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Voar. IV.-No. 61.
THE CHRISTMAS WRINKLE, utes a number of very bright "Wrin-
It Will be a Hummer and will Con- "
tain a Cut of the Football The above is but a partial list of
Team as a Souvenir. Wrinkle's Christmas attractions. }
-'-' A souvenir in the shape of a folder
Ise Christmas Wrinkle which containing a cut of the football
will be out to-morrow is a credit to team and much valuable informa-
itself and to the University. It has tion of the games played during the
been increased to twenty pages and past season, will be presented with
no labor or expense has been spared each copy. The cut is on heavy
to make it both a literary and artis- paper and will be suitable for fram-
tic success. The number is made ing.
up of usual short sketches, light As the Thanksgiving number of
verse and grinds, and some twenty Wrinkle met with such a phenome-
odd cuts add to its life. The cover nal sale, the entire edition being
is in a blae-bronze and the inside, disposed of in two days, the board
in a violet ink, have decided to print two thousand
The cover is by G. Starrett, '94, copies of this issue. The Christ-
and R. Wagner, '9, and represents mas Wrinkle, like the Thanksgiving
a student leaving college for his number, will sell on its merits. It
Christmas vacation and taking Wrin- will be on sale in the Main hall and
kle with him. It is most appropriate at all bookstores Friday morning.
for this season of the year. The
double page cartoon is by Howe Second Faculty Concert.
Williams, '94, and consists of a
series of very clever cuts and illus- The second faculty concert of the
trations of the holiday vacation. School of Music occurs in Frieze
There are also cuts by Messrs. Cam- Memorial Hall tonight. The fol-
pau, Weible, Colburn, Ryan, R. I lowing interesting and entertaining
Hall and Misses Randall and Keep. program has been arranged:
J. L. Lorie, '9J, contributes an l. 1aeh. l;o.
sly shea0rt.Ee ilful.'Si "
original and interesting biography Lti
of "iillie Beer-Bockheimer, Poet," "Lasci iir pi ia," (fro m "mo
and quotes several interesting pas- "Witi verdure ad.~"
sages from the poet's works. 'iotherbilsme bindll myi air.
l k.Mlaici. ii.
A "Christmas Day in Hell," by Dis Veitiheii9 L
two of the editors gives a very vivid Bs-eetao. 1ve5.
'iir"'latiiii ciii " i 'yiiptor-
description of the infernal regions. 7sla'. i528.
A poem by H. C. Ryan, '93, illus- a. "Du bist die Rui."
b. "who is Sylvia "
trated by R. Wagner, '95, and which iii. Meii'lssoii ci.
the author calls "A Lost Opportu- i"on winssof Music.
,, . . -lire Iour of Dawn.-
nity, "will make a decided hit. Iro chopis. 1819.
A communication accompanied s"Funeral Marche.
by a phrenological chart and signed a. "A Has,. 0., Ni. 1856.
Philetus Bump will please the co- . "aki." p.t;51,Eo.,!.
8vii. wagner. 1853.
eds immensely. iraineiiii (stuy tor"Tristan aid kolde.")
"iur Christmas Sermon," by l. 151i 5Frn. 159
H. Smith, '95, is a very creditable o riie."Oip1,a.i.
effort for a sporting editor who had 15't. - Gounod. 1593.
to take the place of the religious "Slingor
editor on pinch. DAagio, fromith organsymphony.
A very novel and interesting poem 't'oaot iaiijai.
written by a member of the Fresh- ,_. _
man class and addressed "To the The statement was made in a re-
Poor Tutes" deserves much com- cent number of TiE DAILY that the
mendation. record of the circulation of the
The '96 Oracle is remembered library was made up from the cir-
with a cartoon. culation of this week. The circu-
There are also poems by Louis A. lation of the library is counted each
Strauss, '93, Karl E. Harriman, E. day and then added for the year.
L. Mason, '93, Henry Kellogg, '95, This week gives but the comparative
Maud E. Caldwell, '93, Katharine use of the departments. The cir-
Sleuve. culation per year exceeds that stat-
Clyde W. Francis, '89, contrib- ed by 30,000 volumes.
To GVe Ada!J
Athletics Must Have the Support
and Interest of the Entire Uni- Weliveia so l sne le pencils and
versity.-Football Discussed.
__ _Iii'aiiviiicmi ii'iia isirig i)"iCe asv-iy
The program at the meeting of to 11)y one wVhio will ia iifort hen.
We wiant to see your faice and ive
the Young Men's Liberal Guild in Yuae toiseeaai",ivei,.
the Unitarian church, last evening,
was one of great interest to all Uni- 7 b'9 Ql"?' Q
versity men. The topic for consid- cleaesiiiii-levis
eration was the present status of
51 South Haan St.
football as to brutality and the
changes, if any, required to mini-
mize the danger in playing it. This
question opened the way to a gen-
eral discussion of all branches of
athletics, of their relation to colleges
in general and in particular to the
present status of athletics in the
University of Michigan.
E. C. Shields, president of the wheelyouwant theLatestiMetropolitanStyles
Athletic Association, :opened the than Ann Arbo' prices send for Catalogue to
discussion with a thorough review
of the athletic situation in the V. of
It. In speaking to the topic of a H
101,183185woow m Avi,.
football in particular, he expressed 101, 3-1 5 MIIiiA
a belief that the rules would be
changed so as to lessen the dangers G-O 1T.0
of complicated mass and interfer- . E JOLLY & Co.4s
ence plays. Much the same viesws yien'ousill iiuri' 1) xi ieesotte
were expressed by C. E. Baird and ';,'"'es i and the rint-t Stock of -Pipes iii
G. J. Cadwell, who brought out LADIES' and GENTS' LUNC tROOM.
also the many noble features of R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St.
football and protested against the
reckless charges of brutality.-made
by ignorant critic.Ti edo
to a general and most profitable dis-
cussion on the part of a number
present as to the present condition
of athletics in general in the C'. of
M. and the disposition of the stu-
dent body toward athletics. 'oint-
ed remarks on the subject were
made by Dr. Nancrede and Prof.
Rolfe, who showed the absolute
necessity of a thoroughly organized
system of athletics in the college
and indicated the proper means of
accomplishing the desired ends.
The conclusion reached by all was
that the most serious handicap to
athletic interests here is the lack of
the proper college spirit and the in-
terest and enthusiasm of the entire
student body. It was agreed that
our inferiority to other colleges in
this respect is what prevents us from
taking the rank we deserve among
the colleges of the country. Until
this defection is overcome, athletics
here can never be fully developed.
The ideas brought out by the dis-
cussion were very profitable and if
carefully considered, would arouse
to life the dormant loyalty of all
true Michigan men who have so long
been dead to their Alma Mater.
Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST.
Lowney's hocolatei,
3 48 S. STATE St.
WAHR's tOgKsfgREs
FromPis'iiliers Price-.