painters, both men and
women. There are over 45 pictures in
the exhibit, which is open daily for the
benefit of the public. The paintings
will remain on exhibition until after
The group of pictures includes four
landscape paintings by Gardner Sy-
mons. Symons is an artist -who has
had to fight his way to the top amid
many misfortunes and hardships, but
he is now rated as one of the best land-
scape painters in the country. Miss
Adam Emory Albright has contributed
"The Enchanted fHour," which took
first prize at the recent Chicago ex-
Simply entitled "A Portrait," the
painting by Elizabeth K. Peyraud has
drawn forth much favorable criticism
by those viewing it.
Prof. J. C. Knowlton, of the law de-
partment, will be the speaker at next
Sunday's "Y" Majestic meeting. He
will talk on the subject "The Trial of
Jesus from the Lawyer's Standpoint."
The meeting opens with moving pic-
tures at 6:10 o'clock and the lecture
starts at 6:30.o'clock.
Soph Lits Will Hold Smoker Tonight

Soph lits will hold their first smok-
er of the year at the Michigan Union
at 8:00 o'clock tonight. P. W. Ivey,
instructor in economics, and Captain
Smith, of the track team, will give
short talks.

Hollis Addresses Engineers' Assembly
President Hollis, of Worcester Poly-
technic W L institute, who is the guest of 1
Dean M. E. Cooley, spoke to the engi-
neering students at their assembly
yesterday morning. President Hollis
and Dean Cooley were classmates at
Annapolis and on the three year cruise Popular Classics Will Constitul
which immediately followed their Musical Program by Local
graduation. Talent in Hill
iey Sidewalks Make R. H. Mills Victim
Russell Mills, '15E, leader of the COMMITTEE HESITATES OVER
Mandolin club and president of the EXACT FORM OF BENEFACTO
mechanical branch of the Engineering
society, who slipped on an icy side- Theodore Harrison Says Program W
walk last Sunday evening and broke Delight Music-Lovers and
his ankle, is still confined to his home. Sympathizers
Michigan students will be give
their opportunity to help in the wom
of aiding the sufferers in the pree
European war, when the Belgian 'Rt
TALK INEVANSTON lief concert is given at 8:00 o'cloc
tonight in Hill auditorium. Leonoi
One Team to Uphold Michigan Against Allen and Albert Lindquest, both sti
Northwestern, Another
Meets Chicago dents in the school of music, will a
pear on the program.
POLITICAL QUESTION TAKEN UP The numbers on theprogram wi
consist of the better known classic
One of Michigan's two Central league and Will include three selections b
debating teams, consisting of James Brahms, one from the opera "La B
A. Phelps, '15L, Herbert D. Oppen- heme," by Puccini, and one by Carri
heimer, '16L, and Samuel Witting, '15, Jacobs Bond. The complete prograi
leaves for Evanston, Illinois, to defend is given elsewhere.
the negative side against Northwestern The funds from the concert will
university tomorrow night, while the disposed of by a committee 'selecte
other opposes Chicago in Ann Arbor. by the Ann Arbor Civic associatioz
The question is "Resolved that the It has not been definitely decided t
Monroe Doctrine, as developed and gp- what use to put the money, but it i
plied by the United States, should be probable that it will be sent to a Ne
abandoned as a part of our foreign York organization which has bee
policyned ahandling similar funds. Their plan ha
Phelps debated two years for the been to buy the food supplies, whic
Illinois State Normal college against are sent to the Belgians, in the distric
the Indiana State Normal college and from which the money was sent.
~~Stdet 'IndianaStatenNrmalscolegeaan
is president of the Lyceum club. Op- Students from Yale University hay
penheimer represented his high school sent 12 automobiles for the use of th
in a state contest and won the James American Red Cross in Europe, an
Forensic medal in an inter-society de- Harvard has donated five.~
bate. Witting was a member of last Theodore Harrison, head of the ye
year's team which debated the Uni- cal department of the school of mus
versity of Chicago, is president of Del- expressed himself yesterday .a hear
ta Sigma Rho, and a member of the tily in favor of the movement. "'h
Lyceum club program selected is a delightful one,
The judges of the contest are Pres. he said, "and will undoubtedly pleas
Samuel Plantz, of Lawrence college, not only music-lovers, but also thos
Wisconsin, Pres. T. H. McMichael, of who attend the concert out of sympa
Monmouth college, Illinois, and Prof. thy with the movement which it re
P. S. Pierce, of the University of Iowa. resents."
The presiding officer will be Prof. A. The management of the Arcade the
B. Deibler, of Northwestern univer- ater has agreed to give a free sho
sity. tonight to all those who have ticket
Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, of the ora- for the concert.
tory department, who is in charge of
the team, said last night that the squad TICKETS FOR DICEY'S PLAY
has been working daily for several GO ON SALE TO DRAMA CLU
weeks and the chances for success
seem exceptionally bright. "The Misleading Lady" Will Play h
Whitney Theater
Tickets for "The Misleading Lady,
by Paul Dickey, ex-'06, to be .preset
next Wednesday evening under
auspices of the Drama league of An
Abor, will go on sale tomprow xC
S. B. Conger, '00, Journalist on Battle- members of the league. Members o
field, Write Letter to Homer the Union will have the privilege <
Heath obtaining pasteboards 'Saturday, pr
vided they have signed the af6liate
PROUD OF GAME WITH HARVARD membership pledges, to be had at ti
desk of the Union."
S. B. Conger, '00, a newspaper man Several of the pledges, which ent
i te the signers to reservations inti
in Berlin, has written af letter to Ho- advane set esrt tr pl
advance seat sles far the three pla
mer L. Heath, '07, manager of the to be given under the auspices of ti
Michigan Union, which expresses his league next semester, have alrea
loyalty to Michigan, and at the same been given out. The pledges will 1
time throws sharp light on the true withdrawn by the league Saturday.
existing conditions of the present. More than 100 affiliated membersh:
The letter was read at the meeting pledges have been signed by mem :
of the directors of the Union. It Was of those sororities, which are affliat
dated December 11, and was address- clubs of the league. Officers of ti

ed to Homer Heath, treasurer of the league will make an effort to induc
"M" club. Following is the full text the fraternities on the campus to b
of the letter. oome affiliated, as they are of th
"Herewith please find check for $5.00 opinion that more students would avs
for my dues to the "M" club. I should themselves of the privileges of th
have attended to the matter long ago, organization, if they were acquainte
but we were so busy making War over with its methods and purposes.
here that it had slipped my mind until
I came across Mr. Killela's letter this EXTENSION AUDIENCES HEAR
"Just got back yesterday from a visit
to the trenches on the French front. Under the auspices of the unive
I was right up in the front lines a sity extension lecture service,-two le
good share of the time, but it is really tures will be given today. Prof. R. A
not so exciting as it sounds, as even Wenley will speak at Bay City o
if one does get under fire, heis so well "Morality and Humor," and Prof. A.
protected in the deep trenches and ap- Stanley will talk at DeWitt on "Fol
proaches that there is- absolutely no Song."
sense of danger. Prof. Aubrey Tealdi will speak t
"Take it from me, nine-tenths of the morrow on "Home Grounds and the
stuff that is being written by corres- Improvement" at Fremont; Prof. L.
pondents about exciting scenes and Strauss will lecture at Lapeer on'"T:
experiences on the battle-field, charg- Poetry of Robert Browning"; Prof.
ing infantry, riderless horses galloping R. Brumm will speak at North Star I
about, bullets aru, shrapnel whistling "The Escape from the Commonplace
about one's ears, etc., is pure bunk. and Prof. W. D. Henderson will ta



Strong dissension over the appoint-
ment of a committee for the installa-
tion of an assembly and the alleged
arbitrary method of Pres. M.S.Colleton
in running the class, nearly precipitated
a hand to hand fight at the meeting of
the fresh lit class in the economics
building yesterday afternoon. After
considerable discussion, the appoint-
ment of the committee was left to the
president and the question of conduct-
ing the class was laid over to the next.
In a short talk on college spirit,
Dean John R. Effinger told the class
that freshman assemblies for the liter-
ary department, similar to those in
the engineering department would
soon'be established. The class voted
to support the assemblies. A motion
to adopt a class yell was defeated.
It was further decided to have a social
program at each meeting. Besides
Dean Effinger's talk, yesterday's pro-
gram consisted of a skit and a song
by Z. E. Lamb, '18, and a gypsy im-
personation and feature dance by
Rowena Bastian, '18.
President Harry B. Hutchins and
Mrs. Hutchins, Dean J. R. Effinger
and Mrs. Effinger, Registrar A. G.
Hall and Mrs. Hall and Dean Myra B.
Jordan were announced as the chap-
erons for the annual dance in Barbour
gymnasium Saturday afternoon. The
entertainment committee is arranging
several features and will also attempt
to get several well known campus en-
(Continued on page 6.)

.(Continued on page 6.)

at Sturgis on "The Boy. Proble

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