51So. MAIs ST. Dtirector ald Mans ger.
Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called for
and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop.
22 Years in tihe BusineSss'/-
M. M. Seabolt. No. 4 N. Fourth Ave.
Cor. Main and Washington Strees.
A. L. NOBLE, Pree. RtOBERT PetI P S, Casis
Finest, place itn the city. trompt in getting
outwork and delivering. Okfie, 10 au-S SHu-
rson St. Telephotne S1.
--NQTICE We re here to stasy. We aire prrtsored to
give aelats of woork to the Is-ads of thsis city
usnequoaled Sty any otter house ever locanted
hsere and nost exs-elled by ansy Chsr'ailsr in
America, and at pricesossisro d bsy gooss or-
detest Suisfom 8.n~Ous(thirty dslars)to any
(46 8. State Street.
MONDAY -Sp. tss. Asdsansssd Clis lot tLs-
,Thusr.,Ottc. .ld-Webster Society- Public Plo-
gram. Lawss lecture rootm. 7:30 p.s-
Thusr., Dec. 14--SeconstFsacuslty tone-tS
Feza eoseorial Hall,585p. m
tridssy, De5c. 15,.-CasnadsiasnsClubs tsestSing'sill
lssw builditsg.
Fri~, Dee. 15--teeatsd BlajssCSabs' concert.
Usiversity Hasll.
Sat, Dec. 1.-S. L A. tsf. Von
Sat., Decs. S-'7 cls-ns meetingoo tssm A. tt
oclock, a. ts.
Tsices., Dec. t.-rSonld ChlsossUtnissn Conscet,
Taco., De. 19-Patti, Auditorium, Ds-trsit.
Fri. Ere.. Dec. 22-Christmas vascation be-is.
Elective Courno in Gymntasticn.
The elective course in physical cul-
ture, offered for tihe first time this
year, is tdesigned for those who in-
tenui to teach pitysical cu~ltu~re or
to tdirect departments of physical
edutcation its institultions of learniog,.
The wvork comles 110d1r three gen-
eral braosches nasmely, phlysiology,
theory if gymnlastics ansd practical
gymnastics. Thse class io pisysiol-
ogy m~eets l)r. Seaver rrery wveek
for one hour. Tie work consists
of osc resciation a week dusrinsg th~e
Munical Melange. Excursiorn to the Attantic Coast.
We are ill receipt of so0e very finie To purties lithasire tiitkitng of a0 trip
nmusic recenltly issedl, ansd for sale bysoth~i to Cssismhlus, 01110, Cha~rlestotn,
-Lyost & Itealy, of Chieago. Amonig W. ja , Cliftost Forge, Cisartleaville,
the more niotable seleetionss are a ntstc- Petersburg, lRichmondS~, Providetnce
h er of beautiful melodies from tlie Forge. Williatnsbutrg, -Nesvport News,
operas arruaiged fornmandolitn snd guli- Old Point Cosnfort, Norfolk, Va.,
tar. A number of selectioss for violini Wusilingtotl, ). C,, lowv rates for round
antd piano-forte, recently idsued, are trip atnd one way tickets. tPlease ap-
included finthtieabove. ply to (leo. J. Clark, Pass. sod Genleral
'The Fleurette Caprice for the piutno- Agent, Ohio Central 1. it. Rooni 7
forte, by Paul Wachs, is one of tile Old Let Bldg., cortner of Sumtomit land
finest late selections that has eonie to Maslisons streets, Toledo.
our ntotice, as is also Tise Arcadiats -
'Life Waltz, by Edo-its A. Singleton. ' Students' Christmas Rates-
These two selections are very pretty,
and should be inth ie possessions of For te accomnmsodatiotn of stutdenits
every one who likes citarming pianto- of te U. of M. atid Ypsilattti Normal.
forte music. Lyon & Htealy itave itn holdinsg proper certificates, the T. A.
stock some very pretty vocal selec- A. & N. JV. IRy. will sell itoliday tickets
tions, recently issstued, among wvhicht to all points itt Michigan, antt to sall
we have received McAllister's Brigade. pointts witihin the Centtral Traffic As-
song and chorus, Saint Anthonys Ser- sociatiotn territory, at one anld one-
tcotis, and otiier tnstable selectisons. tiitd fair for tite t-ound trip. Tickets
You will always fintd a large collee- will be i5Ossed ec. 21, 22 antst 23, andI
tiott of msusic to select from if youS5oot limitedi tot retu~rnS until Januatllry li.
te ie-srest frt-shie ieadintg msISStiil ssme to ttcket office dirty atssiavoitd
seleirs inth ie XWet-Ryott &Ileasly- sltii ttnce sf not5kgettinig onle.
wiso will gladily forswardi a cataloguet 01 It. S. GatsEr:Nrosti.t. Xi.
muslictor tusticlmnerchantdsise oS ap-
006 Oracle. Iloitssts- .1 s srs tits-ly fssrsislsrsi
________ - -titie tissgstissitlooisir, for ret,sv-ry
Te oIraces, te sanntialtiStophotulttre t1 t it tpa tii Sidit kisiott St. 51) lii
iptublicasitn, is ntly readty.- It sswil J.II.Iteltiesr, the retioswsedt iair
le otts hansdisothaiu it(~lt yuntsket It sttesIfrotm Detrosit, isas iesed-thfe
hove tsi Sristtllls. Its 1510psges -Sete oosskiHouise barber shopt sanitifusrniis-
futi -1s-i sititlthittgs, ostort sttristed it 10nt-legttslitIte. i~et end~tssa
poett,-.- t-emarkalbri htt chacltatlOItercriltiitation oralts siitthis
sketrit si i"Dopy" 15151tiseti tte gr insnewrt ttlsce
-yes, tnltetisi sfttems-fifty pages at.~- ..5
IIttNDiAY 7 p. t. Lasdies.' ticissstecsiass. yeasr. This terns is devotesd to biol-
TUSD~ AY-7 5p. Sn. GOttii tt'is dtiittgit{
eavy. ogy ansi elensentary physiology.
SAT'URDtAY- 10 a.tsn. Gesntle-mes-tts ig The secuod terns] vill he devosted to
2 a.mts. Childe'sts it ls-Is-. humanphysiology; special attention
Privatcless-ons bkrapoisttmettt. being given to a stuldy of thse circu-
latison, retspiration, digestion anti cx-
® cretiots. Tite hygienic insportance
of thsese topics swill he carefully
O* oa stdied. The class in the 'Theory
of Gymnastics meets Dr. Anderson
one ihour a veek, tsnder this Ilead
sill be discussoed: (a) the scientific
basis of phlysical training; (b) iis-
tory of gynmnastics anti growtlt of
ployed, sutch as apsparatuis and up-
..MJ HIOAN CI'NT AL pliances; (d) physical exantinations
ime Tablie (Rtevise-d)iNtis. SIt s,130. and uceasnretsessts; (e) pedagogy of
EAS.WEST. gymnastics. The class in practical
0. N. tEspress..5415 It., N. Y. & . Spti. 720t gynmnastics meets Dr. ansd Mr. An-
Atlantic Express. 8ottMI&itkEsp.... 8 esntic55ek Tewr n
Nut EastsnIEx p.. 945 NO . Limited.....tO ero1tie03ee.Th1orin
N.5S. Lituited . lO1ST3t'._.
A. o. jt st'n Eats. 155liudcsmiilitary training, exercises
Maolond Exts...4-18 G R&Kai. Sel.t i08
N. Y, t tBos. Sssi.. 5 t8sChi. N. Expres... 8SS0 in lighlt and heavy gymnastics. Also
Pot-ttcExtsress... 10555
O.W. RUGLES. H. W.HAYES, special training in posture and arm
G. P. &T. Agt.,(lsiea-is. Agt., Ann sArbor. work for elocution. tart of the
THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS work is accompanied by music.
PRINTING ands. - 'This work will coutnt on the diploma
.vPUBLISHING as any elective. Tihere hlas been a
ITOTSEL large demand for mcei to teacih gym-
Student Work a Specialty- ttastics lately, especially the Yale
Hest Wotrkmesnsnd5Lowe-s Ptices in the city. method, and last spring tile call vas
T n uchl greater tilan the supply. All
GRA G RM.-- menmbers of tis class are expected
CLASSES IN DANCING willt s- to teach. Any otie desiring any
cllous: Genstlemens, Stuttrdaytmtornittgs to
and Thursdayieentltins :0;Ladies, Saturdasy further informlation may apply at
afternoonsss 4. Lasdiessansd UGetlemsen, tad-
vanscd cia-it . 'tuesslos- cevesings 8. Gr-sunds the gytttnasimnsi.-Yale News.
tsstr, t idaad s-t t. ssition. onse termn
(twev eeks ss 5 . u55 t sst r5ceivedvtst ansy --. e
tt e Cranger's Academy of.Dancing.
:B JC7- c ~ jrI7 Al ate ppis positively sto visitors.
Tutitiott fee $5, for Ladies, Gentlemen
tss ts'iitre-t nam~tting t,{ r, si nd Chilidretn alike. A reduction to
Headuasrtertsr Sig-.. former pupils, also witere more that
one from same family take lessonis.
Learn some of tue tnew lances bsefore
25 S. Fourth Ave.,. - Ann Atbor. tue hoilisday seaont~ opetts.
least. Atnd teciattces are tetn to otte
that yout ttre tamong thoise grounds.'Is
readtihkts'Oralee-iillrt re a freshsmatt
oSf his freshsness. Soish., Jusnissr and
Settior will busy thse Oracle for te saske
of te goosd it hsas sionettehiem intihie
past. Thsere stre ntearly forty illtustra-
tions, sixteett of which are fstll page.
Tise coveris a neast and talsty design,
pritsted its fosur colors, te first swork of
te kintd ever used tore. lihe book
will be placed on sale itt sll te book-
storessandsIinthkssmaint itall, Mondsay,
D~ec. 18, at te usual~ price, 25 cents.
Wednesday Evening's "German."
Wednessday evenlttg,ltee.2,tile rutles
an~d figures of te cotilloti (The tier-
tman) wil be givent to thse advansced
class its dancintg at Graitger'sAeadetty.
Tihis is te lsast tmeetintg softe classes
ttntil safter te holidtay vac-ations.Joits
nsowtsand Ifiisht titer te holidatys.
Tttitiosntfee 5$, payable its adtvance(.
60S) l
Holioays Rates via T.. A. A. & N. M.
fior Cliristmssioandti Nes Year lli-
dasys the T., A. A. & N. M. Rasiliway
still sell excursiost tickets ott Decemt-
her 23, 25 atidl30, sattdtJanutary]. -at
0510 atid otte-ktiirdh fare ftsrte routid
trip. 'Tickets Soill be goost goinsg ott
date of sale sttd Isis- retuttn ttntil IJa5n15
airy 2, ittclsise.
Thlere still he ansimpoilrtant
busisess nieeting of thse Freshnsan
class in Roost A Saturday at so a.
us. All miembers requestedi tot be
The Catnadian Cluib will mseet in
the lasw building tontorrosw evening
at 7:30. This being the last meet-
ing tihis year, a gooti, attendance is
desired. All persons of British con-
nection arceswelcome.
The trustees of Colombia isave
WVest Va-t. iand Oltd \sl. twinsts apply tss
11. S. Greenw-oodt, Ticket Agt., Toledos
Asitn Arbor &Northich.itsor Motultoni
tosuek, ( ..
D~o you w-iishto strenlt youir roosms;
Wh~iy don't yost insert at line or two its
osur losesalrssttusstsfor sa few days:'
More rdomsshasve beet rented trosugh
thse DAILYtshian trughsansy other
tneisesli, fssr te DLY.t practicailly
fsalls intos cs-ry stuenett's lhlads.
SorIts (ssstI'sltr itt te 'igars boighit
at thse .i. & M. D~rug Store.
TheJ. . Jacobslt s . havtereceivedi i
itle line of neckwesr-thse very latest.-
Htave yousr phiotos Itken t i tiatsdsll's
bsefore te sltltof ('iristtiss.
IlitAt- ur withs a gootd pair of sltsstl-
der braces. A latrge stock at low prices
st Brown's Drutg Store. A test shot
wtorta braces it 50c.
(GO to BtiWNssDRUGlttxSTORE for all
Laboratory suspplies. Dissectittg cases,
aisronss attd sleeves-LonP7iccs.
17 S. MAIN.
Ipaid $fioonnoo for their new site.I