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December 14, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-12-14

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Nifne $if. (~,ty-five':s: Oracle ~WE BOLDLY ANNOUNCE
feature Ill lelboob. Humoaroiusi verse That Se ,sll rcheaper 1than11the ceapest in MNEN'S SHOES. RUB-
pbllalwilDaily (Si ass eetis(31i O sria nd111griulswill tbe numnerouis aniliit ttf Y~lS Er.:LADIES SHOES, IIBBERS.
tie lbest (I lay. Evloserybodty is ,itit i,' I11. 1 B E r
the couple-yar, by a1] lalsses,tall departmaeiits. The liter !SLIPPERS, Eat..
TEU.fM NDPNETASOCA~lTlION ot lr ut111ariastc fetares re iot for i OF COURSE.
ts iwE.iN~aIU~~ sa-isia itte n Ilillivlel. The a-uerotes'i s1__ ^
to chi c1 laly tlermled a liliiiiiier ive 17 7 -_ U.577}
i sikrir tji l l ii '.2t ies 5 liii' a iribly Illl-pilge ll ell -)ItlSi e 17(las argalha- .L. . ZJJ 1 J -
n t ad iu~a or lsis .Her..a ii- . lis ip Ioal biilll lililel. lbreakig all recrds. 48 80U'sI-I MA IN s'r EETl .
Ilonatnaay is left lit.ih ot isW ot the DAILs, I,, i('la s -ilig vUrils 111( n iiii'l, is
at Sti~e's, sith anyof th oi s-bliss a noilite e a'ture. 'ile priters roi-
lieatii lsliitors. Ise that illiii Oracle (lull li int111kuiisle1
r nlnnnneaion holl riaclithes ao lis' V(lnle'sl Decii. 21. Price as Islll, - S IaL " L .i_.O T Or0:E
71"ofo thliisaeiae e isaa 2ii'Lil. at 717
us(ilsslsanea e~i a iilia GanidlOpea Housasueday Even ,aI.j~
tonto heliiaagine Eior. All liiiinsa ing, Dec. 17.5 0
,iz tiiaetiiitlis oule sntl to theist-IA A N R & C .
nsa Stinaaae. "Itle ei's Web antess- rnllilntie T \c.O F R & C .
THE U. of . DAILY, melelsdrana.by Wilsoin Day, receiveil Tailors and. Furnishers.
AnnAror Mih. aniitia liioductionliliiithe stage at
A n r~seMach the Acaemiy it iull~sC last )ight andi
crad-itafavorable iamtre sion on the T leodA n A r o a d N o t
EDITORS. etil telhou~se. The tiry is nw itissichganR1111y
F 1..ril .v Fli it vana .l t ao,. M ielhioldnsRailway.ho
A. la-si-ros, Ii. a' nni.DI a y 1y mfnli liirltanlul iss lVsl I__-
i 1.i Lii-,li 0,A-ial1 ll I'litlail Ias Marg e rke,vise r ail. l' lIls N 1
l ' i f. c s ti I '4, a ii isi . Iliiiii Ft t tii le li.l i t e es-'T lar,.-. hica f I ilm a ih l 1(0 illdlx 1. it s
sl."l\n'ia~l.11. S--li ,' ~ellg ora.' r .1 - L ' (elli l''l ilt ~-nt '( '
A. {. ii1 ri t 'tit, i C-'t m
I0 . i t 7.INv J , Wli(\ )ltIisItE,.a1,,, ftoUSINESS LOCALS. a , "VI a~~5 i liii 51--a"",l. i
lI 1 f~in1.1 (o. +1 u.\l l c 111 , "i, -le (1If t l~I' ealiiitithe 1 ssIaitai .Su" iNi;.Alliiian ll e ier ii'iii t.]1 ,
A .n i~il~ ii-is ii iii t sIl. i $1i is ils LEADING SHOOL. OF BSINESS. ga- ' -
li -l I) il l'. c N [Y\f[si 1i . 5 iiilli , I iliy $ .wS ict iil l i},'; lass ti-ia t-i; lT asists 6Ssiiii, N (1. l :til s 1 s- ls l d. aS isl ..Is - ia A
Siils1.s~ c l a ill- 10 111 ilS lk iiillllrll liii iii" ? l l i-i . i iiowl sli ll 5S {ilord realAs'; ~ it( tt'n
it ti7i ll~ ld si-1\ lyt Fi; xc p in Ei.i e(1 ll AitYslall s Siit .eIii i "Kti el gts iisiisslN at llsl assi- . t s
Ia s ll ' 1S at l Jla tr l tel ii hilil;slillsai assryt omtccas asa all sa p assa; >Na I nill ia lld Ye lts - - a -", 1 2 a. li
t a en sltil i I ti .)lr fll $ .8 ttlal TilSal1',ssi-atil. x. L AR , re. ntiilurdrd i .e
111 ) t n ssti l 1111 r t i-Q d iy xclstll
at J fi 1>\\ l~l l ll Ia $il( 2.00. 3.0 $ .0 5 Iltnsa anilYFu telToe'o :,
$4.00. li-lis lour11 siteue i rei-1 -siisili,
Any_____at___costing_____ 1.00,F11of O~. ilsa1,iR iFisills.ssitin(lilelil 1i155 '
'Isaliii' at the 'regl'ar buiness on i edned 1111e 'reoIont dal ec c Viinis
lIeiigstte 's1-- S-tl ts ll er liy oi111 shlig s iuil esllee N Ever Niay' , .a e n i. s.1 trs -r, I. .lttN tli
fllls7.sllat- lastist-illl lie viltehtnt lil
- ill Ilolthe5.IC.Aitespr poselatli It.IIiss li-il1.F eiEI is')
I lierouisfurriitilgIgoodihisiweekltS+illtyt&iteiner.1 cm4 Its. Aga m.TI mealT A
1Fro ha tn-te snteill I reed fis th one711MItm-s i ' 1 f1.11 l~ o l ie lii- l
litistai -11tili illlinery 1tirliirs. -its. Ntilli And reader of "The Daily" is cordially invited to attend
asni intleitrancinllthe C it ian as s 1et.22-
iliatiiii ito 1 n inlstituioilil keIatthe slaes lonleiquare rioilfat )-l-t. titls- SHE EH AN & CO M PANYS
l i i i u l e ~ l l i l i l l 1 5 e S ; C o ls s t l l s t r at . t i s l e
S nivlstiynutI!-carfully to b
'till lilalialnr bygatliaglillithi-t____- Te UnivritAy Booksllers +trS
tiitsiits nrllailcs, 5st tesriil
d so ' eelt, toleterlul ry liiihil oura- p oltulni E.
Chiti f1 workao tn tispe e o Iei'lasrhe ot 11'e i hA ats te.Sta icdG fo :ests R.E TSCLo e . ,
Issi a- nai tieil 5-i~l~a sI I~a lak of flaterityn spcial4e . I lt tiensiiJ71us.tI'1 111l
711 nad rI, alallder. em c -atTh-e U ntg irs eimteB ooth e lles , - S a e tr t.
wit is e han lesA.andN th. te sdl ellelislrl-a
i:o f lo a C lege a tti atl-HoldayRats fr Sudets.FcETetLE-
it n is o urligli saatsarv e s-i-ter'COLLEGEaa EN , tateallrsal s111 he l il .Nes itm islemtt
coaethhtiproecetitcrethe 1akeI1. Phoi gra he
versenehofthInleen01trbIgn vre bdg tvalueag ll- - sr A.v. A NtI M I t y wiS hill relltecs in
oftho'uit adinslte atst aic ea fmt tut Shilt lea' . iikts to ll i n s ins i c h aa ndllt ctmi1ent MIN NDlit-I-i 112,1
it s o hih sandrd AseviIConetiosil lee he ae. Shore , 24 tha
tenc-e te neritflMchgn erelaglbantinei m.l.% anIihigatSretllrn mitit tan.tht orSaturLdayOPecember I1t.
m~l. Oi trstmon i i ilt o Me alal ce for1)1thenaiunl t i, 011H OLY
inlltusie, for Nirmlhstielt. Tickets
tut rumoisr that the IUnmiersity liit1 l'tin55k1111S theI trol t tie Asisciationmi Wlgteha erti~tr n w h itb od tetiio eITD A V A1\T CoDTTANTD
asald alose Thtnsdav the 22nditis -~ lit 11 li~ lOtlltt- seliti + t 000 mile Lokla ihihhton 14roais
wou y wll ufie' Yost he ]Hos mod t f r $211. iss a f llily 1 ilt mmie tbokiitao lMeoraa
dloutle1Css itlolt foundahltion. 'VIe nl pu .'ieNo ;e
ratepites in iicMtligati for tf ~1Vl i s ( lt-teas shD. lgelit. 1+ 7
IlAl .v coulitmd 110 01112n yesterday'i the - Devils - Webl
wvhoi knesw f Such1 action biy tthe til eIst Swork.I CheatsExcurs ion to Canada via the
T., AA andN. . Ry "'hi i eetm as. Ex itig tCll)mas N aws
faculty. A. -atari N. l'Dancesi
- c Tr7 7 t n December 230.21, at 22 the .
'Tm,1k meting of thel t. sboard F,1GSMITH, l SONlS 1 001, A. .. as N . M1. ysilt sel excsu ~i pices, - - - - 35 50 and 75.
tic{esi s at one ame tr the rhounditrtit-
this esenintg is of special imlport- Kowr Ian~aet, t ialpo inngoitshiu regular ID .O
at.Tetneis o iiisand the 111 Sai S, Tickets iwill be go hrgonrlt r IBSON 1
anei elm 10 nttetrains hillaboe sates, Ihd ior rettrntip
memlbersswill be kept only a short ~~xm, - - aMJy)AN miiti aimary 1th 1, In lueasie. i
hole. For orla-informaiitionilcall oni)ticket )geens.
_______ Bee'dI NO. 12 W. HUPRON ST

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