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December 14, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…lIeti U. of , ' iAl h. . VOL. V. No. (31. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1894. PO I(IF.---'lalaoE 'Cl;,TS. A MEMORABLE EVENT Will Be the Great Organ Dedication This Evening-The Order of Exercises. Ev'eryinirg is i rialint ss for le drening iid a large aidieiit't is- Stilt(. 'Tietishivet'eeiSelin rp vt-t nighintg'i.'ttris. Th tley is The hel ltll(- tf prorams laili illn be ditribu (ted (tse aniittfse. IIt-- pt'tecii by Misri...…

December 14, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

… * f o o VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, DECEM4BER 11, 1899. No. 67. ' NEXECUTIVE SESSION - \/\ 1 ...~ D Regents Meeting Mostly Behind SClosed Do ors-Free Beds-Corr.- T TPus Well. and 5C~ H The Beyard ofit legents meti yvctevd iv rinle rail adIinteBLr foe'nooniiforvits regular DevemheI, E Suitings, Golfl Suits, E meeting. iRegenti Frr Fancy Vestings. FleicherILawitonlDean, ntCoce 00aiswered tov ol cval. Dutteifield civ D RESS SUITS A...…

December 14, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…uf VOL. YI. No. 6 2. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, S.ArTRDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1895. FOUR PAGESx-3 CENTS. ONE GUITA s enough for one person to ii6 F lay on at one tite. One} lii guitar is not enough, how- ' ol ever, to supply 3,000 Sin- r dents. That's why we have O ' 4 onstan0tly in stock scvtial It I0 ON~ dlozesl of guitars of variousit m sakes anid prices, 4j i11 BETTER LOOK{ AT OUR key SU. OF M. GUITAR. I 6 It's good as its caine. ;4; THE ANNA...…

December 14, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. 58. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1896. FouRt PAEs-3 CENTS. o J)ILD o GRADUATE CLUB MEETS. lexcept some one has said wen PRELIMINARY CONTESTS. - Johna Knox confinerei her ead and mij Delegate Chosen for the National Bobi un her heart, and therefore Alpha Nu and Adelphi Hold ha hefeetanJtb taovu siitNI RConvention. lo dnytinfevery0(1 liert ohngarlt."First Debates. ANDIM RTR The CGraduiate (i'l held a re-y Ihu'go Boned ...…

December 14, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

… o ILAIQl *> 0 0 tu t) 11 VoL. IX, No. 67. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1898. THREE CENTS. WTVLDi T H E T A I R FINE FALL SUITINGS. WE CARRY THE LARGEST6 STOCK IN THE CITY. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. T H E T A I 0 R N+++++++++++++++++++++++ Violin Guitar, Banjo, Mandolin. We have a complete assortment and a good quality. Prices right. WIL DE R'S PH ARMAOY ;336 South State Street. 0v611 DdU d NiUht During the rest of the college ...…

December 14, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…jc fit. o , t. ate . Voar. IV.-No. 61. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1893. PRICE, THREE (TENTS. THE CHRISTMAS WRINKLE, utes a number of very bright "Wrin- kies." It Will be a Hummer and will Con- " tain a Cut of the Football The above is but a partial list of Team as a Souvenir. Wrinkle's Christmas attractions. } -'-' A souvenir in the shape of a folder Ise Christmas Wrinkle which containing a cut of the football will ...…

December 14, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…C~h .a VOL. VIII. No. 62, . ATN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1897. PRICE-3 CENTS. I WILD, Has"-received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings N.108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN A l legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh everyl week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY THOSE NOBBY SUITS! MILWARD THE TAILOR STATE STREET. I ATHENS - THEATRE Fridwy, Dec. 17 DU...…

December 14, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…~ijeItI of LU. W1ili~p. VOL. 1.-No. (30. UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1891. PRICE, THREE CENTS. The President's Report. Presidlent Angell's report to the Bloardl of Regents for the year end- ing Septenmler 30, 1895, has beeo published in pamphlet form for dis- tribuntion. 'There is considlerahiei in- teresting information andl comment coitintied in the report which has not yet heen puhished for the hene- fit of the reaiding...…

December 14, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…Ak ti jh AL tiro,,. I I.I. - o. : . Von. IIL -N. 7. U NI VEFISITYOF MICI IIxL N, WI)NESDAY, I)E EMIIfPEJ 14-, 1591.) tii.1 55<titiS Ify1(;F1, I'I-IIz!,-,v (*,'/ I"-.N-1, . TWO CHANGES IN RUGBY. 1In1 reg-ard to the storing, the fige THEY WILL VIEW THE STARS.a pops~ boiino c ie, in ts -iven for a goal by a field.-- Prpse bliinofPac iks y Through a New Telesopie.-The m and Adoption of a New Method fic. are sail to be 00omutch. . of Snoring. ...…

December 14, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 61) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. , + p fae as tdtecidedly ill fa or ot the chang~e, NOTICES. W OMEN 1. WOM3rEN 1 A f4 ,p i u he ilitte ol o A ttine . titi f te'117 Titts 1 -___is_____ ______ SPECIAL SALE QOF ALL d____ o teir subljectttts uti("! thsuch calle-d for l-'ritha-taftierontit tat- Plis edattal ltly (Sundaltys eceted) duringit lor etetiotn. fTis ttttangte ttttrktsot'clkinlthe('tchttptl. It. t. PalL1 . LC!I tic tjittegaycnt-,Ityl011' no t-lIste pnnl...…

December 14, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANi DAILY. Publshed Day (Sndys eceted cturng the Ctlleg ytr, at THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN. orrtcE:The Ietad Pe, Hlenig Blct. MANAGING EDITOR. F ELHARDcc, '1L. BUSINES MANAGER. . II. II A N. '0 L. EDITlORS. ATIILL'rtCS, .. ccG . tIHtENcecce, 'It I T. IR. Woccettot'00'S L. Al. MIcccccctLL,'IE A. G. Becce 'Oct. '.J. I. Wo', '0, L. J. Mcccccdc tEx,'t, IV. ID. tttccr, 't , Ttthe cccttcccccprice te dcDILY 1cc$12.5 Iccr the ...…

December 14, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 62) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY It 4 cit. REDPATIJ GRAND CONCERT (Continued from First Pane.) Published Dailby (Sunda y excepted) during the Gollegs yearat THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Orrimn Times building N. Main st. opposite post office. EDITORS. J. A. LFtisy, '00, Managing Editor. G. it. Sims, '99, Assistant. C. ID. GARY, Gr. L, Assistant. J,. F. TisoxlAS, 'i, Assistant. S. E. KxAYrrnx, '98, Athletic Editor, L. C. WALKEis, 'lii. Bssisess Manager. R. C...…

December 14, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 58) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. If T3+1 p% rrtf generates into a mere matter of sys- f f l i t . tematir noise. This condition of af- fairs originates, doubtless in ite ef- Pu blshed natty (Sundays excepted) during forts of freshmen to secure their the C011egb year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Money's worth, but it is supptoried Orgient Times building, 70 S. Mats Sb. be- and nmade worse by those wito should tween Liberty and William Sts....…

December 14, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Colege year. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. PreIcE: The inland Press, Henning Block. Both Phones 1C7. MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENGELARD, '01L. BUSINESS MANAGER. o. H. ANs,'I00 L. EDITORS. Athletic Editor, T. R. WoOnnOW, '00 L. P. W. JONas, '99, A. H. MDOUGALL,C01 E, F. D.EAAN,'01L. C. H. LNe,'00 M, G. D. HUcNUTT. '01CE. The subscription price of the DALY is tM50 for he...…

December 14, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 61) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (unays excepted) during the Coleeoear. by THE U. OF M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price U.0 per year, invariably iadvn 1'.sitglr copies 3 ents. Subcrip- tons may be left at te office of the DILYab, at Solet's, witbany of the editors or authorized solicitors. Communicationnssould reach the office by 7 olok P. M. it they are to appear the next Jay. Addres all matter intended tor publica- tionnton the...…

December 14, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 62) • Page Image 2

… 2 THE UNIWVER61TYSOF MICHIGAN DAILY. f I l + Among the Colleges. ~H v n o z " ;is-)lv P1)11 is oiga05lziliga band. B f r a i g 1 u - It hca;bout . tlyrI e- i]) iainlony O!INSPECT T11E WORK Published Daily (ISunays excepted) durlng t' :t i Iioitetist XvtI ie sdto i ~ ' hto iiv U.IbOOs Taken ....AT. teCleevaa THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ( ,) C is tohave hetr athletic field OFIE:Tme uldn, 2 S an t b-cr. i ".._,,(1ad,. t j os ilT he e r ym an S...…

December 14, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 60) • Page Image 2

…THE- U OF M. DAILY. c f -y. T Nit charge in that state. There are cer- ~ ~ tain expenses that may e borne y the local associations, ht the move- Publishted Daily sanderys eepted) during ment can be rendered more effective the Salinas ear, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION if the University authorities ae s(oe fods on ad to defray ex- penses whichi should not be borne by Seheeiptien pice 2.0 per yer, invariahiy loal centres. We hope that...…

December 14, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Nifne $if. (~,ty-five':s: Oracle ~WE BOLDLY ANNOUNCE feature Ill lelboob. Humoaroiusi verse That Se ,sll rcheaper 1than11the ceapest in MNEN'S SHOES. RUB- pbllalwilDaily (Si ass eetis(31i O sria nd111griulswill tbe numnerouis aniliit ttf Y~lS Er.:LADIES SHOES, IIBBERS. tie lbest (I lay. Evloserybodty is ,itit i,' I11. 1 B E r the couple-yar, by a1] lalsses,tall departmaeiits. The liter !SLIPPERS, Eat.. TEU.fM NDPNETASOCA~lT...…

December 14, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 61) • Page Image 3

…THlE U. 01? M. DAILY. RJGHIGANGEN IA A MEMORABLE EVENT. Icompany are to sthis sesonTEXAS MEXICOAND CALILFOF 1A. ime Table (Revised) Nov. 1, 1814 vOT1~~NlEl FROM FIRST1 PAGF. Ada Al,.Jewell, Wel and faotlably THE RA : I t i O.-tx E:AST. P . WEST istt let f ithe country- ortiP hit kiowni;s icItevrlaeetstand I51aii veryii it ia. 51 i Mlail asd E.- a3as0 Mail -__ 8 4dl ttslctisill ni ii titlelli ofl Il p lsinR votalis. aiil lRicard E, ri sii~ia & ...…

December 14, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…MiE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. ..ILDEBRAND THE NEW TAILCR9 120 WASHINGTON ST. 1 DtL, -ZU%-o Z .4 -,--N ;;:i 4-t11\1 MICHIGAN CENTRAL - m!mrrn 0 ',The NiagaraFalls Route."knsc le }.heya otov pht CENTRiAL STANDARDTIM. SiNtc IpzIig pcat. Taking I+lerct Novemrns 19 10 8:39. --____________ ____- rh rpiigaSeily GONG EAST.J, L, CHAPMAN, JEWELER, Detroitl Night s oilp I~U3.L 5 Mailr t Fri rern ....…

December 14, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 62) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN GNTI Time Table (Revised) M(ay 19, 1894. Mail and Ex-.350 Mail--------8 43 N. Y. Special--- 5 00 N. Y. Special---. 7 30 Eastern Es--10 12 N. S. Limited.--- 9 25 A. Mn. Pacific Ex---1157 Atiaetic Es--7 47 P. in. D.N.Express--.. 5 40 Western Es--2 00 G. R. Express ---1i 05 Chi. Nt. Es---10 20 G. R.Ex-------557 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G9. P. & T. Agt., Chicags. Aft., Ann Arbsr Collst RAILROAD, Time Table, Dec. 8,...…

December 14, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 58) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WAIDH.AMS. RYAN 1& RELLE. ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Black Bull Underwear, Ypsilanti Union Suits for Men .AND YPSIL-ANTI CELEB11RA TED SWE ATE-FRS Ours is the beet stock of Underwear in Ann Arbor. Call and examine before buying. 28 and 30 South Main st. Time Table (Revised) Sept. 27, 1896. : TO DRESS WELL CON SIDER O .Z I AS.P. M. WEST. * M "THIE OCCASION, AND. Elalland Ex ----- 147 NY.Special--- 7s35s1* CH-OOSE ...…

December 14, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 CAS S ~More Styles, Finish, andTrmig IS U ITThan Ever Shown Before. $3 to $c"20.0 Goodspeed's,ManSre Students' Laundry Association Wa. VOUGT-Wm. R. FOX, agents foe THE GRAND LAUNDRY, of DETROIT The bet high gde landy in the State. The only machine deseetie hanih in the Weal, GloefniOnsh lan given. All wek popty, netly and carefully done. Office20dS. aeest. Reidene 10Lwence t. New State Phee. a4. MIGBIGtIN...…

December 14, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 61) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEWV H CLEENT, 51So. MAIs ST. Dtirector ald Mans ger. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST HlURtON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. 22 Years in tihe BusineSss'/- CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt. No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE +$TATC $AVII2G$ BAU2K+ Cor. Main and Washington Strees. A. L. NOBLE, Pree. RtOBERT PetI P S, Casis STAR STEAM LAUNDRY Fine...…

December 14, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 62) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAIL'. 3 It A&ttracts Attention~ ..... u........... Stock 'of~ Furn~ishin~gs for Mon. £ $4.00 Sweaters...................$3.45 Sw eaters: 3.50 Sweaters...... .............$2.85 2.00 Sweaters......... ..$1.39 V See our window for Bargains A Special on $1.00 Gloves for............. 69c. '"~See onrwindow for Bargaiins. MYAIN STREET, S. C1TI TET IF...J. SORLE>EDE. fCHRISTMAS ! FULLER & BERANEK, eeteuhtakd340 S. STATE STR...…

December 14, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 60) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY ONLY MONDAY. -:- ONLY DEC. q4RMNm-"T'~ A BENEFIT F'OR ALL,I +AT THE TWO SAMS.+ SATUIRDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 12 ALL NECKWEAR tP AT ONE - HALF REGULAR P'RICE ----CHO ICE O F- --- ___--SEE W1INDOW.--jyy __ Ii T I(INJT TUESDAY AND WED)NESD)AY "ONLY'"I)EC. 15 and 10th. ANY -O - HAT IN THIlOUSE 150 cONTT_ 50 OFITT Costing $2.5i0,-$3.00. $350 and $4.00 at $185 at The T'wo Sam. see window. Al LLISA)S Overcoats. Sits, Smoking Jackets an...…

December 14, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. (7,PAT 2T)HI(FA T IA THE TWO SAMS ALL. (VE~t(OAT.1S AT OF ALL St11 f 1A 1 1 ii . A KfL.... JL.$18 FF.._ Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Alt' Ha~ t t1 io s tili.0 i. ) s 0 s;~ ~ ( TS AT 0 FF. AT$.5 A.LL SI t;LF:PANTS .AT UIF. All 1lHa tslffered 0 11(ihi son's t vi c. No (1ld Chetnu~ts). Tm 77 zim. See these1 bargains 'before buying. The viii s relile and ir-as s FL c)iaclu is ii,1 rl ItO in- the ii its_ - ~REMEMBER THE D...…

December 14, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 61) • Page Image 4

… THEI U. OF M. DAILY. F. C. STEBBINS, Photographer'0 AL[ LVHfYA 72 IN [UOIA ' oi -th .Maiu S.. AmiArb~or. Is elling couponibooks (rooid ______- -for :3 for $2. 0O. SchalII's Bookstoie Formerly with George Wahr, 19 E. Washington st. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the line of Text-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock in general. MvAvRTN SCHALLTER. 0 o, aI ul 81ISSATISFACTION GUARANTEED OOD5'AMANAPlBOR THE DOWN-TOWN BOOK...…

December 14, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. t~P[6I~ ± rernetiiber that we can supply you with a $1.00 4 Fountainu Pen, the Laughlin sorXWaterman, whichi f w se fully guarantee.XvWiaitinotie can you iaskThy un. lVIE ARTJN$HA4 Z DOWN TOWN, 116 SOUTH MAIN Depfartment DURINGVAATIOIN ...PADS... SCLEEE' BIDE Former Price Enqqire at 340 Sot SaeV.. J. SCHLE' 25 a~d3Oc* d, LAMPS FOR STUE ff+ i'Wehtsve a fineastent fCtta 'e te rat, Nict lpltted iLamp s, isclu...…

December 14, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 62) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. For aStylishNoble's____________________Main FULL DRESS OR TUXEDO DStr ar le iu H-e, ~NEEDLE CALL ON D la au Is what our new line of Nekwear is. (Spe il Holiday in). Our Price Goc. Il' UMerchant Tailor, Um rla Strictly igh grade work at Sold here and raised everwhre. Niee loid'y moderate plicles. _Presents.a 10 E. Washington St., 1DO ® yO U SKM4O IE? ? ____4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - - - 5c- - We w7 Full Value Cigars for - -...…

December 14, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 58) • Page Image 4

…TBlE UNIVERSI'TY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. W_ The Best * 5.00 Christmas Present -a t tPocket Kodak. It takes sgood pictures and is easy to Swork. Full instructions iaote with it. If you have Sa friend 'who don't want one, ij t's because he hasn't seen it. CALKII'-:PHARMACY. MAKES TO ORDER WOMEN and XEN'S Easy Fitting Shoes in all the Latest 'Styles. Meat Place for repairing ., WE HAVE HALLER'1ZS quality ask Melt Gillespie or Mr. Steiuhauer. 40 S. M...…

December 14, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. f CHRISTMAS 111LI C-(:4: PPEo ewNeck Wear,j .............. .......B ath...R o b es,. S HOPPR S 44/ Night Robes, WILL FIND AT OUR STORE THlE LARGEST AND CIIOICEST STOCK OF . . . . . . . . . We also carry a very Complete Line of Calendars, Chiristmsas Cards, Desk Sets, Pocket Books, Card Cases, etc. A T LOWEST PRICES We would especially call your attention to oar IBooks for children, of which we have made ...…

December 14, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 61) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY.______ fFTIE SALE : tto p si othis ad. wil bytoy it'- 16otho e%, '9l he t aford th ut CO liNEN(JNG AT 9:30 S 111 IRDAV DtEC.9, AND CONTINU INGl EIGHT DAIS. ar illng to stand that in oider to________________ ________________ ge w et siustomersitolrythm Z Regular Price 25e. @ f ~T~TT ATaHEkUTITTRSO- ISHcMATTESON,323., STATE. Cakn'PharmacyATTtEOTTTRUL.LIL1 ivi TR:F ' E~r JV ®1 _p NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN S TR EE T Mo x7 W S E I E AND S...…

December 14, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 62) • Page Image 4

…4 THE 1IJMYERS1TY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. A Fo Fory Yers -W. J. BOOH, Pres. W. ARNOLD, 1t Vice-pres FFororyYer J. V. SansoA, 2d Vice-res. A toreJoeo C. WALz, Ast. Cashier. _________GOLDEN SCEPTRIE State - Savi*g - Bank, - Transacts a general Banking busi- Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER ness. r as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. T 6 rmI~t &i'dc~ Irrhanii 1TII Capital, $50,000. Surplus, 0;30,000. Transact a general b...…

December 14, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 60) • Page Image 4

…THE U, OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE .'->"'ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY Formerly Almondinger Piano and Organ Company. New Ivarerioooiiie - - . - - - - Comne) of 'Min and Libei°t y S greets . I will "'Open the Ball" by placing a fide atock of Guitars, Blanjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find - -7-T sm-s M' TSC STORE, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. NOB3LE IS MAKING AN ELEGANT I)ISPILAY O)1 SMOKING JACKETS -AID D- NOV...…

December 14, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…TEL.OF H AL TAKE A-.,KODAK! FO IM F. L.NOL CHRISTMAS.! D on 't forget that box of IIO either. ONLY $14.00. DI I TTQ TV 7 ~. T 1,K I tar l,()W I P O RIO It N. LWI L SL JFL ) IAYj I L y , WILS5Y,.t~d nM A. d t CfL I , - 34 S. StaltettSot sat tet .e~ery Une W oruni i.LOVto ;4~. Ut' - Itt. 1Mff-1TWET OC~RE, BOOK S TO0R E,(()lN O- .6 SOUTH MAIN STREET A1,-LEC MS, - -It 1115, P.OEMR S, IA ,i-NBA .i I ( hOES 1. -.'AND I.D0SE.TS, ETW'.,ETC. ST...…

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