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December 14, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-12-14

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Published Daily (unays excepted) during
the Coleeoear. by
Subscription price U.0 per year, invariably
iadvn 1'.sitglr copies 3 ents. Subcrip-
tons may be left at te office of the DILYab,
at Solet's, witbany of the editors or
authorized solicitors.
Communicationnssould reach the office by
7 olok P. M. it they are to appear the next
Jay. Addres all matter intended tor publica-
tionnton the Managing Editor. All bines
commnsticationns should be sent to the Bua-
nesa Manager.
THE U. af . DAILY.
Ann Arbr, Xiah.
C A. DENISiON, Lust 'A, Managig Editor.
II. A. Sisi os-G, Lit. 'i, Assistant.
.. L. Liissic Lit. 15 Assisast.
F- Vcs. W uSs a'il, Asal-sut.
J. A. Los iStliii Atiletic Edior.
S. IV. CRsISS, PG Lit, Business Manger.
WVNt. A. Mliii i. .sAsistas.
.13. tisian iss '4. I . 1 Hul. li.
1.. Asst,9. MDCL
F. P. Sasle,9is . .M rtnae,'4
E. P. Lyle '106 H. Llaissinul'id.
AgoesuMoley HDla'9i7,,a
L . ContF9. C % G. nids.'a.
All copy musbe austhslillcclieoe Ssi~.is
of she day ot pubic.atin.
The Editos do ot bld thmelvs rspo-
sible fr the opinionsisor stmcnts at crrs
pondents, appering ithte DAL.
WE trust that tht agitation, over
the lack of pfoptr collgt spirit in
athletics in tht University of Michi-
gan, begutn last eveting at tht net-
ing of tht Young Men's Liberal
Guild, will btbilt tht bginning of
a thorough considration and dis-
cussion of thec tatter by all trit
Michigan mns. We beest it is un-
questonably Ifrlitthat tht ote great
drawback to tbt attaining by Nlich-
igan of her proper place i all
branches of athletics is thc lack of
that general tntlhusiasm and interest
that should prevade the entire stu-
dent body. We can overcome the
lack of a gymnasium, we can get
along, if need be without as com-
plete a system of training as a uni-
versity of our standing should have,
we can labor successfully agaitst
other obstacles of like character,
bt, one thing is certain, the Uni-
versiy of Michigan, like every other
stniversity, cannot attain the poi-
tion among colleges that befits an
institution of her reputation until
her students shall act and feel as one
man ia every under taking that con-
cerns tile fair name of the whole
university. It is a sad commentary on
the condition of matters lire that
mansy much smaller institutions,
greatly inferior to us in every other
respect, so surpass us in this respect.

This is the reason that Michigan ties. The first will be in getting the
men accept without a murmer, and various papers properly filed and
almost as a matter of course, defeat bringing the case to an issue. Dur-
at the ands of universities like ing the second semester the cases
Minnesota and Wisconsin. The will be tried. The points in issue
truth is, though much inferior to us will be decided, from a legal stand-
in point of numbers, at these other point, all facts being taken as ad-
colleges there is unity of purpose mtted. The advantage of this
anid feeling. It is a reproach to court over the moot court, which it
Michigan that, out of her ,Soo supersedes, is too apparent to re-
male students, hut 400 at the out- quire particular mention. Each
side are actively allied with the in- student of the senior class will be
'terests of athletics, that is, give their required to conduct a cae through
support and enthusiasm if they can- the court.
not actively take part. The time is I -a- .
coming, and shortly too, when those The funds of the McGill unier-
s,8un students to a man will stand sity during the past 3 years, have
back of their university representa- been increased $,500,000, through
tion in athletics with active sork, gifts of the citiens of Montreal.
with thst support, no matter how
small, of their pocketbooks antI
above all with their undivided in-
terest and enhsusiasrm. When that
tinme comes, and not till then, will
Michigan stand wvhere shec might in
\\ SCoAiN has adopted the sieth- Horsford's Acid Phosphate
1ods recently inauguraied here for
faculty manageient of athletics as I h otefcieadare
the following editorial from the Car-Istem tefciean aie-
'dinal will show: able renaedyf in existence for
"m i ew system u was ialuguratedl at
thio athleitic association meeting last preventing indigestion, and re-
Saturday which will probably before leigtoedsae rsn
lonig be incorporated ini the sonstitss ivn hs dsae rsn
tiotn. This is the election of represen- fromo a disordered stomach.
tatives of the alumnsi, faculty and
board of regentt to the boardi of direc- Dr. W. W. Gardner, Spigfed,
tora of le assoeiation. It is a step it
the diretion of fatuty saiagementMssuy:I neitsnttcell
wvhichi is in oeration its most of our precesaie of indigesin, ad a plesatl
lrge institutionis, includting Ha~rvard, ncidulted sdrink wie,, prperly iltelwills
Ptriniceton, Cornell aod Miehigan. wat, asi swteined."
The sytemu has been but recently
adopted ait Miehigan and has not had
miueh tinme to prove whther it is efi-Decr-iltiv pmphet ree oassapplicastit
clont or uot. While there is notiing Rumford ChmicatWorks,PrnvideueR.I
in sour costituto that calls for the Bewrf Ssbtitts stnd smittins.
eletions of soy members from the fac-
slty, there is nothinig against it, ad For Sale by all Druggita.
it seems a very good plan. It wvill give
the board more dignity and will iter- CONa,,PN cn. -rasNsAINAN aGOLD
est the fatulty its the ause. , ,A,,s" ,, PEN AERS.
TrI the most casual observer it is
plain to be seen that the stand-
ard of work in the law department
has been raised of late. This is a'"Mr :: A
move in the right direction and is
appreciated by the students. Nose
that the practice court has been ar-
ranged for, there is not a lass school
in the country where the work is N o -C--_
more thorough and better prepared
to turn out practical lawyers________ ___
Practice Court. i( O
The Practice court swbich the fac- E
ulty of thse last department have ar-
ranged and of which mention has
already beeni made in the DAsILY,
will be opened after the holidays. We can furnshiarlcny ay inlst at
The intention is to have two appear- auGretuiRducin.
ancts before the court by the par-,

ansd SHORTHAND. Mgnificet uildin; ine
iteacr;laigesatendace eood discili;ser e-'
lrwossk; welsupplid radinrom;ldailylectures'-
aissdy eensing recptionst; opnsthe entire year
Exceptiosnl faciitie tor painga sites inI ps-
tions-shshornssdfrudssnscuguaraniteeds t. Ifii ng
exess,,t.;2.755pe ee n-riv etasteamilies.
Fr NessCtaloue-i,adres
TimeTisbic Otaking efv-l Ssudi, NvF,ist i
t'rans lav AssArhbor by Cett
Stndrd Tinsc.
71s5a.i. -7:5 i. 1
12: 1Jip. Io. 1):30a. I
diiap.s. s":00p.1.
*rinssrunssbetas-en Antn Aelsi-b o ilndTledo
All trai- diitetcot unsdasy.
W. H. RENN T,(. t. v. ..Tsledo
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
AnssiAbr. Msih. Capial HSk. 1'60,00.
_-scnized asds-n the 5nrltsln-gLast
ot his State. ilecsiv.'. sessis.asys and
sells excanssge n thspincisal ites othe
Unitedi Sttes.Drefti ssh ituptnproperr
identifeatioln. Saety deisosi bxs'.tis ret.
(l'IxRes: oss (lstsisistMac, Pes. W.
Harrissan, Vie Pres.; Chss. E. isesi i, c-
shierI.J. Sells Asst. tosier.
JAsMlEdS. COOnHEW, Florit. Grwr of
Rses, Casrntistanstd Flwers of all vari-
ety. Fral dsin nsde 5upt5on srt totie.
No. 1 Observatvy street, op. cesetery gte.
IiANGST iR a. Stanincton Sreet.War 2
(all at TUE DAXILY Offie.

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