jh AL
tiro,,. I I.I. - o. : .
Von. IIL -N. 7. U NI VEFISITYOF MICI IIxL N, WI)NESDAY, I)E EMIIfPEJ 14-, 1591.) tii.1 55<titiS
Ify1(;F1, I'I-IIz!,-,v (*,'/ I"-.N-1, .
TWO CHANGES IN RUGBY. 1In1 reg-ard to the storing, the fige THEY WILL VIEW THE STARS.a
pops~ boiino c ie, in ts -iven for a goal by a field.--
Prpse bliinofPac iks y Through a New Telesopie.-The m
and Adoption of a New Method fic. are sail to be 00omutch. .
of Snoring. " oaf front the fieldi is a beaatifutti Largest of Its Kind in the Worid.
Theisiiolin numerf rchanges in
the" It o" rurles ire ionwfiring tils-;
csein aif paris of the coantrr,
lint to hefpitsaot wshirh a
ness senimens'it strnms to tsare bees
arouscsrewoinnubr, flit aho--
litho of he pacc°klcsodnJthseis-
a iisn stof . isie~ etihodsof
sCou'i p Ihse isirmsari'.sirois i''i-
<ll iot l by isis s in yautlisiri -
ties, asil lci Phila elhit P esmi
The fpoit siiadeiiiisegardi to she
lante1Lick is t'hat it is 55noiner a
onsistentsir sdeserving elemntet of
thr "nosesuuitbeissg inilisse ith the
style of 'si iswhichnl is now. foilowsed.
'The Prs's expnsfsss its siandi as fol-
ows :
Foii ii iih sa e w s o(isi n
whsrs sis olt sinsrn the rsulsit of susie
i-silvidis ifor. siv ea pay 'is
fti~e ol~ct an-iu a, it prfentiosni
sffisons. AIpace ickLiimsuy le ass
idii if skill
sit assiofdIfs
is ol)i1 iii
.1 , 1Iii . i lil
1, otten baii edupby isope inthe Wrldlis smtohw si"einssuilt
esoes ssii t lie. Itimis i ori he H rliast ronomi51ci a f e
veei vih y t 5spa ianlnis ssan teiriiii i gisiis is
a teamisthat -in r~uni tly m hetnensscole in ii i n tCai
inss andid oii s, nst af-i1brdgs f o risu es 5 iris,
ro th n firty yarss to I iit v i ens ntyi lcatdiait
Muci suitre tinsndtiositsr
i)iit issue than a to cs-maing'osbservaitins asi n sualliiiy
i' tvislis5 sisitit if at iand fasumrable owss in o then higit nsf
1 11 -
casv task or ivrs i tt o ne. si
iii isisifll is is etim ' oi
thion isisio hepa aei n a
th e i~atofcncerii atia itniThu
vaisty oui ai Iop r isis toslithe
tohns sait-d fdly thesris s foiiri ai
tSisifithei ,pera rmaces of5 a i
unstid.s hehis im is situchown
iiir1 "nt .W ySenphul h
respcts .co nh l asm c. .0
theimm tontti lnatslsst I nisrie'siidaim As itinn etta f',.f r1She s a sr, t $1 u iir 1 ti ck
thsocaisead heceanssifsreriti rb) x ss Sn fr utis--let
ina, it, si stiisof g snLius 5 sin s!a i It istexpeo ton hatifiths e ; S F ,bisnsian~s.
irpoei teonaly wntis a forty firle sn iincMas. 11s(T,1 - - MIIIIIf AN.
truss ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h srsititsiiios iiPs~ ii esults of 'all timeiii ser a'tuii
Toa s rni isiithe fheist pinsts;toutth- sillbept uish edsit frosisis tie CarIs ifrto i tri h Q t
iowis is points, asnil ioal fio qIhoii iniie ilsrs-iiassh. Q t
isi ouchdown (if it isso ablishedni), -- ,
half a prat. hl r1snoI Euiropne Against Amesrins CIGARETTES.
worth sbi t lore sit fuse satd(littiio are Hitl"g t o a it.
IiOnte-ofiitiem os ii n s ii i ' sii o5 th1ti teprc
sin iso-i tennfir tll; C- I - p isli iiiiiio--11115Y"isogs
ate tI' o'uls ~ c a itt h, n I!ik {.1i r l ' iren t CF
theis is are sinty 555f !iiiiiiniiiiiiiansin'sermy I stet'' ''nit
for c t cals t L ssl. ar-leac.A'Ir.S i m;itn;ish c Si] vr ~ei,="i
iii Unquesiv ;tIV'FIrtinbly
saiddn i hemn iiitr(i ie t HEy. 1CMPUSwol, s rattF'ttzcrAERN-ttchTY El RY, ZSin
fthe es hma 5nicresin t C rel
enss siissslisct svetii evierinhii dI.aol-n I "-siereiii stis -.alyii is-u
'Vse avii'etsspfenroisdsedi'tt'rftosirisiithess I '' " re-'J I
sliakt of tuheiiitemin odr r i s i V E CiPAs" srsssisiiS. a RAE RIsis Em ELRY,
Irtes ei ors - a'cl haIncto iprliipirartre'for ru'J
risc ri nceas rton {fess thu illproosslo tt akt he i imigration'
ni is a tsorris e w sis-allevl egnin-te eon w e i AE
v tc .iiiiL ii' Ii t snug 'irrtnit (i0iEdOi
itsisdors aebai inc IeisI oi
united nsa imwok air o in aisi oil s at ily Ia i tii ii Los
ofithir u liaio to atlets.
It ii assi sir slts- sill nut-"rust
[mnst soe sIn gisis' Isis lthe'Fieshmesins(flit L0sib), permissions
evei' inlysmtch-dltennis. by shin is ine coinrts oiutsafsassni
eass isiskIeail scs res a sin issioss Ilion'tsclibststis eenior""ani es t i
frmois ns at-seof ish sa"goal irnsults, ,Le sitdStansfordijr.Iisin i sits:
tirisi'io nr's rs a sar )b
forared nhhedalus ions Ii e
''ii s ssa ss sit '"2 trsi-sass 't Np
ib flnrs i ils'lii itsu
andsi the gamin is lot to 55teamtisrhi I Oberlins isnsists to introiuti cantnelit e ~obtii iiine hs ntis sor 515 iszsits." FEUc
a snisre of 6b10ogsail trainstasvigOliinpiai panics it ifeld eisltiy -traininagturpriosesassethItshis swilt
t1yrirsaiya etafltvco.spnorts. aecessitfate thnetdel-as of oieraionisI-°--,
Is thsere anytinig fair isa that? Do l!1)nrtsnsosstis nshallensged _ ms- ustiltebasemeant of lte"yiiiiasions
awywtIhepaekck tinherst to a joinst debate. is rea dy for onse. H oistsci it is
aaysiffitpaekr. fisa Cornell is considlering lteatrisa- quite cerlaisfinht fte yrnstill be 55 'WV' FOR '.
lisonsstest lemntaisi labl tohuufyof extendriag ft lastcousrse reanly soon einosighis nsot to serios- D tot iJig
do far naore Isarna than good.'' fromos itsto three years. Ily tdtlay ltelrinin.IDersXihg u