THE U. OF M. DAILY.______
: tto p si othis ad. wil bytoy it'-
16otho e%, '9l he t aford th ut CO liNEN(JNG AT 9:30 S 111 IRDAV DtEC.9, AND CONTINU INGl EIGHT DAIS.
ar illng to stand that in oider to________________ ________________
ge w et siustomersitolrythm
Z Regular Price 25e. @ f ~T~TT
ivi TR:F ' E~r JV ®1 _p NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN S TR EE T
J 1 wh~1I I7 ) J J 7ichreot ffer111e1d10at rices tosuit tletlimest.
_- 0l~iJ i XNI SEE OU1R ENJ C10)V11EIMlAS ANI) Mil'S OF BI(i0S. --
Evtr tt si t ilnitdt tk- lllt Iloitwoi sith
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all have 105 atfl Ar t i loat Ioiii
Warofwlf el. hsmahn frol
manufacure-pTex Printer. e
A ndwanveto o at ithe oie.and
tri igsan.erains
FraorAeisialanrdsinrypar wt th
any peni, too coi s a hb d e.llt,011,30
cris olf-typewiterlmansriptslph oducFer
-,W wlseltp ti0Ifrtavelerhnebrorad. l
manuBatesi.IT.h. OWineN s e
aons. coan 1111011en al t athicePor-
landtasul ran tdn ntolts
C1%'iJ4 J*5,00.;SJurpund1Prfit,300.
P.E .1Pe. S. EEVISS, - iNt Caher.
Dos otcarfh ol tt se ht 11911. ~~~-a U."OF FLAGS.
(till ille i1 orre s tillY 1005 hteas1111130 1111 O - eri W ,ATfJ'iO, jlsm llt.
41 South Maie Street. E N & C M A Y
Ann Arbor, Mich. DAN&COPNY LOWERS, fK OWi s
UNIVERSITY NOTES. E. C. G-odnoy, denst '94,1 Who 11as0 OU INS & ti LL, F1Qoitj, -; .Vir1r.Telephiisslt iepearn f enveysckfv wes wt y
socils to be hold after the holidays. phoid fever, 110s gone to his home + 'r. ]411, s'f~id
El Astro ctiuh sill give ito second Mint. s-jl 1U.gat
ITheron P. Wialudo, wtho ettred phlll sl~ll, ~lils 01111Pro 1,00.t.
psarty at Granger's, tomlorrowt even- tol ess -eisi l 1111 Cl iiisiniiei. paysintevr-
tit titeraryldetpartment Oof til ttni- (,E t, hill 110up'sl)ilosits..flls Sftly
(ls-sxttitllofOte ~t~litsinversity a year ago, ttietiihtis R. KEf1tPe. lv F H. Bl-,SER, Co-tiier.
One-sxteenh of he sudentiinitBankoen Sltuidlsyeevening.
Anierican colleges are studying for 110110eli 1\iitaiityesterdlay-
theminstr.Seals Talltshas returnedttfromliCini-
cnaiO.whrlihabenteTiselrst issue oi the thirdt sot- last 'three weeks, 01n01 will lertulre --O
tme of the D)ental Journal will alp- t h inor olrot-onl-i
lpear next sweek. D~ental Surgery. 1
The Schlool Record of lDetroit 1 Mr. Wtedbllrg, mniager of the A T
conitainls a swrite upi of Poof. Fritz, Glee and Banjo Cuswsi eri ft
otle School of M4usis etedy ('osws 1 Seri TRAJO ARE THlE BEST.
noaling repratino fr CIGARETTE SMOKERS wits are ill -
Miss Dunbar, 194 lit, was called the concert to be held thsere. 'rues- log to paya little orhia1the ie it
chariedodhrinar~ y track:ls ligitts,
to her home in Sou~th Btold, tInd., day etoening next. wilitod THIS BRAND salpertol toalilolseis.
by- ltst illness of her fatlher. Thle song, "The Midway llai- The Richmond Straight Cut No. I
The second facullty concert of thle satunts,"~ written by one of the menm - CARI4ETTES
School of Mlusic occurs tonight in hors of tile Glee Club, is beltgs aretmodelfom t ihts, OLst gsf os EiiiF
Frieze M~emorial hsall at 8 o'clock. printed by- one of the large houses grown in Yirtgini.
I already BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and l sttt
Prof. Von Hiolst will arrive in the, of this country and its -led in- thsot the niamet oflte i,-isiit faitsluits a
city Friday nightt, on the 9145 train. creasing popullarity insure it a large - helow s1000ev-cry package.
He will spend a day or two ill Ann salt. tr g lAt'tiqcsIa-oaccs to
Aro.The art recital wichswas to have R NCI ,1\1O5SONORQI5I~A
Aro.boon given tonmorrosw nighlt has boon _____RA________C____
Messrs. 11. A. liowell, 's:I lit, and postponed on account of the illnesso-
T. 1. 1Lee, 'cg-, of 12 S. Thayer st., of oseeral who wore to hate taken -
gave a spreatd last evening to theirpatith prgn.Teivt-
fred. tations will be good for the post- Thle Lea'dingi
Open meeting of the Webster poned recital.
society tonight. A good. program At the meeting of the Athletic -am-t'AI LO 3R
has been arranged. Everybody association, of the University of
welconme. Wisconsin, Saturday afternoon it
Has the newest Fall and winiter «(talt'n anid
Prof. Mechem announced today was decided that there should be largest stock in theecity. You canest any
to the junior laws that he would three members of the faculty and selection you are looklig toe.
print his lectures on Partnerahip in oni member of the board of regents COME AND SEE tS.
pai iphlet formn and funish them in on the board of directors of the
2EWsigoStneradvance of their deivery, association. 2E ahntnS. erMain.